public TimingSplitViewController() : base()
            // create our master and detail views
            _detailViewController = new TimingDetailViewController();
            var detailNavigationController = new UINavigationController(_detailViewController);

            _masterViewController = new TimingMasterViewController(_detailViewController);
            var masterNavigationController = new UINavigationController(_masterViewController);

            ShouldHideViewController = (svc, vc, orientation) => {

            _detailViewController.ItemAdded += (item) => _masterViewController.AddItem(item);

            //			Li stFiles ("");

            // ALWAYS SET THIS LAST (since iOS5.1)
            // create an array of controllers from them and then assign it to the
            // controllers property
            ViewControllers = new UIViewController[] { masterNavigationController, detailNavigationController };
        public TimingSplitViewController()
            : base()
            // create our master and detail views
            _detailViewController = new TimingDetailViewController ();
            var detailNavigationController = new UINavigationController (_detailViewController);
            _masterViewController = new TimingMasterViewController (_detailViewController);
            var masterNavigationController = new UINavigationController (_masterViewController);

            ShouldHideViewController = (svc, vc, orientation) => {
                return false;

            _detailViewController.ItemAdded += (item) => _masterViewController.AddItem(item);

            //			Li stFiles ("");

            // ALWAYS SET THIS LAST (since iOS5.1)
            // create an array of controllers from them and then assign it to the
            // controllers property
            ViewControllers = new UIViewController[] { masterNavigationController, detailNavigationController };