//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void Init() { // Create and setup Window control. window = new Window(manager); window.Init(); window.Text = "Please Wait"; window.Width = 300; window.Height = 175; window.Center(); window.Visible = true; window.CloseButtonVisible = false; text = new Label(manager); text.Init(); text.Text = ""; text.Width = 250; text.Height = 24; text.Left = 20; text.Top = 20; text.Anchor = Anchors.Left; text.Parent = window; bar = new ProgressBar(manager); bar.Init(); bar.Width = 260; bar.Height = 15; bar.Left = 20; bar.Top = 60; bar.Anchor = Anchors.Left; bar.Parent = window; bar.Value = 0; bar.Mode = ProgressBarMode.Default; cancel = new Button(manager); cancel.Init(); cancel.Left = window.Width - cancel.Width - 20; cancel.Top = 110; cancel.Text = "Cancel"; cancel.Anchor = Anchors.Right; cancel.Parent = window; }
public void Init() { texture = new Texture2D(manager.GraphicsDevice, 1, 1); texture.SetData<Color>(new Color[] { Color.White }); window = new Window(manager) ; window.Init(); window.Text = "Tank List"; window.Width = 600; window.Height = 500; window.Center(); window.Visible = true; window.CloseButtonVisible = false; play = new Button(manager); play.Init(); play.Text = "Play"; play.Width = 100; play.Height = 24; play.Left = window.Width - play.Width - 40; play.Top = window.Height - 90; play.Anchor = Anchors.Right; play.Parent = window; create = new Button(manager); create.Init(); create.Text = "Create New Tank"; create.Width = 150; create.Height = 24; create.Left = 30; create.Top = window.Height - 160; create.Anchor = Anchors.Left; create.Parent = window; edit = new Button(manager); edit.Init(); edit.Text = "Edit Tank"; edit.Width = 100; edit.Height = 24; edit.Left = 30; edit.Top = window.Height - 125; edit.Anchor = Anchors.Left; edit.Parent = window; delete = new Button(manager); delete.Init(); delete.Text = "Delete Tank"; delete.Width = 100; delete.Height = 24; delete.Left = edit.Left + edit.Width + 30; delete.Top = edit.Top; delete.Anchor = Anchors.Left; delete.Parent = window; back = new Button(manager); back.Init(); back.Text = "Back"; back.Width = 150; back.Height = 24; back.Left = 30; back.Top = play.Top; back.Anchor = Anchors.Left; back.Parent = window; listbox = new ListBox(manager); listbox.Init(); listbox.Width = 225; listbox.Height = 275; listbox.Left = 30; listbox.Top = 40; listbox.Anchor = Anchors.Left; listbox.HideSelection = false; listbox.Parent = window; listbox.ItemIndexChanged += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(listbox_ItemIndexChanged); image = new ImageBox(manager); image.Init(); image.Image = texture; image.SizeMode = SizeMode.Stretched; image.Width = 200; image.Height = 150; image.Left = window.Width - image.Width - 70; image.Top = 40; image.Anchor = Anchors.Right; image.Parent = window; RankImage = new ImageBox(manager); RankImage.Init(); //RankImage.Image = null; RankImage.SizeMode = SizeMode.Stretched; RankImage.Width = 32; RankImage.Height = 32; RankImage.Top = window.Height - 280; RankImage.Left = window.Width - RankImage.Width - 240; RankImage.Anchor = Anchors.Left; RankImage.Parent = window; rankLbl = new Label(manager); rankLbl.Init(); rankLbl.Text = "Unknown"; rankLbl.Top = window.Height - 275; rankLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; rankLbl.Width = 232 - RankImage.Width; rankLbl.Left = window.Width - rankLbl.Width - RankImage.Width; rankLbl.Height = 24; rankLbl.Parent = window; RankProgressBar = new ProgressBar(manager); RankProgressBar.Init(); RankProgressBar.Value = 0; RankProgressBar.Top = window.Height - 243; RankProgressBar.Anchor = Anchors.Left; RankProgressBar.Width = 200; RankProgressBar.Left = window.Width - rankLbl.Width - 69; RankProgressBar.Height = 25; RankProgressBar.ToolTip = new ToolTip(manager); RankProgressBar.ToolTip.Text = "0 / 0"; RankProgressBar.Parent = window; RankNextLabel = new Label(manager); RankNextLabel.Init(); RankNextLabel.Top = window.Height - 215; RankNextLabel.Width = 200; RankNextLabel.Height = 15; RankNextLabel.Left = window.Width - RankImage.Width - 235; RankNextLabel.Text = "Progress is loading..."; RankNextLabel.Parent = window; armorBar = new ProgressBar(manager); armorBar.Init(); armorBar.Width = 150; armorBar.Height = 24; armorBar.Left = window.Width - armorBar.Width - 50; ; armorBar.Top = window.Height - 180; armorBar.Anchor = Anchors.Left; armorBar.Parent = window; armorBar.Value = 50; armorLbl = new Label(manager); armorLbl.Init(); armorLbl.Text = "Armor: "; armorLbl.Width = 50; armorLbl.Height = 24; armorLbl.Left = armorBar.Left - armorLbl.Width - 20; armorLbl.Top = armorBar.Top; armorLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; armorLbl.Parent = window; speedBar = new ProgressBar(manager); speedBar.Init(); speedBar.Width = 150; speedBar.Height = 24; speedBar.Left = window.Width - speedBar.Width - 50; ; speedBar.Top = window.Height - 150; speedBar.Anchor = Anchors.Left; speedBar.Parent = window; speedBar.Value = 50; speedLbl = new Label(manager); speedLbl.Init(); speedLbl.Text = "Speed: "; speedLbl.Width = 50; speedLbl.Height = 24; speedLbl.Left = speedBar.Left - speedLbl.Width - 20; speedLbl.Top = speedBar.Top; speedLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; speedLbl.Parent = window; }
public void Init(Control parent, Manager manager) { switch (Type) { case "Container": Container container = new Container(manager); container.Init(); SetProperties(container, parent, manager); container.AutoScroll = true; break; case "ImageBox": ImageBox box = new ImageBox(manager); box.Init(); SetProperties(box, parent, manager); box.SizeMode = ImageMode; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ImageAsset)) box.Image = manager.Content.Load<Texture2D>(ImageAsset); else if (AtlasAsset != null) { if (AtlasAsset.Atlas == "IconProvider") box.Image = IconProvider.GetByName(AtlasAsset.Name); else box.Image = Provider.GetAtlas(AtlasAsset.Atlas).GetTexture(AtlasAsset.Name); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Draw)) box.Draw += delegate(object sender, DrawEventArgs e) { if (EventFieldDraw == null) { Type classType = parent.GetType(); EventFieldDraw = classType.GetMethod(Draw); } if (EventFieldDraw == null) throw new Exception("Could not find: " + Draw + " method"); EventFieldDraw.Invoke(parent, new object[] { sender, e }); }; break; case "Label": Label label = new Label(manager); label.Init(); SetProperties(label, parent, manager); label.Text = Text.StartsWith("TXT_KEY_") ? Provider.Instance.Translate(Text) : Text; break; case "GameMapBox": GameMapBox mapBox = new GameMapBox(manager); mapBox.Init(); SetProperties(mapBox, parent, manager); break; case "SideBar": SideBar sideBar = new SideBar(manager); sideBar.Init(); SetProperties(sideBar, parent, manager); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Draw)) sideBar.Draw += delegate(object sender, DrawEventArgs e) { if (EventFieldDraw == null) { Type classType = parent.GetType(); EventFieldDraw = classType.GetMethod(Draw); } if (EventFieldDraw == null) throw new Exception("Could not find: " + Draw + " method"); EventFieldDraw.Invoke(parent, new object[] { sender, e }); }; break; case "ContextMenu": ContextMenu contextMenu = new ContextMenu(manager); contextMenu.Init(); contextMenu.Name = Name; contextMenu.Tag = this; contextMenu.Passive = Passive; contextMenu.Enabled = Enabled; foreach (MenuItemEntry entry in Items) { MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem(entry.Title); menuItem.Enabled = entry.Enabled; contextMenu.Items.Add(menuItem); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Parent)) contextMenu.Parent = parent.GetControl(Parent); else parent.Add(contextMenu); break; case "ImageListBox": ImageListBox listBox = new ImageListBox(manager); listBox.Init(); SetProperties(listBox, parent, manager); listBox.HideSelection = HideSelection; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContextMenu)) listBox.ContextMenu = parent.GetControl(ContextMenu) as ContextMenu; break; case "TechInfoButton": TechInfoButton techInfo = new TechInfoButton(manager); techInfo.Init(); SetProperties(techInfo, parent, manager); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TechName)) techInfo.Tech = Provider.GetTech(TechName); break; case "PolicyButton": PolicyButton policyButton = new PolicyButton(manager); policyButton.Init(); SetProperties(policyButton, parent, manager); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PolicyName)) policyButton.Policy = Provider.GetPolicy(PolicyName); break; case "PolicyTypeBox": PolicyTypeBox policyTypeBox = new PolicyTypeBox(manager); policyTypeBox.Init(); SetProperties(policyTypeBox, parent, manager); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PolicyTypeName)) policyTypeBox.PolicyType = Provider.GetPolicyType(PolicyTypeName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ImageAsset)) policyTypeBox.Image = manager.Content.Load<Texture2D>(ImageAsset); else if (AtlasAsset != null) { if (AtlasAsset.Atlas == "IconProvider") policyTypeBox.Image = IconProvider.GetByName(AtlasAsset.Name); else policyTypeBox.Image = Provider.GetAtlas(AtlasAsset.Atlas).GetTexture(AtlasAsset.Name); } break; case "ImageButton": ImageButton button = new ImageButton(manager); button.Init(); ApplyStyle(button, manager); SetProperties(button, parent, manager); SetAnimation(button, manager); button.Text = Text; break; case "ProgressBar": ProgressBar progress = new ProgressBar(manager); progress.Init(); SetProperties(progress, parent, manager); break; case "CheckBox": CheckBox check = new CheckBox(manager); check.Init(); SetProperties(check, parent, manager); check.Text = Text; break; case "Graph": Graph graph = new Graph(manager); graph.Init(); SetProperties(graph, parent, manager); break; case "RankingRow": RankingRow rank = new RankingRow(manager); rank.Init(); SetProperties(rank, parent, manager); break; case "Include": List<ControlItem> children = manager.Content.Load<List<ControlItem>>(Import); foreach (ControlItem item in children) item.Init(parent, manager); break; default: throw new Exception("No handling for " + Type); } }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public TaskControls(Manager manager) : base(manager) { MinimumWidth = 340; MinimumHeight = 140; Height = 480; Center(); Text = "Controls Test"; TopPanel.Visible = true; Caption.Text = "Information"; Description.Text = "Demonstration of various controls available in Neoforce Controls library."; Caption.TextColor = Description.TextColor = new Color(96, 96, 96); grpEdit = new GroupPanel(Manager); grpEdit.Init(); grpEdit.Parent = this; grpEdit.Anchor = Anchors.Left | Anchors.Top | Anchors.Right; grpEdit.Width = ClientWidth - 200; grpEdit.Height = 160; grpEdit.Left = 8; grpEdit.Top = TopPanel.Height + 8; grpEdit.Text = "EditBox"; pnlControls = new Panel(Manager); pnlControls.Init(); pnlControls.Passive = true; pnlControls.Parent = this; pnlControls.Anchor = Anchors.Left | Anchors.Top | Anchors.Right; pnlControls.Left = 8; pnlControls.Top = grpEdit.Top + grpEdit.Height + 8; pnlControls.Width = ClientWidth - 200; pnlControls.Height = BottomPanel.Top - 32 - pnlControls.Top; pnlControls.BevelBorder = BevelBorder.All; pnlControls.BevelMargin = 1; pnlControls.BevelStyle = BevelStyle.Etched; pnlControls.Color = Color.Transparent; lblEdit = new Label(manager); lblEdit.Init(); lblEdit.Parent = grpEdit; lblEdit.Left = 16; lblEdit.Top = 8; lblEdit.Text = "Testing field:"; lblEdit.Width = 128; lblEdit.Height = 16; txtEdit = new TextBox(manager); txtEdit.Init(); txtEdit.Parent = grpEdit; txtEdit.Left = 16; txtEdit.Top = 24; txtEdit.Width = grpEdit.ClientWidth - 32; txtEdit.Height = 20; txtEdit.Anchor = Anchors.Left | Anchors.Top | Anchors.Right | Anchors.Bottom; txtEdit.Text = "Text"; rdbNormal = new RadioButton(manager); rdbNormal.Init(); rdbNormal.Parent = grpEdit; rdbNormal.Left = 16; rdbNormal.Top = 52; rdbNormal.Width = grpEdit.ClientWidth - 32; rdbNormal.Anchor = Anchors.Left | Anchors.Bottom | Anchors.Right; rdbNormal.Checked = true; rdbNormal.Text = "Normal mode"; rdbNormal.ToolTip.Text = "Enables normal mode for TextBox control."; rdbNormal.CheckedChanged += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(ModeChanged); rdbPassword = new RadioButton(manager); rdbPassword.Init(); rdbPassword.Parent = grpEdit; rdbPassword.Left = 16; rdbPassword.Top = 68; rdbPassword.Width = grpEdit.ClientWidth - 32; rdbPassword.Anchor = Anchors.Left | Anchors.Bottom | Anchors.Right; rdbPassword.Checked = false; rdbPassword.Text = "Password mode"; rdbPassword.ToolTip.Text = "Enables password mode for TextBox control."; rdbPassword.CheckedChanged += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(ModeChanged); chkBorders = new CheckBox(manager); chkBorders.Init(); chkBorders.Parent = grpEdit; chkBorders.Left = 16; chkBorders.Top = 96; chkBorders.Width = grpEdit.ClientWidth - 32; chkBorders.Anchor = Anchors.Left | Anchors.Bottom | Anchors.Right; chkBorders.Checked = false; chkBorders.Text = "Borderless mode"; chkBorders.ToolTip.Text = "Enables or disables borderless mode for TextBox control."; chkBorders.CheckedChanged += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(chkBorders_CheckedChanged); chkReadOnly = new CheckBox(manager); chkReadOnly.Init(); chkReadOnly.Parent = grpEdit; chkReadOnly.Left = 16; chkReadOnly.Top = 110; chkReadOnly.Width = grpEdit.ClientWidth - 32; chkReadOnly.Anchor = Anchors.Left | Anchors.Bottom | Anchors.Right; chkReadOnly.Checked = false; chkReadOnly.Text = "Read only mode"; chkReadOnly.ToolTip.Text = "Enables or disables read only mode for TextBox control.\nThis mode is necessary to enable explicitly."; chkReadOnly.CheckedChanged += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(chkReadOnly_CheckedChanged); string[] colors = new string[] {"Red", "Green", "Blue", "Yellow", "Orange", "Purple", "White", "Black", "Magenta", "Cyan", "Brown", "Aqua", "Beige", "Coral", "Crimson", "Gray", "Azure", "Ivory", "Indigo", "Khaki", "Orchid", "Plum", "Salmon", "Silver", "Gold", "Pink", "Linen", "Lime", "Olive", "Slate"}; spnMain = new SpinBox(manager, SpinBoxMode.List); spnMain.Init(); spnMain.Parent = pnlControls; spnMain.Left = 16; spnMain.Top = 16; spnMain.Width = pnlControls.Width - 32; spnMain.Height = 20; spnMain.Anchor = Anchors.Left | Anchors.Top | Anchors.Right; spnMain.Items.AddRange(colors); spnMain.Mode = SpinBoxMode.Range; spnMain.ItemIndex = 0; cmbMain = new ComboBox(manager); cmbMain.Init(); cmbMain.Parent = pnlControls; cmbMain.Left = 16; cmbMain.Top = 44; cmbMain.Width = pnlControls.Width - 32; cmbMain.Height = 20; cmbMain.ReadOnly = true; cmbMain.Anchor = Anchors.Left | Anchors.Top | Anchors.Right; cmbMain.Items.AddRange(colors); cmbMain.ItemIndex = 0; cmbMain.MaxItems = 5; cmbMain.ToolTip.Color = Color.Yellow; cmbMain.Movable = cmbMain.Resizable = true; cmbMain.OutlineMoving = cmbMain.OutlineResizing = true; trkMain = new TrackBar(manager); trkMain.Init(); trkMain.Parent = pnlControls; trkMain.Left = 16; trkMain.Top = 72; trkMain.Width = pnlControls.Width - 32; trkMain.Anchor = Anchors.Left | Anchors.Top | Anchors.Right; trkMain.Range = 64; trkMain.Value = 16; trkMain.ValueChanged += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(trkMain_ValueChanged); lblTrack = new Label(manager); lblTrack.Init(); lblTrack.Parent = pnlControls; lblTrack.Left = 16; lblTrack.Top = 96; lblTrack.Width = pnlControls.Width - 32; lblTrack.Anchor = Anchors.Left | Anchors.Top | Anchors.Right; lblTrack.Alignment = Alignment.TopRight; lblTrack.TextColor = new Color(32, 32, 32); trkMain_ValueChanged(this, null); // forcing label redraw with init values mnuListBox = new ContextMenu(manager); MenuItem i1 = new MenuItem("This is very long text"); MenuItem i2 = new MenuItem("Menu", true); MenuItem i3 = new MenuItem("Item", false); //i3.Enabled = false; MenuItem i4 = new MenuItem("Separated", true); MenuItem i11 = new MenuItem(); MenuItem i12 = new MenuItem(); MenuItem i13 = new MenuItem(); MenuItem i14 = new MenuItem(); MenuItem i111 = new MenuItem(); MenuItem i112 = new MenuItem(); MenuItem i113 = new MenuItem(); mnuListBox.Items.AddRange(new MenuItem[]{i1,i2, i3, i4}); i2.Items.AddRange(new MenuItem[] { i11, i12, i13, i14 }); i13.Items.AddRange(new MenuItem[] { i111, i112, i113 }); lstMain = new ListBox(manager); lstMain.Init(); lstMain.Parent = this; lstMain.Top = TopPanel.Height + 8; lstMain.Left = grpEdit.Left + grpEdit.Width + 8; lstMain.Width = ClientWidth - lstMain.Left - 8; lstMain.Height = ClientHeight - 16 - BottomPanel.Height - TopPanel.Height; lstMain.Anchor = Anchors.Top | Anchors.Right | Anchors.Bottom; lstMain.HideSelection = false; lstMain.Items.AddRange(colors); lstMain.ContextMenu = mnuListBox; prgMain = new ProgressBar(manager); prgMain.Init(); prgMain.Parent = this.BottomPanel; prgMain.Left = lstMain.Left; prgMain.Top = 10; prgMain.Width = lstMain.Width; prgMain.Height = 16; prgMain.Anchor = Anchors.Top | Anchors.Right; prgMain.Mode = ProgressBarMode.Infinite; prgMain.Passive = false; btnDisable = new Button(manager); btnDisable.Init(); btnDisable.Parent = BottomPanel; btnDisable.Left = 8; btnDisable.Top = 8; btnDisable.Text = "Disable"; btnDisable.Click += new Controls.EventHandler(btnDisable_Click); btnDisable.TextColor = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(255, 64, 32, 200); btnProgress = new Button(manager); btnProgress.Init(); btnProgress.Parent = BottomPanel; btnProgress.Left = prgMain.Left - 16; btnProgress.Top = prgMain.Top; btnProgress.Height = 16; btnProgress.Width = 16; btnProgress.Text = "!"; btnProgress.Anchor = Anchors.Top | Anchors.Right; btnProgress.Click += new Controls.EventHandler(btnProgress_Click); mnuMain = new MainMenu(manager); mnuMain.Items.Add(i2); mnuMain.Items.Add(i13); mnuMain.Items.Add(i3); mnuMain.Items.Add(i4); MainMenu = mnuMain; ToolBarPanel tlp = new ToolBarPanel(manager); ToolBarPanel = tlp; ToolBar tlb = new ToolBar(manager); ToolBar tlbx = new ToolBar(manager); tlb.FullRow = true; tlbx.Row = 1; tlbx.FullRow = false; tlp.Add(tlb); tlp.Add(tlbx); /* tlb.Init(); tlb.Width = 256; tlb.Parent = ToolBarPanel;*/ //tlbx.Init(); /* tlbx.Width = 512; tlbx.Top = 25; tlbx.Parent = ToolBarPanel;*/ /* ToolBarButton tb1 = new ToolBarButton(manager); tb1.Init(); tb1.Parent = tlb; tb1.Left = 10; tb1.Top = 1; tb1.Glyph = new Glyph(Manager.Skin.Images["Icon.Warning"].Resource); tb1.Glyph.SizeMode = SizeMode.Stretched; */ StatusBar stb = new StatusBar(Manager); StatusBar = stb; DefaultControl = txtEdit; OutlineMoving = true; OutlineResizing = true; BottomPanel.BringToFront(); SkinChanged += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(TaskControls_SkinChanged); TaskControls_SkinChanged(null, null); }
public void Init() { texture = new Texture2D(manager.GraphicsDevice, 1, 1); texture.SetData<Color>(new Color[] { Color.White }); #region Window window = new Window(manager) ; window.Init(); window.Text = "Tank Creation"; window.Width = 600; window.Height = 500; window.Center(); window.Visible = true; window.CloseButtonVisible = false; #endregion #region ListBoxes #region Tank tankBoxLbl = new Label(manager); tankBoxLbl.Init(); tankBoxLbl.Text = "Tanks: "; tankBoxLbl.Width = 100; tankBoxLbl.Height = 10; tankBoxLbl.Left = 20; tankBoxLbl.Top = 10; tankBoxLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; tankBoxLbl.Parent = window; tankBox = new ListBox(manager); tankBox.Init(); tankBox.Width = 200; tankBox.Height = 75; tankBox.Left = 30; tankBox.Top = 30; tankBox.Anchor = Anchors.Left; tankBox.HideSelection = false; tankBox.Parent = window; foreach (String s in tanks) { tankBox.Items.Add(s); } tankBox.ItemIndexChanged += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(tankBox_ItemIndexChanged); #endregion #region Turret turretBoxLbl = new Label(manager); turretBoxLbl.Init(); turretBoxLbl.Text = "Turrets: "; turretBoxLbl.Width = 50; turretBoxLbl.Height = 10; turretBoxLbl.Left = tankBoxLbl.Left; turretBoxLbl.Top = tankBox.Top + tankBox.Height + 20; turretBoxLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; turretBoxLbl.Parent = window; turretBox = new ListBox(manager); turretBox.Init(); turretBox.Width = 200; turretBox.Height = 100; turretBox.Left = 30; turretBox.Top = turretBoxLbl.Top + turretBoxLbl.Height + 10; turretBox.Anchor = Anchors.Left; turretBox.HideSelection = false; turretBox.Parent = window; foreach (String s in tanks) { turretBox.Items.Add(s); } turretBox.ItemIndexChanged += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(turretBox_ItemIndexChanged); tPowerLbl = new Label(manager); tPowerLbl.Init(); tPowerLbl.Text = "Power: "; tPowerLbl.Width = 50; tPowerLbl.Height = 10; tPowerLbl.Left = turretBox.Left; tPowerLbl.Top = turretBox.Top + turretBox.Height + 10; tPowerLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; tPowerLbl.Parent = window; tPower = new ProgressBar(manager); tPower.Init(); tPower.Width = 75; tPower.Height = 10; tPower.Left = tPowerLbl.Left + tPowerLbl.Width + 5; tPower.Top = tPowerLbl.Top; tPower.Anchor = Anchors.Left; tPower.Parent = window; tPower.Value = 50; tRateLbl = new Label(manager); tRateLbl.Init(); tRateLbl.Text = "Rate: "; tRateLbl.Width = 50; tRateLbl.Height = 10; tRateLbl.Left = turretBox.Left; tRateLbl.Top = tPowerLbl.Top + tPowerLbl.Height; tRateLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; tRateLbl.Parent = window; tRate = new ProgressBar(manager); tRate.Init(); tRate.Width = 75; tRate.Height = 10; tRate.Left = tRateLbl.Left + tRateLbl.Width + 5; tRate.Top = tRateLbl.Top; tRate.Anchor = Anchors.Left; tRate.Parent = window; tRate.Value = 50; tRangeLbl = new Label(manager); tRangeLbl.Init(); tRangeLbl.Text = "Range: "; tRangeLbl.Width = 50; tRangeLbl.Height = 15; tRangeLbl.Left = turretBox.Left; tRangeLbl.Top = tRateLbl.Top + tRateLbl.Height; tRangeLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; tRangeLbl.Parent = window; tRange = new ProgressBar(manager); tRange.Init(); tRange.Width = 75; tRange.Height = 10; tRange.Left = tRangeLbl.Left + tRangeLbl.Width + 5; tRange.Top = tRangeLbl.Top; tRange.Anchor = Anchors.Left; tRange.Parent = window; tRange.Value = 50; #endregion #endregion #region TankStats armorLbl = new Label(manager); armorLbl.Init(); armorLbl.Text = "Armor: "; armorLbl.Width = 50; armorLbl.Height = 24; armorLbl.Left = 20; armorLbl.Top = window.Height - 160; ; armorLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; armorLbl.Parent = window; armorBar = new ProgressBar(manager); armorBar.Init(); armorBar.Width = 150; armorBar.Height = 24; armorBar.Left = armorLbl.Left + armorLbl.Width + 20; ; armorBar.Top = armorLbl.Top; armorBar.Anchor = Anchors.Left; armorBar.Parent = window; armorBar.Value = 50; speedLbl = new Label(manager); speedLbl.Init(); speedLbl.Text = "Speed: "; speedLbl.Width = 50; speedLbl.Height = 24; speedLbl.Left = armorLbl.Left; speedLbl.Top = armorLbl.Top + armorLbl.Height; speedLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; speedLbl.Parent = window; speedBar = new ProgressBar(manager); speedBar.Init(); speedBar.Width = 150; speedBar.Height = 24; speedBar.Left = speedLbl.Left + speedLbl.Width + 20; ; speedBar.Top = speedLbl.Top; speedBar.Anchor = Anchors.Left; speedBar.Parent = window; speedBar.Value = 50; ratioLbl = new Label(manager); ratioLbl.Init(); ratioLbl.Text = "Ratio: "; ratioLbl.Width = 50; ratioLbl.Height = 24; ratioLbl.Left = armorLbl.Left; ratioLbl.Top = speedLbl.Top + speedLbl.Height + 20; ratioLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; ratioLbl.Parent = window; ratioSlide = new SliderBar(manager); ratioSlide.Init(); ratioSlide.Width = 150; ratioSlide.Height = 20; ratioSlide.Left = ratioLbl.Left + ratioLbl.Width + 20; ; ratioSlide.Top = ratioLbl.Top + 3; ratioSlide.Anchor = Anchors.Left; ratioSlide.Parent = window; ratioSlide.Value = 50; ratioSlide.ValueChanged += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(ratioSlide_ValueChanged); #endregion #region Render Region image = new ImageBox(manager); image.Init(); image.SizeMode = SizeMode.Stretched; image.Width = 200; image.Height = 150; image.Left = window.Width - image.Width - 70; image.Top = 40; image.Anchor = Anchors.Right; image.Parent = window; image.Image = texture; #endregion #region Skin Scrolling (Left/Right) ScrollSkinLeft = new Button(manager); ScrollSkinLeft.Init(); ScrollSkinLeft.Width = 25; ScrollSkinLeft.Height = 25; ScrollSkinLeft.Left = window.Width - image.Width - 70; ScrollSkinLeft.Top = image.Top + image.Height + 10; ScrollSkinLeft.Text = " < "; ScrollSkinLeft.Parent = window; ScrollSkinRight = new Button(manager); ScrollSkinRight.Init(); ScrollSkinRight.Width = 25; ScrollSkinRight.Height = 25; ScrollSkinRight.Left = image.Left + image.Width - ScrollSkinRight.Width; ScrollSkinRight.Top = image.Top + image.Height + 10; ScrollSkinRight.Text = " > "; ScrollSkinRight.Parent = window; #endregion #region Skin Label SkinLabel = new Label(manager); SkinLabel.Init(); SkinLabel.Alignment = Alignment.MiddleCenter; SkinLabel.Height = 15; SkinLabel.Width = 100; SkinLabel.Left = ScrollSkinRight.Left - 120; SkinLabel.Top = image.Top + image.Width - 33; SkinLabel.Text = "Skin"; SkinLabel.Parent = window; #endregion #region Color Choosing redLbl = new Label(manager); redLbl.Init(); redLbl.Text = "Red: "; redLbl.Width = 50; redLbl.Height = 24; redLbl.Left = image.Left; redLbl.Top = ScrollSkinLeft.Top + ScrollSkinLeft.Height + 20; redLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; redLbl.Parent = window; red = new SliderBar(manager); red.Init(); red.Width = 120; red.Height = 15; red.Left = redLbl.Left + redLbl.Width + 20; red.Top = ScrollSkinLeft.Top + ScrollSkinLeft.Height + 25; red.Anchor = Anchors.Left; red.Parent = window; red.Value = 50; red.ValueChanged += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(Color_Changed); greenLbl = new Label(manager); greenLbl.Init(); greenLbl.Text = "Green: "; greenLbl.Width = 50; greenLbl.Height = 24; greenLbl.Left = redLbl.Left; greenLbl.Top = redLbl.Top + redLbl.Height; greenLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; greenLbl.Parent = window; green = new SliderBar(manager); green.Init(); green.Width = red.Width; green.Height = red.Height; green.Left = greenLbl.Left + greenLbl.Width + 20; green.Top = greenLbl.Top + 5; green.Anchor = Anchors.Left; green.Parent = window; green.Value = 50; green.ValueChanged += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(Color_Changed); blueLbl = new Label(manager); blueLbl.Init(); blueLbl.Text = "Blue: "; blueLbl.Width = 50; blueLbl.Height = 24; blueLbl.Left = redLbl.Left; blueLbl.Top = greenLbl.Top + greenLbl.Height; blueLbl.Anchor = Anchors.Left; blueLbl.Parent = window; blue = new SliderBar(manager); blue.Init(); blue.Width = red.Width; blue.Height = red.Height; blue.Left = blueLbl.Left + blueLbl.Width + 20; ; blue.Top = blueLbl.Top + 5; blue.Anchor = Anchors.Left; blue.Parent = window; blue.Value = 50; blue.ValueChanged += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(Color_Changed); #endregion #region Tank Name name = new Label(manager); name.Init(); name.Text = "Tank Name: "; name.Width = 100; name.Height = 24; name.Left = redLbl.Left; name.Top = blueLbl.Top + blueLbl.Height + 20; name.Anchor = Anchors.Left; name.Parent = window; nameBox = new TextBox(manager); nameBox.Init(); nameBox.Text = ""; nameBox.Width = 180; nameBox.Height = 24; nameBox.Left = name.Left + 10; nameBox.Top = name.Top + name.Height; nameBox.Anchor = Anchors.Left; nameBox.Parent = window; #endregion #region Buttons create = new Button(manager); create.Init(); create.Text = "Create"; create.Width = 90; create.Height = 24; create.Left = window.Width - create.Width - 40; ; create.Top = ratioLbl.Top; create.Anchor = Anchors.Left; create.Parent = window; cancel = new Button(manager); cancel.Init(); cancel.Text = "Cancel"; cancel.Width = 80; cancel.Height = 24; cancel.Left = create.Left - cancel.Width - 60; cancel.Top = create.Top; cancel.Anchor = Anchors.Right; cancel.Parent = window; #endregion }