public void SaveFromModel(List <STGenericObject> Meshes, List <STGenericMaterial> Materials, string FileName, List <STGenericTexture> Textures, STSkeleton skeleton = null, List <int> NodeArray = null) { ExtractedTextures.Clear(); Scene scene = new Scene(); scene.RootNode = new Node("RootNode"); progressBar = new STProgressBar(); progressBar.Task = "Exporting Skeleton..."; progressBar.Value = 0; progressBar.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; progressBar.Show(); progressBar.Refresh(); SaveSkeleton(skeleton, scene.RootNode); SaveMaterials(scene, Materials, FileName, Textures); progressBar.Task = "Exporting Meshes..."; progressBar.Value = 50; SaveMeshes(scene, Meshes, skeleton, FileName, NodeArray); progressBar.Task = "Saving File..."; progressBar.Value = 80; SaveScene(FileName, scene, Meshes); progressBar.Value = 100; progressBar.Close(); progressBar.Dispose(); }
private void RepackAction(object sender, EventArgs args) { FolderSelectDialog dlg = new FolderSelectDialog(); if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string FolderPath = dlg.SelectedPath; STProgressBar progressBar = new STProgressBar(); progressBar.Task = "Reading Directory..."; progressBar.Value = 0; progressBar.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; progressBar.Show(); progressBar.Refresh(); var ProccessedFiles = TreeHelper.ReadFiles(FolderPath); progressBar.Task = "Repacking Files..."; progressBar.Refresh(); ArchiveFile.ClearFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < ProccessedFiles.Count; i++) { progressBar.Value = (i * 100) / ProccessedFiles.Count; progressBar.Task = $"Packing {ProccessedFiles[i].Item1}"; progressBar.Refresh(); ArchiveFile.AddFile(new ArchiveFileInfo() { FileName = ProccessedFiles[i].Item1, FileData = File.ReadAllBytes(ProccessedFiles[i].Item2), }); } progressBar.Close(); progressBar.Dispose(); ProccessedFiles.Clear(); GC.Collect(); FillTreeNodes(); } }
//jakeroo123's animation adding code. public static void ExportAnimation(string FileName, Toolbox.Library.Animations.Animation anim = null, STSkeleton skeleton = null, List <int> NodeArray = null) { //Always use the same settings ExportSettings settings = new ExportSettings(); settings.SuppressConfirmDialog = true; settings.UseMatrixTransform = false; List <string> failedTextureExport = new List <string>(); STProgressBar progressBar = new STProgressBar(); progressBar.Task = "Exporting Animation \"" + anim.Text + "\"..."; progressBar.Value = 0; progressBar.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; progressBar.Show(); progressBar.Refresh(); /* I don't see any way to use this * if (settings.UseOldExporter) * { * AssimpSaver saver = new AssimpSaver(); * STGenericModel model = new STGenericModel(); * model.Objects = Meshes; * model.Materials = Materials; * saver.SaveFromModel(model, FileName, Textures, skeleton, NodeArray); * return; * } */ string TexturePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName); using (ColladaWriter writer = new ColladaWriter(FileName, settings)) { writer.WriteAsset(); //This is where the magic happens - Iterate through bones, and add animations. if (anim != null && skeleton != null) { writer.StartLibraryAnimations(); float[] frames = new float[anim.FrameCount + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= anim.FrameCount; i++) { frames[i] = i / 30f; //DAE appears to save frame times - This is saving the animation as 30 FPS, regardless of anything else. } string[] interp = new string[anim.FrameCount + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= anim.FrameCount; i++) { interp[i] = "LINEAR"; //Just use linear. } foreach (STBone bone in skeleton.bones) { skeleton.reset(); string aid = anim.Text + "_" + bone.Text; //The prefix for animation string bid = "Armature_" + bone.Text; Vector3 defaultRotation = bone.EulerRotation; //Three arrays, for float[] rotateX = new float[anim.FrameCount + 1]; float[] rotateY = new float[anim.FrameCount + 1]; float[] rotateZ = new float[anim.FrameCount + 1]; Vector3[] scale = new Vector3[anim.FrameCount + 1]; Vector3[] translate = new Vector3[anim.FrameCount + 1]; anim.SetFrame(0); for (int i = 0; i <= anim.FrameCount; i++) { anim.NextFrame(skeleton, false, true, bone.Text); //Rotation Vector3 eul = STMath.ToEulerAngles(bone.rot); rotateX[i] = eul.X * Rad2Deg; //- defaultRotation.X; rotateY[i] = eul.Y * Rad2Deg; //- defaultRotation.Y; rotateZ[i] = eul.Z * Rad2Deg; //- defaultRotation.Z; //Scaling and translation scale[i] = bone.GetScale(); translate[i] = bone.GetPosition(); } writer.WriteAnimationVector(aid + "_translate", frames, interp, translate, bid + "/location"); writer.WriteAnimationAngle(aid + "_rotateX", frames, interp, rotateX, bid + "/rotationX.ANGLE"); writer.WriteAnimationAngle(aid + "_rotateY", frames, interp, rotateY, bid + "/rotationY.ANGLE"); writer.WriteAnimationAngle(aid + "_rotateZ", frames, interp, rotateZ, bid + "/rotationZ.ANGLE"); writer.WriteAnimationVector(aid + "_scale", frames, interp, scale, bid + "/scale"); } writer.EndLibraryAnimations(); } skeleton.reset(); //Don't bother exporting any textures - It's not really necessary, at this point. writer.WriteLibraryImages(); if (skeleton != null) { //Don't bother searching for rigging, because the mesh will simply be empty. foreach (var bone in skeleton.bones) { //Set the inverse matrix var inverse = skeleton.GetBoneTransform(bone).Inverted(); var transform = bone.GetTransform(); float[] Transform = new float[] { transform.M11, transform.M21, transform.M31, transform.M41, transform.M12, transform.M22, transform.M32, transform.M42, transform.M13, transform.M23, transform.M33, transform.M43, transform.M14, transform.M24, transform.M34, transform.M44 }; float[] InvTransform = new float[] { inverse.M11, inverse.M21, inverse.M31, inverse.M41, inverse.M12, inverse.M22, inverse.M32, inverse.M42, inverse.M13, inverse.M23, inverse.M33, inverse.M43, inverse.M14, inverse.M24, inverse.M34, inverse.M44 }; writer.AddJoint(bone.Text, bone.parentIndex == -1 ? "" : skeleton.bones[bone.parentIndex].Text, Transform, InvTransform, new float[3] { bone.Position.X, bone.Position.Y, bone.Position.Z }, new float[3] { bone.EulerRotation.X *Rad2Deg, bone.EulerRotation.Y *Rad2Deg, bone.EulerRotation.Z *Rad2Deg }, new float[3] { bone.Scale.X, bone.Scale.Y, bone.Scale.Z }); } } writer.StartLibraryGeometries(); //Try to not write meshes? Let's hope this works. writer.EndGeometrySection(); } progressBar?.Close(); }
public static void Export(string FileName, ExportSettings settings, List <STGenericObject> Meshes, List <STGenericMaterial> Materials, List <STGenericTexture> Textures, STSkeleton skeleton = null, List <int> NodeArray = null) { if (Materials == null) { Materials = new List <STGenericMaterial>(); } if (skeleton != null && skeleton.BoneIndices != null) { NodeArray = skeleton.BoneIndices.ToList(); } List <string> failedTextureExport = new List <string>(); STProgressBar progressBar = new STProgressBar(); progressBar.Task = "Exporting Model..."; progressBar.Value = 0; progressBar.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; progressBar.Show(); progressBar.Refresh(); if (settings.UseOldExporter) { AssimpSaver saver = new AssimpSaver(); STGenericModel model = new STGenericModel(); model.Objects = Meshes; model.Materials = Materials; saver.SaveFromModel(model, FileName, Textures, skeleton, NodeArray); return; } string TexturePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName); Dictionary <string, STGenericMaterial> MaterialRemapper = new Dictionary <string, STGenericMaterial>(); using (ColladaWriter writer = new ColladaWriter(FileName, settings)) { writer.WriteAsset(); if (Materials.Count > 0) { List <string> textureNames = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < Textures?.Count; i++) { if (!textureNames.Contains(Textures[i].Text)) { textureNames.Add(Textures[i].Text); } if (settings.ExportTextures) { progressBar.Task = $"Exporting Texture {Textures[i].Text}"; progressBar.Value = ((i * 100) / Textures.Count); progressBar.Refresh(); try { var bitmap = Textures[i].GetBitmap(); if (bitmap != null) { if (settings.UseTextureChannelComponents) { bitmap = Textures[i].GetComponentBitmap(bitmap); } string textureName = Textures[i].Text; if (textureName.RemoveIllegaleFileNameCharacters() != textureName) { string properName = textureName.RemoveIllegaleFileNameCharacters(); for (int m = 0; m < Materials?.Count; m++) { foreach (var tex in Materials[m].TextureMaps) { if (tex.Name == textureName) { tex.Name = properName; } } } textureName = properName; } bitmap.Save($"{TexturePath}/{textureName}.png"); bitmap.Dispose(); GC.Collect(); } } catch (Exception ex) { failedTextureExport.Add(Textures[i].Text); } } } List <Material> materials = new List <Material>(); foreach (var mat in Materials) { Material material = new Material(); material.Name = mat.Text; if (!MaterialRemapper.ContainsKey(mat.Text)) { MaterialRemapper.Add(mat.Text, mat); } else { string name = Utils.RenameDuplicateString(MaterialRemapper.Keys.ToList(), mat.Text); MaterialRemapper.Add(name, mat); material.Name = name; } materials.Add(material); foreach (var tex in mat.TextureMaps) { TextureMap texMap = new TextureMap(); texMap.Name = tex.Name; if (tex.Type == STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Diffuse) { texMap.Type = PhongTextureType.diffuse; } else if (tex.Type == STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Normal) { texMap.Type = PhongTextureType.bump; } else if (tex.Type == STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Specular) { texMap.Type = PhongTextureType.specular; } else if (tex.Type == STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Emission) { texMap.Type = PhongTextureType.emission; } else { continue; //Skip adding unknown types } if (tex.WrapModeS == STTextureWrapMode.Repeat) { texMap.WrapModeS = SamplerWrapMode.WRAP; } else if (tex.WrapModeS == STTextureWrapMode.Mirror) { texMap.WrapModeS = SamplerWrapMode.MIRROR; } else if (tex.WrapModeS == STTextureWrapMode.Clamp) { texMap.WrapModeS = SamplerWrapMode.CLAMP; } if (tex.WrapModeT == STTextureWrapMode.Repeat) { texMap.WrapModeT = SamplerWrapMode.WRAP; } else if (tex.WrapModeT == STTextureWrapMode.Mirror) { texMap.WrapModeT = SamplerWrapMode.MIRROR; } else if (tex.WrapModeT == STTextureWrapMode.Clamp) { texMap.WrapModeT = SamplerWrapMode.CLAMP; } //If no textures are saved, still keep images references //So the user can still dump textures after if (Textures?.Count == 0 && !textureNames.Contains(texMap.Name)) { textureNames.Add($"{texMap.Name}"); } material.Textures.Add(texMap); } } writer.WriteLibraryImages(textureNames.ToArray()); writer.WriteLibraryMaterials(materials); writer.WriteLibraryEffects(materials); } else { writer.WriteLibraryImages(); } if (skeleton != null) { //Search for bones with rigging first List <string> riggedBones = new List <string>(); if (settings.OnlyExportRiggedBones) { for (int i = 0; i < Meshes.Count; i++) { for (int v = 0; v < Meshes[i].vertices.Count; v++) { var vertex = Meshes[i].vertices[v]; for (int j = 0; j < vertex.boneIds.Count; j++) { int id = -1; if (NodeArray != null && NodeArray.Count > vertex.boneIds[j]) { id = NodeArray[vertex.boneIds[j]]; } else { id = vertex.boneIds[j]; } if (id < skeleton.bones.Count && id != -1) { riggedBones.Add(skeleton.bones[id].Text); } } } } } foreach (var bone in skeleton.bones) { if (settings.OnlyExportRiggedBones && !riggedBones.Contains(bone.Text)) { Console.WriteLine("Skipping " + bone.Text); continue; } //Set the inverse matrix var inverse = skeleton.GetBoneTransform(bone).Inverted(); var transform = bone.GetTransform(); float[] Transform = new float[] { transform.M11, transform.M21, transform.M31, transform.M41, transform.M12, transform.M22, transform.M32, transform.M42, transform.M13, transform.M23, transform.M33, transform.M43, transform.M14, transform.M24, transform.M34, transform.M44 }; float[] InvTransform = new float[] { inverse.M11, inverse.M21, inverse.M31, inverse.M41, inverse.M12, inverse.M22, inverse.M32, inverse.M42, inverse.M13, inverse.M23, inverse.M33, inverse.M43, inverse.M14, inverse.M24, inverse.M34, inverse.M44 }; writer.AddJoint(bone.Text, bone.parentIndex == -1 ? "" : skeleton.bones[bone.parentIndex].Text, Transform, InvTransform, new float[3] { bone.Position.X, bone.Position.Y, bone.Position.Z }, new float[3] { bone.EulerRotation.X *Rad2Deg, bone.EulerRotation.Y *Rad2Deg, bone.EulerRotation.Z *Rad2Deg }, new float[3] { bone.Scale.X, bone.Scale.Y, bone.Scale.Z }); } } int meshIndex = 0; writer.StartLibraryGeometries(); foreach (var mesh in Meshes) { progressBar.Task = $"Exporting Mesh {mesh.Text}"; progressBar.Value = ((meshIndex++ *100) / Meshes.Count); progressBar.Refresh(); int[] IndexTable = null; if (NodeArray != null) { IndexTable = NodeArray.ToArray(); } writer.StartGeometry(mesh.Text); if (mesh.MaterialIndex != -1 && Materials.Count > mesh.MaterialIndex) { writer.CurrentMaterial = Materials[mesh.MaterialIndex].Text; Console.WriteLine($"MaterialIndex {mesh.MaterialIndex } {Materials[mesh.MaterialIndex].Text}"); } if (settings.TransformColorUVs) { List <Vertex> transformedVertices = new List <Vertex>(); foreach (var poly in mesh.PolygonGroups) { var mat = poly.Material; if (mat == null) { continue; } var faces = poly.GetDisplayFace(); for (int v = 0; v < poly.displayFaceSize; v += 3) { if (faces.Count < v + 2) { break; } var diffuse = mat.TextureMaps.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Diffuse); STTextureTransform transform = new STTextureTransform(); if (diffuse != null) { transform = diffuse.Transform; } var vertexA = mesh.vertices[faces[v]]; var vertexB = mesh.vertices[faces[v + 1]]; var vertexC = mesh.vertices[faces[v + 2]]; if (!transformedVertices.Contains(vertexA)) { vertexA.uv0 = (vertexA.uv0 * transform.Scale) + transform.Translate; transformedVertices.Add(vertexA); } if (!transformedVertices.Contains(vertexB)) { vertexB.uv0 = (vertexB.uv0 * transform.Scale) + transform.Translate; transformedVertices.Add(vertexB); } if (!transformedVertices.Contains(vertexC)) { vertexC.uv0 = (vertexC.uv0 * transform.Scale) + transform.Translate; transformedVertices.Add(vertexC); } } } } // collect sources List <float> Position = new List <float>(); List <float> Normal = new List <float>(); List <float> UV0 = new List <float>(); List <float> UV1 = new List <float>(); List <float> UV2 = new List <float>(); List <float> UV3 = new List <float>(); List <float> Color = new List <float>(); List <float> Color2 = new List <float>(); List <int[]> BoneIndices = new List <int[]>(); List <float[]> BoneWeights = new List <float[]>(); bool HasNormals = false; bool HasColors = false; bool HasColors2 = false; bool HasUV0 = false; bool HasUV1 = false; bool HasUV2 = false; bool HasBoneIds = false; foreach (var vertex in mesh.vertices) { if (vertex.nrm != Vector3.Zero) { HasNormals = true; } if (vertex.col != Vector4.One && settings.UseVertexColors) { HasColors = true; } if (vertex.col2 != Vector4.One && settings.UseVertexColors) { HasColors2 = true; } if (vertex.uv0 != Vector2.Zero) { HasUV0 = true; } if (vertex.uv1 != Vector2.Zero) { HasUV1 = true; } if (vertex.uv2 != Vector2.Zero) { HasUV2 = true; } if (vertex.boneIds.Count > 0) { HasBoneIds = true; } Position.Add(vertex.pos.X); Position.Add(vertex.pos.Y); Position.Add(vertex.pos.Z); Normal.Add(vertex.nrm.X); Normal.Add(vertex.nrm.Y); Normal.Add(vertex.nrm.Z); if (settings.FlipTexCoordsVertical) { UV0.Add(vertex.uv0.X); UV0.Add(1 - vertex.uv0.Y); UV1.Add(vertex.uv1.X); UV1.Add(1 - vertex.uv1.Y); UV2.Add(vertex.uv2.X); UV2.Add(1 - vertex.uv2.Y); } else { UV0.Add(vertex.uv0.X); UV0.Add(vertex.uv0.Y); UV1.Add(vertex.uv1.X); UV1.Add(vertex.uv1.Y); UV2.Add(vertex.uv2.X); UV2.Add(vertex.uv2.Y); } Color.AddRange(new float[] { vertex.col.X, vertex.col.Y, vertex.col.Z, vertex.col.W }); Color2.AddRange(new float[] { vertex.col2.X, vertex.col2.Y, vertex.col2.Z, vertex.col2.W }); List <int> bIndices = new List <int>(); List <float> bWeights = new List <float>(); for (int b = 0; b < vertex.boneIds.Count; b++) { if (b > mesh.VertexSkinCount - 1) { continue; } //Skip 0 weights if (vertex.boneWeights.Count > b) { if (vertex.boneWeights[b] == 0) { continue; } } int index = -1; if (IndexTable != null) { index = (int)IndexTable[vertex.boneIds[b]]; } else { index = (int)vertex.boneIds[b]; } //Only map for valid weights/indices bool hasValidIndex = index != -1 && index < skeleton?.bones.Count; bool hasValidWeight = vertex.boneWeights.Count > b; if (hasValidIndex) { bIndices.Add(index); } if (hasValidWeight && hasValidIndex) { bWeights.Add(vertex.boneWeights[b]); } } //Rigid bodies with no direct bone indices if (bIndices.Count == 0 && mesh.BoneIndex != -1) { HasBoneIds = true; bIndices.Add(mesh.BoneIndex); bWeights.Add(1); } //Bone indices with no weights directly mapped if (bWeights.Count == 0 && bIndices.Count > 0) { bWeights.Add(1.0f); } BoneIndices.Add(bIndices.ToArray()); BoneWeights.Add(bWeights.ToArray()); } List <TriangleList> triangleLists = new List <TriangleList>(); if (mesh.lodMeshes.Count > 0) { TriangleList triangleList = new TriangleList(); triangleLists.Add(triangleList); var lodMesh = mesh.lodMeshes[mesh.DisplayLODIndex]; List <int> faces = new List <int>(); if (lodMesh.PrimativeType == STPrimitiveType.TrangleStrips) { faces = STGenericObject.ConvertTriangleStripsToTriangles(lodMesh.faces); } else { faces = lodMesh.faces; } for (int i = 0; i < faces.Count; i++) { triangleList.Indices.Add((uint)faces[i]); } } if (mesh.PolygonGroups.Count > 0) { foreach (var group in mesh.PolygonGroups) { TriangleList triangleList = new TriangleList(); triangleLists.Add(triangleList); STGenericMaterial material = new STGenericMaterial(); if (group.MaterialIndex != -1 && Materials.Count > group.MaterialIndex) { material = Materials[group.MaterialIndex]; } if (group.Material != null) { material = group.Material; } if (MaterialRemapper.Values.Any(x => x == material)) { var key = MaterialRemapper.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == material).Key; triangleList.Material = key; } else if (material.Text != string.Empty) { triangleList.Material = material.Text; } List <int> faces = new List <int>(); if (group.PrimativeType == STPrimitiveType.TrangleStrips) { faces = STGenericObject.ConvertTriangleStripsToTriangles(group.faces); } else { faces = group.faces; } for (int i = 0; i < faces.Count; i++) { triangleList.Indices.Add((uint)faces[i]); } } } // write sources writer.WriteGeometrySource(mesh.Text, SemanticType.POSITION, Position.ToArray(), triangleLists.ToArray()); if (HasNormals) { writer.WriteGeometrySource(mesh.Text, SemanticType.NORMAL, Normal.ToArray(), triangleLists.ToArray()); } if (HasColors) { writer.WriteGeometrySource(mesh.Text, SemanticType.COLOR, Color.ToArray(), triangleLists.ToArray(), 0); } if (HasColors2) { writer.WriteGeometrySource(mesh.Text, SemanticType.COLOR, Color2.ToArray(), triangleLists.ToArray(), 1); } if (HasUV0) { writer.WriteGeometrySource(mesh.Text, SemanticType.TEXCOORD, UV0.ToArray(), triangleLists.ToArray(), 0); } if (HasUV1) { writer.WriteGeometrySource(mesh.Text, SemanticType.TEXCOORD, UV1.ToArray(), triangleLists.ToArray(), 1); } if (HasUV2) { writer.WriteGeometrySource(mesh.Text, SemanticType.TEXCOORD, UV2.ToArray(), triangleLists.ToArray(), 2); } if (HasBoneIds) { writer.AttachGeometryController(BoneIndices, BoneWeights); } writer.EndGeometryMesh(); } writer.EndGeometrySection(); } progressBar?.Close(); if (!settings.SuppressConfirmDialog) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show($"Exported {FileName} Successfuly!"); } }
public static string[] ExtractAllFiles(string ParentPath, TreeNodeCollection Nodes, string overridePath = "") { List <string> filesExtracted = new List <string>(); if (overridePath == string.Empty) { FolderSelectDialog folderDialog = new FolderSelectDialog(); if (folderDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return(new string[0]); } overridePath = folderDialog.SelectedPath; } STProgressBar progressBar = new STProgressBar(); progressBar.Task = "Extracing Files..."; progressBar.Refresh(); progressBar.Value = 0; progressBar.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; progressBar.Show(); var Collection = TreeViewExtensions.Collect(Nodes); int Curfile = 0; foreach (TreeNode file in Collection) { if (file is ArchiveFileWrapper) { string FilePath = ((ArchiveFileWrapper)file).ArchiveFileInfo.FileName; string FolderPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(FilePath.RemoveIllegaleFolderNameCharacters()); string FolderPathDir = Path.Combine(overridePath, FolderPath); if (!Directory.Exists(FolderPathDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(FolderPathDir); } string FileName = file.Text.RemoveIllegaleFileNameCharacters(); FilePath = Path.Combine(FolderPath, FileName); if (ParentPath != string.Empty) { FilePath = FilePath.Replace(ParentPath, string.Empty); } var path = Path.Combine(overridePath, FilePath); progressBar.Task = $"Extracting File {file}"; progressBar.Value = (Curfile++ *100) / Collection.Count(); progressBar.Refresh(); CreateDirectoryIfExists($"{path}"); if (file is ArchiveFileWrapper) { filesExtracted.Add($"{path}"); File.WriteAllBytes($"{path}", ((ArchiveFileWrapper)file).ArchiveFileInfo.FileData); } } } progressBar.Value = 100; progressBar.Refresh(); progressBar.Close(); return(filesExtracted.ToArray()); }
public static void Export(string FileName, ExportSettings settings, List <STGenericObject> Meshes, List <STGenericMaterial> Materials, List <STGenericTexture> Textures, STSkeleton skeleton = null, List <int> NodeArray = null) { if (Materials == null) { Materials = new List <STGenericMaterial>(); } List <string> failedTextureExport = new List <string>(); STProgressBar progressBar = new STProgressBar(); progressBar.Task = "Exporting Model..."; progressBar.Value = 0; progressBar.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; progressBar.Show(); progressBar.Refresh(); if (settings.UseOldExporter) { AssimpSaver saver = new AssimpSaver(); STGenericModel model = new STGenericModel(); model.Objects = Meshes; model.Materials = Materials; saver.SaveFromModel(model, FileName, Textures, skeleton, NodeArray); return; } string TexturePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName); using (ColladaWriter writer = new ColladaWriter(FileName, settings)) { writer.WriteAsset(); if (Materials.Count > 0) { List <string> textureNames = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < Textures?.Count; i++) { textureNames.Add(Textures[i].Text); if (settings.ExportTextures) { progressBar.Task = $"Exporting Texture {Textures[i].Text}"; progressBar.Value = ((i * 100) / Textures.Count); progressBar.Refresh(); try { var bitmap = Textures[i].GetBitmap(); if (bitmap != null) { string textureName = Textures[i].Text; if (textureName.RemoveIllegaleFileNameCharacters() != textureName) { string properName = textureName.RemoveIllegaleFileNameCharacters(); for (int m = 0; m < Materials?.Count; m++) { foreach (var tex in Materials[m].TextureMaps) { if (tex.Name == textureName) { tex.Name = properName; } } } textureName = properName; } bitmap.Save($"{TexturePath}/{textureName}.png"); bitmap.Dispose(); GC.Collect(); } } catch (Exception ex) { failedTextureExport.Add(Textures[i].Text); } } } List <Material> materials = new List <Material>(); foreach (var mat in Materials) { Material material = new Material(); material.Name = mat.Text; materials.Add(material); foreach (var tex in mat.TextureMaps) { TextureMap texMap = new TextureMap(); texMap.Name = tex.Name; if (tex.Type == STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Diffuse) { texMap.Type = PhongTextureType.diffuse; } else if (tex.Type == STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Normal) { texMap.Type = PhongTextureType.bump; } else if (tex.Type == STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Specular) { texMap.Type = PhongTextureType.specular; } else if (tex.Type == STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Emission) { texMap.Type = PhongTextureType.emission; } else { continue; //Skip adding unknown types } if (tex.WrapModeS == STTextureWrapMode.Repeat) { texMap.WrapModeS = SamplerWrapMode.WRAP; } else if (tex.WrapModeS == STTextureWrapMode.Mirror) { texMap.WrapModeS = SamplerWrapMode.MIRROR; } else if (tex.WrapModeS == STTextureWrapMode.Clamp) { texMap.WrapModeS = SamplerWrapMode.CLAMP; } if (tex.WrapModeT == STTextureWrapMode.Repeat) { texMap.WrapModeT = SamplerWrapMode.WRAP; } else if (tex.WrapModeT == STTextureWrapMode.Mirror) { texMap.WrapModeT = SamplerWrapMode.MIRROR; } else if (tex.WrapModeT == STTextureWrapMode.Clamp) { texMap.WrapModeT = SamplerWrapMode.CLAMP; } //If no textures are saved, still keep images references //So the user can still dump textures after if (Textures?.Count == 0) { textureNames.Add($"{texMap.Name}"); } material.Textures.Add(texMap); } } writer.WriteLibraryImages(textureNames.ToArray()); writer.WriteLibraryMaterials(materials); writer.WriteLibraryEffects(materials); } else { writer.WriteLibraryImages(); } if (skeleton != null) { foreach (var bone in skeleton.bones) { //Set the inverse matrix var inverse = skeleton.GetBoneTransform(bone).Inverted(); var transform = bone.GetTransform(); float[] Transform = new float[] { transform.M11, transform.M21, transform.M31, transform.M41, transform.M12, transform.M22, transform.M32, transform.M42, transform.M13, transform.M23, transform.M33, transform.M43, transform.M14, transform.M24, transform.M34, transform.M44 }; float[] InvTransform = new float[] { inverse.M11, inverse.M21, inverse.M31, inverse.M41, inverse.M12, inverse.M22, inverse.M32, inverse.M42, inverse.M13, inverse.M23, inverse.M33, inverse.M43, inverse.M14, inverse.M24, inverse.M34, inverse.M44 }; writer.AddJoint(bone.Text, bone.parentIndex == -1 ? "" : skeleton.bones[bone.parentIndex].Text, Transform, InvTransform); } } int meshIndex = 0; writer.StartLibraryGeometries(); foreach (var mesh in Meshes) { progressBar.Task = $"Exporting Mesh {mesh.Text}"; progressBar.Value = ((meshIndex++ *100) / Meshes.Count); progressBar.Refresh(); int[] IndexTable = null; if (NodeArray != null) { IndexTable = NodeArray.ToArray(); } writer.StartGeometry(mesh.Text); if (mesh.MaterialIndex != -1 && Materials.Count > mesh.MaterialIndex) { writer.CurrentMaterial = Materials[mesh.MaterialIndex].Text; } // collect sources List <float> Position = new List <float>(); List <float> Normal = new List <float>(); List <float> UV0 = new List <float>(); List <float> UV1 = new List <float>(); List <float> UV2 = new List <float>(); List <float> UV3 = new List <float>(); List <float> Color = new List <float>(); List <int[]> BoneIndices = new List <int[]>(); List <float[]> BoneWeights = new List <float[]>(); bool HasNormals = false; bool HasColors = false; bool HasUV0 = false; bool HasUV1 = false; bool HasUV2 = false; bool HasBoneIds = false; foreach (var vertex in mesh.vertices) { //Remove zero weights if (settings.OptmizeZeroWeights) { float MaxWeight = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (vertex.boneWeights.Count <= i) { continue; } if (vertex.boneIds.Count < i + 1) { vertex.boneWeights[i] = 0; MaxWeight = 0; } else { float weight = vertex.boneWeights[i]; if (vertex.boneWeights.Count == i + 1) { weight = MaxWeight; } if (weight >= MaxWeight) { weight = MaxWeight; MaxWeight = 0; } else { MaxWeight -= weight; } vertex.boneWeights[i] = weight; } } } if (vertex.nrm != Vector3.Zero) { HasNormals = true; } if (vertex.col != Vector4.One && settings.UseVertexColors) { HasColors = true; } if (vertex.uv0 != Vector2.Zero) { HasUV0 = true; } if (vertex.uv1 != Vector2.Zero) { HasUV1 = true; } if (vertex.uv2 != Vector2.Zero) { HasUV2 = true; } if (vertex.boneIds.Count > 0) { HasBoneIds = true; } Position.Add(vertex.pos.X); Position.Add(vertex.pos.Y); Position.Add(vertex.pos.Z); Normal.Add(vertex.nrm.X); Normal.Add(vertex.nrm.Y); Normal.Add(vertex.nrm.Z); if (settings.FlipTexCoordsVertical) { UV0.Add(vertex.uv0.X); UV0.Add(1 - vertex.uv0.Y); UV1.Add(vertex.uv1.X); UV1.Add(1 - vertex.uv1.Y); UV2.Add(vertex.uv2.X); UV2.Add(1 - vertex.uv2.Y); } else { UV0.Add(vertex.uv0.X); UV0.Add(vertex.uv0.Y); UV1.Add(vertex.uv1.X); UV1.Add(vertex.uv1.Y); UV2.Add(vertex.uv2.X); UV2.Add(vertex.uv2.Y); } Color.AddRange(new float[] { vertex.col.X, vertex.col.Y, vertex.col.Z, vertex.col.W }); List <int> bIndices = new List <int>(); List <float> bWeights = new List <float>(); for (int b = 0; b < vertex.boneIds.Count; b++) { if (b > mesh.VertexSkinCount - 1) { continue; } if (vertex.boneWeights.Count > b) { if (vertex.boneWeights[b] == 0) { continue; } } int index = -1; if (IndexTable != null) { index = (int)IndexTable[vertex.boneIds[b]]; } else { index = (int)vertex.boneIds[b]; } if (index != -1 && index < skeleton?.bones.Count) { bIndices.Add(index); } //Some models may only use indices (single bind, rigid skin) if (vertex.boneWeights.Count > b) { bWeights.Add(vertex.boneWeights[b]); } else { bWeights.Add(1); } } if (bIndices.Count == 0 && mesh.BoneIndex != -1) { HasBoneIds = true; bIndices.Add(mesh.BoneIndex); bWeights.Add(1); } BoneIndices.Add(bIndices.ToArray()); BoneWeights.Add(bWeights.ToArray()); } List <TriangleList> triangleLists = new List <TriangleList>(); if (mesh.lodMeshes.Count > 0) { TriangleList triangleList = new TriangleList(); triangleLists.Add(triangleList); var lodMesh = mesh.lodMeshes[mesh.DisplayLODIndex]; List <int> faces = new List <int>(); if (lodMesh.PrimativeType == STPrimitiveType.TrangleStrips) { faces = STGenericObject.ConvertTriangleStripsToTriangles(lodMesh.faces); } else { faces = lodMesh.faces; } for (int i = 0; i < faces.Count; i++) { triangleList.Indices.Add((uint)faces[i]); } } if (mesh.PolygonGroups.Count > 0) { foreach (var group in mesh.PolygonGroups) { TriangleList triangleList = new TriangleList(); triangleLists.Add(triangleList); if (group.MaterialIndex != -1 && Materials.Count > group.MaterialIndex) { triangleList.Material = Materials[group.MaterialIndex].Text; } List <int> faces = new List <int>(); if (group.PrimativeType == STPrimitiveType.TrangleStrips) { faces = STGenericObject.ConvertTriangleStripsToTriangles(group.faces); } else { faces = group.faces; } for (int i = 0; i < faces.Count; i++) { triangleList.Indices.Add((uint)faces[i]); } } } // write sources writer.WriteGeometrySource(mesh.Text, SemanticType.POSITION, Position.ToArray(), triangleLists.ToArray()); if (HasNormals) { writer.WriteGeometrySource(mesh.Text, SemanticType.NORMAL, Normal.ToArray(), triangleLists.ToArray()); } if (HasColors) { writer.WriteGeometrySource(mesh.Text, SemanticType.COLOR, Color.ToArray(), triangleLists.ToArray()); } if (HasUV0) { writer.WriteGeometrySource(mesh.Text, SemanticType.TEXCOORD, UV0.ToArray(), triangleLists.ToArray(), 0); } if (HasUV1) { writer.WriteGeometrySource(mesh.Text, SemanticType.TEXCOORD, UV1.ToArray(), triangleLists.ToArray(), 1); } if (HasUV2) { writer.WriteGeometrySource(mesh.Text, SemanticType.TEXCOORD, UV2.ToArray(), triangleLists.ToArray(), 2); } if (HasBoneIds) { writer.AttachGeometryController(BoneIndices, BoneWeights); } writer.EndGeometryMesh(); } writer.EndGeometrySection(); } progressBar?.Close(); if (!settings.SuppressConfirmDialog) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show($"Exported {FileName} Successfuly!"); } }
public static string[] ExtractAllFiles(string ParentPath, TreeNodeCollection Nodes, string overridePath = "") { List <string> filesExtracted = new List <string>(); if (overridePath == string.Empty) { FolderSelectDialog folderDialog = new FolderSelectDialog(); if (folderDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return(new string[0]); } overridePath = folderDialog.SelectedPath; } STProgressBar progressBar = new STProgressBar(); progressBar.Task = "Extracing Files..."; progressBar.Refresh(); progressBar.Value = 0; progressBar.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; progressBar.Show(); Thread Thread = new Thread((ThreadStart)(() => { var Collection = TreeViewExtensions.Collect(Nodes).ToList(); Console.WriteLine($"Collection {Collection.Count}"); int Curfile = 0; foreach (TreeNode node in Collection) { if (progressBar.IsDisposed || progressBar.Disposing) { break; } ArchiveFileInfo file = null; if (node.Tag != null && node.Tag is ArchiveFileInfo) { file = (ArchiveFileInfo)node.Tag; } else if (node is ArchiveFileWrapper) { file = ((ArchiveFileWrapper)node).ArchiveFileInfo; } if (file != null) { string FilePath = file.FileName; string FolderPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(FilePath.RemoveIllegaleFolderNameCharacters()); string FolderPathDir = Path.Combine(overridePath, FolderPath); if (!Directory.Exists(FolderPathDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(FolderPathDir); } string FileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName).RemoveIllegaleFileNameCharacters(); FilePath = Path.Combine(FolderPath, FileName); if (ParentPath != string.Empty) { FilePath = FilePath.Replace(ParentPath, string.Empty); } var path = $"{overridePath}/{FilePath}"; if (progressBar.InvokeRequired) { progressBar.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { // Running on the UI thread progressBar.Task = $"Extracting File {FileName}"; progressBar.Value = (Curfile++ *100) / Collection.Count; progressBar.Refresh(); }); } CreateDirectoryIfExists($"{path}"); filesExtracted.Add($"{path}"); if (file.FileFormat != null && file.FileFormat.CanSave) { file.SaveFileFormat(); } if (file.FileDataStream != null) { file.FileDataStream.ExportToFile(path); } else { File.WriteAllBytes($"{path}", file.FileData); } } } if (progressBar.InvokeRequired) { progressBar.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { progressBar.Value = 100; progressBar.Refresh(); progressBar.Close(); }); } else { progressBar.Value = 100; progressBar.Refresh(); progressBar.Close(); } })); Thread.Start(); return(filesExtracted.ToArray()); }