// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { scareAudioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); flashingLight = GetComponentInChildren <Light>(); playSeriesOfAudioClips = GetComponent <PlaySeriesOfAudioClips>(); flashingLight.enabled = false; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { nightmareController = GameObject.Find("NightmareController").GetComponent <NightmareController>(); fPSController = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <FPSController>(); flashlight = GameObject.Find("Player/MainCamera/Flashlight").GetComponent <FlashlightController>(); spectreVisionController = GameObject.Find("Player/ClueCamera/SpectrePopup").GetComponent <SpectreVisionController>(); backgroundMusicController = GameObject.Find("Player/BGMusic").GetComponent <BackgroundMusicController>(); clueCameraTracker = GameObject.Find("Player/ClueCamera").GetComponent <CameraTracker>(); audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); playSeriesOfAudioClips = GetComponent <PlaySeriesOfAudioClips>(); //if (spawnsEnemy) // enemy.SetActive(false); nightmareTriggerDelay = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < audioClipsBeforeTrigger; i++) { nightmareTriggerDelay += playSeriesOfAudioClips.GetClipLength(i); } if (nightmareTriggerDelay != 0) { Debug.Log("Nightmare triggers with " + nightmareTriggerDelay + " s delay."); } //Disable final scene trigger at startup if (enablesClue) { StartCoroutine(DisableNextClue()); } //Debug.Log("Started up " + gameObject.name); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { Time.timeScale = 1; audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); fPSController = GetComponent <FPSController>(); playSeriesOfAudioClips = GetComponent <PlaySeriesOfAudioClips>(); nightmareController = GameObject.Find("NightmareController").GetComponent <NightmareController>(); if (!skipIntro) { StartCoroutine(Level1IntroScript()); } else { firstClue.GetComponent <ClueController>().enableClue(); } }
public void Death() { //Black screen if (Time.time > canDieTime) { canDieTime = Time.time + minTimeToDie; //GameObject.Find("[UI]/Canvas2/BlackoutPanel").GetComponent<Image>().color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 255); GetComponent <FPSController>().InputControl(false); //Play new scream if (deathScreams.Length > 1) { int previousIndex = deathIndex; while (deathIndex == previousIndex) { deathIndex = Random.Range(0, deathScreams.Length - 1); } } else { deathIndex = 0; } // Play new spawn audio if (spawnTalks.Length > 1) { int previousIndex = talkIndex; while (talkIndex == previousIndex) { talkIndex = Random.Range(0, spawnTalks.Length - 1); } } else { talkIndex = 0; } PlaySeriesOfAudioClips.RestartAll(deathScreams[deathIndex].length + timeBeforeSceenBlack * 2 + spawnTalks[talkIndex].length + 1.0f); StartCoroutine(DeathCleanup()); } }
void ResumeButtonOnClick() { // Disable this menu view and re-enable player if (fPSController.cursorLockedMode == pauseCursorLockState) { fPSController.cursorLockedMode = previousCursorLockState; } Cursor.lockState = previousCursorLockState; // Hide cursor when locking if (Cursor.visible == pauseCursorVisible) { Cursor.visible = previousCursorVisible; } //Enable panel views GameObject.Find("[UI]/Canvas/PausePanel").GetComponent <Image>().color = initialColorOff; //Disable all the children as well for (int i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++) { var child = transform.GetChild(i).gameObject; if (child != null) { child.SetActive(false); } } // Re-enable player control if (fPSController.enableInput == pauseFPSInputEnabled) { fPSController.InputControl(previousFPSInputEnabled); } //Re-enable scene time if (Time.timeScale == pauseTimeScale) { Time.timeScale = previousTimeScale; } PlaySeriesOfAudioClips.UnpauseAll(); isPaused = false; }
public void PauseGame() { if (!isPaused) { isPaused = true; previousCursorLockState = Cursor.lockState; previousCursorVisible = Cursor.visible; previousFPSInputEnabled = fPSController.enableInput; previousTimeScale = Time.timeScale; pauseCursorLockState = CursorLockMode.None; pauseCursorVisible = true; pauseFPSInputEnabled = false; pauseTimeScale = 0; // Give mouse back to user Cursor.lockState = fPSController.cursorLockedMode = pauseCursorLockState; Cursor.visible = pauseCursorVisible; // Disable player fPSController.InputControl(pauseFPSInputEnabled); //disable scene time Time.timeScale = pauseTimeScale; //Enable panel views GameObject.Find("[UI]/Canvas/PausePanel").GetComponent <Image>().color = initialColor; // Show all the panel children for (int i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++) { var child = transform.GetChild(i).gameObject; if (child != null) { child.SetActive(true); } } PlaySeriesOfAudioClips.PauseAll(); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { Time.timeScale = 1; playSeriesOfAudioClips = GetComponent <PlaySeriesOfAudioClips>(); StartCoroutine(DoctorOfficeIntro()); }