public static TmosWorldScreen RandomizerWorldScreenToTmosWorldScreen(RandomizerModWorldScreen randomizerWorldScreen)
            byte[] wsData = new byte[]
            TmosWorldScreen ws = new TmosWorldScreen(wsData);

        public void UpdateWorldScreenBottomTileSection(int worldScreenIndex, int tileSectionIndex)
            RandomizerModWorldScreen ws = WorldScreens[worldScreenIndex];

            ws.BottomTiles       = (byte)tileSectionIndex;
            ws.TileSectionBottom = _romData.LoadTileSection(ws.BottomTiles, GetBottomTileDataOffset(ws.DataPointer));
        public static RandomizerModWorldScreen TmosWorldScreenToRandomizerWorldScreen(TmosWorldScreen tmosWorldScreen)
            RandomizerModWorldScreen ws = new RandomizerModWorldScreen()
                WSContent = RandomizerModWorldScreen.GetContentFromValue(tmosWorldScreen.Content),

                //Loading the original byte values into RandomizeModWorldScreen just for now, even though eventually it should have interactive types like the above values rather than byte values.
                ParentWorld  = tmosWorldScreen.ParentWorld, //music and some other things
                AmbientSound = tmosWorldScreen.AmbientSound,
                //  Content = tmosWorldScreen.Content, //Just used this value to create the WSContent object, so kind of reduntant putting it in the RandomizerModWorldScreenObject
                ObjectSet        = tmosWorldScreen.ObjectSet,
                ScreenIndexRight = tmosWorldScreen.ScreenIndexRight,
                ScreenIndexLeft  = tmosWorldScreen.ScreenIndexLeft,
                ScreenIndexDown  = tmosWorldScreen.ScreenIndexDown,
                ScreenIndexUp    = tmosWorldScreen.ScreenIndexUp,
                DataPointer      = tmosWorldScreen.DataPointer,
                ExitPosition     = tmosWorldScreen.ExitPosition,
                TopTiles         = tmosWorldScreen.TopTiles,    //Just used this value to create the TileSectionTop object, so kind of reduntant putting it in
                BottomTiles      = tmosWorldScreen.BottomTiles, //Just used this value to create the TileSectionBottom object, so kind of reduntant putting it in
                WorldScreenColor = tmosWorldScreen.WorldScreenColor,
                SpritesColor     = tmosWorldScreen.SpritesColor,
                Unknown          = tmosWorldScreen.Unknown,
                Event            = tmosWorldScreen.Event,

        public void UpdateWorldScreenTopTileSection(int worldScreenIndex, int tileSectionIndex)
            RandomizerModWorldScreen ws = WorldScreens[worldScreenIndex];

            //Get Tile Data Offset

            ws.TopTiles       = (byte)tileSectionIndex;
            ws.TileSectionTop = _romData.LoadTileSection(ws.TopTiles, GetTopTileDataOffset(ws.DataPointer));
        public bool CollisionTest_Right_IsCompatable(RandomizerModWorldScreen destinationWS)
            if (ScreenIndexRight == 0xFF)

            //take the edge of this screen's grid, and compare it to the opposite edge of the destinationWS

            Tile[,] tileGrid            = GetTileGrid();
            Tile[,] destinationTileGrid = destinationWS.GetTileGrid();

            Tile[] tileGrid_RightEdge = new Tile[6];
            for (int y = 0; y < tileGrid.GetLength(1); y++)
                tileGrid_RightEdge[y] = tileGrid[7, y];

            Tile[] destinationTileGrid_LeftEdge = new Tile[6];
            for (int y = 0; y < tileGrid.GetLength(1); y++)
                destinationTileGrid_LeftEdge[y] = destinationTileGrid[0, y];

            bool[] compatableCollisionTiles = new bool[6];
            for (int y = 0; y < tileGrid.GetLength(1); y++)
                if (TileIsWalkable(tileGrid_RightEdge[y]) == TileIsWalkable(destinationTileGrid_LeftEdge[y]))
                    compatableCollisionTiles[y] = true;

            //Now we have a bool array indicating which squares are compatable with the other screen. Use this to decide if the screens are compatable

        public bool CollisionTest_Down_IsCompatable(RandomizerModWorldScreen destinationWS)
            if (ScreenIndexDown == 0xFF)
            //take the edge of this screen's grid, and compare it to the opposite edge of the destinationWS

            Tile[,] tileGrid            = GetTileGrid();
            Tile[,] destinationTileGrid = destinationWS.GetTileGrid();

            Tile[] tileGrid_BottomEdge = new Tile[8];
            for (int x = 0; x < tileGrid.GetLength(0); x++)
                tileGrid_BottomEdge[x] = tileGrid[x, 5];

            Tile[] destinationTileGrid_TopEdge = new Tile[8];
            for (int x = 0; x < tileGrid.GetLength(0); x++)
                destinationTileGrid_TopEdge[x] = destinationTileGrid[x, 0];

            bool[] compatableCollisionTiles = new bool[8];
            for (int x = 0; x < tileGrid.GetLength(0); x++)
                if (TileIsWalkable(tileGrid_BottomEdge[x]) == TileIsWalkable(destinationTileGrid_TopEdge[x]))
                    compatableCollisionTiles[x] = true;

            //Now we have a bool array indicating which squares are compatable with the other screen. Use this to decide if the screens are compatable

        public void LoadWorldScreensFromRom(TmosRom tmosRom)
            WorldScreens = new RandomizerModWorldScreen[TmosData.DataStructureCounts.WorldScreen_Count];

            //Now we have data from the rom

            //Convert the TmosWorldScreens into RandomizerModWorldScreens (which will hopefully be less tied to the lower level details)
            for (int i = 0; i < WorldScreens.Length; i++)
                TmosWorldScreen tmosWorldScreen = tmosRom.LoadWorldScreen(i);

                RandomizerModWorldScreen ws = new RandomizerModWorldScreen()
                    WSContent = RandomizerModWorldScreen.GetContentFromValue(tmosWorldScreen.Content),

                    //Loading the original byte values into RandomizeModWorldScreen just for now, even though eventually it should have interactive types like the above values rather than byte values.
                    ParentWorld  = tmosWorldScreen.ParentWorld, //music and some other things
                    AmbientSound = tmosWorldScreen.AmbientSound,
                    //  Content = tmosWorldScreen.Content, //Just used this value to create the WSContent object, so kind of reduntant putting it in the RandomizerModWorldScreenObject
                    ObjectSet        = tmosWorldScreen.ObjectSet,
                    ScreenIndexRight = tmosWorldScreen.ScreenIndexRight,
                    ScreenIndexLeft  = tmosWorldScreen.ScreenIndexLeft,
                    ScreenIndexDown  = tmosWorldScreen.ScreenIndexDown,
                    ScreenIndexUp    = tmosWorldScreen.ScreenIndexUp,
                    DataPointer      = tmosWorldScreen.DataPointer,
                    ExitPosition     = tmosWorldScreen.ExitPosition,
                    TopTiles         = tmosWorldScreen.TopTiles,    //Just used this value to create the TileSectionTop object, so kind of reduntant putting it in
                    BottomTiles      = tmosWorldScreen.BottomTiles, //Just used this value to create the TileSectionBottom object, so kind of reduntant putting it in
                    WorldScreenColor = tmosWorldScreen.WorldScreenColor,
                    SpritesColor     = tmosWorldScreen.SpritesColor,
                    Unknown          = tmosWorldScreen.Unknown,
                    Event            = tmosWorldScreen.Event,

                int bottomTileDataOffset = 0;
                int topTileDataOffset    = 0;
                if (ws.DataPointer >= 0x40 && ws.DataPointer < 0x8f)
                    bottomTileDataOffset = 0x2000;
                    topTileDataOffset    = 0x0000;

                else if (ws.DataPointer >= 0x8f && ws.DataPointer < 0xA0)
                    bottomTileDataOffset = 0x0000;
                    topTileDataOffset    = 0x2000;
                else if (ws.DataPointer >= 0xC0)
                    topTileDataOffset    = 0x2000;
                    bottomTileDataOffset = 0x2000;

                ws.TileSectionTop    = _romData.LoadTileSection(ws.TopTiles, topTileDataOffset);
                ws.TileSectionBottom = _romData.LoadTileSection(ws.BottomTiles, bottomTileDataOffset);

                WorldScreens[i] = ws;