public override void DrawCustomTilePreview(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Rectangle previewRect, TileType tileType)
     if (PaintType == PaintingType.Drawing)
         Utility.DrawCustomTile(spriteBatch, previewRect, tileType);
        public void PaintArea(TileLayer layer, int tileX, int tileY, Rectangle selectorRect, TileType tileType)
            int selectorTileWidth = selectorRect.Width / layer.TileSize;
            int selectorTileHeight = selectorRect.Height / layer.TileSize;

            for (int x = 0; x < selectorTileWidth; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < selectorTileHeight; y++)
                    Rectangle tileRect = new Rectangle(selectorRect.X + (x * layer.TileSize), selectorRect.Y + (y * layer.TileSize), layer.TileSize, layer.TileSize);

                    Tile replacementTile = TileFactory.Get(tileType, tileRect, layer.TilesetTileWidth);

                    bool inBounds = tileX + x >= 0 && tileY + y >= 0 && tileX + x < layer.Width && tileY + y < layer.Height;

                    if (inBounds)
                        if (layer.GetTile(tileX + x, tileY + y).Value == replacementTile.Value)

                        layer.SetTile(tileX + x, tileY + y, replacementTile);
        public override void Use(TileLayer layer, int tileX, int tileY, Rectangle selectorRect, TileType tileType)
            int tileWidth = selectorRect.Width / layer.TileSize;
            int tileHeight = selectorRect.Height / layer.TileSize;

            for (int x = 0; x < layer.Width; x += tileWidth)
                for (int y = 0; y < layer.Height; y += tileHeight)
                    PaintArea(layer, x, y, selectorRect, tileType);
        public override void Use(TileLayer layer, int tileX, int tileY, Rectangle selectorRect, TileType tileType)
            for (int x = 0; x < selection.Rectangle.Width / layer.TileSize; x += selectorRect.Width / layer.TileSize)
                for (int y = 0; y < selection.Rectangle.Height / layer.TileSize; y += selectorRect.Height / layer.TileSize)
                    Rectangle r = new Rectangle(selectorRect.X, selectorRect.Y, selection.Rectangle.Width - (x * layer.TileSize), selection.Rectangle.Height - (y * layer.TileSize));

                    PaintArea(layer, x + (selection.Rectangle.X / layer.TileSize), y + (selection.Rectangle.Y / layer.TileSize), r, tileType);
 public static Tile Get(TileType tileType, Rectangle tileRect, int tilesetTileWidth)
     switch (tileType.Identifier)
         case RegularTile.Identifier:
             return new RegularTile(tileRect, tilesetTileWidth);
         case EmptyTile.Identifier:
             return new EmptyTile();
             return new CustomTile(tileType);
        public static void DrawCustomTile(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Rectangle r, TileType tileType)
            Texture2D workingPixel = whitePixel ?? CreateWhitePixel(spriteBatch.GraphicsDevice);

            const float alphaAmount = 0.5f;

            int colorR = (int)(tileType.Color.R * alphaAmount);
            int colorG = (int)(tileType.Color.G * alphaAmount);
            int colorB = (int)(tileType.Color.B * alphaAmount);
            int colorA = (int)(tileType.Color.A * alphaAmount);

            Color transparentColor = new Color(colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA);

            spriteBatch.Draw(workingPixel, r, transparentColor);
        public void DrawMap(Map map, Tool currentTool, Rectangle toolPreviewRect, Rectangle viewingRectangle, TileType tileType, bool showOtherLayers, bool showCollisionLayer, bool showGrid, bool renderDisplay)
            Vector3 previewCamera = new Vector3(-viewingRectangle.X, -viewingRectangle.Y, 0f);

            spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, null, null, null, null, Matrix.CreateTranslation(previewCamera));


            if (renderDisplay)
                DrawLayersWithToolPreviews(map, currentTool, toolPreviewRect, viewingRectangle, tileType, showOtherLayers, showCollisionLayer);

                if (showGrid)
                    DrawGrid(map.TileSize, viewingRectangle);

        private void DrawLayersWithToolPreviews(Map map, Tool currentTool, Rectangle toolPreviewRect, Rectangle viewingRectangle, TileType tileType, bool showOtherLayers, bool showCollisionLayer)
            Rectangle currentViewingRectangle = new Rectangle(viewingRectangle.X / map.TileSize, viewingRectangle.Y / map.TileSize, viewingRectangle.Width / map.TileSize + 3, viewingRectangle.Height / map.TileSize + 3); // Draw a couple more just in case

            bool isCustomTile = tileType.Identifier != 0;

            foreach (TileLayer layer in map.TileLayers)
                bool isLayerActive = map.ActiveLayerIndex == map.TileLayers.IndexOf(layer);

                if (isLayerActive)
                    if (!isCustomTile)
                        currentTool.DrawRegularTilePreview(spriteBatch, map.TilesetTexture, toolPreviewRect, selectorTileset.Rectangle);

                    layer.Draw(spriteBatch, toolPreviewRect, !isCustomTile, currentViewingRectangle); // Draws the layer and skips tiles covered by the tool preview
                    if (showOtherLayers)
                        layer.Draw(spriteBatch, currentViewingRectangle);

            if (isCustomTile)
                currentTool.DrawCustomTilePreview(spriteBatch, toolPreviewRect, tileType);

            if (showCollisionLayer)
                map.CustomLayer.Draw(spriteBatch, toolPreviewRect, isCustomTile, currentViewingRectangle); // Draw the collision layer and skip tiles that are covered by the tool preview

            if (toolPreviewRect != Rectangle.Empty)
                Utility.DrawRectangle(spriteBatch, 3, toolPreviewRect, Color.Orange); // Draw border around selector
 public CustomTile(TileType tileType)
     this.tileType = new TileType(tileType);
 public TileType(TileType copy)
     Name = copy.Name;
     Identifier = copy.Identifier;
     Color = copy.Color;
 public abstract void Use(TileLayer layer, int tileX, int tileY, Rectangle selectorRect, TileType tileType);
 public abstract void DrawCustomTilePreview(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Rectangle previewRect, TileType tileType);
 public override void DrawCustomTilePreview(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Rectangle previewRect, TileType tileType)
     // The fill tool has no preview
 public override void Use(TileLayer layer, int tileX, int tileY, Rectangle selectorRect, TileType tileType)
     PaintArea(layer, tileX, tileY, selectorRect, tileType);
        private void PaintWithTool()
            TileType tileType = new TileType(TileType.DefaultName, 1);

            if (tileTypesComboBox.SelectedIndex > 0)
                tileType = new TileType(tileTypes[tileTypesComboBox.SelectedIndex]);

            if (Tool.PaintType == Tool.PaintingType.Erasing)
                tileType.Identifier = 0;

            currentTool.Use(tileTypesComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0 ? map.ActiveLayer : map.CustomLayer, Tool.Position.X / map.TileSize, Tool.Position.Y / map.TileSize, selectorTileset.Rectangle, tileType);
        private void ParseTile(int currentLayerIndex, string tileContent, int x, int y)
            int tileValue;

            if (int.TryParse(tileContent, out tileValue))
                int tilesetTileWidth = map.TilesetTexture.Width / mapDimensions.TileSize;

                int ts = mapDimensions.TileSize;

                int tileX = (tileValue - 1) % tilesetTileWidth * ts;
                int tileY = (tileValue - 1) / tilesetTileWidth * ts;

                Rectangle tileRect = new Rectangle(tileX, tileY, ts, ts);

                TileType tileType = null;

                if (currentLayerIndex != -1 && tileValue >= 0)
                    tileType = new TileType(TileType.DefaultName, tileValue == 0 ? EmptyTile.Identifier : RegularTile.Identifier);
                    foreach (TileType t in tileTypes.Where(t => t.Identifier == tileValue))
                        tileType = t;

                Tile newTile = TileFactory.Get(tileType, tileRect, tilesetTileWidth);

                if (currentLayerIndex == -1)
                    customLayer[y, x] = newTile;
                    tileLayers[currentLayerIndex][y, x] = newTile;
                throw new FormatException(string.Format("The map file could not be read because the tile at layer {0}, row {1}, column {2} is malformed.", currentLayerIndex + 1, y + 1, x + 1));
 public override void DrawCustomTilePreview(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Rectangle previewRect, TileType tileType)
     Utility.DrawCustomTile(spriteBatch, previewRect, tileType);
 public void ReplaceTileType(int value, TileType newTileType)
     for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
             if (GetTile(x, y).Value == value)
                 SetTile(x, y, new CustomTile(newTileType));
        private void ParseKeys(XDocument xReader)
            BindingList<TileType> tempTileTypes = new BindingList<TileType>();

            IEnumerable<XElement> keys = xReader.Descendants("CustomLayerKeys").Elements();

            foreach (XElement key in keys)
                XAttribute keyNameAttribute = key.Attribute("Name");
                XAttribute keyIdentifierAttribute = key.Attribute("Identifier");
                XAttribute keyColorAttribute = key.Attribute("Color");

                if (keyNameAttribute == null || keyIdentifierAttribute == null || keyColorAttribute == null)
                    throw new FormatException("The map file could not be read because a key name, identifier, or color is malformed.");

                string keyName = keyNameAttribute.Value;

                int keyIdentifier;

                if (!int.TryParse(keyIdentifierAttribute.Value, out keyIdentifier))
                    throw new FormatException(string.Format("The map file could not be read because the key identifier {0} is malformed.", keyIdentifierAttribute.Value));

                int keyColorARGB;

                if (!int.TryParse(keyColorAttribute.Value, out keyColorARGB))
                    throw new FormatException(string.Format("The map file could not be read because the key color {0} is malformed.", keyColorAttribute.Value));

                var keyColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(keyColorARGB);

                TileType tileType = new TileType(keyName, keyIdentifier, keyColor);



            foreach (TileType t in tempTileTypes)