        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the map-related functionality in
        /// the MainForm
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeMap()
            // Create a blank tilemap
            tilemap = new Tilemap("Untitled", 1, 100, 100, 50, 50);

            // Assign our event handlers
            newMapImageToolstripMenuItem.Click += NewMapClicked;
            loadTilemapToolStripMenuItem.Click += LoadMapClicked;
            saveTilemapToolStripMenuItem.Click += SaveMapClicked;

            hScrollBarMap.Scroll += MapScrolled;
            vScrollBarMap.Scroll += MapScrolled;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new camera instance, tied to a particular tilemap
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphicsDevice">The GraphicsDevice</param>
        /// <param name="tilemap">The Tilemap this camera is tied to</param>
        public Camera(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Tilemap tilemap)
            Viewport viewport = graphicsDevice.Viewport;

            effect = new BasicEffect(graphicsDevice)
                TextureEnabled = true,
                VertexColorEnabled = true,
                World = Matrix.Identity,
                View = Matrix.Identity,
                Projection = Matrix.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(0, viewport.Width, viewport.Height, 0, 0, 1)

            center = new Vector2(viewport.Width / 2, viewport.Height / 2);

            bounds = new Rectangle(
                viewport.Width / 2,
                viewport.Height / 2,
                tilemap.Width * tilemap.TileWidth - viewport.Width,
                tilemap.Height * tilemap.TileHeight - viewport.Height
        /// <summary>
        /// Event handler for the "New Map" menu item.  Launches
        /// a dialog to colleced the needed map information. If 
        /// the dialog is successful, the resulting map is loaded
        /// into the editor.
        /// </summary>
        void NewMapMenuClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (mapDirty)
                if (DialogResult.Yes != MessageBox.Show("The map has not been saved.  Continue creating a new map?", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo))

            MapDialog mapDialog = new MapDialog();

            if (mapDialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
                // Store the resulting tilemap
                tilemap = mapDialog.Tilemap;
                mapViewerControl.Tilemap = tilemap;

                // Set the scrollbar maximums to match our map size
                hScrollBar2.Maximum = tilemap.Width;
                vScrollBar1.Maximum = tilemap.Height;

                // Clear our old lists

                // Mark the map as dirty until it is saved
                mapDirty = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Clicking the OK button validates the values provided by
        /// the form, and if successful, creates a new tilemap using
        /// those values, setting the DialogResult to true
        /// </summary>
        private void buttonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string mapName;
            int mapLayers, mapWidth, mapHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight;

            mapName = textBoxMapName.Text;
            if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(mapName)) { MessageBox.Show("You must enter a map name", "Error"); return;}

            try { mapLayers = int.Parse(textBoxLayers.Text); }
            catch { MessageBox.Show("You must enter a map width", "Error"); return; }
            if (mapLayers <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("Map width must be greater than 0"); return; }

            try { mapWidth = int.Parse(textBoxMapWidth.Text); }
            catch { MessageBox.Show("You must enter a map width", "Error"); return;}
            if (mapWidth <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("Map width must be greater than 0"); return; }

            try { mapHeight = int.Parse(textBoxMapHeight.Text); }
            catch { MessageBox.Show("You must enter a map height", "Error"); return;}
            if (mapHeight <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("Map height must be greater than 0"); return; }

            try { tileWidth = int.Parse(textBoxTileWidth.Text); }
            catch { MessageBox.Show("You must enter a tile width", "Error"); return; }
            if (tileWidth <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("Tile width must be greater than 0"); return; }

            try { tileHeight = int.Parse(textBoxTileHeight.Text); }
            catch { MessageBox.Show("You must enter a tile height", "Error"); return; }
            if (tileHeight <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("Tile height must be greater than 0"); return; }

            Tilemap = new Tilemap(mapName, mapLayers, mapWidth, mapHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight);

            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
        /// all of your content.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);

            //load tilemap
            tilemap = Content.Load<Tilemap>("NNmap1");

            //load player
            player = new Player();
            player.Tilemap = tilemap;
            player.LayerIndex = tilemap.PlayerStart.Layer;

            //need to modify this slightly more than 1 tile to the right
            player.Position = tilemap.PlayerStart.Position + new Vector2(60, 20);

            //target 30 fps for sped-up play, minimum for normal collision function
            //will need to scale this with time scale: based on framerate on desktop computer
            this.TargetElapsedTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0f / 60.0f);

            //heart = Content.Load<Texture2D>("heart");

            //load camera
            camera = new Camera(GraphicsDevice, tilemap);
            camera.Target = player;

            //enemies = new List<Enemy>();
            //if (tilemap.EnemyLocations != null)
            //    foreach (EnemyStart e in tilemap.EnemyLocations)
            //    {
            //        enemies.Add(new Enemy(e.MonsterType, e.Layer, e.Position));
            //    }

            //gems = new List<Gem>();
            //if (tilemap.Gems != null)
            //    foreach (GemLocation g in tilemap.Gems)
            //    {
            //        gems.Add(new Gem(g.GemType, g.Layer, g.Position));
            //    }

            //Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution - from freemusicarchive.org
            //bgSong = Content.Load<Song>("Sounds/Rolemusic - Leafless_Quince_Tree");

            spriteFont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("SpriteFont1");


            gameState = GameState.Start;
        /// <summary>
        /// Event handler for when the "Load Map" menu item is clicked
        /// </summary>
        void LoadMapClicked(Object obj, EventArgs e)
            // Make sure the current map is saved, or intentionally being discarded
            if (mapDirty)
                string message = "The current tilemap has not been saved - opening a new one will lose any changes you made.  Are you sure you want to continue?";
                if (DialogResult.Yes != MessageBox.Show(message, "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo))

            // Create a OpenFileDialog to find our file
            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
            ofd.InitialDirectory = tilemapPath;
            ofd.DefaultExt = ".tmap";
            ofd.Filter = "tilemap files (*.tmap)|*.tmap";
            ofd.RestoreDirectory = true;

            if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(ofd.FileName))
                    TilemapContent tilemapContent = IntermediateSerializer.Deserialize<TilemapContent>(reader, null);

                    // Create a tilemap with the same size as our loaded one
                    tilemap = new Tilemap(tilemapContent.Name, tilemapContent.Layers.Count, tilemapContent.Width, tilemapContent.Height, tilemapContent.TileHeight, tilemapContent.TileWidth);

                    // Clear our old lists

                    // Create the tiles
                    foreach (TileContent tileContent in tilemapContent.TilePalette)
                        // Load the texture through the content pipline so we can render it
                        // in our XNA controls
                        Texture2D texture = LoadTexture(tileContent.Image.Filename);

                        // Create an instance of the tile and add it to the palette
                        Tile tile = new Tile(){
                            Name = tileContent.Name,
                            Image = texture

                        // Add the new tile image to the tileListView, and assign it a new image
                        tileListView.Items.Add(tileContent.Name, tileImageList.Images.Count);

                        // Load the new image representing our new tile

                        // Add the TileContent to our TilePalette

                    // Create the layers
                    foreach (TilemapLayerContent layerContent in tilemapContent.Layers)
                        // Create a corresponding TilemapLayer
                        TilemapLayer layer = new TilemapLayer(layerContent.Name, layerContent.Width, layerContent.Height, layerContent.TileWidth, layerContent.TileHeight);
                        layer.TileData = layerContent.TileData;

                        // Add the layer to our tilemap

                        // Add the layer to our layer GUI list

                    // Deselect the selected tile index on the mapViewer
                    mapViewerControl.SelectedTileIndex = -1;

                Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;
        /// <summary>
        /// Event handler for the "New Map" menu item.  Launches
        /// a dialog to colleced the needed map information. If 
        /// the dialog is successful, the resulting map is loaded
        /// into the editor.
        /// </summary>
        void NewMapClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (mapDirty)
                if(DialogResult.Yes != MessageBox.Show("The map has not been saved.  Continue creating a new map?", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo))

            MapDialog mapDialog = new MapDialog();

            if (mapDialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
                // Store the resulting tilemap
                tilemap = mapDialog.Tilemap;

                // Set the scrollbar maximums to match our map size
                hScrollBarMap.Maximum = tilemap.Width;
                vScrollBarMap.Maximum = tilemap.Height;

                // Clear our old lists

                // Add our layers to the layer list gui
                foreach(TilemapLayer layer in tilemap.Layers)

                // Mark the map as dirty until it is saved
                mapDirty = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
        /// all of your content.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);

            //load tilemap
            tilemap = Content.Load<Tilemap>("Map2");

            //load player
            player = new Player();
            player.Tilemap = tilemap;
            player.LayerIndex = tilemap.PlayerStart.Layer;
            player.Position = tilemap.PlayerStart.Position;

            //heart = Content.Load<Texture2D>("heart");

            //load camera
            camera = new Camera(GraphicsDevice, tilemap);
            camera.Target = player;

            //enemies = new List<Enemy>();
            //if (tilemap.EnemyLocations != null)
            //    foreach (EnemyStart e in tilemap.EnemyLocations)
            //    {
            //        enemies.Add(new Enemy(e.MonsterType, e.Layer, e.Position));
            //    }

            //gems = new List<Gem>();
            //if (tilemap.Gems != null)
            //    foreach (GemLocation g in tilemap.Gems)
            //    {
            //        gems.Add(new Gem(g.GemType, g.Layer, g.Position));
            //    }

            //Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution - from freemusicarchive.org
            //bgSong = Content.Load<Song>("Sounds/Rolemusic - Leafless_Quince_Tree");

            spriteFont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("SpriteFont1");


            gameState = GameState.Start;