public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Starting the tests..."); // create the event aggregator and the object // that contains the handler methods var aggr = new EventAggregator(); //var aggr = new EventAggregator.ConcurrentEventAggregator(); var handlerObj1 = new TestHandlers("1st handlers"); var handlerObj2 = new TestHandlers("2nd handlers"); // call the convenience method to register the handlers // with the aggregator aggr.Register(handlerObj1); aggr.Register(handlerObj2); // create some mock events and set their sample values var fooEvt = new SomeEvent(); var barEvt = new SomeOtherEvent(); fooEvt.Foo = 1337; barEvt.Bar = "Hello"; // trigger the events: 1st time aggr.Trigger(fooEvt); aggr.Trigger(barEvt); fooEvt.Foo = 42; barEvt.Bar = "Blubb"; // trigger the events: 2st time aggr.Trigger(barEvt); aggr.Trigger(fooEvt); Console.WriteLine("Finished running the tests."); }
public void OnSampleEvent(SomeEvent evt) { Console.WriteLine(name + " got the sample event with message: [ Foo = " + evt.Foo + " ]"); }