public static void ProcessCommand(string input) { string command = TextUtils.ExtractCmd(input.Trim()).Trim().ToLower(); string arguement = TextUtils.ExtractArgs(input.Trim().Trim().ToLower()); if (Direction.isValidDirection(command)) { Player.Go(command); } else { switch (command) { case "exit": Program.exit = true; return; case "help": ShowHelp(); break; case "examine": Player.Examine(arguement); break; case "move": Player.Go(arguement); break; case "look": Player.GetCurrentRoom().Describe(); break; case "pickup": Player.PickupItem(arguement); break; case "pickupall": //Not built in to engine. Player.PickupAll(); break; case "drop": Player.DropItem(arguement); break; case "inventory": Player.DisplayInventory(); break; case "whereami": Player.GetCurrentRoom().ShowTitle(); break; case "use": Player.Use(arguement); //Not built into engine break; default: TextBuffer.Add("Input not understood."); break; } GameManager.ApplyRules(); TextBuffer.Display(); } }
private static void ShowHelp() { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(TextUtils.WordWrap("Help menu not inputted: for info on commands open in VSC# and look in CommandProc class and commands in switch command.", Console.WindowWidth)); }