public static void FightSequence(Enemy currentEnemy) { Start: Console.Clear(); Design.GameUI(); ViewStats.PlayerStats(); ViewStats.EnemyStats(currentEnemy); if (currentEnemy.enemyStamina > 0 && Program.player.characterStamina > 0) { Console.Clear(); Design.GameUI(); ViewStats.PlayerStats(); ViewStats.EnemyStats(currentEnemy); int characterDice = Dice.Roll(12); int enemyDice = Dice.Roll(12); Console.WriteLine("Press space to roll..."); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine(Program.player.characterName + " rolled " + characterDice + " giving an ATTACK SKILL of " + (Program.player.characterSkill + characterDice) + "!"); Console.WriteLine(currentEnemy.enemyName + " rolled " + enemyDice + " giving an ATTACK SKILL of " + (currentEnemy.EnemySKill + enemyDice) + "!"); Program.player.battleCharacterSkill = Program.player.characterSkill; Program.player.battleCharacterSkill = Program.player.characterSkill + characterDice; int battleEnemySkill = currentEnemy.EnemySKill + enemyDice; if (Program.player.battleCharacterSkill > battleEnemySkill) { Console.WriteLine(Program.player.characterName + " smites the " + currentEnemy.EnemyName + " and inflicts 2 DAMAGE"); currentEnemy.EnemyStamina = currentEnemy.EnemyStamina - 2; Console.WriteLine("Press space to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); goto Start; } if (Program.player.battleCharacterSkill < battleEnemySkill) { Console.WriteLine(currentEnemy.EnemyName + " attacks " + Program.player.characterName + " dealing 2 DAMAGE"); Program.player.characterStamina = Program.player.characterStamina - 2; Console.WriteLine("Press space to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); goto Start; } if (Program.player.battleCharacterSkill == battleEnemySkill) { Console.WriteLine("You missed each others attacks!!!"); Console.WriteLine("Press space to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); goto Start; } } else if (Program.player.characterStamina <= 0) { Design.Dead(); Console.WriteLine("\nToo bad you died!"); Console.WriteLine("Press space to go back to the start..."); Console.ReadKey(); } else if (currentEnemy.EnemyStamina <= 0) { Console.WriteLine(Program.player.characterName + " of " + Program.player.birthName + " slayed " + currentEnemy.enemyName + "!"); Console.WriteLine(Program.player.characterName + " of " + Program.player.birthName + " replenishes 2 STAMINA!"); Program.player.characterStamina = Program.player.characterStamina + 2; Console.WriteLine("Press space to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); } }
public static void castle() { Console.Clear(); Design.GameUI(); ViewStats.PlayerStats(); Console.WriteLine("Marching towards the castle you notice a two highwaymen coming towards you. \nWill you stand and fight or flee?"); Console.WriteLine("Type 'Fight' to face them or 'Flee' to try and avoid them..."); Program.fightOrFlee = Console.ReadLine(); if (Program.fightOrFlee == "Fight" || Program.fightOrFlee == "fight") { Console.WriteLine("Prepare for battle!!!!"); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Fight.FightSequence(Program.highwayMan); } else if (Program.fightOrFlee == "Flee" || Program.fightOrFlee == "flee") { Console.WriteLine("You try and flee but the Highwaymen were aware of your tactics..."); Console.WriteLine("You lose 2 STAMINA for being such a coward..."); Program.player.characterStamina = Program.player.characterStamina - 2; Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Fight.FightSequence(Program.highwayMan); } Console.Clear(); Design.GameUI(); ViewStats.PlayerStats(); Console.WriteLine("Dick Turpin: 'You killed my best mate you bastard! You will pay for this!'"); Console.WriteLine("Prepare for battle!"); Console.ReadKey(); Fight.FightSequence(Program.dickTurpin); Console.Clear(); Design.GameUI(); ViewStats.PlayerStats(); Console.WriteLine("Dick Turpin lays on the floor begging you to spare his life. What will you do?"); Console.WriteLine("Press 'K' to finish off Dick Turpin or 'S' to spare him..."); Program.killOrSpare = Console.ReadLine(); if (Program.killOrSpare == "k" || Program.killOrSpare == "K") { Console.WriteLine(Program.player.characterName + " of " + Program.player.birthName + " clenches his fist once more and \n sees Dick Turpin on his knees. The knuckes bust through his face..."); Console.WriteLine("Dick Turpin is Dead..."); Console.WriteLine("You lose 1 SKILL for being so Evil..."); Program.player.characterSkill = Program.player.characterSkill - 1; Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); } else if (Program.killOrSpare == "s" || Program.killOrSpare == "S") { Console.WriteLine("Dick Turpin is very thankful and gives you his sword..."); Console.WriteLine(Program.player.characterName + " of " + Program.player.birthName + " received Great Sword of Justice..."); Console.WriteLine("You gain 2 SKILL..."); Program.player.characterSkill = Program.player.characterSkill + 2; Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); } Console.Clear(); Design.GameUI(); ViewStats.PlayerStats(); Console.WriteLine("This was not a good route to take. Ahead you see multiple people coming from the castle.\nYou turn around."); Console.WriteLine("You sprint back the way you came and lose 1 STAMINA from over working yourself."); Program.player.characterStamina = Program.player.characterStamina - 1; Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...."); Console.ReadLine(); harbour(); }