bool blnIsAddAux = false; //140811_1 private void CtrlInfo_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { setAuxshow(false); //140811_1 RefreshList(); ShowMyTip(); this.txtTestPlanName.Text = TestPlanName; //140709_1>>>>>>>>>> this.cboDataRate.Items.Clear(); //140811_2 this.txtAuxAttribles.Items.Clear(); //140811_2 this.txtAuxAttribles.Items.Add("DUT_Soak_Time= 指定值; ReadTempFromXStream= 指定值"); //140606 DataRow[] drs = PNInfo.TopoToatlDS.Tables["TopoTestControl"].Select(""); for (int i = 0; i < drs.Length; i++) { if (this.cboDataRate.Items.Contains(drs[i]["DataRate"]) == false) { this.cboDataRate.Items.Add(drs[i]["DataRate"]); } if (this.cboChannel.Items.Contains(drs[i]["Channel"]) == false) { this.cboChannel.Items.Add(drs[i]["Channel"]); } if (this.cboPattent.Items.Contains(drs[i]["Pattent"]) == false) { this.cboPattent.Items.Add(drs[i]["Pattent"]); } if (this.cboTemp.Items.Contains(drs[i]["Temp"]) == false) { this.cboTemp.Items.Add(drs[i]["Temp"]); } if (this.cboVcc.Items.Contains(drs[i]["Vcc"]) == false) { this.cboVcc.Items.Add(drs[i]["Vcc"]); } } //140709_1<<<<<<<<<< if (blnAddNew) { mySEQ = (PNInfo.getMAXColumnsItem(PNInfo.TopoToatlDS.Tables["TopoTestControl"], "SEQ", "PID=" + PID) + 1).ToString(); myTestCtrlID = (PNInfo.mylastIDTestCtrl + 1).ToString(); PNInfo.myTestCtrlAddOKFlag = false; cboItemName.BackColor = Color.Yellow; currlst.Enabled = false; btnOK.Enabled = true; PNInfo.myTestCtrlISNewFlag = true; //140530_2 } else { btnOK.Enabled = false; btnFinish.Enabled = true; PNInfo.myTestCtrlISNewFlag = false; //140530_2 } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
bool EditInfoForDT(DataTable mydt) { bool result = false; try { string filterString = this.cboItemName.Text.ToString(); DataRow[] myROWS = mydt.Select("ItemName='" + filterString + "' and PID=" + PID + ""); if (myROWS.Length == 1) { if (this.blnAddNewModel) { MessageBox.Show("新增资料有误!请确认!!! 已有" + myROWS.Length + ("条记录; \n 条件--> ItemName='" + filterString + "' and PID=" + PID + "")); return(result); } //无需编辑信息,固定值! //myROWS[0]["ItemName"] = this.cboItemName.Text.ToString(); //myROWS[0]["AppModeID"] = this.cboAppModeID.Text.ToString(); myROWS[0]["EquipmentList"] = this.txtEquipLst.Text.ToString(); result = true; } else if (this.blnAddNewModel) { string MyNewSEQ = (PNInfo.getMAXColumnsItem(PNInfo.TopoToatlDS.Tables["TopoTestModel"], "SEQ", "PID=" + PID) + 1).ToString(); DataRow myNewRow = mydt.NewRow(); myNewRow.BeginEdit(); myNewRow["ID"] = PNInfo.mylastIDTestModel + 1; myNewRow["PID"] = this.PID.ToString(); myNewRow["ItemName"] = this.cboItemName.Text.ToString(); myNewRow["AppModeID"] = this.cboAppModeID.Text.ToString(); myNewRow["EquipmentList"] = this.txtEquipLst.Text.ToString(); myNewRow["Seq"] = MyNewSEQ; mydt.Rows.Add(myNewRow); myNewRow.EndEdit(); PNInfo.mylastIDTestModel++; PNInfo.myAddCountTestModel++; //RefreshList(); int myNewRowIndex = (currlst.Items.Count - 1); if (!currlst.Enabled) //140529 新增TestModel后需要将其参数维护后才能选择! { currlst.Enabled = true; currlst.Focus(); currlst.SelectedIndex = myNewRowIndex; } //blnAddNewModel = false; //140530_1 //140703_2 result = true; } else { MessageBox.Show("资料有误!请确认!!! 共有" + myROWS.Length + ("条记录; \n 条件--> ItemName='" + filterString + "' and PID=" + PID + "")); } return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); return(result); } }