public void ToggleableOptionTest() { using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) { var pyService = app.ServiceProvider.GetPythonToolsService(); pyService.SetFormattingOption("SpaceBeforeClassDeclarationParen", true); foreach (var expectedResult in new bool?[] { false, null, true }) { using (var dialog = ToolsOptionsDialog.FromDte(app)) { dialog.SelectedView = "Text Editor/Python/Formatting/Spacing"; var spacingView = FormattingOptionsTreeView.FromDialog(dialog); var value = spacingView.WaitForItem( "Class Definitions", "Insert space between a class declaration's name and bases list" ); Assert.IsNotNull(value, "Did not find item"); value.SetFocus(); Mouse.MoveTo(value.GetClickablePoint()); Mouse.Click(System.Windows.Input.MouseButton.Left); dialog.OK(); Assert.AreEqual( expectedResult, pyService.GetFormattingOption("SpaceBeforeClassDeclarationParen") ); } } } }
private static void CheckCommandLineArgs(string setValue, string expectedValue = null) { using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) { var project = app.OpenProject(@"TestData\CheckCommandLineArgs.sln"); var proj = project.GetCommonProject() as IPythonProject; Assert.IsNotNull(proj); var outFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(project.FullName), "output.txt"); foreach (var cmdName in new[] { "PythonRunWebServerCommand", "PythonDebugWebServerCommand" }) { Console.WriteLine("Testing {0}, writing to {1}", cmdName, outFile); if (File.Exists(outFile)) { File.Delete(outFile); } app.ServiceProvider.GetUIThread().Invoke(() => { proj.SetProperty("CommandLineArguments", string.Format("\"{0}\" \"{1}\"", setValue, outFile)); proj.FindCommand(cmdName).Execute(proj); }); for (int retries = 10; retries > 0 && !File.Exists(outFile); --retries) { Thread.Sleep(100); } Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue ?? setValue, File.ReadAllText(outFile).Trim()); } } }
public void AutomaticBraceCompletion() { using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) { var project = app.OpenProject(@"TestData\AutomaticBraceCompletion.sln"); bool oldState = EnableAutoBraceCompletion(app, true); app.OnDispose(() => EnableAutoBraceCompletion(app, oldState)); // check that braces get auto completed AutoBraceCompetionTest(app, project, "foo(", "foo()"); AutoBraceCompetionTest(app, project, "foo[", "foo[]"); AutoBraceCompetionTest(app, project, "foo{", "foo{}"); AutoBraceCompetionTest(app, project, "\"foo", "\"foo\""); AutoBraceCompetionTest(app, project, "'foo", "'foo'"); // check that braces get not autocompleted in comments and strings AutoBraceCompetionTest(app, project, "\"foo(\"", "\"foo(\""); AutoBraceCompetionTest(app, project, "#foo(", "#foo("); AutoBraceCompetionTest(app, project, "\"\"\"\rfoo(\r\"\"\"\"", "\"\"\"\r\nfoo(\r\n\"\"\"\""); // check that end braces gets skiped AutoBraceCompetionTest(app, project, "foo(bar)", "foo(bar)"); AutoBraceCompetionTest(app, project, "foo[bar]", "foo[bar]"); AutoBraceCompetionTest(app, project, "foo{bar}", "foo{bar}"); AutoBraceCompetionTest(app, project, "\"foo\"", "\"foo\""); AutoBraceCompetionTest(app, project, "'foo'", "'foo'"); AutoBraceCompetionTest(app, project, "foo({[\"\"]})", "foo({[\"\"]})"); } }
public void DebugProjectProperties() { using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) { var project = app.CreateProject( PythonVisualStudioApp.TemplateLanguageName, PythonVisualStudioApp.DjangoWebProjectTemplate, TestData.GetTempPath(), "DebugProjectProperties" ); app.SolutionExplorerTreeView.SelectProject(project); app.Dte.ExecuteCommand("ClassViewContextMenus.ClassViewMultiselectProjectreferencesItems.Properties"); var window = app.Dte.Windows.OfType<EnvDTE.Window>().FirstOrDefault(w => w.Caption == project.Name); Assert.IsNotNull(window); window.Activate(); var hwnd = window.HWnd; var projProps = new ProjectPropertiesWindow(new IntPtr(hwnd)); var debugPage = projProps[new Guid(PythonConstants.DebugPropertyPageGuid)]; Assert.IsNotNull(debugPage); var dbgProps = new PythonProjectDebugProperties(debugPage); Assert.AreEqual("Django Web launcher", dbgProps.LaunchMode); dbgProps.AssertMatchesProject(project.GetPythonProject()); } }
static DefaultInterpreterSetter Init3(PythonVisualStudioApp app, bool installVirtualEnv = false) { return app.SelectDefaultInterpreter( PythonPaths.Python35 ?? PythonPaths.Python35_x64 ?? PythonPaths.Python34 ?? PythonPaths.Python34_x64 ?? PythonPaths.Python33 ?? PythonPaths.Python33_x64, installVirtualEnv ? "virtualenv" : null ); }
public virtual void ExecuteInReplSysArgv() { using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) { var project = app.OpenProject(@"TestData\SysArgvRepl.sln"); using (var interactive = app.ExecuteInInteractive(project)) { interactive.WaitForTextEnd("']", ">"); } } }
static DefaultInterpreterSetter Init(PythonVisualStudioApp app) { var dis = app.SelectDefaultInterpreter(PythonPaths.Python27 ?? PythonPaths.Python27_x64); try { dis.CurrentDefault.PipInstall("-U virtualenv"); var r = dis; dis = null; return r; } finally { dis?.Dispose(); } }
static DefaultInterpreterSetter Init(PythonVisualStudioApp app, PythonVersion interp, bool install) { var dis = app.SelectDefaultInterpreter(interp); try { if (install) { dis.CurrentDefault.PipInstall("-U virtualenv"); } var r = dis; dis = null; return r; } finally { dis?.Dispose(); } }
public void UnregisteredFileExtensionEditor() { using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) { var project = app.OpenProject(@"TestData\UnregisteredFileExtension.sln"); var item = project.ProjectItems.Item("Fob.unregfileext"); var window = item.Open(); window.Activate(); var doc = app.GetDocument(item.Document.FullName); var snapshot = doc.TextView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot; // we shouldn't have opened this as a .py file, so we should have no classifications. var classifier = doc.Classifier; var spans = classifier.GetClassificationSpans(new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, 0, snapshot.Length)); Assert.AreEqual(spans.Count, 0); } }
public void AbsolutePaths() { var proj = File.ReadAllText(TestData.GetPath(@"TestData\AbsolutePath\AbsolutePath.pyproj")); proj = proj.Replace("[ABSPATH]", TestData.GetPath(@"TestData\AbsolutePath")); File.WriteAllText(TestData.GetPath(@"TestData\AbsolutePath\AbsolutePath.pyproj"), proj); using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) { var project = app.OpenProject(@"TestData\AbsolutePath.sln"); app.OpenSolutionExplorer(); var window = app.SolutionExplorerTreeView; // find, send copy & paste, verify copy of file is there var programPy = window.WaitForItem("Solution 'AbsolutePath' (1 project)", "AbsolutePath", ""); Assert.IsNotNull(programPy); } }
static DefaultInterpreterSetter Init3(PythonVisualStudioApp app, bool installVirtualEnv = false) { var dis = app.SelectDefaultInterpreter( PythonPaths.Python35 ?? PythonPaths.Python35_x64 ?? PythonPaths.Python34 ?? PythonPaths.Python34_x64 ?? PythonPaths.Python33 ?? PythonPaths.Python33_x64 ); try { if (installVirtualEnv) { dis.CurrentDefault.PipInstall("-U virtualenv"); } var r = dis; dis = null; return r; } finally { dis?.Dispose(); } }
public void DefaultInterpreterSelected() { using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) { var service = app.InterpreterService; var originalDefault = service.DefaultInterpreter; try { foreach (var interpreter in service.Interpreters) { service.DefaultInterpreter = interpreter; using (var dialog = app.LaunchPythonProfiling()) { Assert.AreEqual(interpreter.Description, dialog.SelectedInterpreter); } app.WaitForDialogDismissed(); } } finally { service.DefaultInterpreter = originalDefault; } } }
public void LoadWebFlavoredProject() { using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) { var project = app.OpenProject(@"TestData\EmptyWebProject.sln"); Assert.AreEqual("EmptyWebProject.pyproj", Path.GetFileName(project.FileName), "Wrong project file name"); var catids = app.Dte.ObjectExtenders.GetContextualExtenderCATIDs(); dynamic extender = project.Extender["WebApplication"]; Assert.IsNotNull(extender, "No WebApplication extender"); extender.StartWebServerOnDebug = true; extender.StartWebServerOnDebug = false; var proj = project.GetCommonProject(); var ccp = proj as IPythonProject; Assert.IsNotNull(ccp); Assert.IsNotNull(ccp.FindCommand("PythonRunWebServerCommand"), "No PythonRunWebServerCommand"); Assert.IsNotNull(ccp.FindCommand("PythonDebugWebServerCommand"), "No PythonDebugWebServerCommand"); } }
public void DeferredSaveWithDot() { string fullname; using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) { // // enable deferred saving on projects var props = app.Dte.get_Properties("Environment", "ProjectsAndSolution"); var prevValue = props.Item("SaveNewProjects").Value; props.Item("SaveNewProjects").Value = false; app.OnDispose(() => { props.Item("SaveNewProjects").Value = prevValue; }); using (var newProjDialog = app.FileNewProject()) { newProjDialog.FocusLanguageNode(); var consoleApp = newProjDialog.ProjectTypes.FindItem("Python Application"); consoleApp.Select(); newProjDialog.ProjectName = "Fob.Oar"; newProjDialog.OK(); } // wait for new solution to load... for (int i = 0; i < 100 && app.Dte.Solution.Projects.Count == 0; i++) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } using (var saveDialog = AutomationDialog.FromDte(app, "File.SaveAll")) { saveDialog.ClickButtonAndClose("Save"); } fullname = app.Dte.Solution.FullName; } try { // Delete the created directory after the solution has been // closed. Directory.Delete(Path.GetDirectoryName(fullname), true); } catch { } }
public void DjangoCollectStaticFilesCommand() { using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) { var service = app.GetService<IComponentModel>(typeof(SComponentModel)).GetService<IInterpreterOptionsService>(); var envWithDjango = service.Interpreters.LastOrDefault(env => env.FindModulesAsync("django").WaitAndUnwrapExceptions().Contains("django")); if (envWithDjango == null) { Assert.Inconclusive("No available environments have Django installed"); } using (var dis = new DefaultInterpreterSetter(envWithDjango)) { var project = app.OpenProject("TestData\\DjangoApplication1\\DjangoApplication1.sln"); app.SolutionExplorerTreeView.SelectProject(project); app.Dte.ExecuteCommand("Project.CollectStaticFiles"); var console = app.GetInteractiveWindow("Django Management Console - " + project.Name); Assert.IsNotNull(console); console.WaitForTextEnd("The Python REPL process has exited", ">>> "); Assert.IsTrue(console.Text.Contains("0 static files copied")); } } }
public void InstallUninstallPackage() { using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) using (var dis = Init(app)) { var project = CreateTemporaryProject(app); string envName; var env = app.CreateVirtualEnvironment(project, out envName); env.Select(); using (var installPackage = AutomationDialog.FromDte(app, "Python.InstallPackage")) { var packageName = new TextBox(installPackage.FindByAutomationId("Name")); packageName.SetValue("azure==0.6.2"); installPackage.ClickButtonAndClose("OK", nameIsAutomationId: true); } var azure = app.SolutionExplorerTreeView.WaitForChildOfProject( project, SR.GetString(SR.Environments), envName, "azure (0.6.2)" ); azure.Select(); using (var confirmation = AutomationDialog.FromDte(app, "Edit.Delete")) { confirmation.OK(); } app.SolutionExplorerTreeView.WaitForChildOfProjectRemoved( project, SR.GetString(SR.Environments), envName, "azure (0.6.2)" ); } }
public void CustomCommandsRunProcessInOutput() { using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) { PythonProjectNode node; EnvDTE.Project proj; OpenProject(app, "Commands3.sln", out node, out proj); Execute(node, "Write to Output"); var outputWindow = app.Element.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, new AndCondition( new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ClassNameProperty, "GenericPane"), new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "Output") ) ); Assert.IsNotNull(outputWindow, "Output Window was not opened"); ExpectOutputWindowText(app, string.Format("({0}, {1})", PythonVersion.Configuration.Version.Major, PythonVersion.Configuration.Version.Minor)); } }
public void CustomCommandsRunProcessInRepl() { using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) { PythonProjectNode node; EnvDTE.Project proj; OpenProject(app, "Commands3.sln", out node, out proj); Execute(node, "Write to Repl"); using (var repl = app.GetInteractiveWindow("Test Repl")) { Assert.IsNotNull(repl, "Could not find repl window"); repl.WaitForTextEnd( string.Format("({0}, {1})", PythonVersion.Configuration.Version.Major, PythonVersion.Configuration.Version.Minor), ">" ); } } }
public void CustomCommandsRunInRepl() { using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) { PythonProjectNode node; EnvDTE.Project proj; OpenProject(app, "Commands1.sln", out node, out proj); Execute(node, "Test Command 2"); using (var repl = app.GetInteractiveWindow("Test Repl")) { Assert.IsNotNull(repl, "Could not find repl window"); repl.WaitForTextEnd( " completed", ">" ); } app.Dte.Solution.Close(); using (var repl = app.GetInteractiveWindow("Test Repl")) { Assert.IsNull(repl, "Repl window was not closed"); } } }
public void CustomCommandsReplWithResourceLabel() { using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) { PythonProjectNode node; EnvDTE.Project proj; OpenProject(app, "Commands2.sln", out node, out proj); Execute(node, "Command from Resource"); using (var repl = app.GetInteractiveWindow("Repl from Resource")) { Assert.IsNotNull(repl, "Could not find repl window"); repl.WaitForTextEnd( " completed", ">" ); } using (var repl = app.GetInteractiveWindow("resource:PythonToolsUITests;PythonToolsUITests.Resources;ReplName")) { Assert.IsNull(repl); } } }
public void EnvironmentReplWorkingDirectory() { using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) using (var dis = Init(app)) { var project = CreateTemporaryProject(app); app.ServiceProvider.GetUIThread().Invoke(() => { var pp = project.GetPythonProject(); pp.Interpreters.AddInterpreter(dis.CurrentDefault); }); var envName = dis.CurrentDefault.Description; var sln = app.OpenSolutionExplorer(); var env = sln.FindChildOfProject(project, SR.GetString(SR.Environments), envName); EnvironmentReplWorkingDirectoryTest(app, project, env, envName); } }
public void VirtualEnvironmentReplWorkingDirectory() { using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) using (var dis = Init(app)) { var project = CreateTemporaryProject(app); string envName; var env = app.CreateVirtualEnvironment(project, out envName); EnvironmentReplWorkingDirectoryTest(app, project, env, envName); } }
static DefaultInterpreterSetter Init(PythonVisualStudioApp app, PythonVersion interp, bool install) { return app.SelectDefaultInterpreter(interp, install ? "virtualenv" : null); }
private void EnvironmentReplWorkingDirectoryTest( PythonVisualStudioApp app, EnvDTE.Project project, TreeNode env, string envName ) { var path1 = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(project.FullName), Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N")); var path2 = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(project.FullName), Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N")); Directory.CreateDirectory(path1); Directory.CreateDirectory(path2); env.Select(); app.Dte.ExecuteCommand("Python.Interactive"); var window = app.GetInteractiveWindow(string.Format("{0} Interactive", envName)); Assert.IsNotNull(window, string.Format("Failed to find '{0} Interactive'", envName)); try { app.ServiceProvider.GetUIThread().Invoke(() => project.GetPythonProject().SetProjectProperty("WorkingDirectory", path1)); window.Reset(); window.ReplWindow.Evaluator.ExecuteText("import os; os.getcwd()").Wait(); window.WaitForTextEnd( string.Format("'{0}'", path1.Replace("\\", "\\\\")), ">>>" ); app.ServiceProvider.GetUIThread().Invoke(() => project.GetPythonProject().SetProjectProperty("WorkingDirectory", path2)); window.Reset(); window.ReplWindow.Evaluator.ExecuteText("import os; os.getcwd()").Wait(); window.WaitForTextEnd( string.Format("'{0}'", path2.Replace("\\", "\\\\")), ">>>" ); } finally { window.Close(); } }
static DefaultInterpreterSetter Init(PythonVisualStudioApp app) { return app.SelectDefaultInterpreter(PythonPaths.Python27 ?? PythonPaths.Python27_x64, "virtualenv"); }
public void CustomCommandsRunProcessInConsole() { using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) { PythonProjectNode node; EnvDTE.Project proj; OpenProject(app, "Commands3.sln", out node, out proj); var existingProcesses = new HashSet<int>(Process.GetProcessesByName("cmd").Select(p => p.Id)); Execute(node, "Write to Console"); Process newProcess = null; for (int retries = 100; retries > 0 && newProcess == null; --retries) { Thread.Sleep(100); newProcess = Process.GetProcessesByName("cmd").Where(p => !existingProcesses.Contains(p.Id)).FirstOrDefault(); } Assert.IsNotNull(newProcess, "Process did not start"); try { Keyboard.PressAndRelease(System.Windows.Input.Key.Space); newProcess.WaitForExit(1000); if (newProcess.HasExited) { newProcess = null; } } finally { if (newProcess != null) { newProcess.Kill(); } } } }
public void CustomCommandsRequiredPackages() { using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) using (var dis = app.SelectDefaultInterpreter(PythonVersion, "virtualenv")) { PythonProjectNode node; EnvDTE.Project proj; OpenProject(app, "CommandRequirePackages.sln", out node, out proj); string envName; var env = app.CreateVirtualEnvironment(proj, out envName); env.Select(); app.Dte.ExecuteCommand("Python.ActivateEnvironment"); // Ensure that no error dialog appears app.WaitForNoDialog(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5.0)); // First, execute the command and cancel it. var task = ExecuteAsync(node, "Require Packages"); try { var dialogHandle = app.WaitForDialog(task); if (dialogHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { if (task.IsFaulted && task.Exception != null) { Assert.Fail("Unexpected exception in package install confirmation dialog:\n{0}", task.Exception); } else { Assert.AreNotEqual(IntPtr.Zero, dialogHandle); } } using (var dialog = new AutomationDialog(app, AutomationElement.FromHandle(dialogHandle))) { var label = dialog.FindByAutomationId("CommandLink_1000"); Assert.IsNotNull(label); string expectedLabel = "The following packages will be installed using pip:\r\n" + "\r\n" + "ptvsd\r\n" + "azure==0.1"; ; Assert.AreEqual(expectedLabel, label.Current.HelpText); dialog.Cancel(); try { task.Wait(1000); Assert.Fail("Command was not canceled after dismissing the package install confirmation dialog"); } catch (AggregateException ex) { if (!(ex.InnerException is TaskCanceledException)) { throw; } } } } finally { if (!task.IsCanceled && !task.IsCompleted && !task.IsFaulted) { if (task.Wait(10000)) { task.Dispose(); } } else { task.Dispose(); } } // Then, execute command and allow it to proceed. task = ExecuteAsync(node, "Require Packages"); try { var dialogHandle = app.WaitForDialog(task); if (dialogHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { if (task.IsFaulted && task.Exception != null) { Assert.Fail("Unexpected exception in package install confirmation dialog:\n{0}", task.Exception); } else { Assert.AreNotEqual(IntPtr.Zero, dialogHandle); } } using (var dialog = new AutomationDialog(app, AutomationElement.FromHandle(dialogHandle))) { dialog.ClickButtonAndClose("CommandLink_1000", nameIsAutomationId: true); } task.Wait(); var ver = PythonVersion.Version.ToVersion(); ExpectOutputWindowText(app, string.Format("pass {0}.{1}", ver.Major, ver.Minor)); } finally { if (!task.IsCanceled && !task.IsCompleted && !task.IsFaulted) { if (task.Wait(10000)) { task.Dispose(); } } else { task.Dispose(); } } } }
public void CustomCommandsErrorList() { using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) { PythonProjectNode node; EnvDTE.Project proj; OpenProject(app, "ErrorCommand.sln", out node, out proj); var expectedItems = new[] { new { Document = "", Line = 0, Column = 1, Category = __VSERRORCATEGORY.EC_ERROR, Message = "This is an error with a relative path." }, new { Document = Path.Combine(node.ProjectHome, ""), Line = 2, Column = 3, Category = __VSERRORCATEGORY.EC_WARNING, Message = "This is a warning with an absolute path." }, new { Document = ">>>", Line = 4, Column = -1, Category = __VSERRORCATEGORY.EC_ERROR, Message = "This is an error with an invalid path." }, }; Execute(node, "Produce Errors"); var items = app.WaitForErrorListItems(3); Console.WriteLine("Got errors:"); foreach (var item in items) { string document, text; Assert.AreEqual(0, item.Document(out document), "HRESULT getting document"); Assert.AreEqual(0, item.get_Text(out text), "HRESULT getting message"); Console.WriteLine(" {0}: {1}", document ?? "(null)", text ?? "(null)"); } Assert.AreEqual(expectedItems.Length, items.Count); // Second invoke should replace the error items in the list, not add new ones to those already existing. Execute(node, "Produce Errors"); items = app.WaitForErrorListItems(3); Assert.AreEqual(expectedItems.Length, items.Count); items.Sort(Comparer<IVsTaskItem>.Create((x, y) => { int lx, ly; x.Line(out lx); y.Line(out ly); return lx.CompareTo(ly); })); for (int i = 0; i < expectedItems.Length; ++i) { var item = items[i]; var expectedItem = expectedItems[i]; string document, message; item.get_Text(out message); item.Document(out document); int line, column; item.Line(out line); item.Column(out column); uint category; ((IVsErrorItem)item).GetCategory(out category); Assert.AreEqual(expectedItem.Document, document); Assert.AreEqual(expectedItem.Line, line); Assert.AreEqual(expectedItem.Column, column); Assert.AreEqual(expectedItem.Message, message); Assert.AreEqual(expectedItem.Category, (__VSERRORCATEGORY)category); } app.ServiceProvider.GetUIThread().Invoke((Action)delegate { items[0].NavigateTo(); }); var doc = app.Dte.ActiveDocument; Assert.IsNotNull(doc); Assert.AreEqual("", doc.Name); var textDoc = (EnvDTE.TextDocument)doc.Object("TextDocument"); Assert.AreEqual(1, textDoc.Selection.ActivePoint.Line); Assert.AreEqual(2, textDoc.Selection.ActivePoint.DisplayColumn); } }
public void LaunchUnknownEnvironment() { using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) { var project = app.OpenProject(@"TestData\Environments\Unknown.sln"); app.ExecuteCommand("Debug.Start"); PythonVisualStudioApp.CheckMessageBox(MessageBoxButton.Ok, "Unknown Python 2.7", "incorrectly configured"); } }
public void CustomCommandsSearchPath() { var expectedSearchPath = string.Format("['{0}', '{1}', '{2}']", // Includes CWD (ProjectHome) first TestData.GetPath(@"TestData\Targets\Package\Subpackage").Replace("\\", "\\\\"), // Specified as '..\..' from ProjectHome TestData.GetPath(@"TestData\Targets").Replace("\\", "\\\\"), // Specified as '..' from ProjectHome TestData.GetPath(@"TestData\Targets\Package").Replace("\\", "\\\\") ); using (var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp()) { PythonProjectNode node; EnvDTE.Project proj; OpenProject(app, "CommandSearchPath.sln", out node, out proj); Execute(node, "Import From Search Path"); var outputWindow = app.Element.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, new AndCondition( new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ClassNameProperty, "GenericPane"), new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "Output") ) ); Assert.IsNotNull(outputWindow, "Output Window was not opened"); ExpectOutputWindowText(app, expectedSearchPath); } }
public static ReplWindowProxy Prepare( ReplWindowProxySettings settings, string projectName = null, bool useIPython = false ) { settings.AssertValid(); var app = new PythonVisualStudioApp(); ReplWindowProxy result = null; try { result = OpenInteractive(app, settings, projectName, useIPython ? IPythonBackend : StandardBackend); app = null; for (int retries = 10; retries > 0; --retries) { result.Reset(); result.ClearScreen(); result.ClearInput(); try { var task = result.ExecuteText("print('READY')"); Assert.IsTrue(task.Wait(useIPython ? 30000 : 15000), "ReplWindow did not initialize in time"); if (!task.Result.IsSuccessful) { continue; } } catch (TaskCanceledException) { continue; } if (useIPython) { // The longer we wait, the better are the chances of detecting this error // This seems long enough to detect it when running locally Thread.Sleep(500); if (result.TextView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.Lines .Any(l => l.GetText().Contains("Error using selected REPL back-end")) ) { Assert.Inconclusive("IPython is not available"); } // In IPython mode, a help header appears at startup, // but the output order is inconsistent, so we can't WaitForTextEnd // (sometimes READY appears before help, sometimes after) result.WaitForAnyLineContainsTextInternal("READY"); result.WaitForReadyForInput(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); } else { result.WaitForTextEnd("READY", ">"); } result.ClearScreen(); return(result); } Assert.Fail("ReplWindow did not initialize"); return(null); } finally { if (app != null) { app.Dispose(); } } }