public static void BadAssert (string input, CalcError output, string errorObject, [CallerLineNumber] int line = 0) { CalcResult result = new Calc ().Solve (input); if (result.Error != output) { Debug.WriteLine ("Line " + line + ": " + input + " = " + output.ToString () + ", GOT " + result.Error.ToString ()); } else if (result.ErrorObject != errorObject) { Debug.WriteLine ("Line " + line + ": " + input + " = " + output.ToString () + " and " + errorObject + ", GOT " + result.Error.ToString () + " and " + result.ErrorObject); } }
public static void Assert (string input, double output, [CallerLineNumber] int line = 0) { CalcResult result = new Calc ().Solve (input); if (Math.Abs (result.Result - output) <= Math.Abs (result.Result * 0.00001)) { } else if (result.Error != CalcError.None) { Debug.WriteLine ("Line " + line + ": " + input + " = " + output + ", GOT " + result.Error); } else { Debug.WriteLine ("Line " + line + ": " + input + " = " + output + ", GOT " + result.Result); } }