 public static void Frog(Node node, int steps, Stack<move> stack)
     if (steps > 1)
         //If remaining steps > 1 (meaning froggies can either Jump or Step)
         for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
             //Each Parent Node has Two Child Nodes
             if (i == 0)
                 //First Child Node - Holds the Jump
                 node.LNode = new Node(move.jump);   //Move to the Left Node
                 Node n = node.LNode;                //Pass in the Left Node
                 int s = steps - 2;                  //Holds the no of the remaining steps at the parent level before the recurssive call to the children, so when the recurssive returns I will have the (no of steps at the parent node).
                 stack.Push(move.jump);              //push froggie move into the stack
                 Frog(n, s, stack);
                 stack.Pop();                        //pop the child node step, stack pointer now points at the parent node step
             else if (i == 1)
                 //Second Child Node - Holds the Step
                 node.RNode = new Node(move.step);
                 Node n = node.RNode;
                 int s = steps - 1;
                 Frog(n, s, stack);
     else if (steps == 1)
         //If remaining step is Only 1: Froggie can only Step, he/she cannot jump
         node.CNode = new Node(move.step);
         int s = steps - 1;
         Frog(node, s, stack);
     else if (steps <= 0)
         //If remaining steps is zero: No more remaining steps - Log the stack which has the path Froggie made
         // add pathStack to list of pathes
         move[] a = stack.Select(q => q).ToArray();
        public static void PrintMenu()
            Console.WriteLine("Enter your distance for Froggie to walk in");
            string s1 = Console.ReadLine();
            int goal = 0;
            if (!int.TryParse(s1, out goal)) { return; }

            lisofpathes = new List<move[]>();
            Node rootNode = new Node(move.none);
            Stack<move> pathStack = new Stack<move>();

            Frog(rootNode, goal, pathStack);

            if(lisofpathes.Count <= 0 || lisofpathes[0].Length <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("No distance for Froggie to walk"); return; }

            //Print All Possible Pathes
            Console.WriteLine("Froggie possible pathes are: ");
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (move[] path in lisofpathes)
                foreach (move p in path)
                sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);
            Console.WriteLine(new string('*', 20));