private void LoadCustomScripts(HtmlReportViewModel viewModel) { var customStylesheet = Path.Combine(_configuration.OutputPath, "BDDfyCustom.css"); if (File.Exists(customStylesheet)) viewModel.CustomStylesheet = File.ReadAllText(customStylesheet); var customJavascript = Path.Combine(_configuration.OutputPath, "BDDfyCustom.js"); if(File.Exists(customJavascript)) viewModel.CustomJavascript = File.ReadAllText(customJavascript); }
public string CreateReport(HtmlReportViewModel model) { _viewModel = model; AddLine("<!DOCTYPE html>"); using(OpenTag(HtmlTag.html)) { HtmlHead(); HtmlBody(); } return _html.ToString(); }
public string CreateReport(HtmlReportViewModel model) { _viewModel = model; AddLine("<!DOCTYPE html>"); using (OpenTag(HtmlTag.html)) { HtmlHead(); HtmlBody(); } return(_html.ToString()); }
void WriteOutHtmlReport(IEnumerable<Story> stories) { Model = new HtmlReportViewModel(_configuration, stories); LoadCustomScripts(); string report; try { report = _builder.CreateReport(Model); } catch (Exception ex) { report = ex.Message + ex.StackTrace; } _writer.OutputReport(report, _configuration.OutputFileName, _configuration.OutputPath); }
public void ShouldProduceExpectedHtml() { // somehow the scenario id keeps increasing on TC // resetting here explicitly Configurator.IdGenerator.Reset(); // setting the culture to make sure the date is formatted the same on all machines using (new TemporaryCulture("en-GB")) { var model = new HtmlReportViewModel( new DefaultHtmlReportConfiguration(), new ReportTestData().CreateTwoStoriesEachWithTwoScenariosWithThreeStepsOfFiveMilliseconds()); var sut = new HtmlReportBuilder {DateProvider = () => new DateTime(2014, 3, 25, 11, 30, 5)}; var result = sut.CreateReport(model); Approvals.Verify(result); } }
public void ShouldProduceExpectedHtml() { // somehow the scenario id keeps increasing on TC // resetting here explicitly Configurator.IdGenerator.Reset(); // setting the culture to make sure the date is formatted the same on all machines using (new TemporaryCulture("en-GB")) { var model = new HtmlReportViewModel( new DefaultHtmlReportConfiguration(), new ReportTestData().CreateMixContainingEachTypeOfOutcome()); model.RunDate = new DateTime(2014, 3, 25, 11, 30, 5); var sut = new HtmlMetroReportBuilder(); var result = sut.CreateReport(model); Approvals.Verify(result); } }
public string CreateReport(HtmlReportViewModel model) { return new MetroHtmlReportTemplate(model).TransformText(); }
public MetroHtmlReportTemplate(HtmlReportViewModel model) { _model = model; }