static void PlayerBribe(ref Player player, ref Vendor vendor) { if (player.treasures.Count > 0) { string treasure = player.treasures[rand.Next(player.treasures.Count)]; Console.WriteLine($"The {vendor.race} says I want the {treasure}. Will you give it to me?"); YWMenu battleMenu = new YWMenu(); string question = $"Give the {vendor.race} the {treasure}"; Dictionary <char, string> choicesDict = new Dictionary <char, string> { { 'Y', "Yes" }, { 'N', "No" } }; string[] choice = battleMenu.Menu(question, choicesDict, ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.ErrorMesssages)); if (choice[0] == "Y") { Console.WriteLine($"\nThe {vendor.race} says, ok, just don't tell anyone."); player.treasures.Remove(treasure); vendor.treasures.Add(treasure); vendor.mad = false; GameCollections.AllVendorMad = false; } } if (vendor.mad) { Console.WriteLine($"\nThe {vendor.race} says, all I want is your life!"); } }
public static void ViewInstructions() { int counter = 0; string[] choice; YWMenu gameMenu = new YWMenu(); choice = gameMenu.Menu("Would you like to view the instructions", new Dictionary <char, string> { { 'Y', "View the Instructions" }, { 'N', "Start the Game" } }, ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.ErrorMesssages)); if (choice[0] == "Y") { System.Console.Clear(); foreach (string item in Instructions.content) { if (counter < Console.WindowHeight - 8) { Console.WriteLine(item); } else { counter = 0; Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to continue."); Console.ReadLine(); System.Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(item); } counter += Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDouble(item.Length) / Convert.ToDouble(Console.WindowWidth))); } Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to continue."); Console.ReadLine(); } }
public static void Trade(ref Player player, ref Vendor vendor) { if (player.treasures.Count < 1 && < 1000) { Console.WriteLine($"Sorry, {player.race}. You are too poor to trade."); SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); } else { if (player.treasures.Count > 0) { List <string> treasuresSold = new List <string>(); foreach (string item in player.treasures) { offerAmount = rand.Next(1, 5001); string question = $"Do you want to sell {item} for {offerAmount}"; Dictionary <char, string> choicesDict = new Dictionary <char, string> { { 'Y', "Yes" }, { 'N', "No" } }; string[] choice = vtMenu.Menu(question, choicesDict, ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.ErrorMesssages)); if (choice[0] == "Y") { Console.WriteLine($"\nYou have accepted the Vendor's offer for {item}."); treasuresSold.Add(item); vendor.treasures.Add(item); += offerAmount; } } foreach (string item in treasuresSold) { player.treasures.Remove(item); } if ( < 1000) { Console.WriteLine($"\nSorry, {player.race}. You are too poor to trade."); SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); } } if (( > 1499) && (player.armor != "Plate")) { Player.GetPlayerArmor(ref player, new int[] { 1500, 2000, 2500 }); } if (( > 1499) && (player.weapon != "Sword")) { Player.GetPlayerWeapon(ref player, new int[] { 1500, 2000, 2500 }); } if (( > 999) && (!player.lamp)) { Player.GetLamp(ref player, 1000); } if ( > 999) { GetPlayerPotion(ref player, 1000); } } }
static string[] GetPlayerSex() { string[] choice = menu.Menu("Please choose your sex", new Dictionary <char, string> { { 'F', "FeMale" }, { 'M', "Male" } }, ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.ErrorMesssages)); return(choice); }
static string[] GetPlayerRace() { Dictionary <char, string> choicesDict = new Dictionary <char, string>(); for (int i = 0; i < GameCollections.Races.Count; i++) { choicesDict.Add(i.ToString()[0], GameCollections.Races[i].RaceName); } string[] choice = menu.Menu("Please choose your race", choicesDict, ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.ErrorMesssages)); return(choice); }
public static void GetLamp(ref Player player, int cost) { string[] choice = menu.Menu("Would you like to purchase a lamp", new Dictionary <char, string> { { 'Y', $"Purchase lamp ({cost} Gold Pieces)" }, { 'N', "Don't purchase" } }, ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.ErrorMesssages)); if (choice[0] == "Y") { int numberOnly = Convert.ToInt32(Regex.Replace(choice[1], "[^0-9]", "")); -= numberOnly; player.lamp = true; } }
static void PlayerRetreat(ref Player player, ref Vendor vendor, string[,,] theMap) { if ((rand.Next(0, 101) - player.dexterity) > 50) { BattleVendor.VendorAttack(ref player, ref vendor); } if (player.strength > 0) { YWMenu battleMenu = new YWMenu(); string question = $"Retreat which way"; Dictionary <char, string> choicesDict = new Dictionary <char, string> { { 'N', "North" }, { 'S', "South" }, { 'E', "East" }, { 'W', "West" } }; string[] choice = battleMenu.Menu(question, choicesDict, ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.ErrorMesssages)); switch (choice[1]) { case "North": player.North(theMap); Console.WriteLine("\nYou retreat to the North!"); SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); break; case "South": player.South(theMap); Console.WriteLine("\nYou retreat to the South!"); SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); break; case "East": player.East(theMap); Console.WriteLine("\nYou retreat to the East!"); SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); break; case "West": player.West(theMap); Console.WriteLine("\nYou retreat to the West!"); SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); break; } } }
public static string[,,] GetMap(YWMenu gameMenu) { bool randomMap = false; string[] choice = gameMenu.Menu("Would you like the standard 8x8x8 map or a random map", new Dictionary <char, string> { { 'S', "Standard 8x8x8 Map" }, { 'R', "Random Map" } }, ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.ErrorMesssages)); System.Console.Clear(); if (choice[0] == "R") { randomMap = true; } string[,,] theMap = Map.CreateMap(randomMap); theMap = Map.PopulateMap(theMap); return(theMap); }
static void PlayerCast(ref Player player, ref Vendor vendor) { YWMenu battleMenu = new YWMenu(); string question = $"What spell do you want to cast"; Dictionary <char, string> choicesDict = new Dictionary <char, string> { { 'W', "Web" }, { 'F', "Fireball" }, { 'D', "Deathspell" } }; string[] choice = battleMenu.Menu(question, choicesDict, ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.ErrorMesssages)); switch (choice[0]) { case "W": Console.WriteLine($"\nYou've caught the {vendor.race} in a web, now it can't attack"); vendor.webbedTurns = rand.Next(1, 11); player.strength -= 1; break; case "F": Console.WriteLine($"\nYou blast the {vendor.race} with a fireball."); vendor.strength -= rand.Next(1, 11); player.intelligence -= 1; player.strength -= 1; break; case "D": if ((player.intelligence > vendor.intelligence) && (rand.Next(1, 9) < 7)) { Console.WriteLine($"\nDEATH! The {vendor.race} is dead."); vendor.strength = 0; } else { Console.WriteLine($"\nDEATH! The STUPID {player.race}'s death."); player.strength = 0; SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); } break; } }
public static void BattleSequence(ref Player player, ref Vendor vendor, string[,,] theMap) { YWMenu battleMenu = new YWMenu(); string question; bool firstAttackRound = true; Dictionary <char, string> choicesDict = new Dictionary <char, string> { { 'A', "Attack" }, { 'R', "Retreat" } }; do { Console.WriteLine($"\nYou are facing a {vendor.race}!"); question = "What would you like to do"; if ((((rand.Next(0, 101) + vendor.dexterity) > 75) || player.lethargy) && firstAttackRound) { BattleVendor.VendorAttack(ref player, ref vendor); } else if (firstAttackRound) { choicesDict.Add('B', "Bribe"); } if (player.intelligence > 14) { choicesDict.Add('C', "Cast"); } if (player.strength > 0) { string[] choice = battleMenu.Menu(question, choicesDict, ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.ErrorMesssages)); switch (choice[1]) { case "Attack": BattleVendor.PlayerAttack(ref player, ref vendor); break; case "Bribe": BattleVendor.PlayerBribe(ref player, ref vendor); break; case "Cast": BattleVendor.PlayerCast(ref player, ref vendor); break; case "Retreat": BattleVendor.PlayerRetreat(ref player, ref vendor, theMap); break; } if (vendor.strength > 0 && vendor.mad && player.location.SequenceEqual(vendor.location)) { BattleVendor.VendorAttack(ref player, ref vendor); } } if (choicesDict.ContainsKey('B')) { choicesDict.Remove('B'); } if (choicesDict.ContainsKey('C')) { choicesDict.Remove('C'); } firstAttackRound = false; } while (vendor.mad && vendor.strength > 0 && player.strength > 0 && vendor.location.SequenceEqual(player.location)); if (vendor.strength < 1) { = rand.Next(1, 1001); Console.WriteLine($"\nYou killed the evil {vendor.race}"); Console.WriteLine($"You get his hoard of {} Gold Pieces"); Console.WriteLine($"You also get the {vendor.race}'s Sword and Plate armor and Lamp"); player.weapon = "Sword"; player.armor = "Plate"; player.lamp = true; +=; if (vendor.runeStaff) { Console.WriteLine("You've found the RuneStaff!"); player.runeStaff = true; } if (vendor.treasures.Count > 0) { Console.WriteLine($"You've recoverd the {vendor.treasures[0]}"); player.treasures.Add(vendor.treasures[0]); } Console.WriteLine(); } }
public static void GetPlayerPotion(ref Player player, int cost) { Console.WriteLine(); Dictionary <char, string> choicesDict = new Dictionary <char, string>(); for (int i = 0; i < GameCollections.Abilities.Count; i++) { choicesDict.Add(i.ToString()[0], $"{GameCollections.Abilities[i]}, {cost} Gold Pieces"); } choicesDict.Add(choicesDict.Count.ToString()[0], $"None, 0 Gold Pieces"); string[] choice; string numberOnly; do { choice = vtMenu.Menu($"You have {} Gold Pieces to buy items, what type of Potion do you want to purchase", choicesDict, ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.ErrorMesssages)); numberOnly = Regex.Replace(choice[1], "[^0-9]", ""); if (!(Convert.ToInt32(numberOnly) > && !(choice[1].Split(',')[0] == "None")) { switch (choice[1].Split(',')[0]) { case "Dexterity": player.IncDexterity(rand.Next(1, 6)); Console.WriteLine($"\nDexterity={player.dexterity}"); SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); break; case "Intelligence": player.IncIntelligence(rand.Next(1, 6)); Console.WriteLine($"\nIntelligence={player.intelligence}"); SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); break; case "Strength": player.IncStrength(rand.Next(1, 6)); Console.WriteLine($"\nStrength={player.strength}"); SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); break; } -= Convert.ToInt32(numberOnly); } else { if (!(choice[1].Split(',')[0] == "None")) { Console.WriteLine($"\n\tSorry, {player.race}, you don't have that much gold left."); } } } while ( > 999 && !(choice[1].Split(',')[0] == "None")); }
static int Main() { // Set the WindowPosition, WindowHeight and WindowWidth Console.SetWindowPosition(0, 0); System.Console.WindowHeight = System.Console.LargestWindowHeight - 25; System.Console.WindowWidth = System.Console.LargestWindowWidth - 50; Random rand = new Random(); YWMenu gameMenu = new YWMenu(); ShowStartingMessage(); Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to continue."); Console.ReadLine(); System.Console.Clear(); Instructions.ViewInstructions(); System.Console.Clear(); dynamic dynamicTemp; string[,,] theMap = Map.GetMap(gameMenu); string[,,] knownMap = theMap.Clone() as string[, , ]; bool fallThrough; Map.BlankMap(knownMap); Player player = Player.CreatePlayer(); //*** Testing *** int[] locationOfZot = Map.FindOrbOfZot(theMap); GameCollections.RuneStaffLocation = Map.FindMonster(theMap, GameCollections.Monsters[new Random().Next(0, GameCollections.Monsters.Count)]); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"\tOk, {player.race}, you are now entering Zot's castle!\n"); //*** Testing *** player.strength = 999; //*** Testing *** player.intelligence = 999; //*** Testing *** player.flares = 999; do { Console.Clear(); dynamicTemp = new string[] { "", "" }; player.turns += 1; knownMap[player.location[0], player.location[1], player.location[2]] = theMap[player.location[0], player.location[1], player.location[2]]; fallThrough = RoomEvents.GetRoomEvent(ref player, ref theMap); CheckCurses(ref player, ref knownMap); CheckIfDead(player, ref fallThrough); if (!fallThrough) { if (rand.Next(0, 10) > 8) { Console.WriteLine($"\n{ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.GameMessages)[rand.Next(0, GameCollections.GameMessages.Count)]}"); } //*** Testing *** Console.WriteLine($"locationOfZot: {locationOfZot[0] + 1}, {locationOfZot[1] + 1}, {locationOfZot[2] + 1}"); //*** Testing *** Console.WriteLine($"RuneStaffLocation: {GameCollections.RuneStaffLocation[0] + 1}, {GameCollections.RuneStaffLocation[1] + 1}, {GameCollections.RuneStaffLocation[2] + 1}"); //*** Testing *** Console.WriteLine($"\nRace'{player.race}','{}', player.dexterity='{player.dexterity}', player.intelligence='{player.intelligence}', player.strength='{player.strength}'\nplayer.armor='{player.armor}', player.weapon='{player.weapon}','{}', player.flares='{player.flares}'\nplayer.blind='{player.blind}', player.bookStuck='{player.bookStuck}', player.forgetfulness='{player.forgetfulness}', player.leech='{player.leech}', player.lethargy='{player.lethargy}'\nplayer.lamp='{player.lamp}', player.orbOfZot='{player.orbOfZot}', player.runeStaff='{player.runeStaff}, player.turns='{player.turns}'\nplayer.treasures='{string.Join(", ", player.treasures)}'"); knownMap[player.location[0], player.location[1], player.location[2]] = theMap[player.location[0], player.location[1], player.location[2]]; string[] choice = gameMenu.Menu("Your action", GameCollections.availableActions, ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.ErrorMesssages)); dynamicTemp = choice; PlayerActions.Action(ref player, choice, ref knownMap, ref theMap); } } while (!(dynamicTemp[0] == "Q") && GameCollections.ExitCode == 999); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("\t\tThank you for playing Wizard's Castle!"); ShowStartingMessage(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine("\n\nPress ENTER to Exit."); Console.ReadLine(); return(0); }
public static void Action(ref Player player, string[] action, ref string[,,] knownMap, ref string[,,] theMap) { YWMenu menu = new YWMenu(); switch (action[0]) { case "M": Map.DisplayLevel(knownMap, player); SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); break; case "N": if (player.location[0] == 0 && player.location[1] == 0 && player.location[2] == 3) { Program.PlayerExit(player); break; } else { player.North(knownMap); break; } case "S": player.South(knownMap); break; case "E": player.East(knownMap); break; case "W": player.West(knownMap); break; case "F": if (player.flares > 0) { if (!player.blind) { Map.RevealMap(player.location, theMap, ref knownMap); player.flares -= 1; Map.DisplayLevel(knownMap, player); } else { Console.WriteLine("Lighting a flare won't do you any good since you are BLIND!"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("\n{0}\n", ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.ErrorMesssages)[new Random().Next(0, GameCollections.ErrorMesssages.Count)]); } SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); break; case "T": string teleportTo; int[] teleCoordinates = new int[3]; if (player.runeStaff == true) { do { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("\rTeleport where (Example: For Level 3, Row 5, Column 2 type: 3,5,2): "); teleportTo = Console.ReadLine(); teleportTo = teleportTo.Replace(" ", ""); try { teleCoordinates = Array.ConvertAll(teleportTo.Split(','), int.Parse); if (teleCoordinates[0] - 1 < theMap.GetLength(0) && teleCoordinates[1] - 1 < theMap.GetLength(1) && teleCoordinates[2] - 1 < theMap.GetLength(2)) { player.location[0] = teleCoordinates[0] - 1; player.location[1] = teleCoordinates[1] - 1; player.location[2] = teleCoordinates[2] - 1; } else { teleportTo = ""; Console.WriteLine("* Invalid * Coordinates"); SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); } } catch (Exception) { teleportTo = ""; Console.WriteLine("* Invalid * Coordinates"); SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); } } while (teleportTo.Length < 1); Console.WriteLine($"\n\tTeleporting to: ({teleCoordinates[0]}, {teleCoordinates[1]}, {teleCoordinates[2]})"); for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { Console.Write("."); Thread.Sleep(100); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"\nSorry, {player.race}, but you need the RuneStaff to teleport!\n"); SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); } break; case "L": if (player.lamp == true) { if (!player.blind) { string[] choice = menu.Menu("Shine lamp which direction", new Dictionary <char, string> { { 'N', "North" }, { 'S', "South" }, { 'E', "East" }, { 'W', "West" } }, ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.ErrorMesssages)); Map.RevealRoom(choice[1], player.location, theMap, ref knownMap); Map.DisplayLevel(knownMap, player); } else { Console.WriteLine($"You're BLIND and can't see anything, silly {player.race}."); SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); } } else { Console.WriteLine("\n{0}\n", ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.ErrorMesssages)[new Random().Next(0, GameCollections.ErrorMesssages.Count)]); } SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); break; case "D": if (knownMap[player.location[0], player.location[1], player.location[2]] == "DownStairs") { player.Down(); } else { Console.WriteLine("\n{0}\n", ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.ErrorMesssages)[new Random().Next(0, GameCollections.ErrorMesssages.Count)]); SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); } break; case "U": if (knownMap[player.location[0], player.location[1], player.location[2]] == "UpStairs") { player.Up(); } else { Console.WriteLine("\n{0}\n", ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.ErrorMesssages)[new Random().Next(0, GameCollections.ErrorMesssages.Count)]); SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); } break; case "G": if (knownMap[player.location[0], player.location[1], player.location[2]] == "Orb") { if (!player.blind) { Console.WriteLine(Orb.OrbEvent(ref player, ref theMap)); } else { Console.WriteLine("The only thing you see is darkness because you are blind"); } SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); } else { Console.WriteLine("\n{0}\n", ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.ErrorMesssages)[new Random().Next(0, GameCollections.ErrorMesssages.Count)]); SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); } break; case "O": if (knownMap[player.location[0], player.location[1], player.location[2]] == "Book") { if (!player.blind) { Console.WriteLine(Book.BookEvent(ref player, ref theMap)); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Sorry, {player.race}, it's not written in Braille!"); } SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); } else if (knownMap[player.location[0], player.location[1], player.location[2]] == "Chest") { Console.WriteLine(Chest.ChestEvent(ref player, ref theMap, ref knownMap)); SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); } else { Console.WriteLine("\n{0}\n", ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.ErrorMesssages)[new Random().Next(0, GameCollections.ErrorMesssages.Count)]); SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); } break; case "P": if (knownMap[player.location[0], player.location[1], player.location[2]] == "Pool") { Console.WriteLine(Pool.PoolEvent(ref player)); SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); } else { Console.WriteLine("\n{0}\n", ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.ErrorMesssages)[new Random().Next(0, GameCollections.ErrorMesssages.Count)]); } break; case "Z": if (knownMap[player.location[0], player.location[1], player.location[2]] == "Vendor") { Vendor vendor = Vendor.GetOrCreateVendor(theMap, player, string.Join(string.Empty, new[] { player.location[0], player.location[1], player.location[2] })); VendorTrade.Trade(ref player, ref vendor); } else { Console.WriteLine($"\nSorry, {player.race}, there's no vendor in the room."); SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); } break; case "A": if (knownMap[player.location[0], player.location[1], player.location[2]] == "Vendor") { Vendor vendor = Vendor.GetOrCreateVendor(theMap, player, string.Join(string.Empty, new[] { player.location[0], player.location[1], player.location[2] })); GameCollections.AllVendorMad = true; vendor.mad = true; Console.WriteLine($"\n{Vendor.VendorMadMessage(vendor)}\n"); BattleVendor.BattleSequence(ref player, ref vendor, theMap); if (vendor.strength < 1) { theMap[player.location[0], player.location[1], player.location[2]] = "-"; SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); } } else if (GameCollections.Monsters.Contains(theMap[player.location[0], player.location[1], player.location[2]])) { Monster monster = Monster.GetOrCreateMonster(theMap, player, string.Join(string.Empty, new[] { player.location[0], player.location[1], player.location[2] })); monster.mad = true; Console.WriteLine($"\n{Monster.MonsterMadMessage(monster)}\n"); Battle.BattleSequence(ref player, ref monster, theMap); if (monster.strength < 1) { theMap[player.location[0], player.location[1], player.location[2]] = "-"; } SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); } else { Console.WriteLine("\n{0}\n", ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.ErrorMesssages)[new Random().Next(0, GameCollections.ErrorMesssages.Count)]); SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); } break; case "V": Instructions.ViewInstructions(); break; case "Q": break; default: Console.WriteLine("\n{0}\n", ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.ErrorMesssages)[new Random().Next(0, GameCollections.ErrorMesssages.Count)]); SharedMethods.WaitForKey(); break; } }
public static void GetPlayerWeapon(ref Player player, int[] costs) { Console.WriteLine(); Dictionary <char, string> choicesDict = new Dictionary <char, string>(); for (int i = 0; i < GameCollections.Weapons.Count; i++) { choicesDict.Add(i.ToString()[0], $"{GameCollections.Weapons[i]}, {costs[i]} Gold Pieces"); } choicesDict.Add(choicesDict.Count.ToString()[0], $"None, 0 Gold Pieces"); string[] choice = menu.Menu($"You have {} Gold Pieces to buy items, what type of Weapon do you want to purchase", choicesDict, ManipulateListObjects.ReplaceRandomMonster(GameCollections.ErrorMesssages)); string numberOnly = Regex.Replace(choice[1], "[^0-9]", ""); if (!(Convert.ToInt32(numberOnly) > && !(choice[1].Split(',')[0] == "None")) { player.weapon = choice[1].Split(',')[0]; -= Convert.ToInt32(numberOnly); } else { if (!(choice[1].Split(',')[0] == "None")) { Console.WriteLine($"\n\tSorry, {player.race}, you don't have that much gold left."); } } }