        // Only disagrees with the MLE ordering in a small number of cases that are necessary to avoid gradient issues
        public static double MLEV4(GEV dist, double[] evalPoints)
            double       sum     = 0;
            const double EPSILON = 1E-6;

            for (int i = 0; i < evalPoints.Length; i++)
                double density = dist.Density(evalPoints[i]);
                sum += Math.Log(EPSILON + density);
            return(-sum / evalPoints.Length);
        public static void TestGEVComplementComputations()
            double ep           = Math.Pow(2, -50);
            double complementEp = 1.0 - ep;

            int testSize = 20;

            //GEV[] dists = new GEV[] { new GEV(0,200,-1), new GEV(0,100,-1) };

            GEV[]  dists = new GEV[testSize];
            Random rand  = new Xoshiro256StarStar(8675309);

            for (int i = 0; i < dists.Length; i++)
                dists[i] = new GEV(rand.NextDouble(), rand.NextDouble(), -rand.NextDouble(), rand);

            IDistributionWrapper[] wrappedDists = new IDistributionWrapper[dists.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < dists.Length; i++)
                wrappedDists[i] = new WrappedDistribution(dists[i], dists[i].InverseCumulativeDistribution(ep), dists[i].InverseCumulativeDistribution(complementEp));

            double[] complements     = DiscardProbabilityComputation.ComplementsClenshawCurtisAutomatic(wrappedDists);
            double[] complemetnsTrap = DiscardProbabilityComputation.ComplementsTrapezoid(wrappedDists, 10000);
            double[] mcComplements   = DiscardProbabilityComputation.ComplementsMonteCarlo(wrappedDists, iterations: 10000000);
            double   totalc          = 0;
            double   totalmc         = 0;
            double   totalTrap       = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < complements.Length; i++)
                GEV dist = dists[i];
                Program.logger.WriteLine($"Distribution Scale: {dist.scale} Loc {dist.location} Shape {dist.shape} " +
                                         $"1-P(D) {complements[i]} MC {mcComplements[i]} Trap {complemetnsTrap[i]}");
                totalc    += complements[i];
                totalmc   += mcComplements[i];
                totalTrap += complemetnsTrap[i];

            Program.logger.WriteLine($"Total probability: {totalc} Total by MC: {totalmc} Total by Trap 10k: {totalTrap}");
        public static void TestGEV() // Scratchwork, prototyping, etc.
            Logger output  = new Logger("GEV Test A.csv");
            Logger output2 = new Logger("GEV Test B.csv");
            //var dist = new ChiSquared(4, Program.rand);
            var dist = new Beta(2, 2);

            //var dist = new Beta(2, 5);
            //var dist = new Beta(2, 1.5);
            output.WriteLine($"Distribution: {dist.ToString().Replace(',',' ')}");
            //var dist = new Exponential(2, Program.rand);
            //var dist = new Gamma(2, 2, Program.rand);
            const int sampleSize = 300;

            output.WriteLine($"Samplesize: {sampleSize}");

            // Report the distribution 1-1/e quantile
            double upperQuantile = dist.InverseCumulativeDistribution(1 - 1.0 / sampleSize);
            double lowerQuantile = dist.InverseCumulativeDistribution(1.0 / sampleSize);

            output.WriteLine($"1-1/samplesize quantile: {upperQuantile}");
            output.WriteLine($"1/samplesize quantile: {lowerQuantile}");

            // Monte Carlo for the true distribution of the sample maximum
            double[] observations = new double[10000];

            for (int i = 0; i < observations.Length; i++)
                double max = double.NegativeInfinity;
                for (int j = 0; j < sampleSize; j++)
                    max = Math.Max(max, dist.Sample());
                observations[i] = max;

            ContinuousDistribution MonteCarloDistributionOfTheMaximum = ContinuousDistribution.ECDF(observations, Program.rand);

            // --- Find the best fit GEV distribution for this dataset ---

            #region Old code

             * // Compute location and scale parameter estimates for a given shape parameter Xi using the median and variance
             * void EstimateParameters(double shape, double median, double variance, out double location, out double scale)
             * {
             *  if (shape == 0)
             *  {
             *      scale = Math.Sqrt(6 * variance) / Math.PI;
             *      location = median + scale * Math.Log(Math.Log(2));
             *      return;
             *  }
             *  // This scale may or may not work for Xi > 0.5
             *  scale = Math.Sign(shape) * shape * Math.Sqrt(variance) / Math.Sqrt(SpecialFunctions.Gamma(1 - 2 * shape) - SpecialFunctions.Gamma(1 - shape) * SpecialFunctions.Gamma(1 - shape));
             *  if (double.IsNaN(scale)) scale = Math.Sqrt(6 * variance) / Math.PI;
             *  location = median - scale * (Math.Pow(Math.Log(2), -shape) - 1) / shape;
             * }*/

            double FitnessExactModel(GEV model)
                double val = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < observations.Length; i++)
                    val += Math.Pow(model.CumulativeDistribution(observations[i]) - MonteCarloDistributionOfTheMaximum.CumulativeDensity(observations[i]), 2);

            #region Old code
            //double medianEst = Statistics.Median(observations);
            //double varianceEst = Statistics.VarianceEstimate(observations);

             * GEV Optimize(double startingval, out double fitness)
             * {
             *  double locationEst;
             *  double scaleEst;
             *  double bestScore = double.PositiveInfinity;
             *  GEV bestSoFar = null;
             *  bool increasing = false;
             *  int sinceImproved = 0;
             *  double shapeEst = startingval; // Neg or pos will stay that way throughout the optimization
             *  while (true)
             *  {
             *      EstimateParameters(shapeEst, medianEst, varianceEst, out locationEst, out scaleEst);
             *      GEV model = new GEV(locationEst, scaleEst, shapeEst, Program.rand);
             *      double score = FitnessExactModel(model);
             *      if (score < bestScore)
             *      {
             *          bestScore = score;
             *          bestSoFar = model;
             *          sinceImproved = 0;
             *      }
             *      else
             *      {
             *          increasing ^= true;
             *          if (++sinceImproved > 10) break;
             *      }
             *      if (increasing) shapeEst += 0.3 * startingval;
             *      else shapeEst *= 0.5;
             *  }
             *  fitness = bestScore;
             *  return bestSoFar;
             * }
             * GEV OptimizeV2(double initialGuess, out double fitness)
             * {
             *  double locationEst, scaleEst;
             *  double bestScore = double.PositiveInfinity;
             *  GEV bestSoFar = null;
             *  double shapeEst = initialGuess;
             *  double bestShapeSoFar = initialGuess;
             *  // Grow the estimate by doubling until it is no longer improving
             *  while (true)
             *  {
             *      EstimateParameters(shapeEst, medianEst, varianceEst, out locationEst, out scaleEst);
             *      GEV model = new GEV(locationEst, scaleEst, shapeEst, Program.rand);
             *      double score = FitnessExactModel(model);
             *      if (score < bestScore) // If it improved
             *      {
             *          bestScore = score;
             *          bestSoFar = model;
             *          bestShapeSoFar = shapeEst;
             *      }
             *      else break;
             *      shapeEst *= 2;
             *  }
             *  double magnitude = bestShapeSoFar;
             *  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) // 10 corresponds to 3 correct digits
             *  {
             *      double delta = magnitude * Math.Pow(2, -(i + 1)); // Half in size for each iteration
             *      // Three positions: the current one, one lower by delta, and one higher by delta
             *      // Lower Model
             *      EstimateParameters(bestShapeSoFar - delta, medianEst, varianceEst, out locationEst, out scaleEst);
             *      GEV lowerModel = new GEV(locationEst, scaleEst, bestShapeSoFar - delta, Program.rand);
             *      double lowerScore = FitnessExactModel(lowerModel);
             *      // Upper Model
             *      EstimateParameters(bestShapeSoFar + delta, medianEst, varianceEst, out locationEst, out scaleEst);
             *      GEV upperModel = new GEV(locationEst, scaleEst, bestShapeSoFar + delta, Program.rand);
             *      double upperScore = FitnessExactModel(upperModel);
             *      // Move to the best of the three
             *      double bestfitness = Math.Min(bestScore, Math.Min(upperScore, lowerScore));
             *      bestScore = bestfitness;
             *      if (lowerScore == bestfitness)
             *      {
             *          bestShapeSoFar = bestShapeSoFar - delta;
             *          bestSoFar = lowerModel;
             *      }
             *      else if (upperScore == bestfitness)
             *      {
             *          bestShapeSoFar = bestShapeSoFar + delta;
             *          bestSoFar = upperModel;
             *      }
             *  }
             *  fitness = bestScore;
             *  return bestSoFar;
             * }

            GEV OptimizeBFGS(Func <Vector <double>, double> objectiveFunc, double initialShape, double initialScale, double initialLocation)
                // Formatted by shape, scale, location
                var lowerBounds  = CreateVector.DenseOfArray(new double[] { -10, Math.Min(-3 * initialScale, 3 * initialScale), Math.Min(-3 * initialLocation, 3 * initialLocation) });
                var upperBounds  = CreateVector.DenseOfArray(new double[] { 10, Math.Max(-3 * initialScale, 3 * initialScale), Math.Max(-3 * initialLocation, 3 * initialLocation) });
                var initialGuess = CreateVector.DenseOfArray(new double[] { initialShape, initialScale, initialLocation });

                var min = FindMinimum.OfFunctionConstrained(objectiveFunc, lowerBounds, upperBounds, initialGuess);

                return(new GEV(min[2], min[1], min[0], Program.rand));

            #region Old code

            // Optimize for Xi

            /*double fitNeg, fitZero, fitPos;
             * GEV bestNeg = OptimizeV2(-1, out fitNeg);
             * GEV bestPos = OptimizeV2(1, out fitPos);
             * double locZero, scaleZero;
             * EstimateParameters(0, medianEst, varianceEst, out locZero, out scaleZero);
             * GEV zeroModel = new GEV(locZero, scaleZero, 0, Program.rand);
             * fitZero = Fitness(zeroModel);
             * // Choose the best model of the three
             * double minScore = Math.Min(fitNeg, Math.Min(fitPos, fitZero));
             * GEV bestModel = null;
             * if (fitNeg == minScore) bestModel = bestNeg;
             * if (fitPos == minScore) bestModel = bestPos;
             * if (fitZero == minScore) bestModel = zeroModel; // Prefer zero, then pos
             * Console.WriteLine($"Best Negative model: shape: {bestNeg.shape} scale: {bestNeg.scale} location: {bestNeg.location} fitness: {fitNeg}");
             * Console.WriteLine($"Best Positive model: shape: {bestPos.shape} scale: {bestPos.scale} location: {bestPos.location} fitness: {fitPos}");
             * Console.WriteLine($"Zero model: shape: {zeroModel.shape} scale: {zeroModel.scale} location: {zeroModel.location} fitness: {fitZero}");

            double scaleGuess    = Math.Sqrt(6 * Statistics.VarianceEstimate(observations)) / Math.PI;
            double locationGuess = Statistics.Median(observations) + scaleGuess * Math.Log(Math.Log(2));
            double shapeGuess    = 0.5; // Use Pickands estimator here in the actual model
            Func <Vector <double>, double> objectiveFunction = x => FitnessExactModel(new GEV(x[2], x[1], x[0], Program.rand));
            GEV bestModelMonteCarlo = OptimizeBFGS(objectiveFunction, shapeGuess, scaleGuess, locationGuess);

            output.WriteLine($"MC Exact GEV Model: shape{bestModelMonteCarlo.shape} location{bestModelMonteCarlo.location} scale {bestModelMonteCarlo.scale}");

            double[] sample = new double[sampleSize];
            dist.Samples(sample); // Take a sample from dist
            // Report the sample min and max
            output.WriteLine($"Sample maximum: {sample[sample.Length - 1]}");
            //var sorter = new List<double>(sample);
            //sample = sorter.ToArray();

            // Smoothed version
            //double[] smoothedData = new double[sample.Length - 1];
            //for (int i = 0; i < smoothedData.Length; i++) { smoothedData[i] = 0.5 * (sample[i] + sample[i + 1]); }
            //var pickandsApprox = new PickandsApproximation(smoothedData, method: PickandsApproximation.FittingMethod.Pickands_SupNorm); // Construct a Pickands tail approx from the sample

            var pickandsApprox = new GPDApproximation(sample, method: GPDApproximation.FittingMethod.V4); // Construct a Pickands tail approx from the sample
            // Bootstrap observations of the distribution of the sample maximum from the Pickands model
            double[] approxObservations = new double[observations.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < approxObservations.Length; i++)
                double max = double.NegativeInfinity;
                for (int j = 0; j < sampleSize; j++)
                    max = Math.Max(max, pickandsApprox.Sample());
                approxObservations[i] = max;

            ContinuousDistribution approxECDF = ContinuousDistribution.ECDF(approxObservations); // ECDF of the bootstrapped observations
            //scaleGuess = Math.Sqrt(6 * Statistics.Variance(approxObservations)) / Math.PI;
            //locationGuess = Statistics.Median(approxObservations) + scaleGuess * Math.Log(Math.Log(2));
            // Guess location and scale
            shapeGuess = pickandsApprox.c;
            if (shapeGuess < 0)
                double g1 = SpecialFunctions.Gamma(1 - shapeGuess);
                double g2 = SpecialFunctions.Gamma(1 - 2 * shapeGuess);
                scaleGuess    = Math.Sqrt(Statistics.Variance(approxObservations) * shapeGuess * shapeGuess / (g2 - g1 * g1));
                locationGuess = Statistics.Mean(approxObservations) - scaleGuess * (g1 - 1) / shapeGuess;
                scaleGuess    = Math.Sqrt(6 * Statistics.Variance(approxObservations)) / Math.PI;
                locationGuess = Statistics.Median(approxObservations) + scaleGuess * Math.Log(Math.Log(2));

            GEV estimatedGEVUnfitted = new GEV(location: locationGuess, scale: scaleGuess, shape: pickandsApprox.c); // Using the Pickands estimator for shape

            output.WriteLine($"UnfittedGEVModel: shape{estimatedGEVUnfitted.shape} location{estimatedGEVUnfitted.location} scale {estimatedGEVUnfitted.scale}");

            // Fit the model to the data drawn from the Pickands model
            double FitnessApproxModel(GEV model)
                double val = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < approxObservations.Length; i++)
                    val += Math.Pow(model.CumulativeDistribution(approxObservations[i]) - approxECDF.CumulativeDensity(approxObservations[i]), 2);

            objectiveFunction = x => FitnessApproxModel(new GEV(x[2], x[1], x[0], Program.rand));
            GEV fittedApproxModel = OptimizeBFGS(objectiveFunction, pickandsApprox.c, scaleGuess, locationGuess);

            output.WriteLine($"FittedGEVModel: shape{fittedApproxModel.shape} location{fittedApproxModel.location} scale {fittedApproxModel.scale}");

            double[] proportions          = Interpolation.Linspace(0.000001, 0.999999, 2000);
            double[] observationQuantiles = Interpolation.Linspace(0.000001, 0.999999, 2000);
            for (int i = 0; i < observationQuantiles.Length; i++)
                observationQuantiles[i] = Statistics.Quantile(observations, observationQuantiles[i]);

            output.WriteLine("Abscissas,Monte Carlo ECDF,GEV Fit of MC ECDF,Estimated ECDF,Estimated GEV Unfitted,Estimated GEV Fitted,,ErrDistExactAbscissas,ErrDistExactValues,ErrDistModelAbscissas,ErrDistModelValues,ErrDistUnfittedAbscissas,ErrDistUnfittedValues");
            for (int i = 0; i < observationQuantiles.Length; i++)
                output.WriteLine($"{observationQuantiles[i]}," +
                                 $"{MonteCarloDistributionOfTheMaximum.CumulativeDensity(observationQuantiles[i])}," +
                                 $"{bestModelMonteCarlo.CumulativeDistribution(observationQuantiles[i])}," +
                                 $"{approxECDF.CumulativeDensity(observationQuantiles[i])}," +
                                 $"{estimatedGEVUnfitted.CumulativeDistribution(observationQuantiles[i])}," +
                                 $"{fittedApproxModel.CumulativeDistribution(observationQuantiles[i])}," +
                                 $"," + // Space
                                 $"{observationQuantiles[i] - upperQuantile}," +
                                 $"{MonteCarloDistributionOfTheMaximum.CumulativeDensity(observationQuantiles[i])}," +
                                 //$"{quantiles[i] - sample[sample.Length - 1]}," +
                                 $"{estimatedGEVUnfitted.InverseCumulativeDistribution(proportions[i]) - estimatedGEVUnfitted.location}," +
                                 $"{proportions[i]}," +
                                 $"{fittedApproxModel.InverseCumulativeDistribution(proportions[i]) - fittedApproxModel.location}," +

            double[] distributionQuantiles = Interpolation.Linspace(0.000001, 0.999999, 2000);
            for (int i = 0; i < distributionQuantiles.Length; i++)
                distributionQuantiles[i] = dist.InverseCumulativeDistribution(distributionQuantiles[i]);
            output2.WriteLine("Abscissas,True CDF,Pickands Estimate");
            for (int i = 0; i < distributionQuantiles.Length; i++)
                output2.WriteLine($"{distributionQuantiles[i]}," +
                                  $"{dist.CumulativeDistribution(distributionQuantiles[i])}," +

            #region Temp for figure
            output2.WriteLine("\\draw[line width=1.5pt]");

            for (int i = 0; i < distributionQuantiles.Length - 1; i++)
                output2.WriteLine($"({distributionQuantiles[i]},{dist.CumulativeDistribution(distributionQuantiles[i])}) --");
            output2.WriteLine($"({distributionQuantiles[distributionQuantiles.Length - 1]},{dist.CumulativeDistribution(distributionQuantiles[distributionQuantiles.Length - 1])});");

            output2.WriteLine("\\draw[line width=1.5pt]");

            for (int i = 0; i < distributionQuantiles.Length; i++)
                output2.WriteLine($"({distributionQuantiles[i]},{pickandsApprox.CDF(distributionQuantiles[i])}) --");
            output2.WriteLine($"({distributionQuantiles[distributionQuantiles.Length - 1]},{pickandsApprox.CDF(distributionQuantiles[distributionQuantiles.Length - 1])});");


            // Clean up
        public static ParameterDistribution OneOverNthQuantileViaSampleMinimumParameterDistribution(double[] data, double[] monteCarloStorage, Random rand = null)
            if (rand == null)
                rand = Program.rand;

            // Start by computing a tail estimate. The PBDH theorem says this should be GPD shaped.
            // We are using a small amount of smoothing on the ECDF as well here
            var GPDECDFApprox = new GPDApproximation(data, GPDApproximation.FittingMethod.V4, rand);

            // Make observations of the max under this model
            for (int i = 0; i < monteCarloStorage.Length; i++)
                double max = double.NegativeInfinity;
                for (int j = 0; j < data.Length; j++) // Same number of observations as original sample
                    max = Math.Max(max, GPDECDFApprox.Sample());
                monteCarloStorage[i] = max;

            // --- Optimize to find the best-fit GEV model for these observations ---
            // Note: Optimization is no longer required here, so these methods are not used
            #region Helper Methods (Deprecated)

             * double FitnessSquaredError(GEV model)
             * {
             *  double val = 0;
             *  for (int i = 0; i < monteCarloStorage.Length; i++)
             *  {
             *      double deviation = model.CumulativeDistribution(monteCarloStorage[i]) - (i + 1) * 1.0 / monteCarloStorage.Length;
             *      val += deviation * deviation;
             *  }
             *  return val;
             * }
             * GEV OptimizeBFGS(Func<Vector<double>, double> objectiveFunc, double initialShape, double initialScale, double initialLocation)
             * {
             *  // Formatted by shape, scale, location
             *  var lowerBounds = CreateVector.DenseOfArray(new double[] { Math.Min(-5, 3 * initialShape), initialScale / 3.0, initialLocation - 5 * initialScale });
             *  var upperBounds = CreateVector.DenseOfArray(new double[] { Math.Min(3, 3 * Math.Abs(initialShape)), initialScale * 3.0, initialLocation + 5 * initialScale });
             *  var initialGuess = CreateVector.DenseOfArray(new double[] { initialShape, initialScale, initialLocation });
             *  var min = FindMinimum.OfFunctionConstrained(objectiveFunc, lowerBounds, upperBounds, initialGuess, 1E-05, 1E-03, 0.01, 10000);
             *  //var result = new BfgsBMinimizer(1E-02, 1E-02, 1E-01, 500).FindMinimum(ObjectiveFunction.Value(objectiveFunc), lowerBounds, upperBounds, initialGuess);
             *  //var min = result.MinimizingPoint;
             *  return new GEV(min[2], min[1], min[0], rand);
             * }

            #region Old Code: Moment Estimator and Optimization

             * // Initial guesses
             * double shapeGuess = Math.Max(-5, Math.Min(GPDECDFApprox.c, 3)); // Shape in PBD is also an estimate of the shape of the GEV
             * double locationGuess, scaleGuess;
             * if (shapeGuess < 0)
             * {
             *  double g1 = SpecialFunctions.Gamma(1 - shapeGuess);
             *  double g2 = SpecialFunctions.Gamma(1 - 2 * shapeGuess);
             *  scaleGuess = Math.Sqrt(Statistics.Variance(bootstrapStorage) * shapeGuess * shapeGuess / (g2 - g1 * g1));
             *  locationGuess = Statistics.Mean(bootstrapStorage) - scaleGuess * (g1 - 1) / shapeGuess;
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  scaleGuess = Math.Sqrt(6 * Statistics.Variance(bootstrapStorage)) / Math.PI;
             *  locationGuess = Statistics.Median(bootstrapStorage) + scaleGuess * Math.Log(Math.Log(2));
             * }
             #if DEBUG
             * if (scaleGuess <= 0 || double.IsNaN(scaleGuess)) throw new Exception("Scale must be > 0.");

            // Testing

             * Program.logger.WriteLine($"Guesses: shape {shapeGuess} scale {scaleGuess} loc {locationGuess}");
             * Program.logger.WriteLine("Data to fit");
             * for (int i = 0; i < bootstrapStorage.Length; i++)
             * {
             *  Program.logger.WriteLine($"{bootstrapStorage[i]}, {(i + 1.0) / bootstrapStorage.Length}");
             * }

            // Optimize for the best fit
            //double ObjFunction(Vector<double> x) => FitnessSquaredError(new GEV(x[2], x[1], x[0], rand));
            //GEV fittedApproxModel = OptimizeBFGS(ObjFunction, shapeGuess, scaleGuess, locationGuess);
            //return new GEV(data[data.Length - 1], fittedApproxModel.scale, fittedApproxModel.shape, rand);

            // Skip opt
            //return new GEV(data[data.Length - 1], scaleGuess, shapeGuess, rand); // Needs the data to be sorted ahead of time
            //return new GEV(locationGuess, scaleGuess, shapeGuess, rand); // Try this with the sample max instead of the locGuess

            // Compute the parameters of the GEV distribution of the observed maxima
            // These two are pretty much exact with mild assumptions
            double mu = GPDECDFApprox.Quantile((data.Length - 1) * 1.0 / data.Length);
            double xi = Math.Max(-5, Math.Min(GPDECDFApprox.c, 3));

            // Sigma is computed from the observations of the max
            GEV gevApprox = GEVApprox.ViaMLE(monteCarloStorage, mu, xi);
            //GEV errorDist = new GEV(mu - gevApprox.Median, gevApprox.scale, gevApprox.shape); // Median version
            var errorDist = new GEV(0, gevApprox.scale, gevApprox.shape); // Location is always 0 here

            // Compute the sample max
            double sampleMax = double.NegativeInfinity;
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                sampleMax = Math.Max(sampleMax, data[i]);

            return(new ParameterDistribution(errorDist, sampleMax, errorDist.InverseCumulativeDistribution(Math.Pow(2, -26)), errorDist.InverseCumulativeDistribution(1 - Math.Pow(2, -26)))); // Sqrt epsilon quantile bounds