public static void serviceUninstall(DirectServiceInstaller srv) { if (srv.UnInstallService(_serviceName)) { Console.WriteLine("Service uninstalled."); } else { Console.WriteLine("There was a problem with uninstallation."); } }
public static void serviceInstall(DirectServiceInstaller srv) { if (srv.InstallService(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location + " /s", _serviceName, _serviceDescription)) { Console.WriteLine("Service installed."); } else { Console.WriteLine("There was a problem with installation."); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { LogManager.Configure("LOGS\\log.txt".Replace('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar), 500, false); LogManager.SetLogLevel(2); if (args.Length == 1) { DirectServiceInstaller srv = new DirectServiceInstaller(); switch (args[0].ToUpper()) { case "/I": Service.serviceInstall(srv); return; case "/U": Service.serviceUninstall(srv); return; case "/R": Service.runConsole(); return; case "/S": Service.runService(); return; case "/H": case "/?": case "-H": case "-?": case "?": help(); return; } } Service.runConsole(); }