protected void btnForget_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtEmail.Text.Trim() == "") { lblRegisMsg.Text = "Email ID can not be empty"; } else { DataTable st = new DataTable(); st = _bl.GetEmail(txtEmail.Text.Trim()); if (st.Rows.Count > 0) { string decrptpass = Decryptdata(st.Rows[0]["pass"].ToString()); Send_mails sms = new Send_mails(); if (sms.SendMailForgetPassword(txtEmail.Text, st.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), decrptpass, Server.MapPath("~/Mail/forget-password.htm"))) { lblRegisMsg.Text = "your password sucessfully send at " + txtEmail.Text; lblRegisMsg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; txtEmail.Text = ""; } } else { lblRegisMsg.Text = "Invaild EmailID"; return; } } }
protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Send_mails sm = new Send_mails(); if (sm.SendMailEmail(txtName.Value, txtEmail.Value, txtMessage.Value, txtMobile.Value, "Enquiry from Site", Server.MapPath("~/Mail/mail.htm"))) { lblMsg.Text = "Your Enquiry Sucessfully Submitted"; lblMsg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; txtEmail.Value = ""; txtMessage.Value = ""; txtMobile.Value = ""; txtName.Value = ""; } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string constr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["cn"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = con; SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from Student where Email = '" + txtEmail.Value.Trim() + "'", con); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds); int i = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; if (txtEmail.Value.Trim() == "" || txtRegisPassword.Value.Trim() == "") { lblRegisMsg.Text = "Can not be empty!"; } else { if (i <= 0) { hybr["AutoID"] = 0; hybr["Name"] = txtName.Value; hybr["Address"] = ""; hybr["Email"] = txtEmail.Value.Trim(); hybr["pass"] = encryptpass(txtRegisPassword.Value.Trim()); hybr["Subscribe"] = "True"; hybr["City"] = 0; hybr["CountryID"] = 1; hybr["State"] = 0; hybr["profilephoto"] = ""; hybr["LandMark"] = ""; hybr["Pin"] = ""; hybr["Mobile"] = txtmobile.Value; long _mUserId = _bl.SaveRegister(hybr); if (_mUserId != -2) { Session["UserID"] = null; lblRegisMsg.Text = "Registration Successfully..."; lblRegisMsg.ForeColor = Color.Green; Send_mails sms = new Send_mails(); if (sms.SendMailRegister(txtName.Value, txtEmail.Value.Trim(), Server.MapPath("~/Mail/RegistrationMail.htm"))) { lblRegisMsg.Text = "Your Activation link has been send at " + txtEmail.Value; lblRegisMsg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; txtEmail.Value = ""; } txtEmail.Value = ""; txtName.Value = ""; txtRegisPassword.Value = ""; txtmobile.Value = ""; txtName.Focus(); return; // Session["UserName"] = txtUserName.Text; //Session["UserID"] = _mUserId; // Response.Redirect("~/User/profile.aspx"); } else { Session["UserID"] = null; lblRegisMsg.Text = "EmailID already Exist"; return; } } else { lblRegisMsg.Text = "EmailID already Exist"; lblRegisMsg.ForeColor = Color.Red; } } }