/// <summary>Raises the <see cref="E:System.Web.UI.Control.Load"></see> event.</summary> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.EventArgs"></see> object that contains the event data.</param> protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { Assert.ArgumentNotNull((object)e, ExtensionMethods.nameof(() => e)); base.OnLoad(e); if (Sitecore.Context.ClientPage.IsEvent) { return; } TinyMCEEditorUrl tinyMCEEditorUrl = new TinyMCEEditorUrl() { Conversion = TinyMCEEditorUrl.HtmlConversion.DoNotConvert, Disabled = this.Disabled, FieldID = this.FieldID, ID = this.ID, ItemID = this.ItemID, Language = this.ItemLanguage, Mode = "ContentEditor", ShowInFrameBasedDialog = true, Source = this.Source, Url = string.Empty, Value = this.Value, Version = this.ItemVersion }; UrlString url = tinyMCEEditorUrl.GetUrl(); this.handle = tinyMCEEditorUrl.Handle; this.setValueOnPreRender = true; this.SourceUri = url.ToString(); }
/// <summary>Edits the text.</summary> /// <param name="args">The args.</param> protected void EditHtmlTinyMCE(ClientPipelineArgs args) { Assert.ArgumentNotNull((object)args, ExtensionMethods.nameof(() => args)); if (this.Disabled) { return; } if (args.IsPostBack) { if (args.Result == null || args.Result == "undefined") { return; } this.UpdateHtml(args); } else { TinyMCEEditorUrl richTextEditorUrl = new TinyMCEEditorUrl() { Conversion = TinyMCEEditorUrl.HtmlConversion.DoNotConvert, Disabled = this.Disabled, FieldID = this.FieldID, ID = this.ID, ItemID = this.ItemID, Language = this.ItemLanguage, Mode = string.Empty, ShowInFrameBasedDialog = true, Source = this.Source, Url = "/sitecore/shell/Controls/TinyMCE Editor/EditorPage.aspx", Value = this.Value, Version = this.ItemVersion }; UrlString url = richTextEditorUrl.GetUrl(); url.Add("so_mce", SourceMce); this.handle = richTextEditorUrl.Handle; SheerResponse.ShowModalDialog(new ModalDialogOptions(url.ToString()) { Width = "1200", Height = "730px", Response = true, Header = Translate.Text("Rich Text Editor") }); args.WaitForPostBack(); } }
/// <summary>Edits the text.</summary> /// <param name="args">The args.</param> protected void EditHtmlTinyMCE(ClientPipelineArgs args) { TinyEditorConfigurationResult configurationResult = Utils.LoadTinyEditorConfiguration(); int windowWidth, windowHeight; if (!int.TryParse(configurationResult.EditorWindowWidth, out windowWidth)) { windowWidth = 1220; } if (!int.TryParse(configurationResult.EditorWindowHeight, out windowHeight)) { windowHeight = 730; } Assert.ArgumentNotNull((object)args, ExtensionMethods.nameof(() => args)); if (this.Disabled) return; if (args.IsPostBack) { if (args.Result == null || !(args.Result != "undefined")) return; this.UpdateHtml(args); } else { TinyMCEEditorUrl richTextEditorUrl = new TinyMCEEditorUrl() { Conversion = TinyMCEEditorUrl.HtmlConversion.DoNotConvert, Disabled = this.Disabled, FieldID = this.FieldID, ID = this.ID, ItemID = this.ItemID, Language = this.ItemLanguage, Mode = string.Empty, ShowInFrameBasedDialog = true, Source = this.Source, Url = "/sitecore/shell/Controls/TinyMCE Editor/EditorPage.aspx", Value = this.Value, Version = this.ItemVersion }; UrlString url = richTextEditorUrl.GetUrl(); this.handle = richTextEditorUrl.Handle; SheerResponse.ShowModalDialog(new ModalDialogOptions(url.ToString()) { Width = string.Format("{0}px", windowWidth), Height = string.Format("{0}px", windowHeight), Response = true, Header = Translate.Text("Rich Text Editor") }); args.WaitForPostBack(); } }
/// <summary>Parse string</summary> /// <param name="urlString">The url String.</param> /// <returns>Initialized TinyMCEEditorUrl object</returns> public static TinyMCEEditorUrl Parse(string urlString) { Assert.ArgumentNotNull((object)urlString, ExtensionMethods.nameof(() => urlString)); TinyMCEEditorUrl tinyMCEEditorUrl = new TinyMCEEditorUrl(); UrlString urlString1 = new UrlString(urlString); tinyMCEEditorUrl.ItemID = StringUtil.GetString(new string[2] { urlString1["id"], string.Empty }); tinyMCEEditorUrl.ID = StringUtil.GetString(new string[1] { urlString1["ed"] }); tinyMCEEditorUrl.Version = StringUtil.GetString(new string[1] { urlString1["vs"] }); tinyMCEEditorUrl.Language = StringUtil.GetString(new string[1] { urlString1["la"] }); tinyMCEEditorUrl.FieldID = StringUtil.GetString(new string[1] { urlString1["fld"] }); tinyMCEEditorUrl.Source = StringUtil.GetString(new string[1] { urlString1["so"] }); tinyMCEEditorUrl.Disabled = urlString1["di"] == "1"; tinyMCEEditorUrl.Handle = StringUtil.GetString(new string[1] { urlString1["hdl"] }); tinyMCEEditorUrl.Mode = StringUtil.GetString(new string[1] { urlString1["mo"] }); tinyMCEEditorUrl.IsPageEdit = urlString1["pe"] == "1"; tinyMCEEditorUrl.ShowInFrameBasedDialog = urlString1["fbd"] == "1"; return(tinyMCEEditorUrl); }