private void tbx_taskEntry_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { // Checks if the enter key is pressed if (e.KeyChar == Convert.ToChar(13)) { TDLItem newTDLItem = new TDLItem(tbx_taskEntry.Text); taskList[taskList.GetFirstEmpty()] = newTDLItem; // The following removes the ... character if it is present if (listView_tasks.Groups[1].Items.Count == 1) { ListViewItem toDelete; if ((toDelete = listView_tasks.Groups[1].Items[0]).Text == "Empty") { listView_tasks.Items.Remove(toDelete); } } // We add this newly created task to the listView ListViewItem newlyAdded = listView_tasks.Items.Add(new ListViewItem (new[] { newTDLItem.TaskTitle, newTDLItem.Deadline, newTDLItem.Priority.ToString() }, listView_tasks.Groups[1])); // We then save the taskList taskList.SaveTaskList(listView_tasks.Items, folderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath); tbx_taskEntry.Clear(); listView_tasks.Select(); listView_tasks.SelectedIndices.Clear(); listView_tasks.Items[newlyAdded.Index].Selected = true; } }
private void tbx_taskEntry_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { // Checks if the enter key is pressed if (e.KeyChar == Convert.ToChar(13)) { //MessageBox.Show(tbx_taskEntry.Text); TDLItem tdlItem = new TDLItem(tbx_taskEntry.Text); //MessageBox.Show("The input is " + tdlItem.ToBeParsed); } }