public static void UpdateSearchResults() { if (blueprints == null) { return; } selectedCollationIndex = 0; selectedBlueprint = null; selectedBlueprintIndex = -1; selectedCollatedBPs = null; BlueprintListUI.needsLayout = true; if (settings.searchText.Trim().Length == 0) { ResetSearch(); } var terms = settings.searchText.Split(' ').Select(s => s.ToLower()).ToHashSet(); selectedTypeFilter = blueprintTypeFilters[settings.selectedBPTypeFilter]; var selectedType = selectedTypeFilter.type; IEnumerable <BlueprintScriptableObject> bps = null; if (selectedTypeFilter.blueprintSource != null) { bps = selectedTypeFilter.blueprintSource(); } else { bps = BlueprintExensions.BlueprintsOfType(selectedType).Where((bp) => selectedTypeFilter.filter(bp)); } var filtered = new List <BlueprintScriptableObject>(); foreach (BlueprintScriptableObject blueprint in bps) { var name =; if (terms.All(term => name.Contains(term))) { filtered.Add(blueprint); } } filteredBPs = filtered.OrderBy(bp =>; matchCount = filtered.Count(); if (selectedTypeFilter.collator != null) { collatedBPs = filtered.GroupBy(selectedTypeFilter.collator).OrderBy(bp => bp.Key); // I could do something like this but I will leave it up to the UI when a collation is selected. // GetItems().GroupBy(g => g.Type).Select(s => new { Type = s.Key, LastTen = s.Take(10).ToList() }); collationKeys = new List <String>() { "All" }; collationKeys = collationKeys.Concat(collatedBPs.Select(cbp => cbp.Key)).ToList(); } filteredBPs = filteredBPs.Take(settings.searchLimit).ToArray(); filteredBPNames = filteredBPs.Select(b =>; firstSearch = false; }
public static void To(this BlueprintArea area) { var areaEnterPoints = BlueprintExensions.BlueprintsOfType <BlueprintAreaEnterPoint>(); var blueprint = areaEnterPoints.FirstOrDefault(bp => bp is BlueprintAreaEnterPoint ep && ep.Area == area); if (blueprint is BlueprintAreaEnterPoint enterPoint) { GameHelper.EnterToArea(enterPoint, AutoSaveMode.None); } }
private static bool Unload(UnityModManager.ModEntry modEntry) { foreach (var obj in Objects) { UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(obj); } BlueprintExensions.ResetCollationCache(); HarmonyInstance.UnpatchAll(modId); NeedsActionInit = true; return(true); }
private static void ResetGUI(UnityModManager.ModEntry modEntry) { settings = UnityModManager.ModSettings.Load <Settings>(modEntry); settings.searchText = ""; settings.searchLimit = 100; BagOfTricks.ResetGUI(); LevelUp.ResetGUI(); PartyEditor.ResetGUI(); CrusadeEditor.ResetGUI(); CharacterPicker.ResetGUI(); BlueprintBrowser.ResetGUI(); QuestEditor.ResetGUI(); BlueprintExensions.ResetCollationCache(); caughtException = null; }
static public void OnGUI(UnitEntityData ch, List <Spellbook> spellbooks) { var blueprints = BlueprintBrowser.GetBlueprints(); if (blueprints == null) { return; } OnGUI <Spellbook>("Spellbooks", ch, spellbooks, (sb) => sb.Blueprint, BlueprintExensions.GetBlueprints <BlueprintSpellbook>(), (sb) => sb.Blueprint.GetDisplayName(), (sb) => sb.Blueprint.GetDescription(), null, BlueprintAction.ActionsForType(typeof(BlueprintSpellbook)) ); }
static public void OnGUI(UnitEntityData ch, List <Ability> facts) { var blueprints = BlueprintBrowser.GetBlueprints(); if (blueprints == null) { return; } OnGUI <Ability>("Abilities", ch, facts, (fact) => fact.Blueprint, BlueprintExensions.GetBlueprints <BlueprintAbility>().Where((bp) => !((BlueprintAbility)bp).IsSpell), (fact) => fact.Name, (fact) => fact.Description, (fact) => fact.GetRank(), BlueprintAction.ActionsForType(typeof(BlueprintAbility)) ); }
static public void OnGUI(UnitEntityData ch, List <Buff> facts) { var blueprints = BlueprintBrowser.GetBlueprints(); if (blueprints == null) { return; } OnGUI <Buff>("Features", ch, facts, (fact) => fact.Blueprint, BlueprintExensions.GetBlueprints <BlueprintBuff>(), (fact) => fact.Name, (fact) => fact.Description, (fact) => fact.GetRank(), BlueprintAction.ActionsForType(typeof(BlueprintBuff)) ); }
public static void OnGUI() { var player = Game.Instance.Player; var filterChoices = GetPartyFilterChoices(); if (filterChoices == null) { return; } charToAdd = null; charToRemove = null; var characterListFunc = UI.TypePicker <List <UnitEntityData> >( null, ref Main.settings.selectedPartyFilter, filterChoices ); var characterList = characterListFunc.func(); var mainChar = GameHelper.GetPlayerCharacter(); if ( == "Nearby") { UI.Slider("Nearby Distance", ref nearbyRange, 1f, 200, 25, 0, " meters", UI.Width(250)); characterList = characterList.OrderBy((ch) => ch.DistanceTo(mainChar)).ToList(); } UI.Space(20); int chIndex = 0; respecableCount = 0; var selectedCharacter = GetSelectedCharacter(); bool isWide = Main.IsWide; foreach (UnitEntityData ch in characterList) { var classData = ch.Progression.Classes; // TODO - understand the difference between ch.Progression and ch.Descriptor.Progression UnitProgressionData progression = ch.Descriptor.Progression; BlueprintStatProgression xpTable = BlueprintRoot.Instance.Progression.XPTable; int level = progression.CharacterLevel; int mythicLevel = progression.MythicExperience; var spellbooks = ch.Spellbooks; var spellCount = spellbooks.Sum((sb) => sb.GetAllKnownSpells().Count()); using (UI.HorizontalScope()) { UI.Label(, UI.Width(200)); UI.Space(25); float distance = mainChar.DistanceTo(ch);; UI.Label(distance < 1 ? "" : distance.ToString("0") + "m", UI.Width(75)); UI.Space(25); UI.Label("lvl".green() + $": {level}", UI.Width(75)); // Level up code adapted from Bag of Tricks if (player.AllCharacters.Contains(ch)) { if (progression.Experience < xpTable.GetBonus(level + 1) && level < 20) { UI.ActionButton("+1", () => { progression.AdvanceExperienceTo(xpTable.GetBonus(level + 1), true); }, UI.Width(70)); } else if (progression.Experience >= xpTable.GetBonus(level + 1) && level < 20) { UI.Label("LvUp".cyan().italic(), UI.Width(70)); } else { UI.Space(74); } } else { UI.Space(74); } UI.Space(25); UI.Label($"my".green() + $": {mythicLevel}", UI.Width(100)); if (player.AllCharacters.Contains(ch)) { if (progression.MythicExperience < 10) { UI.ActionButton("+1", () => { progression.AdvanceMythicExperience(progression.MythicExperience + 1, true); }, UI.Width(70)); } else { UI.Label("max".cyan(), UI.Width(70)); } } else { UI.Space(74); } UI.Space(35); if (!isWide) { ActionsGUI(ch); } UI.Wrap(!Main.IsWide, 303, 0); bool showClasses = ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Classes; if (UI.DisclosureToggle($"{classData.Count} Classes", ref showClasses)) { if (showClasses) { selectedCharacter = ch; selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.Classes; Logger.Log($"selected {ch.CharacterName}"); } else { selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.None; } } bool showStats = ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Stats; if (UI.DisclosureToggle("Stats", ref showStats, true, isWide ? 150 : 200)) { if (showStats) { selectedCharacter = ch; selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.Stats; } else { selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.None; } } UI.Wrap(Main.IsNarrow, 279); bool showFacts = ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Facts; if (UI.DisclosureToggle("Facts", ref showFacts, true, isWide ? 150 : 200)) { if (showFacts) { selectedCharacter = ch; selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.Facts; } else { selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.None; } } bool showBuffs = ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Buffs; if (UI.DisclosureToggle("Buffs", ref showBuffs, true, isWide ? 150 : 200)) { if (showBuffs) { selectedCharacter = ch; selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.Buffs; } else { selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.None; } } UI.Wrap(Main.IsNarrow, 304); bool showAbilities = ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Abilities; if (UI.DisclosureToggle("Abilities", ref showAbilities, true)) { if (showAbilities) { selectedCharacter = ch; selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.Abilities; } else { selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.None; } } UI.Space(25); if (spellCount > 0) { bool showSpells = ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Spells; if (UI.DisclosureToggle($"{spellCount} Spells", ref showSpells, true)) { if (showSpells) { selectedCharacter = ch; selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.Spells; } else { selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.None; } } } else { UI.Space(180); } if (isWide) { ActionsGUI(ch); } } if (!Main.IsWide) { UI.Div(20, 20); } if (selectedCharacter != spellbookEditCharacter) { editSpellbooks = false; spellbookEditCharacter = null; } if (selectedCharacter != multiclassEditCharacter) { editMultiClass = false; multiclassEditCharacter = null; } if (ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Classes) { #if DEBUG UI.Div(100, 20); using (UI.HorizontalScope()) { UI.Space(100); UI.Toggle("Multiple Classes On Level-Up", ref settings.toggleMulticlass, 0); if (settings.toggleMulticlass) { UI.Space(39); if (UI.DisclosureToggle("Config".orange().bold(), ref editMultiClass)) { multiclassEditCharacter = selectedCharacter; } UI.Space(25); UI.Label("Experimental Preview ".magenta() + "See 'Level Up + Multiclass' for more options".green()); } else { UI.Space(50); UI.Label("Experimental Preview ".magenta()); } } #endif UI.Div(100, 20); if (editMultiClass) { var multiclassSet = ch.GetMulticlassSet(); MulticlassPicker.OnGUI(multiclassSet); ch.SetMulticlassSet(multiclassSet); } else { var prog = ch.Descriptor.Progression; using (UI.HorizontalScope()) { UI.Space(100); UI.Label("Character Level".cyan(), UI.Width(250)); UI.ActionButton("<", () => prog.CharacterLevel = Math.Max(0, prog.CharacterLevel - 1), UI.AutoWidth()); UI.Space(25); UI.Label("level".green() + $": {prog.CharacterLevel}", UI.Width(100f)); UI.ActionButton(">", () => prog.CharacterLevel = Math.Min(20, prog.CharacterLevel + 1), UI.AutoWidth()); UI.Space(25); UI.ActionButton("Reset", () => ch.resetClassLevel(), UI.Width(125)); UI.Space(23); UI.Label("This directly changes your character level but will not change exp or adjust any features associated with your character. To do a normal level up use +1 Lvl above".green()); } UI.Div(0, 25); using (UI.HorizontalScope()) { UI.Space(100); UI.Label("Mythic Level".cyan(), UI.Width(250)); UI.ActionButton("<", () => prog.MythicLevel = Math.Max(0, prog.MythicLevel - 1), UI.AutoWidth()); UI.Space(25); UI.Label("my lvl".green() + $": {prog.MythicLevel}", UI.Width(100f)); UI.ActionButton(">", () => prog.MythicLevel = Math.Min(10, prog.MythicLevel + 1), UI.AutoWidth()); UI.Space(175); UI.Label("This directly changes your mythic level but will not adjust any features associated with your character. To do a normal mythic level up use +1 my above".green()); } foreach (var cd in classData) { UI.Div(100, 20); using (UI.HorizontalScope()) { UI.Space(100); UI.Label(, UI.Width(250)); UI.ActionButton("<", () => cd.Level = Math.Max(0, cd.Level - 1), UI.AutoWidth()); UI.Space(25); UI.Label("level".green() + $": {cd.Level}", UI.Width(100f)); var maxLevel = cd.CharacterClass.Progression.IsMythic ? 10 : 20; UI.ActionButton(">", () => cd.Level = Math.Min(maxLevel, cd.Level + 1), UI.AutoWidth()); UI.Space(175); UI.Label(, UI.AutoWidth()); } } } } if (ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Stats) { UI.Div(100, 20, 755); var alignment = ch.Descriptor.Alignment.Value; using (UI.HorizontalScope()) { UI.Space(100); UI.Label("Alignment", UI.Width(425)); UI.Label($"{alignment.Name()}".color(alignment.Color()).bold(), UI.Width(1250f)); } using (UI.HorizontalScope()) { UI.Space(528); int alignmentIndex = Array.IndexOf(alignments, alignment); var titles = alignments.Select( a => a.Acronym().color(a.Color()).bold()).ToArray(); if (UI.SelectionGrid(ref alignmentIndex, titles, 3, UI.Width(250f))) { ch.Descriptor.Alignment.Set(alignments[alignmentIndex]); } } UI.Div(100, 20, 755); using (UI.HorizontalScope()) { UI.Space(100); UI.Label("Size", UI.Width(425)); var size = ch.Descriptor.State.Size; UI.Label($"{size}".orange().bold(), UI.Width(175)); } using (UI.HorizontalScope()) { UI.Space(528); UI.EnumGrid( () => ch.Descriptor.State.Size, (s) => ch.Descriptor.State.Size = s, 3, UI.Width(600)); } using (UI.HorizontalScope()) { UI.Space(528); UI.ActionButton("Reset", () => { ch.Descriptor.State.Size = ch.Descriptor.OriginalSize; }, UI.Width(197)); } UI.Div(100, 20, 755); foreach (StatType obj in Enum.GetValues(typeof(StatType))) { StatType statType = (StatType)obj; ModifiableValue modifiableValue = ch.Stats.GetStat(statType); if (modifiableValue != null) { String key = $"{ch.CharacterName}-{statType.ToString()}"; var storedValue = statEditorStorage.ContainsKey(key) ? statEditorStorage[key] : modifiableValue.BaseValue; var statName = statType.ToString(); if (statName == "BaseAttackBonus" || statName == "SkillAthletics") { UI.Div(100, 20, 755); } using (UI.HorizontalScope()) { UI.Space(100); UI.Label(statName, UI.Width(400f)); UI.Space(25); UI.ActionButton(" < ", () => { modifiableValue.BaseValue -= 1; storedValue = modifiableValue.BaseValue; }, UI.AutoWidth()); UI.Space(20); UI.Label($"{modifiableValue.BaseValue}".orange().bold(), UI.Width(50f)); UI.ActionButton(" > ", () => { modifiableValue.BaseValue += 1; storedValue = modifiableValue.BaseValue; }, UI.AutoWidth()); UI.Space(25); UI.ActionIntTextField(ref storedValue, statType.ToString(), (v) => { modifiableValue.BaseValue = v; }, null, UI.Width(75)); statEditorStorage[key] = storedValue; } } } } if (ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Facts) { FactsEditor.OnGUI(ch, ch.Progression.Features.Enumerable.ToList()); } if (ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Buffs) { FactsEditor.OnGUI(ch, ch.Descriptor.Buffs.Enumerable.ToList()); } if (ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Abilities) { FactsEditor.OnGUI(ch, ch.Descriptor.Abilities.Enumerable.ToList()); } if (ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Spells) { UI.Space(20); var names = spellbooks.Select((sb) => sb.Blueprint.GetDisplayName()).ToArray(); var titles = names.Select((name, i) => $"{name} ({spellbooks.ElementAt(i).CasterLevel})").ToArray(); if (spellbooks.Any()) { using (UI.HorizontalScope()) { UI.SelectionGrid(ref selectedSpellbook, titles, 7, UI.Width(1581)); if (selectedSpellbook > names.Count()) { selectedSpellbook = 0; } // UI.DisclosureToggle("Edit", ref editSpellbooks); } var spellbook = spellbooks.ElementAt(selectedSpellbook); if (editSpellbooks) { spellbookEditCharacter = ch; var blueprints = BlueprintExensions.GetBlueprints <BlueprintSpellbook>().OrderBy((bp) => bp.GetDisplayName()); BlueprintListUI.OnGUI(ch, blueprints, 100); } else { var maxLevel = spellbook.Blueprint.MaxSpellLevel; var casterLevel = spellbook.CasterLevel; using (UI.HorizontalScope()) { UI.EnumerablePicker <int>( "Spell Level".bold() + " (count)", ref selectedSpellbookLevel, Enumerable.Range(0, casterLevel + 1), 0, (lvl) => { var levelText = lvl <= casterLevel ? $"L{lvl}".bold() : $"L{lvl}".grey(); var knownCount = spellbook.GetKnownSpells(lvl).Count(); var countText = knownCount > 0 ? $" ({knownCount})".white() : ""; return(levelText + countText); }, UI.AutoWidth() ); if (casterLevel < maxLevel) { UI.ActionButton("+1 Caster Level", () => spellbook.AddBaseLevel()); } } FactsEditor.OnGUI(ch, spellbook, selectedSpellbookLevel); } } #if false else { spellbookEditCharacter = ch; editSpellbooks = true; var blueprints = BlueprintExensions.GetBlueprints <BlueprintSpellbook>().OrderBy((bp) => bp.GetDisplayName()); BlueprintListUI.OnGUI(ch, blueprints, 100); } #endif } if (selectedCharacter != GetSelectedCharacter()) { selectedCharacterIndex = characterList.IndexOf(selectedCharacter); } chIndex += 1; } UI.Space(25); if (respecableCount > 0) { UI.Label($"{respecableCount} characters".yellow().bold() + " can be respecced. Pressing Respec will close the mod window and take you to character level up".orange()); UI.Label("WARNING".yellow().bold() + " this feature is ".orange() + "EXPERIMENTAL".yellow().bold() + " and uses unreleased and likely buggy code.".orange()); UI.Label("BACK UP".yellow().bold() + " before playing with this feature.You will lose your mythic ranks but you can restore them in this Party Editor.".orange()); } UI.Space(25); if (charToAdd != null) { UnitEntityDataUtils.AddCompanion(charToAdd); } if (charToRemove != null) { UnitEntityDataUtils.RemoveCompanion(charToRemove); } }
public static void InitializeActions() { BlueprintAction.Register( new BlueprintAction <BlueprintItem>("Add", (bp, ch, n) => Game.Instance.Player.Inventory.Add(bp, n, null), null, true ), new BlueprintAction <BlueprintItem>("Remove", (bp, ch, n) => Game.Instance.Player.Inventory.Remove(bp, n), (bp, ch) => Game.Instance.Player.Inventory.Contains(bp), true ), new BlueprintAction <BlueprintUnit>("Spawn", (bp, ch, n) => Actions.SpawnUnit(bp, n), null, true ), #if false new BlueprintAction("Kill", typeof(BlueprintUnit), (bp, ch) => { Actions.SpawnUnit((BlueprintUnit)bp); } ), new BlueprintAction("Remove", typeof(BlueprintUnit), (bp, ch) => { CheatsCombat.Kill((BlueprintUnit)bp); }, (bp, ch) => { return(ch.Inventory.Contains((BlueprintUnit)bp)); } ), #endif new BlueprintAction <BlueprintFeature>("Add", (bp, ch, n) => ch.Descriptor.AddFact(bp), (bp, ch) => !ch.Progression.Features.HasFact(bp) ), new BlueprintAction <BlueprintFeature>("Remove", (bp, ch, n) => ch.Progression.Features.RemoveFact(bp), (bp, ch) => ch.Progression.Features.HasFact(bp) ), new BlueprintAction <BlueprintFeature>("<", (bp, ch, n) => { try { ch.Progression.Features.GetFact(bp).RemoveRank(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log(e); } }, (bp, ch) => { var feature = ch.Progression.Features.GetFact(bp); return(feature != null && feature.GetRank() > 1); }), new BlueprintAction <BlueprintFeature>(">", (bp, ch, n) => ch.Progression.Features.GetFact(bp).AddRank(), (bp, ch) => { var feature = ch.Progression.Features.GetFact(bp); return(feature != null && feature.GetRank() < feature.Blueprint.Ranks); }), // Spellbooks new BlueprintAction <BlueprintSpellbook>("Add", (bp, ch, n) => { ch.Descriptor.DemandSpellbook(bp.CharacterClass); }, (bp, ch) => !ch.Descriptor.Spellbooks.Any((sb) => sb.Blueprint == bp) ), new BlueprintAction <BlueprintSpellbook>("Remove", (bp, ch, n) => ch.Descriptor.DeleteSpellbook(bp), (bp, ch) => ch.Descriptor.Spellbooks.Any((sb) => sb.Blueprint == bp) ), new BlueprintAction <BlueprintSpellbook>(">", (bp, ch, n) => { try { var spellbook = ch.Descriptor.Spellbooks.First((sb) => sb.Blueprint == bp); if (spellbook.IsMythic) { spellbook.AddMythicLevel(); } else { spellbook.AddBaseLevel(); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log(e); } }, (bp, ch) => ch.Descriptor.Spellbooks.Any((sb) => sb.Blueprint == bp && sb.CasterLevel < bp.MaxSpellLevel) ), // Buffs new BlueprintAction <BlueprintBuff>("Add", (bp, ch, n) => GameHelper.ApplyBuff(ch, bp), (bp, ch) => !ch.Descriptor.Buffs.HasFact(bp) ), new BlueprintAction <BlueprintBuff>("Remove", (bp, ch, n) => ch.Descriptor.RemoveFact(bp), (bp, ch) => ch.Descriptor.Buffs.HasFact(bp) ), new BlueprintAction <BlueprintBuff>("<", (bp, ch, n) => ch.Descriptor.Buffs.GetFact(bp).RemoveRank(), (bp, ch) => { var buff = ch.Descriptor.Buffs.GetFact(bp); return(buff != null && buff.GetRank() > 1); }), new BlueprintAction <BlueprintBuff>(">", (bp, ch, n) => ch.Descriptor.Buffs.GetFact(bp).AddRank(), (bp, ch) => { var buff = ch.Descriptor.Buffs.GetFact(bp); return(buff != null && buff.GetRank() < buff.Blueprint.Ranks - 1); }), // Abilities new BlueprintAction <BlueprintAbility>("Add", (bp, ch, n) => ch.AddAbility(bp), (bp, ch) => ch.CanAddAbility(bp) ), new BlueprintAction <BlueprintAbility>("At Will", (bp, ch, n) => ch.AddSpellAsAbility(bp), (bp, ch) => ch.CanAddSpellAsAbility(bp) ), new BlueprintAction <BlueprintAbility>("Remove", (bp, ch, n) => ch.RemoveAbility(bp), (bp, ch) => ch.HasAbility(bp) ), // BlueprintActivatableAbility new BlueprintAction <BlueprintActivatableAbility>("Add", (bp, ch, n) => ch.Descriptor.AddFact(bp), (bp, ch) => !ch.Descriptor.HasFact(bp) ), new BlueprintAction <BlueprintActivatableAbility>("Remove", (bp, ch, n) => ch.Descriptor.RemoveFact(bp), (bp, ch) => ch.Descriptor.HasFact(bp) ), // Etudes new BlueprintAction <BlueprintEtude>("Start", (bp, ch, n) => Game.Instance.Player.EtudesSystem.StartEtude(bp), (bp, ch) => Game.Instance.Player.EtudesSystem.EtudeIsNotStarted(bp) ), new BlueprintAction <BlueprintEtude>("Complete", (bp, ch, n) => Game.Instance.Player.EtudesSystem.MarkEtudeCompleted(bp), (bp, ch) => !Game.Instance.Player.EtudesSystem.EtudeIsNotStarted(bp) && !Game.Instance.Player.EtudesSystem.EtudeIsCompleted(bp) ), // Cut Scenes new BlueprintAction <Cutscene>("Play", (bp, ch, n) => { Actions.ToggleModWindow(); CutscenePlayerData cutscenePlayerData = CutscenePlayerData.Queue.FirstOrDefault <CutscenePlayerData>((Func <CutscenePlayerData, bool>)(c => c.PlayActionId ==; if (cutscenePlayerData != null) { cutscenePlayerData.PreventDestruction = true; cutscenePlayerData.Stop(); cutscenePlayerData.PreventDestruction = false; } var state = Kingmaker.ElementsSystem.ContextData <SpawnedUnitData> .Current?.State; CutscenePlayerView.Play(bp, null, true, state).PlayerData.PlayActionId =; }), // Teleport new BlueprintAction <BlueprintAreaEnterPoint>("Teleport", (bp, ch, n) => GameHelper.EnterToArea(bp, AutoSaveMode.None) ), new BlueprintAction <BlueprintGlobalMap>("Teleport", (bp, ch, n) => GameHelper.EnterToArea(bp.GlobalMapEnterPoint, AutoSaveMode.None) ), //new BlueprintAction<BlueprintAreaPart>("Teleport", // (bp, ch, n) => GameHelper.EnterToArea(bp, AutoSaveMode.None) // ), new BlueprintAction <BlueprintArea>("Teleport", (area, ch, n) => { var areaEnterPoints = BlueprintExensions.BlueprintsOfType <BlueprintAreaEnterPoint>(); var blueprint = areaEnterPoints.Where(bp => (bp is BlueprintAreaEnterPoint ep) ? ep.Area == area : false).FirstOrDefault(); if (blueprint is BlueprintAreaEnterPoint enterPoint) { GameHelper.EnterToArea(enterPoint, AutoSaveMode.None); } }),
public static void UpdateSearchResults() { if (blueprints == null) { return; } selectedCollationIndex = 0; selectedCollatedBPs = null; BlueprintListUI.needsLayout = true; if (settings.searchText.Trim().Length == 0) { ResetSearch(); } var searchText = settings.searchText; var terms = searchText.Split(' ').Select(s => s.ToLower()).ToHashSet(); selectedTypeFilter = blueprintTypeFilters[settings.selectedBPTypeFilter]; var selectedType = selectedTypeFilter.type; IEnumerable <SimpleBlueprint> bps = null; if (selectedTypeFilter.blueprintSource != null) { bps = selectedTypeFilter.blueprintSource(); } else { bps = from bp in BlueprintExensions.BlueprintsOfType(selectedType) where selectedTypeFilter.filter(bp) select bp; } var filtered = new List <SimpleBlueprint>(); foreach (var blueprint in bps) { if (blueprint.AssetGuid.ToString().Contains(searchText) || blueprint.GetType().ToString().Contains(searchText)) { filtered.Add(blueprint); } else { var name =; var displayName = blueprint.GetDisplayName(); var description = blueprint.GetDescription() ?? ""; if (terms.All(term => name.Matches(term)) || terms.All(term => displayName.Matches(term)) || settings.searchesDescriptions && (terms.All(term => description.Matches(term)) || blueprint is BlueprintItem itemBP && terms.All(term => itemBP.FlavorText.Matches(term)) ) ) { filtered.Add(blueprint); } } } filteredBPs = filtered.OrderBy(bp =>; matchCount = filtered.Count(); UpdatePageCount(); for (var i = 0; i < BlueprintListUI.ParamSelected.Length; i++) { BlueprintListUI.ParamSelected[i] = 0; } uncolatedMatchCount = matchCount; if (selectedTypeFilter.collator != null) { collatedBPs = from bp in filtered from key in selectedTypeFilter.collator(bp) //where selectedTypeFilter.collator(bp).Contains(key) // this line causes a mutation error group bp by key into g orderby g.Key.LongSortKey(), g.Key select g; _ = collatedBPs.Count(); var keys = collatedBPs.ToList().Select(cbp => cbp.Key).ToList(); collationKeys = new List <string> { "All" }; collationKeys.AddRange(keys); } else { collationKeys = null; } unpagedBPs = filteredBPs; UpdatePaginatedResults(); firstSearch = false; UpdateCollation(); }
public static void InitializeActions() { #if false var flags = Game.Instance.Player.UnlockableFlags; BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintItem>("Add", (bp, ch, n, index) => Game.Instance.Player.Inventory.Add(bp, n), isRepeatable: true); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintItem>("Remove", (bp, ch, n, index) => Game.Instance.Player.Inventory.Remove(bp, n), (bp, ch, index) => Game.Instance.Player.Inventory.Contains(bp), true); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintUnit>("Spawn", (bp, ch, n, index) => Actions.SpawnUnit(bp, n), isRepeatable: true); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintFeature>("Add", (bp, ch, n, index) => ch.Descriptor.AddFact(bp), (bp, ch, index) => !ch.Progression.Features.HasFact(bp)); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintFeature>("Remove", (bp, ch, n, index) => ch.Progression.Features.RemoveFact(bp), (bp, ch, index) => ch.Progression.Features.HasFact(bp)); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintParametrizedFeature>("Add", (bp, ch, n, index) => ch?.Descriptor?.AddFact <UnitFact>(bp, null, bp.Items.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ElementAt(BlueprintListUI.ParamSelected[index]).Param), (bp, ch, index) => ch?.Descriptor?.Unit?.Facts?.Get <Feature>(i => i.Blueprint == bp && i.Param == bp.Items.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ElementAt(BlueprintListUI.ParamSelected[index]).Param) == null); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintParametrizedFeature>("Remove", (bp, ch, n, index) => ch?.Progression?.Features?.RemoveFact(ch.Descriptor?.Unit?.Facts?.Get <Feature>(i => i.Blueprint == bp && i.Param == bp.Items.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToArray()[BlueprintListUI.ParamSelected[index]].Param)), (bp, ch, index) => ch?.Descriptor?.Unit?.Facts?.Get <Feature>(i => i.Blueprint == bp && i.Param == bp.Items.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToArray()[BlueprintListUI.ParamSelected[index]].Param) != null); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintFeature>("<", (bp, ch, n, index) => ch.Progression.Features.GetFact(bp)?.RemoveRank(), (bp, ch, index) => { var feature = ch.Progression.Features.GetFact(bp); return(feature?.GetRank() > 1); }); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintFeature>(">", (bp, ch, n, index) => ch.Progression.Features.GetFact(bp)?.AddRank(), (bp, ch, index) => { var feature = ch.Progression.Features.GetFact(bp); return(feature != null && feature.GetRank() < feature.Blueprint.Ranks); }); //BlueprintAction.Register<BlueprintArchetype>( // "Add", // (bp, ch, n, index) => ch.Progression.AddArchetype(ch.Progression.Classes.First().CharacterClass, bp), // (bp, ch, index) => ch.Progression.CanAddArchetype(ch.Progression.Classes.First().CharacterClass, bp) // ); //BlueprintAction.Register<BlueprintArchetype>("Remove", // (bp, ch, n, index) => ch.Progression.AddArchetype(ch.Progression.Classes.First().CharacterClass, bp), // (bp, ch, index) => ch.Progression.Classes.First().Archetypes.Contains(bp) // ); // Spellbooks BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintSpellbook>("Add", (bp, ch, n, index) => ch.Descriptor.DemandSpellbook(bp.CharacterClass), (bp, ch, index) => ch.Descriptor.Spellbooks.All(sb => sb.Blueprint != bp)); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintSpellbook>("Remove", (bp, ch, n, index) => ch.Descriptor.DeleteSpellbook(bp), (bp, ch, index) => ch.Descriptor.Spellbooks.Any(sb => sb.Blueprint == bp)); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintSpellbook>(">", (bp, ch, n, index) => { try { var spellbook = ch.Descriptor.Spellbooks.First(sb => sb.Blueprint == bp); if (spellbook.IsMythic) { spellbook.AddMythicLevel(); } else { spellbook.AddBaseLevel(); } } catch (Exception e) { Mod.Error(e); } }, (bp, ch, index) => ch.Descriptor.Spellbooks.Any(sb => sb.Blueprint == bp && sb.CasterLevel < bp.MaxSpellLevel)); // Buffs BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintBuff>("Add", (bp, ch, n, index) => GameHelper.ApplyBuff(ch, bp), (bp, ch, index) => !ch.Descriptor.Buffs.HasFact(bp)); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintBuff>("Remove", (bp, ch, n, index) => ch.Descriptor.RemoveFact(bp), (bp, ch, index) => ch.Descriptor.Buffs.HasFact(bp)); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintBuff>("<", (bp, ch, n, index) => ch.Descriptor.Buffs.GetFact(bp)?.RemoveRank(), (bp, ch, index) => { var buff = ch.Descriptor.Buffs.GetFact(bp); return(buff?.GetRank() > 1); }); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintBuff>(">", (bp, ch, n, index) => ch.Descriptor.Buffs.GetFact(bp)?.AddRank(), (bp, ch, index) => { var buff = ch.Descriptor.Buffs.GetFact(bp); return(buff != null && buff.GetRank() < buff.Blueprint.Ranks - 1); }); // Abilities BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintAbility>("Add", (bp, ch, n, index) => ch.AddAbility(bp), (bp, ch, index) => ch.CanAddAbility(bp)); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintAbility>("At Will", (bp, ch, n, index) => ch.AddSpellAsAbility(bp), (bp, ch, index) => ch.CanAddSpellAsAbility(bp)); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintAbility>("Remove", (bp, ch, n, index) => ch.RemoveAbility(bp), (bp, ch, index) => ch.HasAbility(bp)); // Ability Resources BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintAbilityResource>("Add", (bp, ch, n, index) => ch.Resources.Add(bp, true), (bp, ch, index) => !ch.Resources.ContainsResource(bp)); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintAbilityResource>("Remove", (bp, ch, n, index) => ch.Resources.Remove(bp), (bp, ch, index) => ch.Resources.ContainsResource(bp)); // Spellbooks // BlueprintActivatableAbility BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintActivatableAbility>("Add", (bp, ch, n, index) => ch.Descriptor.AddFact(bp), (bp, ch, index) => !ch.Descriptor.HasFact(bp)); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintActivatableAbility>("Remove", (bp, ch, n, index) => ch.Descriptor.RemoveFact(bp), (bp, ch, index) => ch.Descriptor.HasFact(bp)); // Quests BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintQuest>("Start", (bp, ch, n, index) => Game.Instance.Player.QuestBook.GiveObjective(bp.Objectives.First()), (bp, ch, index) => Game.Instance.Player.QuestBook.GetQuest(bp) == null); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintQuest>("Complete", (bp, ch, n, index) => { foreach (var objective in bp.Objectives) { Game.Instance.Player.QuestBook.CompleteObjective(objective); } }, (bp, ch, index) => Game.Instance.Player.QuestBook.GetQuest(bp)?.State == QuestState.Started); // Quests Objectives BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintQuestObjective>("Start", (bp, ch, n, index) => Game.Instance.Player.QuestBook.GiveObjective(bp), (bp, ch, index) => Game.Instance.Player.QuestBook.GetQuest(bp.Quest) == null); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintQuestObjective>("Complete", (bp, ch, n, index) => Game.Instance.Player.QuestBook.CompleteObjective(bp), (bp, ch, index) => Game.Instance.Player.QuestBook.GetQuest(bp.Quest)?.State == QuestState.Started); // Etudes BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintEtude>("Start", (bp, ch, n, index) => Game.Instance.Player.EtudesSystem.StartEtude(bp), (bp, ch, index) => Game.Instance.Player.EtudesSystem.EtudeIsNotStarted(bp)); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintEtude>("Unstart", (bp, ch, n, index) => Game.Instance.Player.EtudesSystem.UnstartEtude(bp), (bp, ch, index) => !Game.Instance.Player.EtudesSystem.EtudeIsNotStarted(bp)); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintEtude>("Complete", (bp, ch, n, index) => Game.Instance.Player.EtudesSystem.MarkEtudeCompleted(bp), (bp, ch, index) => !Game.Instance.Player.EtudesSystem.EtudeIsNotStarted(bp) && !Game.Instance.Player.EtudesSystem.EtudeIsCompleted(bp)); // Flags BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintUnlockableFlag>("Unlock", (bp, ch, n, index) => flags.Unlock(bp), (bp, ch, index) => !flags.IsUnlocked(bp)); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintUnlockableFlag>("Lock", (bp, ch, n, index) => flags.Lock(bp), (bp, ch, index) => flags.IsUnlocked(bp)); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintUnlockableFlag>(">", (bp, ch, n, index) => flags.SetFlagValue(bp, flags.GetFlagValue(bp) + n), (bp, ch, index) => flags.IsUnlocked(bp)); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintUnlockableFlag>("<", (bp, ch, n, index) => flags.SetFlagValue(bp, flags.GetFlagValue(bp) - n), (bp, ch, index) => flags.IsUnlocked(bp)); // Cutscenes BlueprintAction.Register <Cutscene>("Play", (bp, ch, n, index) => { Actions.ToggleModWindow(); var cutscenePlayerData = CutscenePlayerData.Queue.FirstOrDefault(c => c.PlayActionId ==; if (cutscenePlayerData != null) { cutscenePlayerData.PreventDestruction = true; cutscenePlayerData.Stop(); cutscenePlayerData.PreventDestruction = false; } var state = ContextData <SpawnedUnitData> .Current?.State; CutscenePlayerView.Play(bp, null, true, state).PlayerData.PlayActionId =; }); // Teleport BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintAreaEnterPoint>("Teleport", (bp, ch, n, index) => GameHelper.EnterToArea(bp, AutoSaveMode.None)); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintGlobalMap>("Teleport", (bp, ch, n, index) => GameHelper.EnterToArea(bp.GlobalMapEnterPoint, AutoSaveMode.None)); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintArea>("Teleport", (area, ch, n, index) => { var areaEnterPoints = BlueprintExensions.BlueprintsOfType <BlueprintAreaEnterPoint>(); var blueprint = areaEnterPoints.FirstOrDefault(bp => bp is BlueprintAreaEnterPoint ep && ep.Area == area); if (blueprint is BlueprintAreaEnterPoint enterPoint) { GameHelper.EnterToArea(enterPoint, AutoSaveMode.None); } }); BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintGlobalMapPoint>("Teleport", (globalMapPoint, ch, n, index) => { if (!Teleport.TeleportToGlobalMapPoint(globalMapPoint)) { Teleport.TeleportToGlobalMap(() => Teleport.TeleportToGlobalMapPoint(globalMapPoint)); } }); //Army BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintArmyPreset>("Add", (bp, ch, n, l) => { Actions.CreateArmy(bp); }); //ArmyGeneral BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintLeaderSkill>("Add", (bp, ch, n, l) => Actions.AddSkillToLeader(bp), (bp, ch, index) => Actions.LeaderSelected(bp) && !Actions.LeaderHasSkill(bp)); //ArmyGeneral BlueprintAction.Register <BlueprintLeaderSkill>("Remove", (bp, ch, n, l) => Actions.RemoveSkillFromLeader(bp), (bp, ch, index) => Actions.LeaderSelected(bp) && Actions.LeaderHasSkill(bp)); #endif }