        /// <summary>
        /// clears the current code
        /// </summary>
  //      public void Clear()
  //      {
  //          WholeOutput = "";
  //      }

  /*      public TexOutputParser()
            parsingStack = new Stack<string>();
        private void parseNewOutput()
            alreadyShowError = false;
            citeNotfound = false;
            hasProblem = false;
            error = "";
            occurance = "";
            linenr = -1;
            severity = Severity.WARNING;
            errorsFound = false;
            WholeOutput = "";
        } */

        public static ParseResult parseOutput( string WholeOutput, TexCompiler.Job job)
            List<TexError> ErrorList = new List<TexError>();
            ParseResult ret = new ParseResult() { Errors= ErrorList, ErrorsFound=false };

            //if WholeOutput is not complete, ignore it. However, this should NEVER happen.
            if (!WholeOutput.Contains("Transcript written on"))
                ret.ErrorsFound = true;
                return ret;

            Stack<String> parsingStack = new Stack<string>();
            bool alreadyShowError = false;
            bool citeNotfound = false;
            bool hasProblem = false;
            string error = "";
            string occurance = "";
            int linenr = -1;
            Severity severity = Severity.WARNING;
            bool errorsFound = false;

            WholeOutput = DebreakLines(WholeOutput);

            //take WholeOutput and use each line as token
            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(WholeOutput, Environment.NewLine);

            Regex LATEXERROR = new Regex("^! LaTeX Error: (.*)$");
            Regex LATEXCERROR = new Regex("^(.+?\\.\\w{3}):(\\d+): (.+)$");
            Regex TEXERROR = new Regex("^!\\s+(.*)$");            
            Regex FULLBOX = new Regex("^(?:Over|Under)full \\\\[hv]box .* at lines? (\\d+)-?-?(\\d+)?");
            Regex WARNING = new Regex("^.+[Ww]arning.*: (.*)$");
            Regex ATLINE = new Regex("^l\\.(\\d+)(.*)$");
            Regex ATLINE2 = new Regex(".* line (\\d+).*");
            Regex NOBIBFILE = new Regex("^No file .+\\.bbl\\.$");
            Regex NOTOCFILE = new Regex("^No file .+\\.toc\\.$");

            String line = "";
            while (st.hasMoreTokens())
                line = st.nextToken();

                #region Skipped
                /* //This is assumed to be performed before adding lines to WholeOutput by calling addLine()
                //Add more lines if line length is a multiple of 79 and
                //it does not end with ...
                while (!line.endsWith("...") && st.hasMoreTokens()
                      && line.length() % MAX_LINE_LENGTH == 0)
                    line = line + st.nextToken();

                //not sure what this is good for
                line = line.Replace(" {2,}", " ").Trim();

                Match m = LATEXCERROR.Match(line);
                if (m.Success)
                    //C-Style LaTeX error
                    addProblemMarker(m.Groups[3].Value, m.Groups[1].Value, Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[2]), Severity.ERROR, job, ErrorList);
                    //Maybe parsingStack is empty...
                    if (parsingStack.Count == 0)
                        //Add the file to the stack
                        parsingStack.Push("(" + m.Groups[1]);

                 m = TEXERROR.Match(line);
                if (m.Success && line.IndexOf("warning", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1)
                    if (hasProblem)
                        // We have a not reported problem
                        addProblemMarker(error, occurance, linenr, severity, job, ErrorList);
                        linenr = -1;
                    hasProblem = true;
                    errorsFound = true;
                    severity = Severity.ERROR;
                    occurance = determineSourceFile(parsingStack);
                    Match m2 = LATEXERROR.Match(line);
                    if (m2.Success)
                        // LaTex error
                        error = m2.Groups[1].Value; ;

                        String part2 = st.nextToken().Trim();

                        if (part2 != "" && Char.IsLower(part2[0]))
                            error += ' ' + part2;
                        updateParsedFile(part2, job, parsingStack, ErrorList, ref alreadyShowError);
                    if (line.StartsWith("! Undefined control sequence."))
                        // Undefined Control Sequence
                        error = "Undefined control sequence: ";
                    m2 = WARNING.Match(line);
                    if (m2.Success)
                        severity = Severity.WARNING;
                    error = m.Groups[1].Value;
                m = WARNING.Match(line);
                if (m.Success)
                    if (hasProblem)
                        // We have a not reported problem
                        addProblemMarker(error, occurance, linenr, severity, job, ErrorList);
                        linenr = -1;
                        hasProblem = false;
                    if (line.IndexOf("Label(s) may have changed.") > -1)
                        // prepare to re-run latex
                                TexlipseProperties.SESSION_LATEX_RERUN, "true");*/
                        GlobalUI.UI.AddStatusLine(null, "SHOULD RERUN LATEX.", true);
                    else if (line.IndexOf("There were undefined") > -1)
                        if (citeNotfound)
                            // prepare to run bibtex
                                    TexlipseProperties.SESSION_BIBTEX_RERUN, "true");*/
                            GlobalUI.UI.AddStatusLine(null, "SHOULD RERUN BIBTEX.", true);

                    // Ignore undefined references or citations because they are
                    // found by the parser
                    if (line.IndexOf("Warning: Reference `") > -1)
                    if (line.IndexOf("Warning: Citation `") > -1)
                        citeNotfound = true;
                    severity = Severity.WARNING;
                    occurance = determineSourceFile(parsingStack);
                    hasProblem = true;
                    if (line.StartsWith("LaTeX Warning: ") || line.IndexOf("pdfTeX warning") != -1)
                        error = m.Groups[1].Value;
                        //Try to get the line number
                        Match pm = ATLINE2.Match(line);
                        if (pm.Success)
                            linenr = Convert.ToInt32(pm.Groups[1].Value);

                        String nextLine = st.nextToken().Replace(" {2,}", " ");
                        pm = ATLINE2.Match(nextLine);
                        if (pm.Success)
                            linenr = Convert.ToInt32(pm.Groups[1].Value);
                        updateParsedFile(nextLine, job, parsingStack, ErrorList, ref alreadyShowError);
                        error += nextLine;
                        if (linenr != -1)
                            addProblemMarker(line, occurance, linenr, severity, job, ErrorList);
                            hasProblem = false;
                            linenr = -1;
                        error = m.Groups[1].Value;
                        //Try to get the line number
                        Match pm = ATLINE2.Match(line);
                        if (pm.Success)
                            linenr = Convert.ToInt32((pm.Groups[1].Value));
                m = FULLBOX.Match(line);
                if (m.Success)
                    if (hasProblem)
                        // We have a not reported problem
                        addProblemMarker(error, occurance, linenr, severity, job, ErrorList);
                        linenr = -1;
                        hasProblem = false;
                    severity = Severity.WARNING;
                    occurance = determineSourceFile(parsingStack);
                    error = line;
                    linenr = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[1].Value);
                    addProblemMarker(line, occurance, linenr, severity, job, ErrorList);
                    hasProblem = false;
                    linenr = -1;
                m = NOBIBFILE.Match(line);
                if (m.Success)
                    // prepare to run bibtex
                    GlobalUI.UI.AddStatusLine(null, "SHOULD RUN BIBTEX.", true);
                m = NOTOCFILE.Match(line);
                if (m.Success)
                    // prepare to re-run latex
                    GlobalUI.UI.AddStatusLine(null, "SHOULD RERUN LATEX.", true);
                m = ATLINE.Match(line);                
                if (hasProblem && m.Success)
                    linenr = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[1].Value);
                    String part2 = st.nextToken();
                    int index = line.IndexOf(' ');
                    if (index > -1)
                        error += " " + line.Substring(index).Trim() + " (followed by: "
                                + part2.Trim() + ")";
                        addProblemMarker(error, occurance, linenr, severity, job, ErrorList);
                        linenr = -1;
                        hasProblem = false;
                m = ATLINE2.Match(line);
                if (hasProblem && m.Success)
                    linenr = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[1].Value);
                    addProblemMarker(error, occurance, linenr, severity, job, ErrorList);
                    linenr = -1;
                    hasProblem = false;
                updateParsedFile(line, job, parsingStack, ErrorList, ref alreadyShowError);


            if (hasProblem)
                // We have a not reported problem
                  // do not add "==> Fatal error blabla " to error list (is not an error)
                  //addProblemMarker(error, occurance, linenr, severity);
                //hasProblem = false;
            ret.ErrorsFound = errorsFound;
            return ret;
        /// <summary>
        /// clears the current code
        /// </summary>
        //      public void Clear()
        //      {
        //          WholeOutput = "";
        //      }

        /*      public TexOutputParser()
         *    {
         *        parsingStack = new Stack<string>();
         *        parseNewOutput();
         *    }
         *    private void parseNewOutput()
         *    {
         *        parsingStack.Clear();
         *        alreadyShowError = false;
         *        citeNotfound = false;
         *        hasProblem = false;
         *        error = "";
         *        occurance = "";
         *        linenr = -1;
         *        severity = Severity.WARNING;
         *        errorsFound = false;
         *        WholeOutput = "";
         *    } */

        public static ParseResult parseOutput(string WholeOutput, TexCompiler.Job job)
            List <TexError> ErrorList = new List <TexError>();
            ParseResult     ret       = new ParseResult()
                Errors = ErrorList, ErrorsFound = false

            //if WholeOutput is not complete, ignore it. However, this should NEVER happen.
            if (!WholeOutput.Contains("Transcript written on"))
                ret.ErrorsFound = true;

            Stack <String> parsingStack     = new Stack <string>();
            bool           alreadyShowError = false;
            bool           citeNotfound     = false;
            bool           hasProblem       = false;
            string         error            = "";
            string         occurance        = "";
            int            linenr           = -1;
            Severity       severity         = Severity.WARNING;
            bool           errorsFound      = false;

            WholeOutput = DebreakLines(WholeOutput);

            //take WholeOutput and use each line as token
            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(WholeOutput, Environment.NewLine);

            Regex LATEXERROR  = new Regex("^! LaTeX Error: (.*)$");
            Regex LATEXCERROR = new Regex("^(.+?\\.\\w{3}):(\\d+): (.+)$");
            Regex TEXERROR    = new Regex("^!\\s+(.*)$");
            Regex FULLBOX     = new Regex("^(?:Over|Under)full \\\\[hv]box .* at lines? (\\d+)-?-?(\\d+)?");
            Regex WARNING     = new Regex("^.+[Ww]arning.*: (.*)$");
            Regex ATLINE      = new Regex("^l\\.(\\d+)(.*)$");
            Regex ATLINE2     = new Regex(".* line (\\d+).*");
            Regex NOBIBFILE   = new Regex("^No file .+\\.bbl\\.$");
            Regex NOTOCFILE   = new Regex("^No file .+\\.toc\\.$");

            String line = "";

            while (st.hasMoreTokens())
                line = st.nextToken();

                #region Skipped

                /* //This is assumed to be performed before adding lines to WholeOutput by calling addLine()
                 * //Add more lines if line length is a multiple of 79 and
                 * //it does not end with ...
                 * while (!line.endsWith("...") && st.hasMoreTokens()
                 *    && line.length() % MAX_LINE_LENGTH == 0)
                 * {
                 *  line = line + st.nextToken();
                 * }

                //not sure what this is good for
                line = line.Replace(" {2,}", " ").Trim();

                Match m = LATEXCERROR.Match(line);
                if (m.Success)
                    //C-Style LaTeX error
                    addProblemMarker(m.Groups[3].Value, m.Groups[1].Value, Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[2]), Severity.ERROR, job, ErrorList);
                    //Maybe parsingStack is empty...
                    if (parsingStack.Count == 0)
                        //Add the file to the stack
                        parsingStack.Push("(" + m.Groups[1]);

                m = TEXERROR.Match(line);
                if (m.Success && line.IndexOf("warning", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1)
                    if (hasProblem)
                        // We have a not reported problem
                        addProblemMarker(error, occurance, linenr, severity, job, ErrorList);
                        linenr = -1;
                    hasProblem  = true;
                    errorsFound = true;
                    severity    = Severity.ERROR;
                    occurance   = determineSourceFile(parsingStack);
                    Match m2 = LATEXERROR.Match(line);
                    if (m2.Success)
                        // LaTex error
                        error = m2.Groups[1].Value;;

                        String part2 = st.nextToken().Trim();

                        if (part2 != "" && Char.IsLower(part2[0]))
                            error += ' ' + part2;
                        updateParsedFile(part2, job, parsingStack, ErrorList, ref alreadyShowError);
                    if (line.StartsWith("! Undefined control sequence."))
                        // Undefined Control Sequence
                        error = "Undefined control sequence: ";
                    m2 = WARNING.Match(line);
                    if (m2.Success)
                        severity = Severity.WARNING;
                    error = m.Groups[1].Value;
                m = WARNING.Match(line);
                if (m.Success)
                    if (hasProblem)
                        // We have a not reported problem
                        addProblemMarker(error, occurance, linenr, severity, job, ErrorList);
                        linenr     = -1;
                        hasProblem = false;
                    if (line.IndexOf("Label(s) may have changed.") > -1)
                        // prepare to re-run latex

                         *      TexlipseProperties.SESSION_LATEX_RERUN, "true");*/
                        GlobalUI.UI.AddStatusLine(null, "SHOULD RERUN LATEX.", true);
                    else if (line.IndexOf("There were undefined") > -1)
                        if (citeNotfound)
                            // prepare to run bibtex

                             *      TexlipseProperties.SESSION_BIBTEX_RERUN, "true");*/
                            GlobalUI.UI.AddStatusLine(null, "SHOULD RERUN BIBTEX.", true);

                    // Ignore undefined references or citations because they are
                    // found by the parser
                    if (line.IndexOf("Warning: Reference `") > -1)
                    if (line.IndexOf("Warning: Citation `") > -1)
                        citeNotfound = true;
                    severity   = Severity.WARNING;
                    occurance  = determineSourceFile(parsingStack);
                    hasProblem = true;
                    if (line.StartsWith("LaTeX Warning: ") || line.IndexOf("pdfTeX warning") != -1)
                        error = m.Groups[1].Value;
                        //Try to get the line number
                        Match pm = ATLINE2.Match(line);
                        if (pm.Success)
                            linenr = Convert.ToInt32(pm.Groups[1].Value);

                        String nextLine = st.nextToken().Replace(" {2,}", " ");
                        pm = ATLINE2.Match(nextLine);
                        if (pm.Success)
                            linenr = Convert.ToInt32(pm.Groups[1].Value);
                        updateParsedFile(nextLine, job, parsingStack, ErrorList, ref alreadyShowError);
                        error += nextLine;
                        if (linenr != -1)
                            addProblemMarker(line, occurance, linenr, severity, job, ErrorList);
                            hasProblem = false;
                            linenr     = -1;
                        error = m.Groups[1].Value;
                        //Try to get the line number
                        Match pm = ATLINE2.Match(line);
                        if (pm.Success)
                            linenr = Convert.ToInt32((pm.Groups[1].Value));
                m = FULLBOX.Match(line);
                if (m.Success)
                    if (hasProblem)
                        // We have a not reported problem
                        addProblemMarker(error, occurance, linenr, severity, job, ErrorList);
                        linenr     = -1;
                        hasProblem = false;
                    severity  = Severity.WARNING;
                    occurance = determineSourceFile(parsingStack);
                    error     = line;
                    linenr    = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[1].Value);
                    addProblemMarker(line, occurance, linenr, severity, job, ErrorList);
                    hasProblem = false;
                    linenr     = -1;
                m = NOBIBFILE.Match(line);
                if (m.Success)
                    // prepare to run bibtex
                    GlobalUI.UI.AddStatusLine(null, "SHOULD RUN BIBTEX.", true);
                m = NOTOCFILE.Match(line);
                if (m.Success)
                    // prepare to re-run latex
                    GlobalUI.UI.AddStatusLine(null, "SHOULD RERUN LATEX.", true);
                m = ATLINE.Match(line);
                if (hasProblem && m.Success)
                    linenr = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[1].Value);
                    String part2 = st.nextToken();
                    int    index = line.IndexOf(' ');
                    if (index > -1)
                        error += " " + line.Substring(index).Trim() + " (followed by: "
                                 + part2.Trim() + ")";
                        addProblemMarker(error, occurance, linenr, severity, job, ErrorList);
                        linenr     = -1;
                        hasProblem = false;
                m = ATLINE2.Match(line);
                if (hasProblem && m.Success)
                    linenr = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[1].Value);
                    addProblemMarker(error, occurance, linenr, severity, job, ErrorList);
                    linenr     = -1;
                    hasProblem = false;
                updateParsedFile(line, job, parsingStack, ErrorList, ref alreadyShowError);

            if (hasProblem)
                // We have a not reported problem

                // do not add "==> Fatal error blabla " to error list (is not an error)
                //addProblemMarker(error, occurance, linenr, severity);
                //hasProblem = false;
            ret.ErrorsFound = errorsFound;