public void GetUserChoise(Account i_NewAccount) { int userChoise = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int userInput = 0; eActiomMenu menuChoise = (eActiomMenu)userChoise; switch (menuChoise) { case eActiomMenu.Deposit: { Console.WriteLine("Please Enter the amount of the money you want to deposit\n"); userInput = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); i_NewAccount.Deposit(userInput); break; } case eActiomMenu.Withdraw: { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the amount of money you want to withdraw\n"); userInput = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); i_NewAccount.WithDraw(userInput); break; } case eActiomMenu.Balance: { Console.WriteLine("Your account balance:{0}\n", i_NewAccount.GetBalance); break; } } }