public dynamic Query([FromUri] string name) { // use the previously defined query, or just get it from the request (module-mode) if (_queryApp == null) _queryApp = App; var query = GetQueryByName(name); var queryConf = query.QueryDefinition; var permissionChecker = new PermissionController(_queryApp.ZoneId, _queryApp.AppId, queryConf.EntityGuid, _useModuleAndCheckModulePermissions ? Dnn.Module : null); var readAllowed = permissionChecker.UserMay(PermissionGrant.Read); var isAdmin = _useModuleAndCheckModulePermissions && DotNetNuke.Security.Permissions.ModulePermissionController.CanAdminModule(Dnn.Module); // Only return query if permissions ok if (!(readAllowed || isAdmin)) throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { Content = new StringContent("Request not allowed. User does not have read permissions for query '" + name + "'"), ReasonPhrase = "Request not allowed" }); return new Serializer().Prepare(query); // 2016-05-03 2dm - if it turns out that the serializer on the Sxc-object is better (can't find a reason why)... // ...then I would need this variation below: //return _useModuleAndCheckModulePermissions // ? Sxc.Serializer.Prepare(query) // : new Serializer().Prepare(query); }
public dynamic Query([FromUri] string name) { // Try to find the query, abort if not found if (!App.Query.ContainsKey(name)) throw new Exception("Can't find Query with name '" + name + "'"); // Get query, check what permissions were assigned to the query-definition var query = App.Query[name] as DeferredPipelineQuery; var queryConf = query.QueryDefinition; var permissionChecker = new PermissionController(App.ZoneId, App.AppId, queryConf.EntityGuid, Dnn.Module); var readAllowed = permissionChecker.UserMay(PermissionGrant.Read); var isAdmin = DotNetNuke.Security.Permissions.ModulePermissionController.CanAdminModule(Dnn.Module); // Only return query if permissions ok if (readAllowed || isAdmin) return Sxc.Serializer.Prepare(query); else throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { Content = new StringContent("Request not allowed. User does not have read permissions for query '" + name + "'"), ReasonPhrase = "Request not allowed" }); }
/// <summary> /// Check if a user may do something - and throw an error if the permission is not given /// </summary> /// <param name="contentType"></param> /// <param name="grant"></param> private void PerformSecurityCheck(string contentType, PermissionGrant grant, bool autoAllowAdmin = false) { // Check if we can find this content-type var ct = new Eav.WebApi.ContentTypeController().GetSingle(App.AppId, contentType, null); if(ct == null) ThrowHttpError(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Could not find Content Type '" + contentType + "'.", "content-types"); // Check if the content-type has a GUID as name - only these can have permission assignments Guid ctGuid; var staticNameIsGuid = Guid.TryParse(ct.StaticName, out ctGuid); if(!staticNameIsGuid) ThrowHttpError(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Content Type '" + contentType + "' is not a standard Content Type - no permissions possible."); // Check permissions in 2sxc - or check if the user has admin-right (in which case he's always granted access for these types of content) var permissionChecker = new PermissionController(App.ZoneId, App.AppId, ctGuid, Dnn.Module); var allowed = permissionChecker.UserMay(grant); var isAdmin = autoAllowAdmin && DotNetNuke.Security.Permissions.ModulePermissionController.CanAdminModule(Dnn.Module); if(!(allowed || isAdmin)) ThrowHttpError(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Request not allowed. User needs permissions to " + grant + " for Content Type '" + contentType + "'.", "permissions"); }
private void CheckTemplatePermissions(PortalSettings portalSettings) { // 2015-05-19 2dm: new: do security check if security exists // should probably happen somewhere else - so it doesn't throw errors when not even rendering... var permissionsOnThisTemplate = new PermissionController(App.ZoneId, App.AppId, Template.Guid, ModuleInfo); // Views only use permissions to prevent access, so only check if there are any configured permissions if (!portalSettings.UserInfo.IsInRole(portalSettings.AdministratorRoleName) && permissionsOnThisTemplate.PermissionList.Any()) if (!permissionsOnThisTemplate.UserMay(PermissionGrant.Read)) throw new RenderingException(new UnauthorizedAccessException( "This view is not accessible for the current user. To give access, change permissions in the view settings. See")); }
/// <summary> /// Get the content data and render it with the given template to the page. /// </summary> protected void ProcessView(PlaceHolder phOutput, Panel pnlError, Panel pnlMessage) { #region Check if everything has values and return if not if (Template == null) { ShowError(LocalizeString("TemplateConfigurationMissing.Text"), pnlError); return; } if (Template.ContentTypeStaticName != "" && DataSource.GetCache(ZoneId.Value, AppId.Value).GetContentType(Template.ContentTypeStaticName) == null) { ShowError("The contents of this module cannot be displayed because it's located in another VDB.", pnlError); return; } if (Template.ContentTypeStaticName != "" && Template.ContentDemoEntity == null && ContentGroup.Content.All(e => e == null)) { var toolbar = IsEditable ? "<ul class='sc-menu' data-toolbar='" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { sortOrder = 0, useModuleList = true, action = "edit" }) + "'></ul>" : ""; ShowMessage(LocalizeString("NoDemoItem.Text") + " " + toolbar, pnlMessage); return; } #endregion #region PermissionsCheck // 2015-05-19 2dm: new: do security check if security exists // should probably happen somewhere else - so it doesn't throw errors when not even rendering... // maybe should show var permissions = new Security.PermissionController(ZoneId.Value, AppId.Value, Template.Guid, this.ModuleContext.Configuration); // Views only need permissions to limit access, so only check if there are any configured permissions if (!UserInfo.IsInRole(PortalSettings.AdministratorRoleName) && permissions.PermissionList.Any()) if (!permissions.UserMay(PermissionGrant.Read)) throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("This view is not accessible for the current user. To give access, change permissions in the view settings. See"); #endregion try { //var renderTemplate = Template; string renderedTemplate; var engine = EngineFactory.CreateEngine(Template); var dataSource = (ViewDataSource)Sexy.GetViewDataSource(ModuleId, SexyContent.HasEditPermission(ModuleConfiguration), Template); engine.Init(Template, Sexy.App, ModuleConfiguration, dataSource, Request.QueryString["type"] == "data" ? InstancePurposes.PublishData : InstancePurposes.WebView, Sexy); engine.CustomizeData(); // Output JSON data if type=data in URL if (Request.QueryString["type"] == "data") { if (dataSource.Publish.Enabled) { var publishedStreams = dataSource.Publish.Streams; renderedTemplate = Sexy.GetJsonFromStreams(dataSource, publishedStreams.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); } else { Response.StatusCode = 403; var moduleTitle = new ModuleController().GetModule(ModuleId).ModuleTitle; renderedTemplate = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { error = "2sxc Content (" + ModuleId + "): " + String.Format(LocalizeString("EnableDataPublishing.Text"), ModuleId, moduleTitle) }); Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true; } Response.ContentType = "application/json"; } else { renderedTemplate = engine.Render(); } // If standalone is specified, output just the template without anything else if (StandAlone) { Response.Clear(); Response.Write(renderedTemplate); Response.Flush(); Response.SuppressContent = true; HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } else phOutput.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(renderedTemplate)); } // Catch errors; log them catch (Exception Ex) { ShowError(LocalizeString("TemplateError.Text") + ": " + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Ex.ToString()), pnlError, LocalizeString("TemplateError.Text"), false); Exceptions.LogException(Ex); } }