public void FindFileSimple() { //TestingSingleton.GetImageFile // Tests to see if it can find the file System.Windows.Forms.Form form = new System.Windows.Forms.Form(); _TestSingleTon.Instance._SetupForLayoutPanelTests(); LayoutDetails.Instance.AddToList(typeof(FAKE_NoteDataPicture), "pictures"); FAKE_LayoutPanel panel = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); form.Controls.Add(panel); form.Show(); //NOTE: For now remember that htis ADDS 1 Extra notes panel.NewLayout("mynewpanel", true, null); NoteDataXML basicNote = new NoteDataXML(); basicNote.Caption = "note1"; panel.AddNote(basicNote); //basicNote.CreateParent(panel); //panel.MoveNote( FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelA = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelA.Caption = "PanelA"; FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelB = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelB.Caption = "PanelB"; panel.AddNote(panelA); panelA.CreateParent(panel); // b is inside A panelA.AddNote(panelB); panelB.CreateParent(panelA.GetPanelsLayout()); FAKE_NoteDataPicture picture = new FAKE_NoteDataPicture(); panelB.AddNote(picture); picture.CreateParent(panelB.GetPanelsLayout()); Assert.IsNull(picture.GetPictureBox().Image); Assert.True(System.IO.File.Exists(_TestSingleTon.ValidImageFile)); picture._SetImage(_TestSingleTon.ValidImageFile); Assert.IsNotNull(picture.GetPictureBox().Image); }
public void TestAddItemsToStoryboard() { _w.output("START"); System.Windows.Forms.Form form = new System.Windows.Forms.Form(); _TestSingleTon.Instance._SetupForLayoutPanelTests(); FAKE_LayoutPanel panel = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); form.Controls.Add(panel); form.Show(); //NOTE: For now remember that htis ADDS 1 Extra notes panel.NewLayout("mynewpanel", true, null); NoteDataXML basicNote = new NoteDataXML(); basicNote.Caption = "note1"; panel.AddNote(basicNote); //basicNote.CreateParent(panel); NoteDataXML_GroupEm StoryBoard = new NoteDataXML_GroupEm(); panel.AddNote(StoryBoard); //panel.MoveNote( // create four panels A and B at root level. C inside A. D inside C FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelA = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelA.Caption = "PanelA"; panel.AddNote(panelA); // 1 StoryBoard = new NoteDataXML_GroupEm(); StoryBoard.GuidForNote = "storyboard2"; StoryBoard.Caption = "storyboard"; panelA.AddNote(StoryBoard); StoryBoard.CreateParent(panelA.GetPanelsLayout()); Assert.AreEqual(0, StoryBoard.CountStoryBoardItems()); CoreUtilities.Links.LinkTableRecord record = new CoreUtilities.Links.LinkTableRecord(); record.sFileName = "PanelA"; //StoryBoard.GuidForNote; record.sKey = "*"; record.sText = "*"; record.sSource = StoryBoard.GuidForNote; panel.GetLinkTable().Add(record); Assert.AreEqual(1, panel.GetLinkTable().Count()); StoryBoard.Refresh(); Assert.AreEqual(1, StoryBoard.CountStoryBoardItems()); }
public void AddLinkToSubpanel() { // get the link into a subpanel and make the counts are as expected _TestSingleTon.Instance._SetupForLayoutPanelTests(); // _SetupForLayoutPanelTests (); FAKE_LayoutPanel panel = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); //NOTE: For now remember that htis ADDS 1 Extra notes panel.NewLayout("mynewpanel", true, null); NoteDataXML basicNote = new NoteDataXML(); basicNote.GuidForNote = "thisguid1"; basicNote.Caption = "note1"; panel.AddNote(basicNote); basicNote.CreateParent(panel); panel.SaveLayout(); FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelA = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelA.Caption = "PanelA"; panel.AddNote(panelA); panelA.CreateParent(panel); panel.SaveLayout(); System.Collections.Generic.List <string> linkstome = MasterOfLayouts.ReciprocalLinks("mynewpanel"); Assert.AreEqual(0, linkstome.Count); NoteDataXML_LinkNote link = new NoteDataXML_LinkNote(); panelA.AddNote(link); link.CreateParent(panelA.GetPanelsLayout()); link.SetLink("mynewpanel.thisguid1"); panel.SaveLayout(); linkstome = MasterOfLayouts.ReciprocalLinks("mynewpanel"); Assert.AreEqual(1, linkstome.Count); }
public void DeleteTests() { // nest several panels //_SetupForLayoutPanelTests (); _TestSingleTon.Instance._SetupForLayoutPanelTests(); FAKE_LayoutPanel panel = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); //NOTE: For now remember that htis ADDS 1 Extra notes panel.NewLayout("mynewpanel", true, null); NoteDataXML basicNote = new NoteDataXML(); basicNote.GuidForNote = "thisguid1"; basicNote.Caption = "note1"; panel.AddNote(basicNote); basicNote.CreateParent(panel); panel.SaveLayout(); FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelA = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelA.Caption = "PanelA"; panelA.GuidForNote = "panela"; panel.AddNote(panelA); panelA.CreateParent(panel); FAKE_NoteDataXML_Text textNote = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Text(); panelA.AddNote(textNote); textNote.CreateParent(panelA.GetPanelsLayout()); textNote.Caption = "My text"; textNote.GetRichTextBox().Text = "Hello there."; panel.SaveLayout(); Assert.AreEqual(2, MasterOfLayouts.Count(true)); Assert.True(MasterOfLayouts.ExistsByGUID("mynewpanel")); MasterOfLayouts.DeleteLayout("mynewpanel"); Assert.False(MasterOfLayouts.ExistsByGUID("mynewpanel")); Assert.AreEqual(0, MasterOfLayouts.Count(true)); }
public void SetCurrentTextNoteAndDetectThisInParentLayouts() { // nest several panels _TestSingleTon.Instance._SetupForLayoutPanelTests(); FAKE_LayoutPanel panel = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); //NOTE: For now remember that htis ADDS 1 Extra notes panel.NewLayout("mynewpanel", true, null); NoteDataXML basicNote = new NoteDataXML(); basicNote.GuidForNote = "thisguid1"; basicNote.Caption = "note1"; panel.AddNote(basicNote); basicNote.CreateParent(panel); panel.SaveLayout(); FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelA = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelA.Caption = "PanelA"; panel.AddNote(panelA); panelA.CreateParent(panel); basicNote = new NoteDataXML(); basicNote.GuidForNote = "thisguid2"; basicNote.Caption = "note2"; panelA.AddNote(basicNote); // Panel A has 1 note basicNote.CreateParent(panelA.myLayoutPanel()); // DO need to call it when adding notes like this (to a subpanel, I think) panel.SaveLayout(); FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelB = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelB.Caption = "PanelB"; panelA.AddNote(panelB); panelB.CreateParent(panelA.myLayoutPanel()); FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelC = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelC.Caption = "PanelC"; panelB.AddNote(panelC); panelC.CreateParent(panelB.myLayoutPanel()); FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelD = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelD.Caption = "PanelD"; panelC.AddNote(panelC); panelD.CreateParent(panelC.myLayoutPanel()); //Add a text note FAKE_NoteDataXML_Text texter = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Text(); panelD.AddNote(texter); texter.CreateParent(panelD.myLayoutPanel()); // Set this text note as active texter.SetActive(); // Go back to each of the owner panels and make sure their CurrentTextNote is equal to this one Assert.AreEqual(panelD.myLayoutPanel().CurrentTextNote, texter); Assert.AreEqual(panelC.myLayoutPanel().CurrentTextNote, texter); Assert.AreEqual(panelB.myLayoutPanel().CurrentTextNote, texter); Assert.AreEqual(panelA.myLayoutPanel().CurrentTextNote, texter); Assert.AreEqual(panel.CurrentTextNote, texter); }
public void AdvancedSearchingForNotesTests() { _TestSingleTon.Instance._SetupForLayoutPanelTests(); //_SetupForLayoutPanelTests (); FAKE_LayoutPanel panel = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); //NOTE: For now remember that htis ADDS 1 Extra notes panel.NewLayout("mynewpanel", true, null); NoteDataXML basicNote = new NoteDataXML(); basicNote.GuidForNote = "thisguid1"; basicNote.Caption = "note1"; panel.AddNote(basicNote); basicNote.CreateParent(panel); panel.SaveLayout(); FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel DiversionPanel = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); DiversionPanel.Caption = "WeAdd this to make the FindFail later by having an empty layout that sends buggy searches down the wrong corridor"; panel.AddNote(DiversionPanel); DiversionPanel.CreateParent(panel); FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelA = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelA.Caption = "PanelA"; panel.AddNote(panelA); panelA.CreateParent(panel); basicNote = new NoteDataXML(); basicNote.GuidForNote = "thisguid2"; basicNote.Caption = "note2"; panelA.AddNote(basicNote); // Panel A has 1 note basicNote.CreateParent(panelA.myLayoutPanel()); // DO need to call it when adding notes like this (to a subpanel, I think) panel.SaveLayout(); NoteDataInterface finder = null; finder = panel.FindNoteByGuid("thisguid1"); Assert.NotNull(finder.ParentNotePanel); _w.output("C: " + finder.Caption); Assert.AreEqual(finder.Caption, "note1"); Assert.NotNull(finder.ParentNotePanel); finder = null; // this note is on a subpanel finder = panel.FindNoteByGuid("thisguid2"); Assert.NotNull(finder); Assert.AreEqual(finder.Caption, "note2"); finder = panel.GoToNote(finder); // added this February 2013 because this code stopped finding notes within subpanels for some reason Assert.NotNull(finder.ParentNotePanel); // find notes inside of notes with the GUI code and such // now test the fast search function NoteDataInterface foundNote2 = panel.GetNoteOnSameLayout(finder.GuidForNote, false); Assert.NotNull(foundNote2); Assert.AreEqual(finder.GuidForNote, foundNote2.GuidForNote); Assert.NotNull(foundNote2.ParentNotePanel); }
public void TestMovingNotes() { _w.output("START"); System.Windows.Forms.Form form = new System.Windows.Forms.Form(); _TestSingleTon.Instance._SetupForLayoutPanelTests(); FAKE_LayoutPanel panel = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); form.Controls.Add(panel); form.Show(); //NOTE: For now remember that htis ADDS 1 Extra notes panel.NewLayout("mynewpanel", true, null); NoteDataXML basicNote = new NoteDataXML(); basicNote.Caption = "note1"; panel.AddNote(basicNote); //basicNote.CreateParent(panel); //panel.MoveNote( // create four panels A and B at root level. C inside A. D inside C FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelA = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelA.Caption = "PanelA"; panelA.GuidForNote = "panela"; FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelB = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelB.Caption = "PanelB"; panelB.GuidForNote = "panelb"; FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelC = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelC.Caption = "PanelC"; panelC.GuidForNote = "panelc"; _w.output("panels made"); panel.AddNote(panelA); // 1 panel.AddNote(panelB); // 2 //panelA.CreateParent(panel); should not need to call this when doing LayoutPanel.AddNote because it calls CreateParent insid eof it basicNote = new NoteDataXML(); basicNote.Caption = "note2"; panelA.AddNote(basicNote); // Panel A has 1 note basicNote.CreateParent(panelA.myLayoutPanel()); // DO need to call it when adding notes like this (to a subpanel, I think) panel.SaveLayout(); Assert.AreEqual(1, panelA.CountNotes(), "Panel A holds one note"); // So this counts as + 2 // so we have (1 + 1 note on it)panel A + (1)panelB + basicNote +DefaultNote = 5 + (NEW) LinkTable = 6 _w.output("STARTCOUNT"); Assert.AreEqual(6, panel.CountNotes(), "Total notes SHOULD BE 6 : (1 + 1 note on it)panel A + (1)panelB + basicNote +DefaultNote = 5 + (NEW) LinkTable = 6"); _w.output("ENDCOUNT"); //COUNT SHOULD BE: panelA has 1 note //COUNT Total should be: Default Note + Note + PanelA + Panel B + (Note Inside Panel A) = 5 panelA.AddNote(panelC); // panelC is now part of Panel 2 panelC.CreateParent(panelA.myLayoutPanel()); panel.SaveLayout(); // NEED TO SAVE before conts will be accurated //COUNT SHOULD BE: panelA has 2 notes (Panel C + the Note I add) _w.output("START COUNT SUB"); Assert.AreEqual(2, panelA.CountNotes(), "two notes in panelA"); _w.output("END COUNT SUB"); Assert.AreEqual(7, panel.CountNotes(), "total of SEVEN notes"); _w.output("START COUNT SUB2"); Assert.AreEqual(0, panelB.CountNotes(), "0 count worked?"); _w.output("END COUNT SUB2"); //COUNT Total should be: Default Note + Note + PanelA + Panel B + (NoteInside Panel A) + (Panel C Inside Panel A) = 6 FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelD = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelD.Caption = "PanelD"; panelC.AddNote(panelD); // panelC which is inside PANELA now adds panelD (which is empty?) panelD.CreateParent(panelC.myLayoutPanel()); panel.SaveLayout(); _w.output("START COUNT SUB3"); Assert.AreEqual(0, panelD.CountNotes(), "No notes in panelD"); _w.output("START COUNT SUB3"); /* * NoteDataXML_RichText extra = new NoteDataXML_RichText(); * panelD.AddNote (extra); //this was here only to test that there is an error with counting EMPTY panels * extra.CreateParent(panelD.myLayoutPanel()); * panel.SaveLayout();*/ // update on ERROR: Every note in D is being counted DOUBLE // weird error: If a panel is empty it will register as +1 (i.e, counted twice) // PanelC and PanelA are adding this note // AddChildrenToList, TYPE: TEMPORARY, scanning children...47d43f01-a031-42d1-8539-bb7ae284a9e1 from PanelC // AddChildrenToList, TYPE: TEMPORARY, scanning children...47d43f01-a031-42d1-8539-bb7ae284a9e1 from PanelA //OK: Every note is claiming ownership of the TEXT NOTE, which is the problem, I think. _w.output("START COUNT SUB4"); Assert.AreEqual(1, panelC.CountNotes(), "1 notes in panelC"); _w.output("E COUNT SUB4"); Assert.AreEqual(0, panelD.CountNotes(), "1 note in panelD"); _w.output("_------------------------------"); _w.output("panel.CountNotes=" + panel.CountNotes()); _w.output("_------------------------------"); Assert.AreEqual(8, panel.CountNotes(), "We have only added one panel so we should be up to 8"); Assert.AreEqual(3, panelA.CountNotes()); Assert.AreEqual(8, panel.CountNotes(), "number of notes in main panel"); Assert.AreEqual(0, panelB.CountNotes(), "testt"); Assert.AreEqual(1, panelC.CountNotes(), "testt"); // add a note to panel d (we want to make sure this note does not disappear while D is being moved around NoteDataXML noteford = new NoteDataXML(); noteford.Caption = "note for d"; panelD.AddNote(noteford); // Move panel D from panelC into PANEL A panelC.myLayoutPanel().MoveNote(panelD.GuidForNote, "up"); panel.SaveLayout(); Assert.AreEqual(4, panelA.CountNotes()); // 4 because I added a note to D which is inside A Assert.AreEqual(9, panel.CountNotes()); Assert.AreEqual(0, panelC.CountNotes()); Assert.AreEqual(0, panelB.CountNotes()); Assert.AreEqual(1, panelD.CountNotes()); // Move panel D from panelA into ROOT panelA.myLayoutPanel().MoveNote(panelD.GuidForNote, "up"); panel.SaveLayout(); Assert.AreEqual(2, panelA.CountNotes()); Assert.AreEqual(9, panel.CountNotes()); Assert.AreEqual(0, panelC.CountNotes()); // ** FINE HERE _w.output("do c twice, what happens?"); Assert.AreEqual(0, panelC.CountNotes()); Assert.AreEqual(0, panelB.CountNotes()); Assert.AreEqual(1, panelD.CountNotes()); lg.Instance.Loudness = Loud.ACRITICAL; _w.output("START COUNT SUB5"); NoteDataXML_RichText richy = new NoteDataXML_RichText(); richy.GuidForNote = "richy"; panel.AddNote(richy); richy.CreateParent(panel); panel.SaveLayout(); _w.output("do c THRICE, what happens?"); Assert.AreEqual(0, panelC.CountNotes()); _w.output("E COUNT SUB5"); // now move note into A _w.output("move richy FROM PANEL into PanelA (PanelA also holds PanelC). The exact logic seems to be that IN THE FOLLOWING MOVE, PANELA Gets Disposed of??!?"); panel.MoveNote(richy.GuidForNote, panelA.GuidForNote); panel.SaveLayout(); _w.output("do c 4x, what happens?"); Assert.AreEqual(0, panelC.CountNotes()); _w.output("done move richy"); Assert.AreEqual(3, panelA.CountNotes()); Assert.AreEqual(10, panel.CountNotes()); _w.output("countc"); Assert.AreEqual(0, panelC.CountNotes()); // * Jan 19 2013 - brok ehere _w.output("e countc"); _w.output("countb"); Assert.AreEqual(0, panelB.CountNotes()); _w.output("e countb"); _w.output("Panel A Notes " + panelA.CountNotes().ToString()); _w.output("Total Notes " + panel.CountNotes()); // also see if this test or another could replicate the problems I had in previous version with RefhresTabs panel.SaveLayout(); // now do a test to load it panel = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); //form.Controls.Add (panel); //form.Show (); //NOTE: For now remember that htis ADDS 1 Extra notes panel.LoadLayout("mynewpanel", false, null); _w.output("getting notes for " + panel.Caption); System.Collections.ArrayList TheNotes = panel.GetAllNotes(); // System.Collections.Generic.List<NoteDataInterface> list = new System.Collections.Generic.List<NoteDataInterface> (); //list.AddRange ((NoteDataInterface[])TheNotes.ToArray ()); int count = 0; foreach (NoteDataInterface note in TheNotes) { if (note.GuidForNote == CoreUtilities.Links.LinkTable.STICKY_TABLE) { count++; } } // make sure there is only one linktable Assert.AreEqual(1, count); //.NoteDataInterface[] found = (NoteDataInterface)list.Find (NoteDataInterface=>NoteDataInterface.GuidForNote == CoreUtilities.Links.LinkTable.STICKY_TABLE ); // Assert.True (false); }
public void SpeedTest() { // this will be a benchmarking test that will create a complicated Layout // Then it will time and record the results of LOADING and SAVING that layout into a // table saved in my backup paths // will also output a DAAbackup file (text readable) format too _TestSingleTon.Instance._SetupForLayoutPanelTests(); System.Windows.Forms.Form form = _TestSingleTon.Instance.FORM; //new System.Windows.Forms.Form(); FAKE_LayoutPanel panel = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); form.Controls.Add(panel); // needed else DataGrid does not initialize form.Show(); //form.Visible = false; _w.output("boom"); // March 2013 -- notelist relies on having this YOM2013.DefaultLayouts.CreateASystemLayout(form, null); //NOTE: For now remember that htis ADDS 1 Extra notes string panelname = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); panel.NewLayout(panelname, true, null); LayoutDetails.Instance.AddToList(typeof(FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel), "testingpanel"); _w.output("herefirst"); // ADD 1 of each type foreach (Type t in LayoutDetails.Instance.ListOfTypesToStoreInXML()) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { NoteDataInterface note = (NoteDataInterface)Activator.CreateInstance(t); panel.AddNote(note); note.CreateParent(panel); } } _w.output("here"); FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelA = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelA.Caption = "PanelA"; panel.AddNote(panelA); string stringoftypes = ""; foreach (Type t in LayoutDetails.Instance.ListOfTypesToStoreInXML()) { NoteDataInterface note = (NoteDataInterface)Activator.CreateInstance(t); panelA.AddNote(note); stringoftypes = stringoftypes + " " + t.ToString(); } panel.SaveLayout(); string base_path = _TestSingleTon.PATH_TO_SpeedTestFiles; //@"C:\Users\BrentK\Documents\Keeper\Files\yomspeedtests2013\"; _w.output("here"); NoteDataXML_RichText richy; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { richy = new NoteDataXML_RichText(); richy.Caption = "richtext"; panel.AddNote(richy); Assert.True(richy.GetIsRichTextBlank()); richy.DoOverwriteWithRTFFile(System.IO.Path.Combine(base_path, "speedtest.rtf")); Assert.False(richy.GetIsRichTextBlank()); } _w.output("First save"); panel.SaveLayout(); string table = "layoutpanelsaveload"; // Now try and write this data out. SqlLiteDatabase timetracking = new SqlLiteDatabase(System.IO.Path.Combine(base_path, "speedtests.s3db")); timetracking.CreateTableIfDoesNotExist(table, new string [5] { "id", "datetime", "timetook", "types", "saveorload" }, new string[5] { "INTEGER", "TEXT", "FLOAT", "TEXT", "TEXT" }, "id"); // * Now start the Load Test TimeSpan time; CoreUtilities.TimerCore.TimerOn = true; time = CoreUtilities.TimerCore.Time(() => { panel = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); form.Controls.Add(panel); panel.LoadLayout(panelname, false, null); }); _w.output("TIME " + time); timetracking.InsertData(table, new string[4] { "datetime", "timetook", "types", "saveorload" }, new object[4] { DateTime.Now.ToString(), time.TotalSeconds, stringoftypes, "load" }); time = CoreUtilities.TimerCore.Time(() => { // We keep the PANEL from above! Don't recreate it. //panel = new FAKE_LayoutPanel (CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK); panel.SaveLayout(); }); Console.WriteLine("TIME " + time); timetracking.InsertData(table, new string[4] { "datetime", "timetook", "types", "saveorload" }, new object[4] { DateTime.Now.ToString(), time.TotalSeconds, stringoftypes, "save" }); string backup = timetracking.BackupDatabase(); System.IO.TextWriter write = new System.IO.StreamWriter(System.IO.Path.Combine(base_path, "timeresults.txt")); write.WriteLine(backup); write.Close(); FakeLayoutDatabase layout = new FakeLayoutDatabase("testguid"); FAKE_SqlLiteDatabase db = new FAKE_SqlLiteDatabase(layout.GetDatabaseName()); _w.output("Backup of stored database: " + db.BackupDatabase()); timetracking.Dispose(); db.Dispose(); }
public void TestLinkTables() { System.Windows.Forms.Form form = new System.Windows.Forms.Form(); _TestSingleTon.Instance._SetupForLayoutPanelTests(); LayoutDetails.Instance.AddToList(typeof(FAKE_NoteDataPicture), "pictures"); FAKE_LayoutPanel panel = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); form.Controls.Add(panel); form.Show(); //NOTE: For now remember that htis ADDS 1 Extra notes panel.NewLayout("mynewpanel", true, null); NoteDataXML basicNote = new NoteDataXML(); basicNote.Caption = "note1"; panel.AddNote(basicNote); //basicNote.CreateParent(panel); //panel.MoveNote( FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelA = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelA.Caption = "PanelA"; FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelB = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelB.Caption = "PanelB"; panel.AddNote(panelA); panelA.CreateParent(panel); // b is inside A panelA.AddNote(panelB); panelB.CreateParent(panelA.GetPanelsLayout()); FAKE_NoteDataPicture picture = new FAKE_NoteDataPicture(); panelB.AddNote(picture); picture.CreateParent(panelB.GetPanelsLayout()); // add a few more pictures picture = new FAKE_NoteDataPicture(); panelB.AddNote(picture); picture.CreateParent(panelB.GetPanelsLayout()); picture = new FAKE_NoteDataPicture(); panelB.AddNote(picture); picture.CreateParent(panelB.GetPanelsLayout()); panel.SaveLayout(); // basic note + LINKTABLE + Default Note + Panel A + Panel B + Picture1 + Picture2 + Picture3= 8 Assert.AreEqual(8, panel.CountNotes()); // create several pictures, including in a subpanel, and then count linktables=1 CoreUtilities.Links.LinkTable panelLinkTable = panelB.GetPanelsLayout().GetLinkTable(); CoreUtilities.Links.LinkTable MainLinkTable = panel.GetLinkTable(); Assert.AreEqual(panelLinkTable, MainLinkTable); CoreUtilities.Links.LinkTable dodgeball = new CoreUtilities.Links.LinkTable(); Assert.AreNotEqual(MainLinkTable, dodgeball); //Assert.AreNotEqual(MainLinkTable, panelLinkTable); // moves one of the pictures out of the Folder B and into FolderA Assert.AreEqual(4, panelA.CountNotes()); panelB.myLayoutPanel().MoveNote(picture.GuidForNote, "up"); Assert.AreEqual(4, panelA.CountNotes()); // count should stay the same panelA.myLayoutPanel().MoveNote(picture.GuidForNote, "up"); Assert.AreEqual(3, panelA.CountNotes()); // now that the note is out the count should go down Assert.AreEqual(8, panel.CountNotes()); }
public void FindFile_MissingAdvanced() { //TestingSingleton.GetImageFile // Tests to see if it can find the file, in CURRENT directory (not at location specifeid and not at root level -- Searches subdirectores) //TestingSingleton.GetImageFile // Tests to see if it can find the file, in CURRENT directory (not at location specifeid) //TestingSingleton.GetImageFile // Tests to see if it can find the file System.Windows.Forms.Form form = new System.Windows.Forms.Form(); _TestSingleTon.Instance._SetupForLayoutPanelTests(); LayoutDetails.Instance.AddToList(typeof(FAKE_NoteDataPicture), "pictures"); FAKE_LayoutPanel panel = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); form.Controls.Add(panel); form.Show(); //NOTE: For now remember that htis ADDS 1 Extra notes panel.NewLayout("mynewpanel", true, null); NoteDataXML basicNote = new NoteDataXML(); basicNote.Caption = "note1"; panel.AddNote(basicNote); //basicNote.CreateParent(panel); //panel.MoveNote( FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelA = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelA.Caption = "PanelA"; FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelB = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelB.Caption = "PanelB"; panel.AddNote(panelA); panelA.CreateParent(panel); // b is inside A panelA.AddNote(panelB); panelB.CreateParent(panelA.GetPanelsLayout()); FAKE_NoteDataPicture picture = new FAKE_NoteDataPicture(); panelB.AddNote(picture); picture.CreateParent(panelB.GetPanelsLayout()); Assert.IsNull(picture.GetPictureBox().Image); string NewDirectory = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, @"temppicdirectory"); //CoreUtilities.NewMessage.Show("trying to create: "+ NewDirectory); Directory.CreateDirectory(NewDirectory); //string NewLocation = Path.Combine (NewDirectory, _TestSingleTon.InvalidImageFile); string NewLocation = Path.Combine(NewDirectory, _TestSingleTon.InvalidImageFile); _w.output("here"); File.Delete(NewLocation); //File.Copy (_TestSingleTon.ValidImageFile, NewLocation, true); File.Delete(_TestSingleTon.InvalidImageFile); // in case leftover froma nother test Assert.False(File.Exists(_TestSingleTon.InvalidImageFile), "File ALready Exists!"); // copy it into local directory _w.output("here2"); File.Copy(_TestSingleTon.ValidImageFile, NewLocation, true); picture._SetImage(_TestSingleTon.InvalidImageFile); // THis should work, it works LIVE?? Assert.IsNotNull(picture.GetPictureBox().Image); picture.Dispose(); }
public void ArchiveAllAndCount() { lg.Instance.OutputToConstoleToo = true; Form form = new Form(); string ThisLayoutGUID = "mynewpanelXA"; // create a layout _TestSingleTon.Instance._SetupForLayoutPanelTests(); // _SetupForLayoutPanelTests (); FAKE_LayoutPanel panel = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); form.Controls.Add(panel); //NOTE: For now remember that htis ADDS 1 Extra notes panel.NewLayout(ThisLayoutGUID, true, null); NoteDataXML basicNote = new NoteDataXML(); basicNote.GuidForNote = "thisguid1"; basicNote.Caption = "note1"; panel.AddNote(basicNote); //basicNote.CreateParent (panel); panel.SaveLayout(); FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelA = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelA.Caption = "PanelA"; panelA.GuidForNote = "panela"; panel.AddNote(panelA); panelA.CreateParent(panel); FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelB = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelB.Caption = "PanelBBBBB2"; panelB.GuidForNote = "panelBB"; panelA.AddNote(panelB); panelB.CreateParent(panelA.GetPanelsLayout()); FAKE_NoteDataXML_Text textNoteA = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Text(); panelB.AddNote(textNoteA); textNoteA.GuidForNote = "My Text Note For the B Panel"; textNoteA.CreateParent(panelB.GetPanelsLayout()); textNoteA.Caption = "My text B"; FAKE_NoteDataXML_Text textNote = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Text(); panelA.AddNote(textNote); textNote.GuidForNote = "Text Note For Panel A"; textNote.CreateParent(panelA.GetPanelsLayout()); textNote.Caption = "My text A"; textNote.GetRichTextBox().Text = "Hello there." + Environment.NewLine + "I am still here, are you?" + Environment.NewLine + "Yep!"; panel.SaveLayout(); Assert.AreEqual(7, panel.CountNotes(), "Count1"); // Note count: Default Note + BasicNote+ PanelA + LinkTable + MyText + PanbelB + My Text B =7 //test existence Assert.True(MasterOfLayouts.ExistsByGUID(ThisLayoutGUID)); // counting our subpanel we have 2 Assert.AreEqual(3, MasterOfLayouts.Count(true)); // NOT counting our subpanel we have 1 Assert.AreEqual(1, MasterOfLayouts.Count(false)); LayoutDetails.Instance.CurrentLayout = panel; MefAddIns.Addin_Archive Archiver = new MefAddIns.Addin_Archive(); // delete existing files string path = Archiver.BuildArchiveDepotPath(); string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(path); foreach (string s in files) { File.Delete(s); } files = Directory.GetFiles(path); Assert.AreEqual(0, files.Length); Archiver.ArchiveAll(panel, "automatedtesting"); files = Directory.GetFiles(path); Assert.AreEqual(3, files.Length); }
public void GetListOfLayoutTests() { _TestSingleTon.Instance._SetupForLayoutPanelTests(); System.Windows.Forms.Form form = new System.Windows.Forms.Form(); form.Show(); // March 2013 -- notelist relies on having this YOM2013.DefaultLayouts.CreateASystemLayout(form, null); string panelname2 = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); FAKE_LayoutPanel PanelOtherGuy = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); PanelOtherGuy.NewLayout(panelname2, true, null); form.Controls.Add(PanelOtherGuy); PanelOtherGuy.SaveLayout(); Assert.AreEqual(2, PanelOtherGuy.CountNotes(), "count1"); List <MasterOfLayouts.NameAndGuid> names = MasterOfLayouts.GetListOfLayouts("WritingProjects"); Assert.AreEqual(0, names.Count); // 1 prtoject PanelOtherGuy = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); PanelOtherGuy.NewLayout("NextLayout", true, null); PanelOtherGuy.SetCaption("booler"); PanelOtherGuy.SetNotebookSection("Writing", "Projects"); form.Controls.Add(PanelOtherGuy); PanelOtherGuy.SaveLayout(); names = MasterOfLayouts.GetListOfLayouts("WritingProjects"); Assert.AreEqual(1, names.Count); // search LIKE NAME PanelOtherGuy = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); PanelOtherGuy.NewLayout("NextLayout22", true, null); PanelOtherGuy.SetCaption("boolAt"); LayoutDetails.Instance.AddToList(typeof(FAKE_NoteDataXML_Text), "textfake"); FAKE_NoteDataXML_Text richy = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Text(); PanelOtherGuy.AddNote(richy); richy.CreateParent(PanelOtherGuy); richy.GetRichTextBox().Text = "Hello there"; PanelOtherGuy.SetNotebookSection("Writing", "Projects"); form.Controls.Add(PanelOtherGuy); PanelOtherGuy.SaveLayout(); PanelOtherGuy = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); PanelOtherGuy.NewLayout("NextLayout33", true, null); PanelOtherGuy.SetCaption("bolzzz"); PanelOtherGuy.SetNotebookSection("Writing", "Projects"); form.Controls.Add(PanelOtherGuy); PanelOtherGuy.SaveLayout(); names = MasterOfLayouts.GetListOfLayouts("WritingProjects"); Assert.AreEqual(3, names.Count); names = MasterOfLayouts.GetListOfLayouts("WritingProjects", "bool", false, null); Assert.AreEqual(2, names.Count); // // text searching // PanelOtherGuy = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); PanelOtherGuy.NewLayout("NextLayout55", true, null); PanelOtherGuy.SetCaption("bolzzz222"); PanelOtherGuy.SetNotebookSection("Writing", "Projects"); form.Controls.Add(PanelOtherGuy); PanelOtherGuy.SaveLayout(); richy = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Text(); PanelOtherGuy.AddNote(richy); richy.CreateParent(PanelOtherGuy); richy.GetRichTextBox().Text = "Hello there again!"; PanelOtherGuy.SaveLayout(); richy = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Text(); PanelOtherGuy.AddNote(richy); richy.CreateParent(PanelOtherGuy); richy.GetRichTextBox().Text = "Hello the fish are good there"; PanelOtherGuy.SaveLayout(); names = MasterOfLayouts.GetListOfLayouts("All", "fish", true, null); Assert.AreEqual(1, names.Count); // FINAL TEST now count all names = MasterOfLayouts.GetListOfLayouts("All"); Assert.AreEqual(6, names.Count); // now test to see if text in a subpanel is found correct FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel subpanel = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); PanelOtherGuy.AddNote(subpanel); subpanel.CreateParent(PanelOtherGuy); names = MasterOfLayouts.GetListOfLayouts("All", "sharks", true, null); Assert.AreEqual(0, names.Count); FAKE_NoteDataXML_Text Rich2 = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Text(); subpanel.AddNote(Rich2); Rich2.GetRichTextBox().Text = "Sharks"; PanelOtherGuy.SaveLayout(); names = MasterOfLayouts.GetListOfLayouts("All", "sharks", true, null); Assert.AreEqual(1, names.Count); }
public void ExportImport() { lg.Instance.OutputToConstoleToo = true; Form form = new Form(); string ThisLayoutGUID = "mynewpanelXA"; // create a layout _TestSingleTon.Instance._SetupForLayoutPanelTests(); // _SetupForLayoutPanelTests (); FAKE_LayoutPanel panel = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); form.Controls.Add(panel); //NOTE: For now remember that htis ADDS 1 Extra notes panel.NewLayout(ThisLayoutGUID, true, null); NoteDataXML basicNote = new NoteDataXML(); basicNote.GuidForNote = "thisguid1"; basicNote.Caption = "note1"; panel.AddNote(basicNote); //basicNote.CreateParent (panel); panel.SaveLayout(); FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelA = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelA.Caption = "PanelA"; panelA.GuidForNote = "panela"; panel.AddNote(panelA); panelA.CreateParent(panel); FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelB = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelB.Caption = "PanelBBBBB2"; panelB.GuidForNote = "panelBB"; panelA.AddNote(panelB); panelB.CreateParent(panelA.GetPanelsLayout()); FAKE_NoteDataXML_Text textNoteA = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Text(); panelB.AddNote(textNoteA); textNoteA.GuidForNote = "My Text Note For the B Panel"; textNoteA.CreateParent(panelB.GetPanelsLayout()); textNoteA.Caption = "My text B"; FAKE_NoteDataXML_Text textNote = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Text(); panelA.AddNote(textNote); textNote.GuidForNote = "Text Note For Panel A"; textNote.CreateParent(panelA.GetPanelsLayout()); textNote.Caption = "My text A"; textNote.GetRichTextBox().Text = "Hello there." + Environment.NewLine + "I am still here, are you?" + Environment.NewLine + "Yep!"; panel.SaveLayout(); Assert.AreEqual(7, panel.CountNotes(), "Count1"); // Note count: Default Note + BasicNote+ PanelA + LinkTable + MyText + PanbelB + My Text B =7 //test existence Assert.True(MasterOfLayouts.ExistsByGUID(ThisLayoutGUID)); // counting our subpanel we have 2 Assert.AreEqual(3, MasterOfLayouts.Count(true)); // NOT counting our subpanel we have 1 Assert.AreEqual(1, MasterOfLayouts.Count(false)); // export string file = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "exportest.txt"); if (File.Exists(file)) { File.Delete(file); } string subfile = file + "__child0.txt"; if (File.Exists(subfile)) { File.Delete(subfile); } string subfile2 = file + "__child1.txt"; if (File.Exists(subfile2)) { File.Delete(subfile2); } Assert.False(File.Exists(file), file + " does not exist"); MasterOfLayouts.ExportLayout(ThisLayoutGUID, file); // test exportfile existence // count 2 files exported Assert.True(File.Exists(file), "main file exists"); Assert.True(File.Exists(subfile), "subfile exists"); Assert.True(File.Exists(subfile2), "subfile2 exists"); // delete original note MasterOfLayouts.DeleteLayout(ThisLayoutGUID); // test existence Assert.False(MasterOfLayouts.ExistsByGUID(ThisLayoutGUID)); // counting our subpanel we have ZERO Assert.AreEqual(0, MasterOfLayouts.Count(true), "Nothing should be left"); // Import as New (but won't be duplicate because old is gone) int errorcode = MasterOfLayouts.ImportLayout(file); Console.WriteLine(errorcode); Assert.True(MasterOfLayouts.ExistsByGUID(ThisLayoutGUID)); // test existence // confirm all notes laoded into layout panel = null; panel = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(ThisLayoutGUID, false); form.Controls.Add(panel); panel.LoadLayout(ThisLayoutGUID, false, null); // panel.SaveLayout(); Assert.AreEqual(7, panel.CountNotes(), "Count2"); Assert.AreEqual(1, MasterOfLayouts.Count(false)); Assert.AreEqual(3, MasterOfLayouts.Count(true)); // Import as Overwrite if (File.Exists(file)) { File.Delete(file); } subfile = file + "__child0.txt"; if (File.Exists(subfile)) { File.Delete(subfile); } Assert.True(MasterOfLayouts.ExistsByGUID(ThisLayoutGUID)); MasterOfLayouts.ExportLayout(ThisLayoutGUID, file); panel = null; errorcode = MasterOfLayouts.ImportLayout(file); Assert.AreEqual(0, errorcode); // test existences panel = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(ThisLayoutGUID, false); form.Controls.Add(panel); panel.LoadLayout(ThisLayoutGUID, false, null); Assert.AreEqual(7, panel.CountNotes()); Assert.AreEqual(1, MasterOfLayouts.Count(false)); Assert.AreEqual(3, MasterOfLayouts.Count(true)); lg.Instance.OutputToConstoleToo = false; }
public void AnEmptyPanelStillHasAParent() { lg.Instance.OutputToConstoleToo = true; Form form = new Form(); string ThisLayoutGUID = "mynewpanelXA"; // create a layout _TestSingleTon.Instance._SetupForLayoutPanelTests(); // _SetupForLayoutPanelTests (); FAKE_LayoutPanel panel = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); form.Controls.Add(panel); //NOTE: For now remember that htis ADDS 1 Extra notes panel.NewLayout(ThisLayoutGUID, true, null); NoteDataXML basicNote = new NoteDataXML(); basicNote.GuidForNote = "thisguid1"; basicNote.Caption = "note1"; panel.AddNote(basicNote); //basicNote.CreateParent (panel); panel.SaveLayout(); FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelA = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelA.Caption = "PanelA"; panelA.GuidForNote = "panela"; panel.AddNote(panelA); panelA.CreateParent(panel); FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelB = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelB.Caption = "PanelBBBBB"; panelB.GuidForNote = "panelBB"; panelA.AddNote(panelB); panelB.CreateParent(panelA.GetPanelsLayout()); FAKE_NoteDataXML_Text textNote = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Text(); panelA.AddNote(textNote); textNote.CreateParent(panelA.GetPanelsLayout()); textNote.Caption = "My text"; textNote.GetRichTextBox().Text = "Hello there." + Environment.NewLine + "I am still here, are you?" + Environment.NewLine + "Yep!"; panel.SaveLayout(); Assert.AreEqual(6, panel.CountNotes()); _w.output(panelB.GetPanelsLayout().ParentGUID); // get parent GUID directlyf rom database FAKE_LayoutPanel SubPanelB = new FAKE_LayoutPanel("panelBB", true); form.Controls.Add(SubPanelB); SubPanelB.LoadLayout("panelBB", true, null); Assert.AreNotEqual(Constants.BLANK, SubPanelB.GetLayoutDatabase().ParentGuid); }
public void TestThatChildInheritsKeywordsAndOtherDetailsOfParent() { System.Windows.Forms.Form form = new System.Windows.Forms.Form(); _TestSingleTon.Instance._SetupForLayoutPanelTests(); FAKE_LayoutPanel panel = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); form.Controls.Add(panel); form.Show(); //NOTE: For now remember that htis ADDS 1 Extra notes panel.NewLayout("mynewpanel", true, null); NoteDataXML basicNote = new NoteDataXML(); basicNote.Caption = "note1"; panel.AddNote(basicNote); //basicNote.CreateParent(panel); //panel.MoveNote( // create four panels A and B at root level. C inside A. D inside C FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelA = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelA.Caption = "PanelA"; panelA.GuidForNote = "panela"; FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelB = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelB.Caption = "PanelB"; panelB.GuidForNote = "panelb"; FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelC = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelC.Caption = "PanelC"; _w.output("panels made"); panel.AddNote(panelA); // 1 panel.AddNote(panelB); // 2 //panelA.CreateParent(panel); should not need to call this when doing LayoutPanel.AddNote because it calls CreateParent insid eof it basicNote = new NoteDataXML(); basicNote.Caption = "note2"; panelA.AddNote(basicNote); // Panel A has 1 note basicNote.CreateParent(panelA.myLayoutPanel()); // DO need to call it when adding notes like this (to a subpanel, I think) panel.SaveLayout(); Assert.AreEqual(1, panelA.CountNotes(), "Panel A holds one note"); // So this counts as + 2 // so we have (1 + 1 note on it)panel A + (1)panelB + basicNote +DefaultNote = 5 + (NEW) LinkTable = 6 Assert.AreEqual(6, panel.CountNotes(), "Total notes SHOULD BE 6 : (1 + 1 note on it)panel A + (1)panelB + basicNote +DefaultNote = 5 + (NEW) LinkTable = 6"); //COUNT SHOULD BE: panelA has 1 note //COUNT Total should be: Default Note + Note + PanelA + Panel B + (Note Inside Panel A) = 5 panelA.AddNote(panelC); // panelC is now part of Panel 2 panelC.CreateParent(panelA.myLayoutPanel()); panel.SaveLayout(); // NEED TO SAVE before conts will be accurated //COUNT SHOULD BE: panelA has 2 notes (Panel C + the Note I add) Assert.AreEqual(2, panelA.CountNotes(), "two notes in panelA"); Assert.AreEqual(7, panel.CountNotes(), "total of SEVEN notes"); Assert.AreEqual(0, panelB.CountNotes(), "0 count worked?"); // The Preamble Above is just standard creation // Now we want to test adjusting some fields panel.NotesForYou().Section = "thepanelsection"; panel.NotesForYou().Keywords = "fish,fries,in,the,sky"; panel.NotesForYou().Notebook = "freshnote"; panel.NotesForYou().Subtype = "thebestsub"; panel.SaveLayout(); // now reload panel = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); panel.LoadLayout("mynewpanel", false, null); panelA = null; panelB = null; panelA = (FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel)panel.FindNoteByGuid("panela"); panelB = (FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel)panel.FindNoteByGuid("panelb"); Assert.AreEqual(panel.GUID, panelA.GetParent_ParentGuid()); Assert.AreEqual(panel.GUID, panelB.GetParent_ParentGuid()); Assert.AreEqual(2, panelA.CountNotes(), "two notes in panelA"); Assert.AreEqual(7, panel.CountNotes(), "total of SEVEN notes"); Assert.AreEqual(0, panelB.CountNotes(), "0 count worked?"); // just make sure that the Parent itself got the changes we made!! Assert.AreEqual("thepanelsection", panel.NotesForYou().Section); Assert.AreEqual("fish,fries,in,the,sky", panel.NotesForYou().Keywords); Assert.AreEqual("freshnote", panel.NotesForYou().Notebook); Assert.AreEqual("thebestsub", panel.NotesForYou().Subtype); // now test the Children // this should FAIL utnil I write the needed code Assert.AreEqual("thepanelsection", panelA.GetParent_Section()); Assert.AreEqual("thepanelsection", panelB.GetParent_Section()); Assert.AreEqual("fish,fries,in,the,sky", panelA.GetParent_Keywords()); Assert.AreEqual("fish,fries,in,the,sky", panelB.GetParent_Keywords()); Assert.AreEqual("freshnote", panelA.GetParent_Notebook()); Assert.AreEqual("freshnote", panelB.GetParent_Notebook()); Assert.AreEqual("thebestsub", panelA.GetParent_Subtype()); Assert.AreEqual("thebestsub", panelB.GetParent_Subtype()); }
public void MoveNoteOutOfParent_SaveShouldHappenAutomatically() { _w.output("START"); System.Windows.Forms.Form form = new System.Windows.Forms.Form(); _TestSingleTon.Instance._SetupForLayoutPanelTests(); FAKE_LayoutPanel panel = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); LayoutDetails.Instance.CurrentLayout = panel; form.Controls.Add(panel); form.Show(); //NOTE: For now remember that htis ADDS 1 Extra notes panel.NewLayout("mynewpanel", true, null); panel.SetCaption("TheMainPanel"); NoteDataXML basicNote = new NoteDataXML(); basicNote.Caption = "note1"; panel.AddNote(basicNote); //basicNote.CreateParent(panel); //panel.MoveNote( // create four panels A and B at root level. C inside A. D inside C FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelA = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelA.Caption = "PanelA"; panelA.GuidForNote = "panela"; FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelB = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelB.Caption = "PanelB"; panelB.GuidForNote = "panelb"; FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelC = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelC.Caption = "PanelC"; panelC.GuidForNote = "panelc"; _w.output("panels made"); panel.AddNote(panelA); // 1 panel.AddNote(panelB); // 2 //panelA.CreateParent(panel); should not need to call this when doing LayoutPanel.AddNote because it calls CreateParent insid eof it basicNote = new NoteDataXML(); basicNote.Caption = "note2"; panelA.AddNote(basicNote); // Panel A has 1 note basicNote.CreateParent(panelA.myLayoutPanel()); // DO need to call it when adding notes like this (to a subpanel, I think) basicNote.BringToFrontAndShow(); NoteDataXML_RichText textNote = new NoteDataXML_RichText(); textNote.Caption = "howdy"; // ((FAKE_LayoutPanel)panelA.GetPanelsLayout()).SetCaption("boohowcrashmenow"); panelA.AddNote(textNote); textNote.CreateParent(panelA.myLayoutPanel()); textNote.BringToFrontAndShow(); textNote.TestEnter(); panelA.GetPanelsLayout().TestForceError(); // the current layout can never be set to a subplayout Assert.AreNotEqual(panelA.GetPanelsLayout(), LayoutDetails.Instance.CurrentLayout, "the current layout can never be set to a subplayout"); panel.SaveLayout(); Assert.AreEqual(2, panelA.CountNotes(), "Panel A holds TWo note"); // So this counts as + 2 // so we have (1 + 1 note on it)panel A + (1)panelB + basicNote +DefaultNote = 5 + (NEW) LinkTable = 6 _w.output("STARTCOUNT"); Assert.AreEqual(7, panel.CountNotes(), "Total notes SHOULD BE 7 : (1 + 1 note on it)panel A + (1+1textnote)panelB + basicNote +DefaultNote = 5 + (NEW) LinkTable = 6"); _w.output("ENDCOUNT"); // now we move basicNote out // WITOUT calling save **** // it should still ahve saved panelA.myLayoutPanel().MoveNote(basicNote.GuidForNote, "up"); Assert.AreEqual(1, panelA.CountNotes(), "Panel A holds 1 note -- because we moved one out"); Assert.AreEqual(7, panel.CountNotes(), "Total notes SHOULD BE 6 : (1 + 1 note on it)panel A + (1)panelB + basicNote +DefaultNote = 5 + (NEW) LinkTable = 6"); panel = null; panel = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); panel.LoadLayout("mynewpanel", false, null); //Assert.AreEqual (0, panelA.CountNotes (), "Panel A holds one note"); Assert.AreEqual(7, panel.CountNotes(), "Total notes SHOULD BE 6 : (1 + 1 note on it)panel A + (1)panelB + basicNote +DefaultNote = 5 + (NEW) LinkTable = 6"); }
public void TimelineAndTableAlwaysTogether() { _w.output("START"); System.Windows.Forms.Form form = new System.Windows.Forms.Form(); _TestSingleTon.Instance._SetupForLayoutPanelTests(); FAKE_LayoutPanel panel = new FAKE_LayoutPanel(CoreUtilities.Constants.BLANK, false); form.Controls.Add(panel); form.Show(); //NOTE: For now remember that htis ADDS 1 Extra notes panel.NewLayout("mynewpanel", true, null); NoteDataXML basicNote = new NoteDataXML(); basicNote.Caption = "note1"; panel.AddNote(basicNote); //basicNote.CreateParent(panel); //panel.MoveNote( // create four panels A and B at root level. C inside A. D inside C FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelA = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelA.Caption = "PanelA"; panelA.GuidForNote = "panela"; FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelB = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelB.Caption = "PanelB"; panelB.GuidForNote = "panelb"; FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel panelC = new FAKE_NoteDataXML_Panel(); panelC.Caption = "PanelC"; panelC.GuidForNote = "panelc"; _w.output("panels made"); panel.AddNote(panelA); // 1 panel.AddNote(panelB); // 2 //panelA.CreateParent(panel); should not need to call this when doing LayoutPanel.AddNote because it calls CreateParent insid eof it basicNote = new NoteDataXML(); basicNote.Caption = "note2"; panelA.AddNote(basicNote); // Panel A has 1 note basicNote.CreateParent(panelA.myLayoutPanel()); // DO need to call it when adding notes like this (to a subpanel, I think) panel.SaveLayout(); Assert.AreEqual(1, panelA.CountNotes(), "Panel A holds one note"); // So this counts as + 2 // so we have (1 + 1 note on it)panel A + (1)panelB + basicNote +DefaultNote = 5 + (NEW) LinkTable = 6 _w.output("STARTCOUNT"); Assert.AreEqual(6, panel.CountNotes(), "Total notes SHOULD BE 6 : (1 + 1 note on it)panel A + (1)panelB + basicNote +DefaultNote = 5 + (NEW) LinkTable = 6"); _w.output("ENDCOUNT"); // add timeline into a PANEL // count 1 row NoteDataXML_Timeline MyTimeLine = new NoteDataXML_Timeline(100, 100); MyTimeLine.Caption = "My Timeline!"; panelA.AddNote(MyTimeLine); MyTimeLine.CreateParent(panelA.GetPanelsLayout()); panel.SaveLayout(); // I needed this save else it would not work? Assert.AreEqual(8, panel.CountNotes(), "Total notes SHOULD BE 6 : (1 + 1 note on it)panel A + (1)panelB + basicNote +DefaultNote = 5 + (NEW) LinkTable = 6"); string guidOfTimeline = MyTimeLine.GuidForNote; string guidOfTimelineTable = guidOfTimeline + "table"; NoteDataXML_Table FoundTable = (NoteDataXML_Table)panel.FindNoteByGuid(guidOfTimelineTable); Assert.NotNull(FoundTable); Assert.AreEqual(1, FoundTable.RowCount()); FoundTable = null; // move the TABLE associated with the timeline OUT to parent // count 1 row panelA.myLayoutPanel().MoveNote(guidOfTimelineTable, "up"); // And for kicks add another timeline just to see if it messages anytnig up NoteDataXML_Timeline MyTimeLine2 = new NoteDataXML_Timeline(100, 1020); MyTimeLine2.Caption = "My Timeline! #2"; panel.AddNote(MyTimeLine2); panel.SaveLayout(); Assert.AreEqual(10, panel.CountNotes(), "Total notes SHOULD BE 6 : (1 + 1 note on it)panel A + (1)panelB + basicNote +DefaultNote = 5 + (NEW) LinkTable = 6"); Assert.Null(FoundTable); FoundTable = (NoteDataXML_Table)panel.FindNoteByGuid(guidOfTimelineTable); Assert.NotNull(FoundTable); Assert.AreEqual(1, FoundTable.RowCount()); // move the TABLE into ANOTHER panel // count 1 row _w.output("Moving into panelb now"); panel.MoveNote(guidOfTimelineTable, "panelb"); panel.SaveLayout(); Assert.AreEqual(10, panel.CountNotes(), "Total notes SHOULD BE 6 : (1 + 1 note on it)panel A + (1)panelB + basicNote +DefaultNote = 5 + (NEW) LinkTable = 6"); _w.output("done counting"); FoundTable = null; Assert.Null(FoundTable); FoundTable = (NoteDataXML_Table)panel.FindNoteByGuid(guidOfTimelineTable); Assert.NotNull(FoundTable); Assert.AreEqual(1, FoundTable.RowCount()); form.Dispose(); }