        /// <summary>
        /// Indica si un Ray colisiona con un BoundingSphere.
        /// Si el resultado es True se carga el punto de colision (q) y la distancia de colision en el Ray (t).
        /// La dirección del Ray debe estar normalizada.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">Ray</param>
        /// <param name="sphere">BoundingSphere</param>
        /// <param name="t">Distancia de colision del Ray</param>
        /// <param name="q">Punto de colision</param>
        /// <returns>True si hay colision</returns>
        public static bool intersectRaySphere(TgcRay ray, TgcBoundingSphere sphere, out float t, out Vector3 q)
            t = -1;
            q = Vector3.Empty;

            Vector3 m = ray.Origin - sphere.Center;
            float   b = Vector3.Dot(m, ray.Direction);
            float   c = Vector3.Dot(m, m) - sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius;

            // Exit if r’s origin outside s (c > 0) and r pointing away from s (b > 0)
            if (c > 0.0f && b > 0.0f)
            float discr = b * b - c;

            // A negative discriminant corresponds to ray missing sphere
            if (discr < 0.0f)
            // Ray now found to intersect sphere, compute smallest t value of intersection
            t = -b - FastMath.Sqrt(discr);
            // If t is negative, ray started inside sphere so clamp t to zero
            if (t < 0.0f)
                t = 0.0f;
            q = ray.Origin + t * ray.Direction;
        /// <summary>
        /// Indica si un BoundingSphere colisiona con un Ray (sin indicar su punto de colision)
        /// La dirección del Ray debe estar normalizada.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">Ray</param>
        /// <param name="sphere">BoundingSphere</param>
        /// <returns>True si hay colision</returns>
        public static bool testRaySphere(TgcRay ray, TgcBoundingSphere sphere)
            Vector3 m = ray.Origin - sphere.Center;
            float   c = Vector3.Dot(m, m) - sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius;

            // If there is definitely at least one real root, there must be an intersection
            if (c <= 0.0f)
            float b = Vector3.Dot(m, ray.Direction);

            // Early exit if ray origin outside sphere and ray pointing away from sphere
            if (b > 0.0f)
            float disc = b * b - c;

            // A negative discriminant corresponds to ray missing sphere
            if (disc < 0.0f)
            // Now ray must hit sphere
 public override bool intersectRay(TgcRay ray, Matrix transform, out Vector3 q)
     Vector3[] v = new Vector3[vertices.Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < v.Length; i++)
         v[i] = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(vertices[i].position, transform);
     float t;
     return TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayConvexPolygon(ray, v, out t, out q);
        public override bool intersectRay(TgcRay ray, Matrix transform, out Vector3 q)
            //Actualizar OBB con posiciones de la arista para utilizar en colision
                Vector3.TransformCoordinate(a.position, transform),
                Vector3.TransformCoordinate(b.position, transform),

            return TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayObb(ray, COLLISION_OBB, out q);
        /// <summary>
        /// Indica si un Ray colisiona con un Plano.
        /// Tanto la normal del plano como la dirección del Ray se asumen normalizados.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">Ray a testear</param>
        /// <param name="plane">Plano a testear</param>
        /// <param name="t">Instante de colisión</param>
        /// <param name="q">Punto de colisión con el plano</param>
        /// <returns>True si hubo colisión</returns>
        public static bool intersectRayPlane(TgcRay ray, Plane plane, out float t, out Vector3 q)
            Vector3 planeNormal = TgcCollisionUtils.getPlaneNormal(plane);
            float   numer       = plane.Dot(ray.Origin);
            float   denom       = Vector3.Dot(planeNormal, ray.Direction);

            t = -numer / denom;

            if (t > 0.0f)
                q = ray.Origin + ray.Direction * t;

            q = Vector3.Empty;
        /// <summary>
        /// Indica si un segmento de recta colisiona con un BoundingSphere.
        /// Si el resultado es True se carga el punto de colision (q) y la distancia de colision en el t.
        /// La dirección del Ray debe estar normalizada.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p0">Punto inicial del segmento</param>
        /// <param name="p1">Punto final del segmento</param>
        /// <param name="s">BoundingSphere</param>
        /// <param name="t">Distancia de colision del segmento</param>
        /// <param name="q">Punto de colision</param>
        /// <returns>True si hay colision</returns>
        public static bool intersectSegmentSphere(Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, TgcBoundingSphere sphere, out float t, out Vector3 q)
            Vector3 segmentDir = p1 - p0;
            TgcRay  ray        = new TgcRay(p0, segmentDir);

            if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRaySphere(ray, sphere, out t, out q))
                float   segmentLengthSq   = segmentDir.LengthSq();
                Vector3 collisionDiff     = q - p0;
                float   collisionLengthSq = collisionDiff.LengthSq();
                if (collisionLengthSq <= segmentLengthSq)

 /// <summary>
 /// Indica si un Ray colisiona con un AABB.
 /// Si hay intersección devuelve True, q contiene
 /// el punto de intesección.
 /// Basado en el código de: http://www.codercorner.com/RayAABB.cpp
 /// La dirección del Ray puede estar sin normalizar.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ray">Ray</param>
 /// <param name="a">AABB</param>
 /// <param name="q">Punto de intersección</param>
 /// <returns>True si hay colisión</returns>
 public static bool intersectRayAABB(TgcRay ray, TgcBoundingBox aabb, out Vector3 q)
     float t;
     return TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(ray.toStruct(), aabb.toStruct(), out q);
        /// <summary>
        /// Detecta colision entre un segmento pq y un triangulo abc.
        /// Devuelve true si hay colision y carga las coordenadas barycentricas (u,v,w) de la colision, el
        /// instante t de colision y el punto c de colision.
        /// Basado en paper Tomas Moller: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%B6ller%E2%80%93Trumbore_intersection_algorithm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">Ray</param>
        /// <param name="a">Vertice 1 del triangulo</param>
        /// <param name="b">Vertice 2 del triangulo</param>
        /// <param name="c">Vertice 3 del triangulo</param>
        /// <param name="t">Instante de colision</param>
        /// <param name="q">Punto de colision</param>
        /// <returns>True si hay colision</returns>
        public static bool intersectRayTriangle(TgcRay ray, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, Vector3 v3, out float t, out Vector3 q)
            q = Vector3.Empty;
            t = -1;
            Vector3 e1, e2;  //Edge1, Edge2
            Vector3 P, Q, T;
            float det, inv_det, u, v;

            //Find vectors for two edges sharing V1
            e1 = v2 - v1;
            e2 = v3 - v1;
            //Begin calculating determinant - also used to calculate u parameter
            P = Vector3.Cross(ray.Direction, e2);
            //if determinant is near zero, ray lies in plane of triangle
            det = Vector3.Dot(e1, P);
            //NOT CULLING
            if(det > -float.Epsilon && det < float.Epsilon) return false;
            inv_det = 1.0f / det;

            //calculate distance from V1 to ray origin
            T = ray.Origin - v1;

            //Calculate u parameter and test bound
            u = Vector3.Dot(T, P) * inv_det;
            //The intersection lies outside of the triangle
            if(u < 0.0f || u > 1.0f) return false;

            //Prepare to test v parameter
            Q = Vector3.Cross(T, e1);

            //Calculate V parameter and test bound
            v = Vector3.Dot(ray.Direction, Q) * inv_det;
            //The intersection lies outside of the triangle
            if(v < 0.0f || u + v  > 1.0f) return false;

            t = Vector3.Dot(e2, Q) * inv_det;

            if(t > float.Epsilon) { //ray intersection
                q = ray.Origin + t * ray.Direction;
                return true;

            // No hit, no win
            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Indica si un Ray colisiona con un AABB.
        /// Si hay intersección devuelve True, q contiene
        /// el punto de intesección.
        /// Basado en el código de: http://www.codercorner.com/RayAABB.cpp
        /// La dirección del Ray puede estar sin normalizar.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">Ray</param>
        /// <param name="a">AABB</param>
        /// <param name="q">Punto de intersección</param>
        /// <returns>True si hay colisión</returns>
        public static bool intersectRayAABB(TgcRay ray, TgcBoundingBox aabb, out Vector3 q)
            q = Vector3.Empty;
            bool inside = true;

            float[] aabbMin   = toArray(aabb.PMin);
            float[] aabbMax   = toArray(aabb.PMax);
            float[] rayOrigin = toArray(ray.Origin);
            float[] rayDir    = toArray(ray.Direction);

            float[] max_t = new float[3] {
                -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f
            float[] coord = new float[3];

            for (uint i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                if (rayOrigin[i] < aabbMin[i])
                    inside   = false;
                    coord[i] = aabbMin[i];

                    if (rayDir[i] != 0.0f)
                        max_t[i] = (aabbMin[i] - rayOrigin[i]) / rayDir[i];
                else if (rayOrigin[i] > aabbMax[i])
                    inside   = false;
                    coord[i] = aabbMax[i];

                    if (rayDir[i] != 0.0f)
                        max_t[i] = (aabbMax[i] - rayOrigin[i]) / rayDir[i];

            // If the Ray's start position is inside the Box, we can return true straight away.
            if (inside)
                q = toVector3(rayOrigin);

            uint plane = 0;

            if (max_t[1] > max_t[plane])
                plane = 1;
            if (max_t[2] > max_t[plane])
                plane = 2;

            if (max_t[plane] < 0.0f)

            for (uint i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                if (plane != i)
                    coord[i] = rayOrigin[i] + max_t[plane] * rayDir[i];

                    if (coord[i] < aabbMin[i] - float.Epsilon || coord[i] > aabbMax[i] + float.Epsilon)

            q = toVector3(coord);
 public override bool intersectRay(TgcRay ray, Matrix transform, out Vector3 q)
     COLLISION_SPHERE.setCenter(Vector3.TransformCoordinate(position, transform));
     float t;
     return TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRaySphere(ray, COLLISION_SPHERE, out t, out q);
 public override Boolean Intercepts(TgcRay ray)
     return TgcCollisionUtils.testRaySphere(ray, Sphere);
 public override Boolean Intercepts(TgcRay ray)
     var v = new Vector3();
     return TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayObb(ray, Obb, out v);
        /// <summary>
        /// Retorna true si hubo interseccion con el terreno y setea el collisionPoint.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray"></param>
        /// <param name="collisionPoint"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool intersectRay(TgcRay ray, out Vector3 collisionPoint)
            collisionPoint = Vector3.Empty;
            Matrix scaleInv = Matrix.Scaling(new Vector3(1/ScaleXZ, 1/ScaleY, 1/ScaleXZ));
            Vector3 a = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(ray.Origin, scaleInv) - traslation;
            Vector3 r = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(ray.Direction, scaleInv);

            if (a.Y < minIntensity)
                return false;

            Vector3 q;
            //Me fijo si intersecta con el BB del terreno.
            if (!TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(new TgcRay(a, r).toStruct(), aabb.toStruct(), out q))
                return false;

            float minT=0;
            //Obtengo el T de la interseccion.
            if (q != a)
                if (r.X != 0) minT = (q.X - a.X) / r.X;
                else if (r.Y != 0) minT = (q.Y - a.Y) / r.Y;
                else if (r.Z != 0) minT = (q.Z - a.Z) / r.Z;

            //Me desplazo por el rayo hasta que su altura sea menor a la del terreno en ese punto
            //o me salga del AABB.
            float t=0;
            float step = 1;

            for (t = minT; ; t += step)
                collisionPoint = a + t * r;
                float y;

                if(!interpoledIntensity(collisionPoint.X, collisionPoint.Z, out y))
                    return false;

                if (collisionPoint.Y <= y + float.Epsilon)
                    collisionPoint.Y = y;
                    collisionPoint = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(collisionPoint + traslation, Matrix.Scaling(ScaleXZ, ScaleY, ScaleXZ));
                    return true;

 /// <summary>
 /// Selecciona el eje actual del gizmo haciendo picking
 /// </summary>
 public void selectAxisByPicking(TgcRay ray)
     this.selectedAxis = doPickAxis(ray);
 /// <summary>
 /// Hacer picking contra todos los ejes y devolver el eje seleccionado (si hay colision).
 /// Tambien se evaluan los ejes compuestos (XY, XZ, YZ)
 /// </summary>
 public Axis doPickAxis(TgcRay ray)
     Vector3 collP;
     if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(ray, boxX.BoundingBox, out collP))
         return Axis.X;
     else if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(ray, boxY.BoundingBox, out collP))
         return Axis.Y;
     else if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(ray, boxZ.BoundingBox, out collP))
         return Axis.Z;
     else if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(ray, boxXZ.BoundingBox, out collP))
         return Axis.XZ;
     else if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(ray, boxXY.BoundingBox, out collP))
         return Axis.XY;
     else if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(ray, boxYZ.BoundingBox, out collP))
         return Axis.YZ;
         return Axis.None;
 public Vector3 intersectRayTerrain(TgcRay ray)
     int iteraciones = heightmapResolution/cantidadFilasColumnas * (int)currentScaleXZ;
     Vector3 dir = ray.Direction;
     Vector3 origin = ray.Origin;
     Vector3 pos = origin;
     float y = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < iteraciones; i++)
         interpoledHeight(pos.X, pos.Z, out y);
         if (FastMath.Abs(pos.Y - y) < 1f)
             return pos;
         pos += dir;
     return pos;
        public void fireSniper()
            //Disparamos el arma, nos fijamos si colisiona con un enemigo, y si hay obstaculos en el medio
            Vector3 dir = CustomFpsCamera.Instance.LookAt - CustomFpsCamera.Instance.Position;
            TgcRay ray = new TgcRay(CustomFpsCamera.Instance.Position, dir);
            Vector3 newPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            List<Vector3> posicionObstaculos = new List<Vector3>();
            bool vegetacionFrenoDisparo = false;
            foreach (TgcMesh obstaculo in vegetation)
                if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(ray, obstaculo.BoundingBox, out newPosition))

            int killHeadTracker = 0;
            bool hit = false;

            for (int i = enemies.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(ray, enemies[i].HEADSHOT_BOUNDINGBOX, out newPosition))
                    foreach(Vector3 posicion in posicionObstaculos){
                        if (Vector3.Length(posicion - ray.Origin) < Vector3.Length(newPosition - ray.Origin))
                            vegetacionFrenoDisparo = true;
                    if (!vegetacionFrenoDisparo)
                        hit = true;
                        score += 1;
                        enemies[i].health = 0;
                        enemies[i].sangrar(-dir, newPosition.Y - enemies[i].getPosicionActual().Y);


                    vegetacionFrenoDisparo = false;
                if (!hit && TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(ray, enemies[i].LEGS_BOUNDINGBOX, out newPosition))
                    foreach (Vector3 posicion in posicionObstaculos)
                        if (Vector3.Length(posicion - ray.Origin) < Vector3.Length(newPosition - ray.Origin))
                            vegetacionFrenoDisparo = true;
                    if (!vegetacionFrenoDisparo)
                        enemies[i].health -= 25;
                        enemies[i].sangrar(-dir, newPosition.Y - enemies[i].getPosicionActual().Y);
                        hit = true;
                        if (enemies[i].health <= 0)
                           // eliminarEnemigo(enemies[i]);

                    vegetacionFrenoDisparo = false;
                if (!hit && TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(ray, enemies[i].CHEST_BOUNDINGBOX, out newPosition))
                    foreach(Vector3 posicion in posicionObstaculos){
                        if (Vector3.Length(posicion - ray.Origin) < Vector3.Length(newPosition - ray.Origin))
                            vegetacionFrenoDisparo = true;
                    if (!vegetacionFrenoDisparo)
                        enemies[i].health -= 50;
                        enemies[i].sangrar(-dir, newPosition.Y - enemies[i].getPosicionActual().Y);
                        if (enemies[i].health <= 0)
                    vegetacionFrenoDisparo = false;

                hit = false;
            //////////////////////////disparo a barriles////////////////////////////////////////
            for (int i = barriles.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(ray, barriles[i].mesh.BoundingBox, out newPosition))
                    foreach (Vector3 posicion in posicionObstaculos)
                        if (Vector3.Length(posicion - ray.Origin) < Vector3.Length(newPosition - ray.Origin))
                            vegetacionFrenoDisparo = true;
                    if (!vegetacionFrenoDisparo)

                        // playSound(explosionSoundDir); TODO


                    vegetacionFrenoDisparo = false;

            if (killHeadTracker > 1)
                HUDManager.Instance.headHunter();//Constante que reproduce el efecto de headhunter.
                score += killHeadTracker;
        public Vector3 fireLauncher()
            //Disparamos el arma, nos fijamos si colisiona con un enemigo, y si hay obstaculos en el medio
            TgcRay ray = new TgcRay(CustomFpsCamera.Instance.Position, CustomFpsCamera.Instance.LookAt - CustomFpsCamera.Instance.Position);
            Vector3 newPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            List<Vector3> posicionObstaculos = new List<Vector3>();
            foreach (TgcMesh obstaculo in vegetation)
                if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(ray, obstaculo.BoundingBox, out newPosition))

            for (int i = enemies.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(ray, enemies[i].mesh.BoundingBox, out newPosition))
            //////////////////////////disparo a barriles////////////////////////////////////////
            for (int i = barriles.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(ray, barriles[i].mesh.BoundingBox, out newPosition))


            posicionObstaculos.Sort(delegate(Vector3 x, Vector3 y)
                return distanciaACamara(x).CompareTo(distanciaACamara(y));

            Vector3 min = posicionObstaculos[0];
            return min;
        /// <summary>
        /// Indica si un Ray colisiona con un AABB.
        /// Si hay intersección devuelve True, q contiene
        /// el punto de intesección.
        /// Basado en el código de: http://www.codercorner.com/RayAABB.cpp
        /// La dirección del Ray puede estar sin normalizar.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">Ray</param>
        /// <param name="a">AABB</param>
        /// <param name="q">Punto de intersección</param>
        /// <returns>True si hay colisión</returns>
        public static bool intersectRayAABB(TgcRay.RayStruct ray, TgcBoundingBox.AABBStruct aabb, out Vector3 q)
            q = Vector3.Empty;
            bool inside = true;
            float[] aabbMin = toArray(aabb.min);
            float[]aabbMax = toArray(aabb.max);
            float[]rayOrigin = toArray(ray.origin);
            float[]rayDir = toArray(ray.direction);

            float[] max_t = new float[3]{-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f};
            float[] coord = new float[3];

            for (uint i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                if (rayOrigin[i] < aabbMin[i])
                    inside = false;
                    coord[i] = aabbMin[i];

                    if (rayDir[i] != 0.0f)
                        max_t[i] = (aabbMin[i] - rayOrigin[i]) / rayDir[i];
                else if (rayOrigin[i] > aabbMax[i])
                    inside = false;
                    coord[i] = aabbMax[i];

                    if (rayDir[i] != 0.0f)
                        max_t[i] = (aabbMax[i] - rayOrigin[i]) / rayDir[i];

            // If the Ray's start position is inside the Box, we can return true straight away.
            if (inside)
                q = toVector3(rayOrigin);
                return true;

            uint plane = 0;
            if (max_t[1] > max_t[plane])
                plane = 1;
            if (max_t[2] > max_t[plane])
                plane = 2;

            if (max_t[plane] < 0.0f)
                return false;

            for (uint i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                if (plane != i)
                    coord[i] = rayOrigin[i] + max_t[plane] * rayDir[i];

                    if (coord[i] < aabbMin[i] - float.Epsilon || coord[i] > aabbMax[i] + float.Epsilon)
                        return false;

            q = toVector3(coord);
            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Detección de colisiones recursiva
        /// </summary>
        public void doCollideWithWorld(TgcBoundingSphere characterSphere, Vector3 movementVector, List<TgcBoundingBox> obstaculos, int recursionDepth)
            //Limitar recursividad
            if (recursionDepth > 5)

            //Ver si la distancia a recorrer es para tener en cuenta
            float distanceToTravelSq = movementVector.LengthSq();
            if (distanceToTravelSq < EPSILON)

            //Posicion deseada
            Vector3 originalSphereCenter = characterSphere.Center;
            Vector3 nextSphereCenter = originalSphereCenter + movementVector;

            //Buscar el punto de colision mas cercano de todos los objetos candidatos
            float minCollisionDistSq = float.MaxValue;
            Vector3 realMovementVector = movementVector;
            TgcBoundingBox.Face collisionFace = null;
            TgcBoundingBox collisionObstacle = null;
            Vector3 nearestPolygonIntersectionPoint = Vector3.Empty;
            foreach (TgcBoundingBox obstaculoBB in obstaculos)
                //Obtener los polígonos que conforman las 6 caras del BoundingBox
                TgcBoundingBox.Face[] bbFaces = obstaculoBB.computeFaces();

                foreach (TgcBoundingBox.Face bbFace in bbFaces)
                    Vector3 pNormal = TgcCollisionUtils.getPlaneNormal(bbFace.Plane);

                    TgcRay movementRay = new TgcRay(originalSphereCenter, movementVector);
                    float brutePlaneDist;
                    Vector3 brutePlaneIntersectionPoint;
                    if (!TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayPlane(movementRay, bbFace.Plane, out brutePlaneDist, out brutePlaneIntersectionPoint))

                    float movementRadiusLengthSq = Vector3.Multiply(movementVector, characterSphere.Radius).LengthSq();
                    if (brutePlaneDist * brutePlaneDist > movementRadiusLengthSq)

                    //Obtener punto de colisión en el plano, según la normal del plano
                    float pDist;
                    Vector3 planeIntersectionPoint;
                    Vector3 sphereIntersectionPoint;
                    TgcRay planeNormalRay = new TgcRay(originalSphereCenter, -pNormal);
                    bool embebbed = false;
                    bool collisionFound = false;
                    if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayPlane(planeNormalRay, bbFace.Plane, out pDist, out planeIntersectionPoint))
                        //Ver si el plano está embebido en la esfera
                        if (pDist <= characterSphere.Radius)
                            embebbed = true;

                            //TODO: REVISAR ESTO, caso embebido a analizar con más detalle
                            sphereIntersectionPoint = originalSphereCenter - pNormal * characterSphere.Radius;
                        //Esta fuera de la esfera
                            //Obtener punto de colisión del contorno de la esfera según la normal del plano
                            sphereIntersectionPoint = originalSphereCenter - Vector3.Multiply(pNormal, characterSphere.Radius);

                            //Disparar un rayo desde el contorno de la esfera hacia el plano, con el vector de movimiento
                            TgcRay sphereMovementRay = new TgcRay(sphereIntersectionPoint, movementVector);
                            if (!TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayPlane(sphereMovementRay, bbFace.Plane, out pDist, out planeIntersectionPoint))
                                //no hay colisión

                        //Ver si planeIntersectionPoint pertenece al polígono
                        Vector3 newMovementVector;
                        float newMoveDistSq;
                        Vector3 polygonIntersectionPoint;
                        if (pointInBounbingBoxFace(planeIntersectionPoint, bbFace))
                            if (embebbed)
                                //TODO: REVISAR ESTO, nunca debería pasar
                                //throw new Exception("El polígono está dentro de la esfera");

                            polygonIntersectionPoint = planeIntersectionPoint;
                            collisionFound = true;
                            //Buscar el punto mas cercano planeIntersectionPoint que tiene el polígono real de esta cara
                            polygonIntersectionPoint = TgcCollisionUtils.closestPointRectangle3d(planeIntersectionPoint,
                                bbFace.Extremes[0], bbFace.Extremes[1], bbFace.Extremes[2]);

                            //Revertir el vector de velocidad desde el nuevo polygonIntersectionPoint para ver donde colisiona la esfera, si es que llega
                            Vector3 reversePointSeg = polygonIntersectionPoint - movementVector;
                            if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectSegmentSphere(polygonIntersectionPoint, reversePointSeg, characterSphere, out pDist, out sphereIntersectionPoint))
                                collisionFound = true;

                        if (collisionFound)
                            //Nuevo vector de movimiento acotado
                            newMovementVector = polygonIntersectionPoint - sphereIntersectionPoint;
                            newMoveDistSq = newMovementVector.LengthSq();

                            if (newMoveDistSq <= distanceToTravelSq && newMoveDistSq < minCollisionDistSq)
                                minCollisionDistSq = newMoveDistSq;
                                realMovementVector = newMovementVector;
                                nearestPolygonIntersectionPoint = polygonIntersectionPoint;
                                collisionFace = bbFace;
                                collisionObstacle = obstaculoBB;


            //Si nunca hubo colisión, avanzar todo lo requerido
            if (collisionFace == null)
                //Avanzar hasta muy cerca
                float movementLength = movementVector.Length();
                movementVector.Multiply((movementLength - EPSILON) / movementLength);

            //Solo movernos si ya no estamos muy cerca
            if (minCollisionDistSq >= EPSILON)
                //Mover el BoundingSphere hasta casi la nueva posición real
                float movementLength = realMovementVector.Length();
                realMovementVector.Multiply((movementLength - EPSILON) / movementLength);

            //Calcular plano de Sliding
            Vector3 slidePlaneOrigin = nearestPolygonIntersectionPoint;
            Vector3 slidePlaneNormal = characterSphere.Center - nearestPolygonIntersectionPoint;

            Plane slidePlane = Plane.FromPointNormal(slidePlaneOrigin, slidePlaneNormal);

            //Proyectamos el punto original de destino en el plano de sliding
            TgcRay slideRay = new TgcRay(nearestPolygonIntersectionPoint + Vector3.Multiply(movementVector, slideFactor), slidePlaneNormal);
            float slideT;
            Vector3 slideDestinationPoint;

            if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayPlane(slideRay, slidePlane, out slideT, out slideDestinationPoint))
                //Nuevo vector de movimiento
                Vector3 slideMovementVector = slideDestinationPoint - nearestPolygonIntersectionPoint;

                if (slideMovementVector.LengthSq() < EPSILON)

                //Recursividad para aplicar sliding
                doCollideWithWorld(characterSphere, slideMovementVector, obstaculos, recursionDepth + 1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Indica si un Ray colisiona con un Plano.
        /// Tanto la normal del plano como la dirección del Ray se asumen normalizados.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">Ray a testear</param>
        /// <param name="plane">Plano a testear</param>
        /// <param name="t">Instante de colisión</param>
        /// <param name="q">Punto de colisión con el plano</param>
        /// <returns>True si hubo colisión</returns>
        public static bool intersectRayPlane(TgcRay ray, Plane plane, out float t, out Vector3 q)
            Vector3 planeNormal = TgcCollisionUtils.getPlaneNormal(plane);
            float numer = plane.Dot(ray.Origin);
            float denom = Vector3.Dot(planeNormal, ray.Direction);
            t = -numer / denom;

            if(t > 0.0f)
                q = ray.Origin + ray.Direction * t;
                return true;

            q = Vector3.Empty;
            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Picking con los planos XZ e YZ ubicados en el centro del objeto
        /// </summary>
        public Vector3 getPickingZ(TgcRay ray, Vector3 objCenter)
            //Mover ambos planos hacia el centro del objeto
                new Vector3(pickingXZAabb.PMin.X, objCenter.Y - SMALL_VAL, pickingXZAabb.PMin.Z),
                new Vector3(pickingXZAabb.PMax.X, objCenter.Y, pickingXZAabb.PMax.Z));
                new Vector3(objCenter.X - SMALL_VAL, pickingYZAabb.PMin.Y, pickingYZAabb.PMin.Z),
                new Vector3(objCenter.X, pickingYZAabb.PMax.Y, pickingYZAabb.PMax.Z));

            Vector3 q1, q2;
            bool r1, r2;
            r1 = TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(ray, pickingXZAabb, out q1);
            r2 = TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(ray, pickingYZAabb, out q2);

            if (r1 && r2)
                Vector2 objPos = new Vector2(objCenter.X, objCenter.Y);
                float diff1 = Vector2.Length(new Vector2(q1.X, q1.Y) - objPos);
                float diff2 = Vector2.Length(new Vector2(q2.X, q2.Y) - objPos);
                return diff1 < diff2 ? q1 : q2;
            else if (r1)
                return clampPickingResult(q1);
            else if (r2)
                return clampPickingResult(q2);
            return objCenter;
        /// <summary>
        /// Retorna true si hubo interseccion con el plano del terreno y setea el collisionPoint con la altura en ese punto. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray"></param>
        /// <param name="collisionPoint"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool intersectRayPlane(TgcRay ray, out Vector3 collisionPoint)
            collisionPoint = Vector3.Empty;
               float minHeight = (minIntensity + traslation.Y) * ScaleY;

            float t;
            //Me fijo si intersecta con el BB del terreno.
            if (!TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayPlane(ray, new Plane(0, 1, 0, -minHeight), out t, out collisionPoint)) return false;

            return interpoledHeight(collisionPoint.X, collisionPoint.Z, out collisionPoint.Y);
        /// <summary>
        /// Detectar colision entre un Ray y una Capsula
        /// Basado en: http://www.geometrictools.com/LibMathematics/Intersection/Wm5IntrLine3Capsule3.cpp
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">Ray</param>
        /// <param name="capsule">Capsula</param>
        /// <param name="t">Menor instante de colision</param>
        /// <returns>True si hay colision</returns>
        private bool intersectRayCapsule(TgcRay.RayStruct ray, Capsule capsule, out float t)
            t = -1;
            Vector3 origin = ray.origin;
            Vector3 dir = ray.direction;

            // Create a coordinate system for the capsule.  In this system, the
            // capsule segment center C is the origin and the capsule axis direction
            // W is the z-axis.  U and V are the other coordinate axis directions.
            // If P = x*U+y*V+z*W, the cylinder containing the capsule wall is
            // x^2 + y^2 = r^2, where r is the capsule radius.  The finite cylinder
            // that makes up the capsule minus its hemispherical end caps has z-values
            // |z| <= e, where e is the extent of the capsule segment.  The top
            // hemisphere cap is x^2+y^2+(z-e)^2 = r^2 for z >= e, and the bottom
            // hemisphere cap is x^2+y^2+(z+e)^2 = r^2 for z <= -e.
            Vector3 U = capsule.segment.dir;
            Vector3 V = U;
            Vector3 W = U;
            generateComplementBasis(ref U, ref V, W);
            float rSqr = capsule.radius * capsule.radius;
            float extent = capsule.segment.extent;

            // Convert incoming line origin to capsule coordinates.
            Vector3 diff = origin - capsule.segment.center;
            Vector3 P = new Vector3(Vector3.Dot(U, diff), Vector3.Dot(V, diff), Vector3.Dot(W, diff));

            // Get the z-value, in capsule coordinates, of the incoming line's unit-length direction.
            float dz = Vector3.Dot(W, dir);
            if (FastMath.Abs(dz) >= 1f - float.Epsilon)
                // The line is parallel to the capsule axis.  Determine whether the line intersects the capsule hemispheres.
                float radialSqrDist = rSqr - P.X * P.X - P.Y * P.Y;
                if (radialSqrDist < 0f)
                    // Line outside the cylinder of the capsule, no intersection.
                    return false;

                // line intersects the hemispherical caps
                float zOffset = FastMath.Sqrt(radialSqrDist) + extent;
                if (dz > 0f)
                    t = -P.Z - zOffset;
                    t = P.Z - zOffset;
                return true;

            // Convert incoming line unit-length direction to capsule coordinates.
            Vector3 D = new Vector3(Vector3.Dot(U, dir), Vector3.Dot(V, dir), dz);

            // Test intersection of line P+t*D with infinite cylinder x^2+y^2 = r^2.
            // This reduces to computing the roots of a quadratic equation.  If
            // P = (px,py,pz) and D = (dx,dy,dz), then the quadratic equation is
            //   (dx^2+dy^2)*t^2 + 2*(px*dx+py*dy)*t + (px^2+py^2-r^2) = 0
            float a0 = P.X * P.X + P.Y * P.Y - rSqr;
            float a1 = P.X * D.X + P.Y * D.Y;
            float a2 = D.X * D.X + D.Y * D.Y;
            float discr = a1 * a1 - a0 * a2;
            if (discr < 0f)
                // Line does not intersect infinite cylinder.
                return false;

            float root, inv, tValue, zValue;
            int quantity = 0;
            if (discr > float.Epsilon)
                // Line intersects infinite cylinder in two places.
                root = FastMath.Sqrt(discr);
                inv = (1f)/a2;
                tValue = (-a1 - root)* inv;
                zValue = P.Z + tValue * D.Z;
                if (FastMath.Abs(zValue) <= extent)
                    t = tValue;

                tValue = (-a1 + root) * inv;
                zValue = P.Z + tValue * D.Z;
                if (FastMath.Abs(zValue) <= extent)
                    t = TgcCollisionUtils.min(t, tValue);

                if (quantity == 2)
                    // Line intersects capsule wall in two places.
                    return true;
                // Line is tangent to infinite cylinder.
                tValue = -a1 / a2;
                zValue = P.Z + tValue * D.Z;
                if (FastMath.Abs(zValue) <= extent)
                    t = tValue;
                    return true;

            // Test intersection with bottom hemisphere.  The quadratic equation is
            // t^2 + 2*(px*dx+py*dy+(pz+e)*dz)*t + (px^2+py^2+(pz+e)^2-r^2) = 0
            // Use the fact that currently a1 = px*dx+py*dy and a0 = px^2+py^2-r^2.
            // The leading coefficient is a2 = 1, so no need to include in the
            // construction.
            float PZpE = P.Z + extent;
            a1 += PZpE * D.Z;
            a0 += PZpE * PZpE;
            discr = a1 * a1 - a0;
            if (discr > float.Epsilon)
                root = FastMath.Sqrt(discr);
                tValue = -a1 - root;
                zValue = P.Z + tValue * D.Z;
                if (zValue <= -extent)
                    t = TgcCollisionUtils.min(t, tValue);
                    if (quantity == 2)
                        return true;

                tValue = -a1 + root;
                zValue = P.Z + tValue * D.Z;
                if (zValue <= -extent)
                    t = TgcCollisionUtils.min(t, tValue);
                    if (quantity == 2)
                        return true;
            else if (FastMath.Abs(discr) <= float.Epsilon)
                tValue = -a1;
                zValue = P.Z + tValue * D.Z;
                if (zValue <= -extent)
                    t = TgcCollisionUtils.min(t, tValue);
                    if (quantity == 2)
                        return true;

            // Test intersection with top hemisphere.  The quadratic equation is
            // t^2 + 2*(px*dx+py*dy+(pz-e)*dz)*t + (px^2+py^2+(pz-e)^2-r^2) = 0
            // Use the fact that currently a1 = px*dx+py*dy+(pz+e)*dz and
            // a0 = px^2+py^2+(pz+e)^2-r^2.  The leading coefficient is a2 = 1, so
            // no need to include in the construction.
            a1 -= 2f * extent * D.Z;
            a0 -= 4 * extent * P.Z;
            discr = a1*a1 - a0;
            if (discr > float.Epsilon)
                root = FastMath.Sqrt(discr);
                tValue = -a1 - root;
                zValue = P.Z + tValue*D.Z;
                if (zValue >= extent)
                    t = TgcCollisionUtils.min(t, tValue);
                    if (quantity == 2)
                        return true;

                tValue = -a1 + root;
                zValue = P.Z + tValue * D.Z;
                if (zValue >= extent)
                    t = TgcCollisionUtils.min(t, tValue);
                    if (quantity == 2)
                        return true;
            else if (FastMath.Abs(discr) <= float.Epsilon)
                tValue = -a1;
                zValue = P.Z + tValue * D.Z;
                if (zValue >= extent)
                    t = TgcCollisionUtils.min(t, tValue);
                    if (quantity == 2)
                        return true;

            return quantity > 0;
 /// <summary>
 /// Picking con plano YZ ubicado en el centro del objeto
 /// </summary>
 public Vector3 getPickingYZ(TgcRay ray, Vector3 objCenter)
     //Mover aabb en Y al centro del mesh
         new Vector3(objCenter.X - SMALL_VAL, pickingYZAabb.PMin.Y, pickingYZAabb.PMin.Z),
         new Vector3(objCenter.X, pickingYZAabb.PMax.Y, pickingYZAabb.PMax.Z));
     Vector3 q;
     bool r = TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(ray, pickingYZAabb, out q);
     if (r)
         return clampPickingResult(q);
     return objCenter;
        /// <summary>
        /// Indica si un rayo colisiona con un cilindro.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">Rayo</param>
        /// <param name="cylinder">Cilindro alineado</param>
        /// <returns>True si el rayo colisiona con el cilindro</returns>
        public static bool testRayCylinder(TgcRay ray, TgcFixedYBoundingCylinder cylinder)
            Matrix transformation = cylinder.AntiTransformationMatrix;
            Vector3 origin = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(ray.Origin, transformation);
            Vector3 direction = Vector3.TransformNormal(ray.Direction, transformation);

            return TgcCollisionUtils.testRayCylinder(origin, direction);
        /// <summary>
        /// Interseccion entre un Ray y un AABB
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">Ray</param>
        /// <param name="aabb">AABB</param>
        /// <param name="tmin">Instante minimo de colision</param>
        /// <param name="q">Punto minimo de colision</param>
        /// <returns>True si hay colision</returns>
        private bool intersectRayAABB(TgcRay.RayStruct ray, TgcBoundingBox.AABBStruct aabb, out float tmin, out Vector3 q)
            float[] aabbMin = TgcCollisionUtils.toArray(aabb.min);
            float[] aabbMax = TgcCollisionUtils.toArray(aabb.max);
            float[] p = TgcCollisionUtils.toArray(ray.origin);
            float[] d = TgcCollisionUtils.toArray(ray.direction);

            tmin = 0.0f; // set to -FLT_MAX to get first hit on line
            float tmax = float.MaxValue; // set to max distance ray can travel (for segment)
            q = Vector3.Empty;

            // For all three slabs
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (FastMath.Abs(d[i]) < float.Epsilon)
                    // Ray is parallel to slab. No hit if origin not within slab
                    if (p[i] < aabbMin[i] || p[i] > aabbMax[i]) return false;
                    // Compute intersection t value of ray with near and far plane of slab
                    float ood = 1.0f / d[i];
                    float t1 = (aabbMin[i] - p[i]) * ood;
                    float t2 = (aabbMax[i] - p[i]) * ood;
                    // Make t1 be intersection with near plane, t2 with far plane
                    if (t1 > t2) TgcCollisionUtils.swap(ref t1, ref t2);
                    // Compute the intersection of slab intersection intervals
                    tmin = TgcCollisionUtils.max(tmin, t1);
                    tmax = TgcCollisionUtils.min(tmax, t2);
                    // Exit with no collision as soon as slab intersection becomes empty
                    if (tmin > tmax) return false;
            // Ray intersects all 3 slabs. Return point (q) and intersection t value (tmin)
            q = ray.origin + ray.direction * tmin;
            return true;
 private bool canSeeWithObstacles(Vector3 targetPoint, List<ILevelObject> obstacles)
     Vector3 pt =  targetPoint-this.Position;
     TgcRay ray = new TgcRay(this.Position, pt);
     foreach (ILevelObject o in obstacles)
         if (objectInsideRadius(pt.Length(), o))
             if (o.collidesWith(ray)) return false;
     return true;
 public TgcPickingRay()
     ray = new TgcRay();
        /// <summary>
        /// Indica si un Ray colisiona con un BoundingSphere.
        /// Si el resultado es True se carga el punto de colision (q) y la distancia de colision en el Ray (t).
        /// La dirección del Ray debe estar normalizada.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">Ray</param>
        /// <param name="sphere">BoundingSphere</param>
        /// <param name="t">Distancia de colision del Ray</param>
        /// <param name="q">Punto de colision</param>
        /// <returns>True si hay colision</returns>
        public static bool intersectRaySphere(TgcRay ray, TgcBoundingSphere sphere, out float t, out Vector3 q)
            t = -1;
            q = Vector3.Empty;

            Vector3 m = ray.Origin - sphere.Center;
            float b = Vector3.Dot(m, ray.Direction);
            float c = Vector3.Dot(m, m) - sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius;
            // Exit if r’s origin outside s (c > 0) and r pointing away from s (b > 0)
            if (c > 0.0f && b > 0.0f) return false;
            float discr = b*b - c;
            // A negative discriminant corresponds to ray missing sphere
            if (discr < 0.0f) return false;
            // Ray now found to intersect sphere, compute smallest t value of intersection
            t = -b - FastMath.Sqrt(discr);
            // If t is negative, ray started inside sphere so clamp t to zero
            if (t < 0.0f) t = 0.0f;
            q = ray.Origin + t * ray.Direction;
            return true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Detecta colision entre un rayo y un poligono convexo formado por un conjunto de vertices.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ray">Rayo</param>
 /// <param name="polyVertices">Conjunto de vertices del poligono</param>
 /// <param name="t">Instante de tiempo de colision</param>
 /// <param name="q">Punto de colision</param>
 /// <returns>True si hay colision</returns>
 public static bool intersectRayConvexPolygon(TgcRay ray, Vector3[] polyVertices, out float t, out Vector3 q)
     t = -1;
     q = Vector3.Empty;
     Vector3 v0 = polyVertices[0];
     Vector3 v1 = polyVertices[1];
     for (int i = 2; i < polyVertices.Length; i++)
         Vector3 v2 = polyVertices[i];
         if (intersectRayTriangle(ray, v0, v1, v2, out t, out q))
             return true;
         v1 = v2;
     return false;
 public Boolean Intercepts(TgcRay ray)
     return _Colliders.Any(c => c.Intercepts(ray));
        /// <summary>
        /// Indica si un segmento de recta colisiona con un BoundingSphere.
        /// Si el resultado es True se carga el punto de colision (q) y la distancia de colision en el t.
        /// La dirección del Ray debe estar normalizada.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p0">Punto inicial del segmento</param>
        /// <param name="p1">Punto final del segmento</param>
        /// <param name="s">BoundingSphere</param>
        /// <param name="t">Distancia de colision del segmento</param>
        /// <param name="q">Punto de colision</param>
        /// <returns>True si hay colision</returns>
        public static bool intersectSegmentSphere(Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, TgcBoundingSphere sphere, out float t, out Vector3 q)
            Vector3 segmentDir = p1 - p0;
            TgcRay ray = new TgcRay(p0, segmentDir);
            if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRaySphere(ray, sphere, out t, out q))
                float segmentLengthSq = segmentDir.LengthSq();
                Vector3 collisionDiff = q - p0;
                float collisionLengthSq = collisionDiff.LengthSq();
                if (collisionLengthSq <= segmentLengthSq)
                    return true;

            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Interseccion Ray-OBB.
        /// Devuelve true y el punto q de colision si hay interseccion.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool intersectRayObb(TgcRay ray, TgcObb obb, out Vector3 q)
            //Transformar Ray a OBB-space
            Vector3 a = ray.Origin;
            Vector3 b = ray.Origin + ray.Direction;
            a = obb.toObbSpace(a);
            b = obb.toObbSpace(b);
            TgcRay.RayStruct ray2 = new TgcRay.RayStruct();
            ray2.origin = a;
            ray2.direction = Vector3.Normalize(b - a);

            //Crear AABB que representa al OBB
            Vector3 min = -obb.Extents;
            Vector3 max = obb.Extents;
            TgcBoundingBox.AABBStruct aabb = new TgcBoundingBox.AABBStruct();
            aabb.min = min;
            aabb.max = max;

            //Hacer interseccion Ray-AABB
            if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(ray2, aabb, out q))
                //Pasar q a World-Space
                q = obb.toWorldSpace(q);
                return true;

            return false;
 public PickingRay()
     ray = new TgcRay();
 /// <summary>
 /// Indica si un BoundingSphere colisiona con un Ray (sin indicar su punto de colision)
 /// La dirección del Ray debe estar normalizada.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ray">Ray</param>
 /// <param name="sphere">BoundingSphere</param>
 /// <returns>True si hay colision</returns>
 public static bool testRaySphere(TgcRay ray, TgcBoundingSphere sphere)
     Vector3 m = ray.Origin - sphere.Center;
     float c = Vector3.Dot(m, m) - sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius;
     // If there is definitely at least one real root, there must be an intersection
     if (c <= 0.0f) return true;
     float b = Vector3.Dot(m, ray.Direction);
     // Early exit if ray origin outside sphere and ray pointing away from sphere
     if (b > 0.0f) return false;
     float disc = b * b - c;
     // A negative discriminant corresponds to ray missing sphere
     if (disc < 0.0f) return false;
     // Now ray must hit sphere
     return true;