private static void StartupTaskPreSettings() { if (logger.IsDebugEnabled) { logger.Debug($"[{nameof(StartupTaskPreSettings)}]"); } // Convert the settings file if (File.Exists(Settings.SettingsFilePath)) { JObject jSettings; try { using (var sr = new StreamReader(Settings.SettingsFilePath)) { using (var jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(sr)) { jSettings = JObject.Load(jsonReader); } } } catch (JsonReaderException jrEx) { ResetSettingsFile(jrEx); jSettings = null; } if (jSettings != null) { JToken jPreviousV = jSettings["PreviousVersion"]; var previousV = new Version(jPreviousV?.Value <string>() ?? "0"); // [IDO] Hotkeys if (previousV < new Version("1.10.10")) { // pre-1.10.10 hotkeys must be converted to the current format logger.Info("Converting old hotkeys to the current format..."); JToken jHotkeys = jSettings["HotKeys"]; if (jHotkeys?.HasValues == true) { var convertedHotkeys = new JArray(); foreach (JToken jHotkey in jHotkeys.Children()) { JToken jKeyOrButton = jHotkey["KeyOrButton"]; JToken jKey = jKeyOrButton?["Key"]; ModifierKeys modifiers = (jHotkey["Alt"]?.Value <bool>() == true ? ModifierKeys.Alt : ModifierKeys.None) | (jHotkey["Ctrl"]?.Value <bool>() == true ? ModifierKeys.Control : ModifierKeys.None) | (jHotkey["Shift"]?.Value <bool>() == true ? ModifierKeys.Shift : ModifierKeys.None) | (jHotkey["WindowsKey"]?.Value <bool>() == true ? ModifierKeys.Windows : ModifierKeys.None); ToastifyActionEnum toastifyActionEnum = Enum.TryParse(jHotkey["Action"]?.Value <string>(), out ToastifyActionEnum tae) ? tae : ToastifyActionEnum.None; ToastifyAction action = App.Container.Resolve <IToastifyActionRegistry>().GetAction(toastifyActionEnum); bool enabled = jHotkey["Enabled"]?.Value <bool>() ?? false; Hotkey h = jKeyOrButton?["IsKey"]?.Value <bool>() ?? jKey != null ? new KeyboardHotkey { Modifiers = modifiers, Key = Enum.TryParse(jKey?.Value <string>(), out Key k) ? k : (Key?)null, Action = action, Enabled = enabled } as Hotkey
public void Default() { AlwaysStartSpotify = null; CloseSpotifyWithToastify = true; FadeOutTime = 2000; GlobalHotKeys = true; DisableToast = false; ToastColorTop = "#FF999999"; ToastColorBottom = "#FF353535"; ToastBorderColor = "#FF292929"; ToastBorderThickness = 1.0; ToastWidth = 300; ToastHeight = 75; ToastBorderCornerRadiusTopLeft = 4.0; ToastBorderCornerRadiusTopRight = 4.0; ToastBorderCornerRadiusBottomRight = 4.0; ToastBorderCornerRadiusBottomLeft = 4.0; OffsetRight = 5.0; OffsetBottom = 5.0; ClipboardTemplate = "I'm currently listening to {0}"; Hotkey.ClearAll(); HotKeys = new List <Hotkey> { new Hotkey { Ctrl = true, Alt = true, Key = System.Windows.Input.Key.Up, Action = SpotifyAction.PlayPause }, new Hotkey { Ctrl = true, Alt = true, Key = System.Windows.Input.Key.Down, Action = SpotifyAction.Stop }, new Hotkey { Ctrl = true, Alt = true, Key = System.Windows.Input.Key.Left, Action = SpotifyAction.PreviousTrack }, new Hotkey { Ctrl = true, Alt = true, Key = System.Windows.Input.Key.Right, Action = SpotifyAction.NextTrack }, new Hotkey { Ctrl = true, Alt = true, Key = System.Windows.Input.Key.M, Action = SpotifyAction.Mute }, new Hotkey { Ctrl = true, Alt = true, Key = System.Windows.Input.Key.PageDown, Action = SpotifyAction.VolumeDown }, new Hotkey { Ctrl = true, Alt = true, Key = System.Windows.Input.Key.PageUp, Action = SpotifyAction.VolumeUp }, new Hotkey { Ctrl = true, Alt = true, Key = System.Windows.Input.Key.Space, Action = SpotifyAction.ShowToast }, new Hotkey { Ctrl = true, Alt = true, Key = System.Windows.Input.Key.S, Action = SpotifyAction.ShowSpotify }, new Hotkey { Ctrl = true, Alt = true, Key = System.Windows.Input.Key.C, Action = SpotifyAction.CopyTrackInfo } }; Plugins = new List <PluginDetails>(); }
internal static void ActionHookCallback(Hotkey hotkey) { }