private void InitializeTraceHandle() { if ( < 0) { // initializing for reading traces with iterator at oldest trace event so we can query the total number of events lost in the session. StringBuilder sbPath = new StringBuilder(); sbPath.Append(this.path); // trace is always initialized with first and last events since // the timerange is always reset for each ReadEvents call LttngReaderStatusCode res = LttngReaderBindings.initialize_trace_processing( sbPath, (ulong)LTTngTraceTimestampFlag.FIRST_TRACE_TIMESTAMP, (ulong)LTTngTraceTimestampFlag.LAST_TRACE_TIMESTAMP, out this.traceHandle); if (res != LttngReaderStatusCode.SUCCESS) { string errorMessage = LttngReaderStatusMessage.GetMessage(res); throw new InvalidDataException($"{errorMessage}. Occured while trying to initialize processing of LTTng traces for folder {this.path}"); } this.EventsLost = (uint)this.traceHandle.trace_info.events_lost; } }
public void ReadEvents(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime) { if (startTime > endTime) { throw new ArgumentException(StringResources.ETLReaderError_StartTimeGreaterThanEndTime, "startTime"); } if (this.EventRead == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(StringResources.ETLReaderError_NoSubscribersForEventRead); } // initialize trace handle InitializeTraceHandle(); ulong eventReadFailureCount; LttngReaderStatusCode res = ProcessTrace(startTime, endTime, ref this.traceHandle, out eventReadFailureCount); if (res != LttngReaderStatusCode.SUCCESS && res != LttngReaderStatusCode.END_OF_TRACE) { string errorMessage = LttngReaderStatusMessage.GetMessage(res); throw new InvalidDataException( $"{errorMessage}. When processing traces at folder: {this.path}.\n" + $"Last event successfully read has timestamp: {LttngTraceFolderEventReader.ConvertFromUnixEpoch(this.lastEventReadTimestamp).ToString("o")}\n" + $"Total events events skipped due to failure before exception : {eventReadFailureCount}"); } if (eventReadFailureCount != 0) { throw new InvalidDataException( $"Failed to read {eventReadFailureCount} events from trace at {this.path}" + $"StartTime: {startTime}, EndTime: {endTime}"); } }