public void OnDestroy (Activity activity) { if (propertyTracker != null) { propertyTracker.Dispose (); propertyTracker = null; } }
public void OnCreate (Activity activity) { this.activity = activity; propertyTracker = new PropertyChangeTracker (); Root = LayoutInflater.From (activity).Inflate (Resource.Layout.TimerComponent, null); FindViews (); }
public override void OnStart () { base.OnStart (); propertyTracker = new PropertyChangeTracker (); canRebind = true; Rebind (); RebindTags (); }
public AndroidNotificationManager () { ctx = ServiceContainer.Resolve<Context> (); notificationManager = (NotificationManager)ctx.GetSystemService (Context.NotificationService); runningBuilder = CreateRunningNotificationBuilder (ctx); idleBuilder = CreateIdleNotificationBuilder (ctx); propertyTracker = new PropertyChangeTracker (); TimeEntryManager = ServiceContainer.Resolve<ActiveTimeEntryManager> (); binding = this.SetBinding (() => TimeEntryManager.ActiveTimeEntry).WhenSourceChanges (OnActiveTimeEntryChanged); var bus = ServiceContainer.Resolve<MessageBus> (); subscriptionSettingChanged = bus.Subscribe<SettingChangedMessage> (OnSettingChanged); }
protected override void Dispose (bool disposing) { base.Dispose (disposing); if (disposing) { if (tagsView != null) { tagsView.Updated -= OnTagsUpdated; } if (propertyTracker != null) { propertyTracker.Dispose (); propertyTracker = null; } } }
public AndroidNotificationManager () { ctx = ServiceContainer.Resolve<Context> (); notificationManager = (NotificationManager)ctx.GetSystemService (Context.NotificationService); runningBuilder = CreateRunningNotificationBuilder (ctx); idleBuilder = CreateIdleNotificationBuilder (ctx); propertyTracker = new PropertyChangeTracker (); timeEntryManager = ServiceContainer.Resolve<ActiveTimeEntryManager> (); timeEntryManager.PropertyChanged += OnActiveTimeEntryManagerPropertyChanged; var bus = ServiceContainer.Resolve<MessageBus> (); subscriptionSettingChanged = bus.Subscribe<SettingChangedMessage> (OnSettingChanged); SyncRunningModel (); SyncNotification (); }
public void Dispose () { var bus = ServiceContainer.Resolve<MessageBus> (); if (propertyTracker != null) { propertyTracker.Dispose (); propertyTracker = null; } if (subscriptionSettingChanged != null) { bus.Unsubscribe (subscriptionSettingChanged); subscriptionSettingChanged = null; } if (timeEntryManager != null) { timeEntryManager.PropertyChanged -= OnActiveTimeEntryManagerPropertyChanged; timeEntryManager = null; } if (propertyTracker != null) { propertyTracker.Dispose (); propertyTracker = null; } }
public void Dispose () { var bus = ServiceContainer.Resolve<MessageBus> (); if (propertyTracker != null) { propertyTracker.Dispose (); propertyTracker = null; } if (subscriptionSettingChanged != null) { bus.Unsubscribe (subscriptionSettingChanged); subscriptionSettingChanged = null; } if (subscriptionAuthChanged != null) { bus.Unsubscribe (subscriptionAuthChanged); subscriptionAuthChanged = null; } if (propertyTracker != null) { propertyTracker.Dispose (); propertyTracker = null; } }
public void TestTracker (Action<PropertyChangeTracker> injection, bool shouldNotify) { var tracker = new PropertyChangeTracker (); var demoObject = DemoObject.Bake (); string detectedChangedTargetName = null; tracker.Add (demoObject, ((string obj) => { detectedChangedTargetName = obj; })); if (injection != null) { injection (tracker); } string changedTargetName = demoObject.Change (); if (shouldNotify) { Assert.That (changedTargetName, Is.EqualTo (detectedChangedTargetName)); } else { Assert.That (changedTargetName, Is.Not.EqualTo (detectedChangedTargetName)); } }
public void Stop () { // Stop listening to timer changes isStarted = false; if (propertyTracker != null) { propertyTracker.Dispose (); propertyTracker = null; } if (timeEntryManager != null) { timeEntryManager.PropertyChanged -= OnTimeEntryManagerPropertyChanged; timeEntryManager = null; } if (showRunning) { currentTimeEntry = null; } }
public void Start () { propertyTracker = new PropertyChangeTracker (); // Start listening to timer changes if (showRunning) { timeEntryManager = ServiceContainer.Resolve<ActiveTimeEntryManager> (); timeEntryManager.PropertyChanged += OnTimeEntryManagerPropertyChanged; ResetModelToRunning (); } isStarted = true; Rebind (); }
public override void OnStop () { base.OnStop (); canRebind = false; if (propertyTracker != null) { propertyTracker.Dispose (); propertyTracker = null; } }