public static Stream ProcessAreaNameTexture(FileFetcher _fc, string name, DuplicatableStream jstream, DuplicatableStream ustream) { DuplicatableStream wstream = _fc.GetFile(name, Version.W); FPS4 wani = new FPS4(wstream.Duplicate()); FPS4 uani = new FPS4(new HyoutaTools.Tales.tlzc.TlzcDecompressor().Decompress(ustream.Duplicate())); var clgfileinfo = wani.Files.Where(x => x.FileName.EndsWith(".CLG")).First(); string clgname = clgfileinfo.FileName; FPS4 waniclg = new FPS4(wani.GetChildByName(clgname).AsFile.DataStream); FPS4 uaniclg = new FPS4(uani.GetChildByName(clgname).AsFile.DataStream); DuplicatableStream wtexstream = waniclg.GetChildByIndex(1).AsFile.DataStream; DuplicatableStream utexstream = uaniclg.GetChildByIndex(1).AsFile.DataStream; Stream wtexstreammod = ProcessTexture(name + "/" + clgname, utexstream, wtexstream); long injectOffset = clgfileinfo.Location.Value + waniclg.Files[1].Location.Value; Stream wstreammod = wstream.CopyToMemory(); wstreammod.Position = injectOffset; wtexstreammod.Position = 0; StreamUtils.CopyStream(wtexstreammod, wstreammod, wtexstreammod.Length); wstreammod.Position = 0; return(wstreammod); }
public static Stream ProcessTexture(FileFetcher _fc, string name, DuplicatableStream jstream, DuplicatableStream ustream) { DuplicatableStream wstream = _fc.GetFile(name, Version.W); return(ProcessTexture(name, ustream, wstream)); }
public static (DuplicatableStream metrics, DuplicatableStream texture, Dictionary <char, (int w1, int w2)> charToWidthMap) Run(FileFetcher _fc, Config config) { bool debug = config.DebugFontOutputPath != null; bool adjustMetrics = debug; DuplicatableStream metricsWiiStream = _fc.GetFile("rootR.cpk/sys/FontBinary2.bin", Version.W); DuplicatableStream textureWiiStream = _fc.GetFile("rootR.cpk/sys/FontTexture2.tex", Version.W); DuplicatableStream texturePs3Stream = _fc.GetFile("rootR.cpk/sys/FontTexture2.tex", Version.U); FPS4 metricsWiiFps4 = new FPS4(metricsWiiStream); DuplicatableStream metricsWiiData = metricsWiiFps4.GetChildByIndex(1).AsFile.DataStream; FPS4 textureWiiFps4 = new FPS4(textureWiiStream); FPS4 texturePs3Fps4 = new FPS4(texturePs3Stream); TXM textureWiiTxm = new TXM(textureWiiFps4.GetChildByIndex(0).AsFile.DataStream); TXV textureWiiTxv = new TXV(textureWiiTxm, textureWiiFps4.GetChildByIndex(1).AsFile.DataStream, false); TXM texturePs3Txm = new TXM(texturePs3Fps4.GetChildByIndex(0).AsFile.DataStream); TXV texturePs3Txv = new TXV(texturePs3Txm, texturePs3Fps4.GetChildByIndex(1).AsFile.DataStream, false); Bitmap bitmapWii = textureWiiTxv.textures[0].GetBitmaps()[0]; Bitmap bitmapPs3 = texturePs3Txv.textures[0].GetBitmaps()[0]; if (debug) { Directory.CreateDirectory(config.DebugFontOutputPath); bitmapWii.Save(Path.Combine(config.DebugFontOutputPath, "wii.png")); bitmapPs3.Save(Path.Combine(config.DebugFontOutputPath, "ps3.png")); } var img_wii = bitmapWii; var img_ps3 = bitmapPs3; const int tile_extent_in_image = 25; const int tile_extent_actual = 24; int tiles_x = (img_wii.Width + 1) / tile_extent_in_image; int tiles_y = (img_wii.Height + 1) / tile_extent_in_image; const int ps3_tile_extent_in_image = 37; const int ps3_tile_extent_actual = 36; int ps3_tiles_x = (img_ps3.Width + 1) / ps3_tile_extent_in_image; int ps3_tiles_y = (img_ps3.Height + 1) / ps3_tile_extent_in_image; // split into individual tiles and extract source colors HashSet <Color> colors = new HashSet <Color>(); List <Bitmap> tiles_wii = new List <Bitmap>(); List <Bitmap> tiles_ps3 = new List <Bitmap>(); for (int ty = 0; ty < tiles_y; ++ty) { for (int tx = 0; tx < tiles_x; ++tx) { var bmp = new Bitmap(tile_extent_actual, tile_extent_actual); for (int y = 0; y < tile_extent_actual; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < tile_extent_actual; ++x) { var px = img_wii.GetPixel(tx * tile_extent_in_image + x, ty * tile_extent_in_image + y); colors.Add(px); bmp.SetPixel(x, y, px); } } tiles_wii.Add(bmp); } } for (int ty = 0; ty < ps3_tiles_y; ++ty) { for (int tx = 0; tx < ps3_tiles_x; ++tx) { var bmp = new Bitmap(ps3_tile_extent_actual, ps3_tile_extent_actual); for (int y = 0; y < ps3_tile_extent_actual; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < ps3_tile_extent_actual; ++x) { var px = img_ps3.GetPixel(tx * ps3_tile_extent_in_image + x, ty * ps3_tile_extent_in_image + y); bmp.SetPixel(x, y, px); } } tiles_ps3.Add(bmp); } } // inject ps3 tiles over wii tiles List <(int where, int ps3where, string chars)> charsets = new List <(int where, int ps3where, string chars)>(); charsets.Add((0, 0, "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")); charsets.Add((243, 74, ",.")); charsets.Add((246, 77, ":;?!_")); charsets.Add((254, 83, "/\\~|…")); charsets.Add((260, 118, "‘")); charsets.Add((261, 118, "’")); charsets.Add((262, 119, "“")); charsets.Add((263, 119, "”")); charsets.Add((264, 93, "()[]{}")); charsets.Add((276, 105, "+")); charsets.Add((277, 82, "-")); // copy the dash minus instead of the math minus, looks better in text flow charsets.Add((278, 107, "±×÷=≠<>≤≥")); charsets.Add((289, 118, "'\"")); charsets.Add((293, 122, "$%#&*@")); Dictionary <char, (int w1, int w2)> charToWidthMap = new Dictionary <char, (int w1, int w2)>(); byte[] metrics = new byte[metricsWiiData.Length]; metricsWiiData.Read(metrics, 0, metrics.Length); foreach (var charset in charsets) { int where = charset.where; int ps3where = charset.ps3where; foreach (char ch in charset.chars) { var wiitile = tiles_wii[where]; var averagescaled = DownscaleTileFromPs3ToWiiWithUnweightedAverageScaling(tiles_ps3[ps3where]); //var downscaled = DownscaleTileFromPs3ToWiiWithWeightedScaling(tiles_ps3[ps3where]); var downscaled = averagescaled; PosterizeImage(wiitile, downscaled, colors, tile_extent_actual); PosterizeImage(averagescaled, averagescaled, colors, tile_extent_actual); if (debug) { wiitile.Save(Path.Combine(config.DebugFontOutputPath, string.Format("wii_new_{0:D4}.png", where))); } int cutoff_1 = 180; int cutoff_2 = 220; int leftwhere = where * 8 + 0; int rightwhere = where * 8 + 1; int leftwhere2 = where * 8 + 4; int rightwhere2 = where * 8 + 5; // forcing vertical extents to be the same for all, because text looks *really weird* in english if lines have different heights // for digits, forcing horizontal extents to be the same as well so they look nice in vertical lists bool isDigit = ch == '0' || ch == '1' || ch == '2' || ch == '3' || ch == '4' || ch == '5' || ch == '6' || ch == '7' || ch == '8' || ch == '9'; if (isDigit) { metrics[leftwhere] = ch == '1' ? (byte)(6) : ch == '2' ? (byte)(6) : (byte)(7); metrics[rightwhere] = ch == '1' ? (byte)(8) : ch == '2' ? (byte)(8) : (byte)(7); //metrics[leftwhere2] = ch == '1' ? (byte)(7) : ch == '2' ? (byte)(7) : (byte)(8); //metrics[rightwhere2] = ch == '1' ? (byte)(9) : ch == '2' ? (byte)(9) : (byte)(8); } else { metrics[leftwhere] = (byte)MeasureAlphaFromLeft(averagescaled, cutoff_1); metrics[rightwhere] = (byte)MeasureAlphaFromRight(averagescaled, cutoff_1); //metrics[leftwhere2] = (byte)MeasureAlphaFromLeft(averagescaled, cutoff_2); //metrics[rightwhere2] = (byte)MeasureAlphaFromRight(averagescaled, cutoff_2); } switch (ch) { case 'j': case ';': metrics[leftwhere] += 1; break; case 'A': case 'P': case 'Q': case 'T': case 'Y': case 'W': case 'f': case 's': case 'w': case 'y': case '[': metrics[rightwhere] += 1; break; case 't': metrics[leftwhere] += 1; metrics[rightwhere] += 1; break; default: break; } metrics[leftwhere2] = metrics[leftwhere]; metrics[rightwhere2] = metrics[rightwhere]; switch (ch) { case '.': case ',': metrics[leftwhere2] += 1; metrics[rightwhere] += 1; break; default: break; } metrics[where * 8 + 2] = 0; //(byte)MeasureAlphaFromTop(test, cutoff_1); metrics[where * 8 + 3] = 4; //(byte)MeasureAlphaFromBottom(test, cutoff_1); metrics[where * 8 + 6] = 0; //(byte)MeasureAlphaFromTop(test, cutoff_2); metrics[where * 8 + 7] = 4; //(byte)MeasureAlphaFromBottom(test, cutoff_2); int width1 = tile_extent_actual - (metrics[leftwhere] + metrics[rightwhere]); int width2 = tile_extent_actual - (metrics[leftwhere2] + metrics[rightwhere2]); charToWidthMap.Add(ch, (width1, width2)); ++where; ++ps3where; } } // manually generate good metrics for space; see also code patches in main.dol metrics[0x6F70] = 10; metrics[0x6F71] = 10; metrics[0x6F72] = 0; metrics[0x6F73] = 4; metrics[0x6F74] = 10; metrics[0x6F75] = 10; metrics[0x6F76] = 0; metrics[0x6F77] = 4; charToWidthMap.Add(' ', (tile_extent_actual - 20, tile_extent_actual - 20)); // write out visual representation of font metrics for adjustments if (adjustMetrics) { foreach (var charset in charsets) { int where = charset.where; foreach (char ch in charset.chars) { int factor = 10; var test = PointScale(tiles_wii[where], factor); for (int metricsset = 0; metricsset < 2; ++metricsset) { Color col = metricsset == 0 ? Color.Red : Color.Yellow; int xl = (metrics[where * 8 + metricsset * 4] - 1) * factor + factor - 1; int xr = (tiles_wii[where].Width - metrics[where * 8 + metricsset * 4 + 1]) * factor; int yt = (metrics[where * 8 + metricsset * 4 + 2] - 1) * factor + factor - 1; int yb = (tiles_wii[where].Width - metrics[where * 8 + metricsset * 4 + 3]) * factor; for (int y = 0; y < test.Height; ++y) { if (xl >= 0 && xl < test.Width) { test.SetPixel(xl, y, col); } if (xr >= 0 && xr < test.Width) { test.SetPixel(xr, y, col); } } for (int x = 0; x < test.Width; ++x) { if (yt >= 0 && yt < test.Height) { test.SetPixel(x, yt, col); } if (yb >= 0 && yb < test.Height) { test.SetPixel(x, yb, col); } } } PointScale(test, 3).Save(Path.Combine(config.DebugFontOutputPath, string.Format("metrics_view_{0:D4}.png", where))); ++where; } } } // join indvidiual tiles back into full texture int idx = 0; for (int ty = 0; ty < tiles_y; ++ty) { for (int tx = 0; tx < tiles_x; ++tx) { var bmp = tiles_wii[idx]; for (int y = 0; y < tile_extent_actual; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < tile_extent_actual; ++x) { var px = bmp.GetPixel(x, y); img_wii.SetPixel(tx * tile_extent_in_image + x, ty * tile_extent_in_image + y, px); } } ++idx; } } if (debug) { img_wii.Save(Path.Combine(config.DebugFontOutputPath, "wii_new.png")); } // inject metrics DuplicatableStream outputMetricsStream; { Stream stream = metricsWiiStream.Duplicate().CopyToMemory(); stream.Position = 0x43E0; stream.Write(metrics); stream.Position = 0; byte[] data = new byte[stream.Length]; stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length); outputMetricsStream = new HyoutaUtils.Streams.DuplicatableByteArrayStream(data); } // encode texture DuplicatableStream outputTextureStream; { Stream stream = textureWiiStream.Duplicate().CopyToMemory(); stream.Position = 0x80100; List <(int idx, ushort v)> stuff = new List <(int idx, ushort v)>(); for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { stuff.Add((i, stream.ReadUInt16().FromEndian(EndianUtils.Endianness.BigEndian))); } stream.Position = 0x100; var pxit = new HyoutaTools.Textures.PixelOrderIterators.TiledPixelOrderIterator(img_wii.Width, img_wii.Height, 8, 8); byte storage = 0; bool even = false; foreach (var px in pxit) { if (px.X < img_wii.Width && px.Y < img_wii.Height) { Color col = img_wii.GetPixel(px.X, px.Y); ushort value = HyoutaTools.Textures.ColorFetchingIterators.ColorFetcherGrey8Alpha8.ColorToGrey8Alpha8(col); var colidx = stuff.First(x => x.v == value).idx; if (!even) { storage = (byte)colidx; } else { storage = (byte)(storage << 4 | (byte)colidx); stream.WriteByte(storage); } even = !even; } } stream.Position = 0; byte[] data = new byte[stream.Length]; stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length); outputTextureStream = new HyoutaUtils.Streams.DuplicatableByteArrayStream(data); } return(outputMetricsStream, outputTextureStream, charToWidthMap); }