partial void DeleteUser(User instance);
 partial void UpdateUser(User instance);
 partial void InsertUser(User instance);
		private void detach_Users(User entity)
			entity.UserGroup = null;
		private void attach_Users(User entity)
			entity.UserGroup = this;
文件: Repository.cs 项目: mymei/UE4
        /// <summary>
        /// Find a user to the database, and add them if they do not exist.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="UserName">The user name to find or add.</param>
        /// <param name="UserGroupId">The id of the user group to add the user to.</param>
        /// <returns>The id of the found or added user.</returns>
        /// <remarks>All user interaction is done this way to remove any dependencies on pre-populated tables.</remarks>
        public int FindOrAddUser( string UserName, int UserGroupId = 1 )
            int UserNameId = 0;
                IQueryable<int> UserNames = ( from UserDetail in Context.Users
                                              where UserDetail.UserName.ToLower() == UserName.ToLower()
                                              select UserDetail.Id );

                // If there is no existing user, add a new one
                if( UserNames.Count() == 0 )
                    User NewUser = new User();
                    NewUser.UserName = UserName;
                    NewUser.UserGroupId = UserGroupId;
                    Context.Users.InsertOnSubmit( NewUser );

                    UserNameId = NewUser.Id;
                    UserNameId = UserNames.First();
            catch( Exception Ex )
                FLogger.Global.WriteException( "FindOrAddUser: " + Ex.ToString() );

            return UserNameId;