public static bool SolidTile(Tile testTile) { try { if (testTile == null) { bool result = true; return result; } if ( && Main.tileSolid[(int)testTile.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)testTile.type] && !testTile.halfBrick() && testTile.slope() == 0 && !testTile.inActive()) { bool result = true; return result; } } catch { } return false; }
public static void SmoothSlope(int x, int y, bool applyToNeighbors = true) { if (applyToNeighbors) { Tile.SmoothSlope(x + 1, y, false); Tile.SmoothSlope(x - 1, y, false); Tile.SmoothSlope(x, y + 1, false); Tile.SmoothSlope(x, y - 1, false); } Tile tile = Main.tile[x, y]; if (!WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x, y)) { return; } bool flag = !WorldGen.TileEmpty(x, y - 1); bool flag1 = (WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x, y - 1) ? false : flag); bool flag2 = WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x, y + 1); bool flag3 = WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x - 1, y); bool flag4 = WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x + 1, y); switch ((flag ? 1 : 0) << 3 | (flag2 ? 1 : 0) << 2 | (flag3 ? 1 : 0) << 1 | (flag4 ? 1 : 0)) { case 4: { tile.slope(0); tile.halfBrick(true); return; } case 5: { tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope(2); return; } case 6: { tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope(1); return; } case 7: case 8: { tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope(0); break; } case 9: { if (flag1) { break; } tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope(4); return; } case 10: { if (flag1) { break; } tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope(3); return; } default: { goto case 8; } } }
public static bool CanPlace( int x, int y, int type, int style, int dir, out TileObject objectData, bool onlyCheck = false) { TileObjectData tileData1 = TileObjectData.GetTileData(type, style, 0); objectData = TileObject.Empty; if (tileData1 == null) { return(false); } int num1 = x - (int)tileData1.Origin.X; int num2 = y - (int)tileData1.Origin.Y; if (num1 < 0 || num1 + tileData1.Width >= Main.maxTilesX || (num2 < 0 || num2 + tileData1.Height >= Main.maxTilesY)) { return(false); } bool flag1 = tileData1.RandomStyleRange > 0; if (TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache == null) { TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache = new TileObjectPreviewData(); } TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache.Reset(); int num3 = 0; if (tileData1.AlternatesCount != 0) { num3 = tileData1.AlternatesCount; } float num4 = -1f; float num5 = -1f; int num6 = 0; TileObjectData tileObjectData = (TileObjectData)null; int alternate = 0 - 1; while (alternate < num3) { ++alternate; TileObjectData tileData2 = TileObjectData.GetTileData(type, style, alternate); if (tileData2.Direction == TileObjectDirection.None || (tileData2.Direction != TileObjectDirection.PlaceLeft || dir != 1) && (tileData2.Direction != TileObjectDirection.PlaceRight || dir != -1)) { int num7 = x - (int)tileData2.Origin.X; int num8 = y - (int)tileData2.Origin.Y; if (num7 < 5 || num7 + tileData2.Width > Main.maxTilesX - 5 || (num8 < 5 || num8 + tileData2.Height > Main.maxTilesY - 5)) { return(false); } Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, tileData2.Width, tileData2.Height); int X = 0; int Y = 0; if (tileData2.AnchorTop.tileCount != 0) { if (rectangle.Y == 0) { rectangle.Y = -1; ++rectangle.Height; ++Y; } int checkStart = tileData2.AnchorTop.checkStart; if (checkStart < rectangle.X) { rectangle.Width += rectangle.X - checkStart; X += rectangle.X - checkStart; rectangle.X = checkStart; } int num9 = checkStart + tileData2.AnchorTop.tileCount - 1; int num10 = rectangle.X + rectangle.Width - 1; if (num9 > num10) { rectangle.Width += num9 - num10; } } if (tileData2.AnchorBottom.tileCount != 0) { if (rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height == tileData2.Height) { ++rectangle.Height; } int checkStart = tileData2.AnchorBottom.checkStart; if (checkStart < rectangle.X) { rectangle.Width += rectangle.X - checkStart; X += rectangle.X - checkStart; rectangle.X = checkStart; } int num9 = checkStart + tileData2.AnchorBottom.tileCount - 1; int num10 = rectangle.X + rectangle.Width - 1; if (num9 > num10) { rectangle.Width += num9 - num10; } } if (tileData2.AnchorLeft.tileCount != 0) { if (rectangle.X == 0) { rectangle.X = -1; ++rectangle.Width; ++X; } int checkStart = tileData2.AnchorLeft.checkStart; if ((tileData2.AnchorLeft.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree) { --checkStart; } if (checkStart < rectangle.Y) { rectangle.Width += rectangle.Y - checkStart; Y += rectangle.Y - checkStart; rectangle.Y = checkStart; } int num9 = checkStart + tileData2.AnchorLeft.tileCount - 1; if ((tileData2.AnchorLeft.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree) { num9 += 2; } int num10 = rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height - 1; if (num9 > num10) { rectangle.Height += num9 - num10; } } if (tileData2.AnchorRight.tileCount != 0) { if (rectangle.X + rectangle.Width == tileData2.Width) { ++rectangle.Width; } int checkStart = tileData2.AnchorLeft.checkStart; if ((tileData2.AnchorRight.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree) { --checkStart; } if (checkStart < rectangle.Y) { rectangle.Width += rectangle.Y - checkStart; Y += rectangle.Y - checkStart; rectangle.Y = checkStart; } int num9 = checkStart + tileData2.AnchorRight.tileCount - 1; if ((tileData2.AnchorRight.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree) { num9 += 2; } int num10 = rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height - 1; if (num9 > num10) { rectangle.Height += num9 - num10; } } if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview.Reset(); TileObject.objectPreview.Active = true; TileObject.objectPreview.Type = (ushort)type; TileObject.objectPreview.Style = (short)style; TileObject.objectPreview.Alternate = alternate; TileObject.objectPreview.Size = new Point16(rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height); TileObject.objectPreview.ObjectStart = new Point16(X, Y); TileObject.objectPreview.Coordinates = new Point16(num7 - X, num8 - Y); } float num11 = 0.0f; float num12 = (float)(tileData2.Width * tileData2.Height); float num13 = 0.0f; float num14 = 0.0f; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < tileData2.Width; ++index1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 < tileData2.Height; ++index2) { Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(num7 + index1, num8 + index2); bool flag2 = !tileData2.LiquidPlace(tileSafely); bool flag3 = false; if (tileData2.AnchorWall) { ++num14; if (!tileData2.isValidWallAnchor((int)tileSafely.wall)) { flag3 = true; } else { ++num13; } } bool flag4 = false; if ( && (!Main.tileCut[(int)tileSafely.type] || tileSafely.type == (ushort)484) && !TileID.Sets.BreakableWhenPlacing[(int)tileSafely.type]) { flag4 = true; } if (flag4 | flag2 | flag3) { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[index1 + X, index2 + Y] = 2; } } else { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[index1 + X, index2 + Y] = 1; } ++num11; } } } AnchorData anchorBottom = tileData2.AnchorBottom; if (anchorBottom.tileCount != 0) { num14 += (float)anchorBottom.tileCount; int height = tileData2.Height; for (int index = 0; index < anchorBottom.tileCount; ++index) { int num9 = anchorBottom.checkStart + index; Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(num7 + num9, num8 + height); bool flag2 = false; if (tileSafely.nactive()) { if ((anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.SolidTile) == AnchorType.SolidTile && Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && (!Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileNoAttach[(int)tileSafely.type]) && (tileData2.FlattenAnchors || tileSafely.blockType() == 0)) { flag2 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely.type); } if (!flag2 && ((anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.SolidWithTop) == AnchorType.SolidWithTop || (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.Table) == AnchorType.Table)) { if (TileID.Sets.Platforms[(int)tileSafely.type]) { int num10 = (int)tileSafely.frameX / TileObjectData.PlatformFrameWidth(); if (!tileSafely.halfBrick() && WorldGen.PlatformProperTopFrame(tileSafely.frameX)) { flag2 = true; } } else if (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type]) { flag2 = true; } } if (!flag2 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.Table) == AnchorType.Table && (!TileID.Sets.Platforms[(int)tileSafely.type] && Main.tileTable[(int)tileSafely.type]) && tileSafely.blockType() == 0) { flag2 = true; } if (!flag2 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.SolidSide) == AnchorType.SolidSide && (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type])) { switch (tileSafely.blockType()) { case 4: case 5: flag2 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely.type); break; } } if (!flag2 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.AlternateTile) == AnchorType.AlternateTile && tileData2.isValidAlternateAnchor((int)tileSafely.type)) { flag2 = true; } } else if (!flag2 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.EmptyTile) == AnchorType.EmptyTile) { flag2 = true; } if (!flag2) { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num9 + X, height + Y] = 2; } } else { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num9 + X, height + Y] = 1; } ++num13; } } } AnchorData anchorTop = tileData2.AnchorTop; if (anchorTop.tileCount != 0) { num14 += (float)anchorTop.tileCount; int num9 = -1; for (int index = 0; index < anchorTop.tileCount; ++index) { int num10 = anchorTop.checkStart + index; Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(num7 + num10, num8 + num9); bool flag2 = false; if (tileSafely.nactive()) { if (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileNoAttach[(int)tileSafely.type] && (tileData2.FlattenAnchors || tileSafely.blockType() == 0)) { flag2 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely.type); } if (!flag2 && (anchorTop.type & AnchorType.SolidBottom) == AnchorType.SolidBottom && (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && (!Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type] || TileID.Sets.Platforms[(int)tileSafely.type] && (tileSafely.halfBrick() || tileSafely.topSlope())) || (tileSafely.halfBrick() || tileSafely.topSlope())) && (!TileID.Sets.NotReallySolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && !tileSafely.bottomSlope())) { flag2 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely.type); } if (!flag2 && (anchorTop.type & AnchorType.SolidSide) == AnchorType.SolidSide && (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type])) { switch (tileSafely.blockType()) { case 2: case 3: flag2 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely.type); break; } } if (!flag2 && (anchorTop.type & AnchorType.AlternateTile) == AnchorType.AlternateTile && tileData2.isValidAlternateAnchor((int)tileSafely.type)) { flag2 = true; } } else if (!flag2 && (anchorTop.type & AnchorType.EmptyTile) == AnchorType.EmptyTile) { flag2 = true; } if (!flag2) { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num10 + X, num9 + Y] = 2; } } else { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num10 + X, num9 + Y] = 1; } ++num13; } } } AnchorData anchorRight = tileData2.AnchorRight; if (anchorRight.tileCount != 0) { num14 += (float)anchorRight.tileCount; int width = tileData2.Width; for (int index = 0; index < anchorRight.tileCount; ++index) { int num9 = anchorRight.checkStart + index; Tile tileSafely1 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num7 + width, num8 + num9); bool flag2 = false; if (tileSafely1.nactive()) { if (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely1.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely1.type] && !Main.tileNoAttach[(int)tileSafely1.type] && (tileData2.FlattenAnchors || tileSafely1.blockType() == 0)) { flag2 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely1.type); } if (!flag2 && (anchorRight.type & AnchorType.SolidSide) == AnchorType.SolidSide && (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely1.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely1.type])) { switch (tileSafely1.blockType()) { case 2: case 4: flag2 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely1.type); break; } } if (!flag2 && (anchorRight.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree && TileID.Sets.IsATreeTrunk[(int)tileSafely1.type]) { flag2 = true; if (index == 0) { ++num14; Tile tileSafely2 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num7 + width, num8 + num9 - 1); if (tileSafely2.nactive() && TileID.Sets.IsATreeTrunk[(int)tileSafely2.type]) { ++num13; if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[width + X, num9 + Y - 1] = 1; } } else if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[width + X, num9 + Y - 1] = 2; } } if (index == anchorRight.tileCount - 1) { ++num14; Tile tileSafely2 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num7 + width, num8 + num9 + 1); if (tileSafely2.nactive() && TileID.Sets.IsATreeTrunk[(int)tileSafely2.type]) { ++num13; if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[width + X, num9 + Y + 1] = 1; } } else if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[width + X, num9 + Y + 1] = 2; } } } if (!flag2 && (anchorRight.type & AnchorType.AlternateTile) == AnchorType.AlternateTile && tileData2.isValidAlternateAnchor((int)tileSafely1.type)) { flag2 = true; } } else if (!flag2 && (anchorRight.type & AnchorType.EmptyTile) == AnchorType.EmptyTile) { flag2 = true; } if (!flag2) { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[width + X, num9 + Y] = 2; } } else { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[width + X, num9 + Y] = 1; } ++num13; } } } AnchorData anchorLeft = tileData2.AnchorLeft; if (anchorLeft.tileCount != 0) { num14 += (float)anchorLeft.tileCount; int num9 = -1; for (int index = 0; index < anchorLeft.tileCount; ++index) { int num10 = anchorLeft.checkStart + index; Tile tileSafely1 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num7 + num9, num8 + num10); bool flag2 = false; if (tileSafely1.nactive()) { if (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely1.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely1.type] && !Main.tileNoAttach[(int)tileSafely1.type] && (tileData2.FlattenAnchors || tileSafely1.blockType() == 0)) { flag2 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely1.type); } if (!flag2 && (anchorLeft.type & AnchorType.SolidSide) == AnchorType.SolidSide && (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely1.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely1.type])) { switch (tileSafely1.blockType()) { case 3: case 5: flag2 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely1.type); break; } } if (!flag2 && (anchorLeft.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree && TileID.Sets.IsATreeTrunk[(int)tileSafely1.type]) { flag2 = true; if (index == 0) { ++num14; Tile tileSafely2 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num7 + num9, num8 + num10 - 1); if (tileSafely2.nactive() && TileID.Sets.IsATreeTrunk[(int)tileSafely2.type]) { ++num13; if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num9 + X, num10 + Y - 1] = 1; } } else if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num9 + X, num10 + Y - 1] = 2; } } if (index == anchorLeft.tileCount - 1) { ++num14; Tile tileSafely2 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num7 + num9, num8 + num10 + 1); if (tileSafely2.nactive() && TileID.Sets.IsATreeTrunk[(int)tileSafely2.type]) { ++num13; if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num9 + X, num10 + Y + 1] = 1; } } else if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num9 + X, num10 + Y + 1] = 2; } } } if (!flag2 && (anchorLeft.type & AnchorType.AlternateTile) == AnchorType.AlternateTile && tileData2.isValidAlternateAnchor((int)tileSafely1.type)) { flag2 = true; } } else if (!flag2 && (anchorLeft.type & AnchorType.EmptyTile) == AnchorType.EmptyTile) { flag2 = true; } if (!flag2) { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num9 + X, num10 + Y] = 2; } } else { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num9 + X, num10 + Y] = 1; } ++num13; } } } if (tileData2.HookCheckIfCanPlace.hook != null) { if (tileData2.HookCheckIfCanPlace.processedCoordinates) { Point16 origin1 = tileData2.Origin; Point16 origin2 = tileData2.Origin; } if (tileData2.HookCheckIfCanPlace.hook(x, y, type, style, dir, alternate) == tileData2.HookCheckIfCanPlace.badReturn && tileData2.HookCheckIfCanPlace.badResponse == 0) { num13 = 0.0f; num11 = 0.0f; TileObject.objectPreview.AllInvalid(); } } float num15 = num13 / num14; float num16 = num11 / num12; if ((double)num16 == 1.0 && (double)num14 == 0.0) { num15 = 1f; num16 = 1f; } if ((double)num15 == 1.0 && (double)num16 == 1.0) { num4 = 1f; num5 = 1f; num6 = alternate; tileObjectData = tileData2; break; } if ((double)num15 > (double)num4 || (double)num15 == (double)num4 && (double)num16 > (double)num5) { TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache.CopyFrom(TileObject.objectPreview); num4 = num15; num5 = num16; tileObjectData = tileData2; num6 = alternate; } } } int num17 = -1; if (flag1) { if (TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache == null) { TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache = new TileObjectPreviewData(); } bool flag2 = false; if ((int)TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.Type == type) { Point16 coordinates = TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.Coordinates; Point16 objectStart = TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.ObjectStart; int num7 = (int)coordinates.X + (int)objectStart.X; int num8 = (int)coordinates.Y + (int)objectStart.Y; int num9 = x - (int)tileData1.Origin.X; int num10 = y - (int)tileData1.Origin.Y; if (num7 != num9 || num8 != num10) { flag2 = true; } } else { flag2 = true; } num17 = !flag2 ? TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.Random : Main.rand.Next(tileData1.RandomStyleRange); } if (onlyCheck) { if ((double)num4 != 1.0 || (double)num5 != 1.0) { TileObject.objectPreview.CopyFrom(TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache); alternate = num6; } TileObject.objectPreview.Random = num17; if (tileData1.RandomStyleRange > 0) { TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.CopyFrom(TileObject.objectPreview); } } if (!onlyCheck) { objectData.xCoord = x - (int)tileObjectData.Origin.X; objectData.yCoord = y - (int)tileObjectData.Origin.Y; objectData.type = type; = style; objectData.alternate = alternate; objectData.random = num17; } return((double)num4 == 1.0 && (double)num5 == 1.0); }
public bool isTheSameAs(Tile compTile) { if (compTile == null) { return(false); } if ( != { return(false); } if ( { if (this.type != compTile.type) { return(false); } if (Main.tileFrameImportant[(int)this.type]) { if (this.frameX != compTile.frameX) { return(false); } if (this.frameY != compTile.frameY) { return(false); } } } return(this.wall == compTile.wall && this.liquid == compTile.liquid && this.lava() == compTile.lava() && this.honey() == compTile.honey() && this.wire() == compTile.wire() && this.wire2() == compTile.wire2() && this.wire3() == compTile.wire3() && this.halfBrick() == compTile.halfBrick() && this.actuator() == compTile.actuator() && this.inActive() == compTile.inActive() && this.wallColor() == compTile.wallColor() && this.color() == compTile.color() && this.slope() == compTile.slope()); }
public static bool CanPlace(int x, int y, int type, int style, int dir, out TileObject objectData, bool onlyCheck = false) { TileObjectData tileData = TileObjectData.GetTileData(type, style); objectData = Empty; if (tileData == null) { return(false); } int num = x - tileData.Origin.X; int num2 = y - tileData.Origin.Y; if (num < 0 || num + tileData.Width >= Main.maxTilesX || num2 < 0 || num2 + tileData.Height >= Main.maxTilesY) { return(false); } bool flag = tileData.RandomStyleRange > 0; if (TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache == null) { TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache = new TileObjectPreviewData(); } TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache.Reset(); int num3 = 0; if (tileData.AlternatesCount != 0) { num3 = tileData.AlternatesCount; } float num4 = -1f; float num5 = -1f; int num6 = 0; TileObjectData tileObjectData = null; int num7 = -1; while (num7 < num3) { num7++; TileObjectData tileData2 = TileObjectData.GetTileData(type, style, num7); if (tileData2.Direction != 0 && ((tileData2.Direction == TileObjectDirection.PlaceLeft && dir == 1) || (tileData2.Direction == TileObjectDirection.PlaceRight && dir == -1))) { continue; } int num8 = x - tileData2.Origin.X; int num9 = y - tileData2.Origin.Y; if (num8 < 5 || num8 + tileData2.Width > Main.maxTilesX - 5 || num9 < 5 || num9 + tileData2.Height > Main.maxTilesY - 5) { return(false); } Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, tileData2.Width, tileData2.Height); int num10 = 0; int num11 = 0; if (tileData2.AnchorTop.tileCount != 0) { if (rectangle.Y == 0) { rectangle.Y = -1; rectangle.Height++; num11++; } int checkStart = tileData2.AnchorTop.checkStart; if (checkStart < rectangle.X) { rectangle.Width += rectangle.X - checkStart; num10 += rectangle.X - checkStart; rectangle.X = checkStart; } int num12 = checkStart + tileData2.AnchorTop.tileCount - 1; int num13 = rectangle.X + rectangle.Width - 1; if (num12 > num13) { rectangle.Width += num12 - num13; } } if (tileData2.AnchorBottom.tileCount != 0) { if (rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height == tileData2.Height) { rectangle.Height++; } int checkStart2 = tileData2.AnchorBottom.checkStart; if (checkStart2 < rectangle.X) { rectangle.Width += rectangle.X - checkStart2; num10 += rectangle.X - checkStart2; rectangle.X = checkStart2; } int num14 = checkStart2 + tileData2.AnchorBottom.tileCount - 1; int num15 = rectangle.X + rectangle.Width - 1; if (num14 > num15) { rectangle.Width += num14 - num15; } } if (tileData2.AnchorLeft.tileCount != 0) { if (rectangle.X == 0) { rectangle.X = -1; rectangle.Width++; num10++; } int num16 = tileData2.AnchorLeft.checkStart; if ((tileData2.AnchorLeft.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree) { num16--; } if (num16 < rectangle.Y) { rectangle.Width += rectangle.Y - num16; num11 += rectangle.Y - num16; rectangle.Y = num16; } int num17 = num16 + tileData2.AnchorLeft.tileCount - 1; if ((tileData2.AnchorLeft.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree) { num17 += 2; } int num18 = rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height - 1; if (num17 > num18) { rectangle.Height += num17 - num18; } } if (tileData2.AnchorRight.tileCount != 0) { if (rectangle.X + rectangle.Width == tileData2.Width) { rectangle.Width++; } int num19 = tileData2.AnchorLeft.checkStart; if ((tileData2.AnchorRight.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree) { num19--; } if (num19 < rectangle.Y) { rectangle.Width += rectangle.Y - num19; num11 += rectangle.Y - num19; rectangle.Y = num19; } int num20 = num19 + tileData2.AnchorRight.tileCount - 1; if ((tileData2.AnchorRight.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree) { num20 += 2; } int num21 = rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height - 1; if (num20 > num21) { rectangle.Height += num20 - num21; } } if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview.Reset(); objectPreview.Active = true; objectPreview.Type = (ushort)type; objectPreview.Style = (short)style; objectPreview.Alternate = num7; objectPreview.Size = new Point16(rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height); objectPreview.ObjectStart = new Point16(num10, num11); objectPreview.Coordinates = new Point16(num8 - num10, num9 - num11); } float num22 = 0f; float num23 = tileData2.Width * tileData2.Height; float num24 = 0f; float num25 = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < tileData2.Width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < tileData2.Height; j++) { Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(num8 + i, num9 + j); bool flag2 = !tileData2.LiquidPlace(tileSafely); bool flag3 = false; if (tileData2.AnchorWall) { num25 += 1f; if (!tileData2.isValidWallAnchor(tileSafely.wall)) { flag3 = true; } else { num24 += 1f; } } bool flag4 = false; if ( && (!Main.tileCut[tileSafely.type] || tileSafely.type == 484) && !TileID.Sets.BreakableWhenPlacing[tileSafely.type]) { flag4 = true; } if (flag4 | flag2 | flag3) { if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[i + num10, j + num11] = 2; } continue; } if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[i + num10, j + num11] = 1; } num22 += 1f; } } AnchorData anchorBottom = tileData2.AnchorBottom; if (anchorBottom.tileCount != 0) { num25 += (float)anchorBottom.tileCount; int height = tileData2.Height; for (int k = 0; k < anchorBottom.tileCount; k++) { int num26 = anchorBottom.checkStart + k; Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(num8 + num26, num9 + height); bool flag5 = false; if (tileSafely.nactive()) { if ((anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.SolidTile) == AnchorType.SolidTile && Main.tileSolid[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileNoAttach[tileSafely.type] && (tileData2.FlattenAnchors || tileSafely.blockType() == 0)) { flag5 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor(tileSafely.type); } if (!flag5 && ((anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.SolidWithTop) == AnchorType.SolidWithTop || (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.Table) == AnchorType.Table)) { if (TileID.Sets.Platforms[tileSafely.type]) { _ = tileSafely.frameX / TileObjectData.PlatformFrameWidth(); if (!tileSafely.halfBrick() && WorldGen.PlatformProperTopFrame(tileSafely.frameX)) { flag5 = true; } } else if (Main.tileSolid[tileSafely.type] && Main.tileSolidTop[tileSafely.type]) { flag5 = true; } } if (!flag5 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.Table) == AnchorType.Table && !TileID.Sets.Platforms[tileSafely.type] && Main.tileTable[tileSafely.type] && tileSafely.blockType() == 0) { flag5 = true; } if (!flag5 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.SolidSide) == AnchorType.SolidSide && Main.tileSolid[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[tileSafely.type]) { int num27 = tileSafely.blockType(); if ((uint)(num27 - 4) <= 1u) { flag5 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor(tileSafely.type); } } if (!flag5 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.AlternateTile) == AnchorType.AlternateTile && tileData2.isValidAlternateAnchor(tileSafely.type)) { flag5 = true; } } else if (!flag5 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.EmptyTile) == AnchorType.EmptyTile) { flag5 = true; } if (!flag5) { if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[num26 + num10, height + num11] = 2; } continue; } if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[num26 + num10, height + num11] = 1; } num24 += 1f; } } anchorBottom = tileData2.AnchorTop; if (anchorBottom.tileCount != 0) { num25 += (float)anchorBottom.tileCount; int num28 = -1; for (int l = 0; l < anchorBottom.tileCount; l++) { int num29 = anchorBottom.checkStart + l; Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(num8 + num29, num9 + num28); bool flag6 = false; if (tileSafely.nactive()) { if (Main.tileSolid[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileNoAttach[tileSafely.type] && (tileData2.FlattenAnchors || tileSafely.blockType() == 0)) { flag6 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor(tileSafely.type); } if (!flag6 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.SolidBottom) == AnchorType.SolidBottom && ((Main.tileSolid[tileSafely.type] && (!Main.tileSolidTop[tileSafely.type] || (TileID.Sets.Platforms[tileSafely.type] && (tileSafely.halfBrick() || tileSafely.topSlope())))) || tileSafely.halfBrick() || tileSafely.topSlope()) && !TileID.Sets.NotReallySolid[tileSafely.type] && !tileSafely.bottomSlope()) { flag6 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor(tileSafely.type); } if (!flag6 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.SolidSide) == AnchorType.SolidSide && Main.tileSolid[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[tileSafely.type]) { int num27 = tileSafely.blockType(); if ((uint)(num27 - 2) <= 1u) { flag6 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor(tileSafely.type); } } if (!flag6 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.AlternateTile) == AnchorType.AlternateTile && tileData2.isValidAlternateAnchor(tileSafely.type)) { flag6 = true; } } else if (!flag6 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.EmptyTile) == AnchorType.EmptyTile) { flag6 = true; } if (!flag6) { if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[num29 + num10, num28 + num11] = 2; } continue; } if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[num29 + num10, num28 + num11] = 1; } num24 += 1f; } } anchorBottom = tileData2.AnchorRight; if (anchorBottom.tileCount != 0) { num25 += (float)anchorBottom.tileCount; int width = tileData2.Width; for (int m = 0; m < anchorBottom.tileCount; m++) { int num30 = anchorBottom.checkStart + m; Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(num8 + width, num9 + num30); bool flag7 = false; if (tileSafely.nactive()) { if (Main.tileSolid[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileNoAttach[tileSafely.type] && (tileData2.FlattenAnchors || tileSafely.blockType() == 0)) { flag7 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor(tileSafely.type); } if (!flag7 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.SolidSide) == AnchorType.SolidSide && Main.tileSolid[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[tileSafely.type]) { int num27 = tileSafely.blockType(); if (num27 == 2 || num27 == 4) { flag7 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor(tileSafely.type); } } if (!flag7 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree && TileID.Sets.IsATreeTrunk[tileSafely.type]) { flag7 = true; if (m == 0) { num25 += 1f; Tile tileSafely2 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num8 + width, num9 + num30 - 1); if (tileSafely2.nactive() && TileID.Sets.IsATreeTrunk[tileSafely2.type]) { num24 += 1f; if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[width + num10, num30 + num11 - 1] = 1; } } else if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[width + num10, num30 + num11 - 1] = 2; } } if (m == anchorBottom.tileCount - 1) { num25 += 1f; Tile tileSafely3 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num8 + width, num9 + num30 + 1); if (tileSafely3.nactive() && TileID.Sets.IsATreeTrunk[tileSafely3.type]) { num24 += 1f; if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[width + num10, num30 + num11 + 1] = 1; } } else if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[width + num10, num30 + num11 + 1] = 2; } } } if (!flag7 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.AlternateTile) == AnchorType.AlternateTile && tileData2.isValidAlternateAnchor(tileSafely.type)) { flag7 = true; } } else if (!flag7 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.EmptyTile) == AnchorType.EmptyTile) { flag7 = true; } if (!flag7) { if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[width + num10, num30 + num11] = 2; } continue; } if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[width + num10, num30 + num11] = 1; } num24 += 1f; } } anchorBottom = tileData2.AnchorLeft; if (anchorBottom.tileCount != 0) { num25 += (float)anchorBottom.tileCount; int num31 = -1; for (int n = 0; n < anchorBottom.tileCount; n++) { int num32 = anchorBottom.checkStart + n; Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(num8 + num31, num9 + num32); bool flag8 = false; if (tileSafely.nactive()) { if (Main.tileSolid[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileNoAttach[tileSafely.type] && (tileData2.FlattenAnchors || tileSafely.blockType() == 0)) { flag8 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor(tileSafely.type); } if (!flag8 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.SolidSide) == AnchorType.SolidSide && Main.tileSolid[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[tileSafely.type]) { int num27 = tileSafely.blockType(); if (num27 == 3 || num27 == 5) { flag8 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor(tileSafely.type); } } if (!flag8 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree && TileID.Sets.IsATreeTrunk[tileSafely.type]) { flag8 = true; if (n == 0) { num25 += 1f; Tile tileSafely4 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num8 + num31, num9 + num32 - 1); if (tileSafely4.nactive() && TileID.Sets.IsATreeTrunk[tileSafely4.type]) { num24 += 1f; if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[num31 + num10, num32 + num11 - 1] = 1; } } else if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[num31 + num10, num32 + num11 - 1] = 2; } } if (n == anchorBottom.tileCount - 1) { num25 += 1f; Tile tileSafely5 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num8 + num31, num9 + num32 + 1); if (tileSafely5.nactive() && TileID.Sets.IsATreeTrunk[tileSafely5.type]) { num24 += 1f; if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[num31 + num10, num32 + num11 + 1] = 1; } } else if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[num31 + num10, num32 + num11 + 1] = 2; } } } if (!flag8 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.AlternateTile) == AnchorType.AlternateTile && tileData2.isValidAlternateAnchor(tileSafely.type)) { flag8 = true; } } else if (!flag8 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.EmptyTile) == AnchorType.EmptyTile) { flag8 = true; } if (!flag8) { if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[num31 + num10, num32 + num11] = 2; } continue; } if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[num31 + num10, num32 + num11] = 1; } num24 += 1f; } } if (tileData2.HookCheckIfCanPlace.hook != null) { if (tileData2.HookCheckIfCanPlace.processedCoordinates) { _ = tileData2.Origin; _ = tileData2.Origin; } if (tileData2.HookCheckIfCanPlace.hook(x, y, type, style, dir, num7) == tileData2.HookCheckIfCanPlace.badReturn && tileData2.HookCheckIfCanPlace.badResponse == 0) { num24 = 0f; num22 = 0f; objectPreview.AllInvalid(); } } float num33 = num24 / num25; float num34 = num22 / num23; if (num34 == 1f && num25 == 0f) { num23 = 1f; num25 = 1f; num33 = 1f; num34 = 1f; } if (num33 == 1f && num34 == 1f) { num4 = 1f; num5 = 1f; num6 = num7; tileObjectData = tileData2; break; } if (num33 > num4 || (num33 == num4 && num34 > num5)) { TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache.CopyFrom(objectPreview); num4 = num33; num5 = num34; tileObjectData = tileData2; num6 = num7; } } int num35 = -1; if (flag) { if (TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache == null) { TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache = new TileObjectPreviewData(); } bool flag9 = false; if (TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.Type == type) { Point16 coordinates = TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.Coordinates; Point16 objectStart = TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.ObjectStart; int num36 = coordinates.X + objectStart.X; int num37 = coordinates.Y + objectStart.Y; int num38 = x - tileData.Origin.X; int num39 = y - tileData.Origin.Y; if (num36 != num38 || num37 != num39) { flag9 = true; } } else { flag9 = true; } num35 = ((!flag9) ? TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.Random : Main.rand.Next(tileData.RandomStyleRange)); } if (onlyCheck) { if (num4 != 1f || num5 != 1f) { objectPreview.CopyFrom(TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache); num7 = num6; } objectPreview.Random = num35; if (tileData.RandomStyleRange > 0) { TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.CopyFrom(objectPreview); } } if (!onlyCheck) { objectData.xCoord = x - tileObjectData.Origin.X; objectData.yCoord = y - tileObjectData.Origin.Y; objectData.type = type; = style; objectData.alternate = num7; objectData.random = num35; } if (num4 == 1f) { return(num5 == 1f); } return(false); }
public static void SmoothSlope(int x, int y, bool applyToNeighbors = true) { if (applyToNeighbors) { Tile.SmoothSlope(x + 1, y, false); Tile.SmoothSlope(x - 1, y, false); Tile.SmoothSlope(x, y + 1, false); Tile.SmoothSlope(x, y - 1, false); } Tile tile = Main.tile[x, y]; if (!WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x, y)) { return; } bool flag1 = !WorldGen.TileEmpty(x, y - 1); bool flag2 = !WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x, y - 1) & flag1; bool flag3 = WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x, y + 1); bool flag4 = WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x - 1, y); bool flag5 = WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x + 1, y); switch ((flag1 ? 1 : 0) << 3 | (flag3 ? 1 : 0) << 2 | (flag4 ? 1 : 0) << 1 | (flag5 ? 1 : 0)) { case 4: tile.slope((byte)0); tile.halfBrick(true); break; case 5: tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope((byte)2); break; case 6: tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope((byte)1); break; case 9: if (flag2) { break; } tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope((byte)4); break; case 10: if (flag2) { break; } tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope((byte)3); break; default: tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope((byte)0); break; } }
public static bool CanPlace(int x, int y, int type, int style, int dir, out TileObject objectData, bool onlyCheck = false) { TileObjectData tileData1 = TileObjectData.GetTileData(type, style, 0); objectData = TileObject.Empty; if (tileData1 == null) { return(false); } int num1 = x - (int)tileData1.Origin.X; int num2 = y - (int)tileData1.Origin.Y; if (num1 < 0 || num1 + tileData1.Width >= Main.maxTilesX || (num2 < 0 || num2 + tileData1.Height >= Main.maxTilesY)) { return(false); } bool flag1 = tileData1.RandomStyleRange > 0; if (TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache == null) { TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache = new TileObjectPreviewData(); } TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache.Reset(); int num3 = 0; int num4 = 0; if (tileData1.AlternatesCount != 0) { num4 = tileData1.AlternatesCount; } float num5 = -1f; float num6 = -1f; int num7 = 0; TileObjectData tileObjectData = (TileObjectData)null; int alternate = num3 - 1; while (alternate < num4) { ++alternate; TileObjectData tileData2 = TileObjectData.GetTileData(type, style, alternate); if (tileData2.Direction == TileObjectDirection.None || (tileData2.Direction != TileObjectDirection.PlaceLeft || dir != 1) && (tileData2.Direction != TileObjectDirection.PlaceRight || dir != -1)) { int num8 = x - (int)tileData2.Origin.X; int num9 = y - (int)tileData2.Origin.Y; if (num8 < 5 || num8 + tileData2.Width > Main.maxTilesX - 5 || (num9 < 5 || num9 + tileData2.Height > Main.maxTilesY - 5)) { return(false); } Rectangle rectangle; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation ((Rectangle)@rectangle).\u002Ector(0, 0, tileData2.Width, tileData2.Height); int X = 0; int Y = 0; if (tileData2.AnchorTop.tileCount != 0) { if (rectangle.Y == null) { rectangle.Y = (__Null) - 1; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type Rectangle& local = @rectangle; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation int num10 = (^ local).Height + 1; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (^ local).Height = (__Null)num10; ++Y; } int checkStart = tileData2.AnchorTop.checkStart; if (checkStart < rectangle.X) { // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type Rectangle& local = @rectangle; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation int num10 = (^ local).Width + (rectangle.X - checkStart); // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (^ local).Width = (__Null)num10; X += rectangle.X - checkStart; rectangle.X = (__Null)checkStart; } int num11 = checkStart + tileData2.AnchorTop.tileCount - 1; int num12 = rectangle.X + rectangle.Width - 1; if (num11 > num12) { // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type Rectangle& local = @rectangle; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation int num10 = (^ local).Width + (num11 - num12); // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (^ local).Width = (__Null)num10; } } if (tileData2.AnchorBottom.tileCount != 0) { if (rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height == tileData2.Height) { // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type Rectangle& local = @rectangle; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation int num10 = (^ local).Height + 1; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (^ local).Height = (__Null)num10; } int checkStart = tileData2.AnchorBottom.checkStart; if (checkStart < rectangle.X) { // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type Rectangle& local = @rectangle; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation int num10 = (^ local).Width + (rectangle.X - checkStart); // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (^ local).Width = (__Null)num10; X += rectangle.X - checkStart; rectangle.X = (__Null)checkStart; } int num11 = checkStart + tileData2.AnchorBottom.tileCount - 1; int num12 = rectangle.X + rectangle.Width - 1; if (num11 > num12) { // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type Rectangle& local = @rectangle; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation int num10 = (^ local).Width + (num11 - num12); // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (^ local).Width = (__Null)num10; } } if (tileData2.AnchorLeft.tileCount != 0) { if (rectangle.X == null) { rectangle.X = (__Null) - 1; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type Rectangle& local = @rectangle; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation int num10 = (^ local).Width + 1; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (^ local).Width = (__Null)num10; ++X; } int checkStart = tileData2.AnchorLeft.checkStart; if ((tileData2.AnchorLeft.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree) { --checkStart; } if (checkStart < rectangle.Y) { // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type Rectangle& local = @rectangle; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation int num10 = (^ local).Width + (rectangle.Y - checkStart); // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (^ local).Width = (__Null)num10; Y += rectangle.Y - checkStart; rectangle.Y = (__Null)checkStart; } int num11 = checkStart + tileData2.AnchorLeft.tileCount - 1; if ((tileData2.AnchorLeft.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree) { num11 += 2; } int num12 = rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height - 1; if (num11 > num12) { // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type Rectangle& local = @rectangle; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation int num10 = (^ local).Height + (num11 - num12); // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (^ local).Height = (__Null)num10; } } if (tileData2.AnchorRight.tileCount != 0) { if (rectangle.X + rectangle.Width == tileData2.Width) { // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type Rectangle& local = @rectangle; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation int num10 = (^ local).Width + 1; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (^ local).Width = (__Null)num10; } int checkStart = tileData2.AnchorLeft.checkStart; if ((tileData2.AnchorRight.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree) { --checkStart; } if (checkStart < rectangle.Y) { // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type Rectangle& local = @rectangle; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation int num10 = (^ local).Width + (rectangle.Y - checkStart); // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (^ local).Width = (__Null)num10; Y += rectangle.Y - checkStart; rectangle.Y = (__Null)checkStart; } int num11 = checkStart + tileData2.AnchorRight.tileCount - 1; if ((tileData2.AnchorRight.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree) { num11 += 2; } int num12 = rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height - 1; if (num11 > num12) { // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type Rectangle& local = @rectangle; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation int num10 = (^ local).Height + (num11 - num12); // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (^ local).Height = (__Null)num10; } } if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview.Reset(); TileObject.objectPreview.Active = true; TileObject.objectPreview.Type = (ushort)type; TileObject.objectPreview.Style = (short)style; TileObject.objectPreview.Alternate = alternate; TileObject.objectPreview.Size = new Point16((int)rectangle.Width, (int)rectangle.Height); TileObject.objectPreview.ObjectStart = new Point16(X, Y); TileObject.objectPreview.Coordinates = new Point16(num8 - X, num9 - Y); } float num13 = 0.0f; float num14 = (float)(tileData2.Width * tileData2.Height); float num15 = 0.0f; float num16 = 0.0f; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < tileData2.Width; ++index1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 < tileData2.Height; ++index2) { Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(num8 + index1, num9 + index2); bool flag2 = !tileData2.LiquidPlace(tileSafely); bool flag3 = false; if (tileData2.AnchorWall) { ++num16; if (!tileData2.isValidWallAnchor((int)tileSafely.wall)) { flag3 = true; } else { ++num15; } } bool flag4 = false; if ( && !Main.tileCut[(int)tileSafely.type]) { flag4 = true; } if (flag4 || flag2 || flag3) { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[index1 + X, index2 + Y] = 2; } } else { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[index1 + X, index2 + Y] = 1; } ++num13; } } } AnchorData anchorBottom = tileData2.AnchorBottom; if (anchorBottom.tileCount != 0) { num16 += (float)anchorBottom.tileCount; int height = tileData2.Height; for (int index = 0; index < anchorBottom.tileCount; ++index) { int num10 = anchorBottom.checkStart + index; Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(num8 + num10, num9 + height); bool flag2 = false; if (tileSafely.nactive()) { if ((anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.SolidTile) == AnchorType.SolidTile && Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && (!Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileNoAttach[(int)tileSafely.type]) && (tileData2.FlattenAnchors || tileSafely.blockType() == 0)) { flag2 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely.type); } if (!flag2 && ((anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.SolidWithTop) == AnchorType.SolidWithTop || (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.Table) == AnchorType.Table)) { if (TileID.Sets.Platforms[(int)tileSafely.type]) { int num11 = (int)tileSafely.frameX / TileObjectData.PlatformFrameWidth(); if (!tileSafely.halfBrick() && num11 >= 0 && num11 <= 7 || (num11 >= 12 && num11 <= 16 || num11 >= 25 && num11 <= 26)) { flag2 = true; } } else if (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type]) { flag2 = true; } } if (!flag2 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.Table) == AnchorType.Table && (!TileID.Sets.Platforms[(int)tileSafely.type] && Main.tileTable[(int)tileSafely.type]) && tileSafely.blockType() == 0) { flag2 = true; } if (!flag2 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.SolidSide) == AnchorType.SolidSide && (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type])) { switch (tileSafely.blockType()) { case 4: case 5: flag2 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely.type); break; } } if (!flag2 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.AlternateTile) == AnchorType.AlternateTile && tileData2.isValidAlternateAnchor((int)tileSafely.type)) { flag2 = true; } } else if (!flag2 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.EmptyTile) == AnchorType.EmptyTile) { flag2 = true; } if (!flag2) { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num10 + X, height + Y] = 2; } } else { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num10 + X, height + Y] = 1; } ++num15; } } } AnchorData anchorTop = tileData2.AnchorTop; if (anchorTop.tileCount != 0) { num16 += (float)anchorTop.tileCount; int num10 = -1; for (int index = 0; index < anchorTop.tileCount; ++index) { int num11 = anchorTop.checkStart + index; Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(num8 + num11, num9 + num10); bool flag2 = false; if (tileSafely.nactive()) { if (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileNoAttach[(int)tileSafely.type] && (tileData2.FlattenAnchors || tileSafely.blockType() == 0)) { flag2 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely.type); } if (!flag2 && (anchorTop.type & AnchorType.SolidBottom) == AnchorType.SolidBottom && (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && (!Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type] || TileID.Sets.Platforms[(int)tileSafely.type] && (tileSafely.halfBrick() || tileSafely.topSlope())) || (tileSafely.halfBrick() || tileSafely.topSlope())) && (!TileID.Sets.NotReallySolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && !tileSafely.bottomSlope())) { flag2 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely.type); } if (!flag2 && (anchorTop.type & AnchorType.SolidSide) == AnchorType.SolidSide && (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type])) { switch (tileSafely.blockType()) { case 2: case 3: flag2 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely.type); break; } } if (!flag2 && (anchorTop.type & AnchorType.AlternateTile) == AnchorType.AlternateTile && tileData2.isValidAlternateAnchor((int)tileSafely.type)) { flag2 = true; } } else if (!flag2 && (anchorTop.type & AnchorType.EmptyTile) == AnchorType.EmptyTile) { flag2 = true; } if (!flag2) { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num11 + X, num10 + Y] = 2; } } else { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num11 + X, num10 + Y] = 1; } ++num15; } } } AnchorData anchorRight = tileData2.AnchorRight; if (anchorRight.tileCount != 0) { num16 += (float)anchorRight.tileCount; int width = tileData2.Width; for (int index = 0; index < anchorRight.tileCount; ++index) { int num10 = anchorRight.checkStart + index; Tile tileSafely1 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num8 + width, num9 + num10); bool flag2 = false; if (tileSafely1.nactive()) { if (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely1.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely1.type] && !Main.tileNoAttach[(int)tileSafely1.type] && (tileData2.FlattenAnchors || tileSafely1.blockType() == 0)) { flag2 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely1.type); } if (!flag2 && (anchorRight.type & AnchorType.SolidSide) == AnchorType.SolidSide && (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely1.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely1.type])) { switch (tileSafely1.blockType()) { case 2: case 4: flag2 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely1.type); break; } } if (!flag2 && (anchorRight.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree && (int)tileSafely1.type == 5) { flag2 = true; if (index == 0) { ++num16; Tile tileSafely2 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num8 + width, num9 + num10 - 1); if (tileSafely2.nactive() && (int)tileSafely2.type == 5) { ++num15; if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[width + X, num10 + Y - 1] = 1; } } else if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[width + X, num10 + Y - 1] = 2; } } if (index == anchorRight.tileCount - 1) { ++num16; Tile tileSafely2 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num8 + width, num9 + num10 + 1); if (tileSafely2.nactive() && (int)tileSafely2.type == 5) { ++num15; if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[width + X, num10 + Y + 1] = 1; } } else if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[width + X, num10 + Y + 1] = 2; } } } if (!flag2 && (anchorRight.type & AnchorType.AlternateTile) == AnchorType.AlternateTile && tileData2.isValidAlternateAnchor((int)tileSafely1.type)) { flag2 = true; } } else if (!flag2 && (anchorRight.type & AnchorType.EmptyTile) == AnchorType.EmptyTile) { flag2 = true; } if (!flag2) { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[width + X, num10 + Y] = 2; } } else { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[width + X, num10 + Y] = 1; } ++num15; } } } AnchorData anchorLeft = tileData2.AnchorLeft; if (anchorLeft.tileCount != 0) { num16 += (float)anchorLeft.tileCount; int num10 = -1; for (int index = 0; index < anchorLeft.tileCount; ++index) { int num11 = anchorLeft.checkStart + index; Tile tileSafely1 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num8 + num10, num9 + num11); bool flag2 = false; if (tileSafely1.nactive()) { if (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely1.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely1.type] && !Main.tileNoAttach[(int)tileSafely1.type] && (tileData2.FlattenAnchors || tileSafely1.blockType() == 0)) { flag2 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely1.type); } if (!flag2 && (anchorLeft.type & AnchorType.SolidSide) == AnchorType.SolidSide && (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely1.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely1.type])) { switch (tileSafely1.blockType()) { case 3: case 5: flag2 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely1.type); break; } } if (!flag2 && (anchorLeft.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree && (int)tileSafely1.type == 5) { flag2 = true; if (index == 0) { ++num16; Tile tileSafely2 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num8 + num10, num9 + num11 - 1); if (tileSafely2.nactive() && (int)tileSafely2.type == 5) { ++num15; if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num10 + X, num11 + Y - 1] = 1; } } else if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num10 + X, num11 + Y - 1] = 2; } } if (index == anchorLeft.tileCount - 1) { ++num16; Tile tileSafely2 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num8 + num10, num9 + num11 + 1); if (tileSafely2.nactive() && (int)tileSafely2.type == 5) { ++num15; if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num10 + X, num11 + Y + 1] = 1; } } else if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num10 + X, num11 + Y + 1] = 2; } } } if (!flag2 && (anchorLeft.type & AnchorType.AlternateTile) == AnchorType.AlternateTile && tileData2.isValidAlternateAnchor((int)tileSafely1.type)) { flag2 = true; } } else if (!flag2 && (anchorLeft.type & AnchorType.EmptyTile) == AnchorType.EmptyTile) { flag2 = true; } if (!flag2) { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num10 + X, num11 + Y] = 2; } } else { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num10 + X, num11 + Y] = 1; } ++num15; } } } if (tileData2.HookCheck.hook != null) { if (tileData2.HookCheck.processedCoordinates) { int x1 = (int)tileData2.Origin.X; int y1 = (int)tileData2.Origin.Y; } if (tileData2.HookCheck.hook.Invoke(x, y, type, style, dir) == tileData2.HookCheck.badReturn && tileData2.HookCheck.badResponse == 0) { num15 = 0.0f; num13 = 0.0f; TileObject.objectPreview.AllInvalid(); } } float num17 = num15 / num16; float num18 = num13 / num14; if ((double)num18 == 1.0 && (double)num16 == 0.0) { num17 = 1f; num18 = 1f; } if ((double)num17 == 1.0 && (double)num18 == 1.0) { num5 = 1f; num6 = 1f; num7 = alternate; tileObjectData = tileData2; break; } if ((double)num17 > (double)num5 || (double)num17 == (double)num5 && (double)num18 > (double)num6) { TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache.CopyFrom(TileObject.objectPreview); num5 = num17; num6 = num18; tileObjectData = tileData2; num7 = alternate; } } } int num19 = -1; if (flag1) { if (TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache == null) { TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache = new TileObjectPreviewData(); } bool flag2 = false; if ((int)TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.Type == type) { Point16 coordinates = TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.Coordinates; Point16 objectStart = TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.ObjectStart; int num8 = (int)coordinates.X + (int)objectStart.X; int num9 = (int)coordinates.Y + (int)objectStart.Y; int num10 = x - (int)tileData1.Origin.X; int num11 = y - (int)tileData1.Origin.Y; if (num8 != num10 || num9 != num11) { flag2 = true; } } else { flag2 = true; } num19 = !flag2 ? TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.Random : Main.rand.Next(tileData1.RandomStyleRange); } if (onlyCheck) { if ((double)num5 != 1.0 || (double)num6 != 1.0) { TileObject.objectPreview.CopyFrom(TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache); alternate = num7; } TileObject.objectPreview.Random = num19; if (tileData1.RandomStyleRange > 0) { TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.CopyFrom(TileObject.objectPreview); } } if (!onlyCheck) { objectData.xCoord = x - (int)tileObjectData.Origin.X; objectData.yCoord = y - (int)tileObjectData.Origin.Y; objectData.type = type; = style; objectData.alternate = alternate; objectData.random = num19; } if ((double)num5 == 1.0) { return((double)num6 == 1.0); } return(false); }
public bool isTheSameAs(Tile compTile) { if (compTile == null) { return false; } if ( != { return false; } if ( { if (this.type != compTile.type) { return false; } if (Main.tileFrameImportant[(int)this.type]) { if (this.frameX != compTile.frameX) { return false; } if (this.frameY != compTile.frameY) { return false; } } } if (this.wall != compTile.wall) { return false; } if (this.liquid != compTile.liquid) { return false; } if (this.liquid > 0) { if (this.lava() != compTile.lava()) { return false; } if (this.honey() != compTile.honey()) { return false; } } return this.wire() == compTile.wire() && this.wire2() == compTile.wire2() && this.wire3() == compTile.wire3() && this.halfBrick() == compTile.halfBrick() && this.actuator() == compTile.actuator() && this.inActive() == compTile.inActive() && this.wallColor() == compTile.wallColor() && this.color() == compTile.color() && this.slope() == compTile.slope(); }
public static bool AnchorValid(Tile tileCache, AnchorType anchor) { bool flag = false; if (tileCache.nactive()) { if ((anchor & AnchorType.SolidTile) == AnchorType.SolidTile && Main.tileSolid[(int)tileCache.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileCache.type] && !Main.tileNoAttach[(int)tileCache.type] && tileCache.blockType() == 0) { flag = true; } if ((anchor & AnchorType.SolidBottom) == AnchorType.SolidBottom && !Main.tileNoAttach[(int)tileCache.type] && ((Main.tileSolid[(int)tileCache.type] && (!Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileCache.type] || (tileCache.type == 19 && (tileCache.halfBrick() || tileCache.topSlope())))) || tileCache.topSlope() || tileCache.halfBrick()) && !TileID.Sets.NotReallySolid[(int)tileCache.type] && !tileCache.bottomSlope()) { flag = true; } if (!flag && ((anchor & AnchorType.SolidWithTop) == AnchorType.SolidWithTop || (anchor & AnchorType.Table) == AnchorType.Table)) { if (tileCache.type == 19) { int num = (int)tileCache.frameX / TileObjectData.PlatformFrameWidth(); if ((!tileCache.halfBrick() && num >= 0 && num <= 7) || (num >= 12 && num <= 16) || (num >= 25 && num <= 26)) { flag = true; } } else if (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileCache.type] && Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileCache.type]) { flag = true; } } if (!flag && (anchor & AnchorType.Table) == AnchorType.Table && tileCache.type != 19 && Main.tileTable[(int)tileCache.type] && tileCache.blockType() == 0) { flag = true; } if (!flag && (anchor & AnchorType.SolidSide) == AnchorType.SolidSide && Main.tileSolid[(int)tileCache.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileCache.type]) { switch (tileCache.blockType()) { case 4: case 5: flag = true; break; } } } else if (!flag && (anchor & AnchorType.EmptyTile) == AnchorType.EmptyTile) { flag = true; } return flag; }
public static void SmoothSlope(int x, int y, bool applyToNeighbors = true, bool sync = false) { if (applyToNeighbors) { Tile.SmoothSlope(x + 1, y, false, sync); Tile.SmoothSlope(x - 1, y, false, sync); Tile.SmoothSlope(x, y + 1, false, sync); Tile.SmoothSlope(x, y - 1, false, sync); } Tile tile = Main.tile[x, y]; if (!WorldGen.CanPoundTile(x, y) || !WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x, y)) { return; } bool flag1 = !WorldGen.TileEmpty(x, y - 1); bool flag2 = !WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x, y - 1) & flag1; bool flag3 = WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x, y + 1); bool flag4 = WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x - 1, y); bool flag5 = WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x + 1, y); int num1 = (flag1 ? 1 : 0) << 3 | (flag3 ? 1 : 0) << 2 | (flag4 ? 1 : 0) << 1 | (flag5 ? 1 : 0); bool flag6 = tile.halfBrick(); int num2 = (int)tile.slope(); switch (num1) { case 4: tile.slope((byte)0); tile.halfBrick(true); break; case 5: tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope((byte)2); break; case 6: tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope((byte)1); break; case 9: if (!flag2) { tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope((byte)4); break; } break; case 10: if (!flag2) { tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope((byte)3); break; } break; default: tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope((byte)0); break; } if (!sync) { return; } int num3 = (int)tile.slope(); bool flag7 = flag6 != tile.halfBrick(); bool flag8 = num2 != num3; if (flag7 & flag8) { NetMessage.SendData(17, -1, -1, (NetworkText)null, 23, (float)x, (float)y, (float)num3, 0, 0, 0); } else if (flag7) { NetMessage.SendData(17, -1, -1, (NetworkText)null, 7, (float)x, (float)y, 1f, 0, 0, 0); } else { if (!flag8) { return; } NetMessage.SendData(17, -1, -1, (NetworkText)null, 14, (float)x, (float)y, (float)num3, 0, 0, 0); } }
public static bool CanPlace(int x, int y, int type, int style, int dir, out TileObject objectData, bool onlyCheck = false) { TileObjectData tileData = TileObjectData.GetTileData(type, style); objectData = Empty; if (tileData == null) { return(false); } int num = x - tileData.Origin.X; int num2 = y - tileData.Origin.Y; if (num < 0 || num + tileData.Width >= Main.maxTilesX || num2 < 0 || num2 + tileData.Height >= Main.maxTilesY) { return(false); } bool flag = tileData.RandomStyleRange > 0; if (TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache == null) { TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache = new TileObjectPreviewData(); } TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache.Reset(); int num3 = 0; int num4 = 0; if (tileData.AlternatesCount != 0) { num4 = tileData.AlternatesCount; } float num5 = -1f; float num6 = -1f; int num7 = 0; TileObjectData tileObjectData = null; int num8 = num3 - 1; while (num8 < num4) { num8++; TileObjectData tileData2 = TileObjectData.GetTileData(type, style, num8); if (tileData2.Direction != 0 && ((tileData2.Direction == TileObjectDirection.PlaceLeft && dir == 1) || (tileData2.Direction == TileObjectDirection.PlaceRight && dir == -1))) { continue; } int num9 = x - tileData2.Origin.X; int num10 = y - tileData2.Origin.Y; if (num9 < 5 || num9 + tileData2.Width > Main.maxTilesX - 5 || num10 < 5 || num10 + tileData2.Height > Main.maxTilesY - 5) { return(false); } Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, tileData2.Width, tileData2.Height); int num11 = 0; int num12 = 0; if (tileData2.AnchorTop.tileCount != 0) { if (rectangle.Y == 0) { rectangle.Y = -1; rectangle.Height++; num12++; } int checkStart = tileData2.AnchorTop.checkStart; if (checkStart < rectangle.X) { rectangle.Width += rectangle.X - checkStart; num11 += rectangle.X - checkStart; rectangle.X = checkStart; } int num13 = checkStart + tileData2.AnchorTop.tileCount - 1; int num14 = rectangle.X + rectangle.Width - 1; if (num13 > num14) { rectangle.Width += num13 - num14; } } if (tileData2.AnchorBottom.tileCount != 0) { if (rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height == tileData2.Height) { rectangle.Height++; } int checkStart2 = tileData2.AnchorBottom.checkStart; if (checkStart2 < rectangle.X) { rectangle.Width += rectangle.X - checkStart2; num11 += rectangle.X - checkStart2; rectangle.X = checkStart2; } int num15 = checkStart2 + tileData2.AnchorBottom.tileCount - 1; int num16 = rectangle.X + rectangle.Width - 1; if (num15 > num16) { rectangle.Width += num15 - num16; } } if (tileData2.AnchorLeft.tileCount != 0) { if (rectangle.X == 0) { rectangle.X = -1; rectangle.Width++; num11++; } int num17 = tileData2.AnchorLeft.checkStart; if ((tileData2.AnchorLeft.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree) { num17--; } if (num17 < rectangle.Y) { rectangle.Width += rectangle.Y - num17; num12 += rectangle.Y - num17; rectangle.Y = num17; } int num18 = num17 + tileData2.AnchorLeft.tileCount - 1; if ((tileData2.AnchorLeft.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree) { num18 += 2; } int num19 = rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height - 1; if (num18 > num19) { rectangle.Height += num18 - num19; } } if (tileData2.AnchorRight.tileCount != 0) { if (rectangle.X + rectangle.Width == tileData2.Width) { rectangle.Width++; } int num20 = tileData2.AnchorLeft.checkStart; if ((tileData2.AnchorRight.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree) { num20--; } if (num20 < rectangle.Y) { rectangle.Width += rectangle.Y - num20; num12 += rectangle.Y - num20; rectangle.Y = num20; } int num21 = num20 + tileData2.AnchorRight.tileCount - 1; if ((tileData2.AnchorRight.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree) { num21 += 2; } int num22 = rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height - 1; if (num21 > num22) { rectangle.Height += num21 - num22; } } if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview.Reset(); objectPreview.Active = true; objectPreview.Type = (ushort)type; objectPreview.Style = (short)style; objectPreview.Alternate = num8; objectPreview.Size = new Point16(rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height); objectPreview.ObjectStart = new Point16(num11, num12); objectPreview.Coordinates = new Point16(num9 - num11, num10 - num12); } float num23 = 0f; float num24 = tileData2.Width * tileData2.Height; float num25 = 0f; float num26 = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < tileData2.Width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < tileData2.Height; j++) { Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(num9 + i, num10 + j); bool flag2 = !tileData2.LiquidPlace(tileSafely); bool flag3 = false; if (tileData2.AnchorWall) { num26 += 1f; if (!tileData2.isValidWallAnchor(tileSafely.wall)) { flag3 = true; } else { num25 += 1f; } } bool flag4 = false; if ( && !Main.tileCut[tileSafely.type]) { flag4 = true; } if (flag4 || flag2 || flag3) { if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[i + num11, j + num12] = 2; } continue; } if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[i + num11, j + num12] = 1; } num23 += 1f; } } AnchorData anchorBottom = tileData2.AnchorBottom; if (anchorBottom.tileCount != 0) { num26 += (float)anchorBottom.tileCount; int height = tileData2.Height; for (int k = 0; k < anchorBottom.tileCount; k++) { int num27 = anchorBottom.checkStart + k; Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(num9 + num27, num10 + height); bool flag5 = false; if (tileSafely.nactive()) { if ((anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.SolidTile) == AnchorType.SolidTile && Main.tileSolid[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileNoAttach[tileSafely.type] && (tileData2.FlattenAnchors || tileSafely.blockType() == 0)) { flag5 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor(tileSafely.type); } if (!flag5 && ((anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.SolidWithTop) == AnchorType.SolidWithTop || (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.Table) == AnchorType.Table)) { if (tileSafely.type == 19) { int num28 = tileSafely.frameX / TileObjectData.PlatformFrameWidth(); if ((!tileSafely.halfBrick() && num28 >= 0 && num28 <= 7) || (num28 >= 12 && num28 <= 16) || (num28 >= 25 && num28 <= 26)) { flag5 = true; } } else if (Main.tileSolid[tileSafely.type] && Main.tileSolidTop[tileSafely.type]) { flag5 = true; } } if (!flag5 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.Table) == AnchorType.Table && tileSafely.type != 19 && Main.tileTable[tileSafely.type] && tileSafely.blockType() == 0) { flag5 = true; } if (!flag5 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.SolidSide) == AnchorType.SolidSide && Main.tileSolid[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[tileSafely.type]) { switch (tileSafely.blockType()) { case 4: case 5: flag5 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor(tileSafely.type); break; } } if (!flag5 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.AlternateTile) == AnchorType.AlternateTile && tileData2.isValidAlternateAnchor(tileSafely.type)) { flag5 = true; } } else if (!flag5 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.EmptyTile) == AnchorType.EmptyTile) { flag5 = true; } if (!flag5) { if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[num27 + num11, height + num12] = 2; } continue; } if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[num27 + num11, height + num12] = 1; } num25 += 1f; } } anchorBottom = tileData2.AnchorTop; if (anchorBottom.tileCount != 0) { num26 += (float)anchorBottom.tileCount; int num29 = -1; for (int l = 0; l < anchorBottom.tileCount; l++) { int num30 = anchorBottom.checkStart + l; Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(num9 + num30, num10 + num29); bool flag6 = false; if (tileSafely.nactive()) { if (Main.tileSolid[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileNoAttach[tileSafely.type] && (tileData2.FlattenAnchors || tileSafely.blockType() == 0)) { flag6 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor(tileSafely.type); } if (!flag6 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.SolidBottom) == AnchorType.SolidBottom && ((Main.tileSolid[tileSafely.type] && (!Main.tileSolidTop[tileSafely.type] || (tileSafely.type == 19 && (tileSafely.halfBrick() || tileSafely.topSlope())))) || tileSafely.halfBrick() || tileSafely.topSlope()) && !TileID.Sets.NotReallySolid[tileSafely.type] && !tileSafely.bottomSlope()) { flag6 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor(tileSafely.type); } if (!flag6 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.SolidSide) == AnchorType.SolidSide && Main.tileSolid[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[tileSafely.type]) { switch (tileSafely.blockType()) { case 2: case 3: flag6 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor(tileSafely.type); break; } } if (!flag6 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.AlternateTile) == AnchorType.AlternateTile && tileData2.isValidAlternateAnchor(tileSafely.type)) { flag6 = true; } } else if (!flag6 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.EmptyTile) == AnchorType.EmptyTile) { flag6 = true; } if (!flag6) { if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[num30 + num11, num29 + num12] = 2; } continue; } if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[num30 + num11, num29 + num12] = 1; } num25 += 1f; } } anchorBottom = tileData2.AnchorRight; if (anchorBottom.tileCount != 0) { num26 += (float)anchorBottom.tileCount; int width = tileData2.Width; for (int m = 0; m < anchorBottom.tileCount; m++) { int num31 = anchorBottom.checkStart + m; Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(num9 + width, num10 + num31); bool flag7 = false; if (tileSafely.nactive()) { if (Main.tileSolid[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileNoAttach[tileSafely.type] && (tileData2.FlattenAnchors || tileSafely.blockType() == 0)) { flag7 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor(tileSafely.type); } if (!flag7 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.SolidSide) == AnchorType.SolidSide && Main.tileSolid[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[tileSafely.type]) { switch (tileSafely.blockType()) { case 2: case 4: flag7 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor(tileSafely.type); break; } } if (!flag7 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree && tileSafely.type == 5) { flag7 = true; if (m == 0) { num26 += 1f; Tile tileSafely2 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num9 + width, num10 + num31 - 1); if (tileSafely2.nactive() && tileSafely2.type == 5) { num25 += 1f; if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[width + num11, num31 + num12 - 1] = 1; } } else if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[width + num11, num31 + num12 - 1] = 2; } } if (m == anchorBottom.tileCount - 1) { num26 += 1f; Tile tileSafely3 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num9 + width, num10 + num31 + 1); if (tileSafely3.nactive() && tileSafely3.type == 5) { num25 += 1f; if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[width + num11, num31 + num12 + 1] = 1; } } else if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[width + num11, num31 + num12 + 1] = 2; } } } if (!flag7 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.AlternateTile) == AnchorType.AlternateTile && tileData2.isValidAlternateAnchor(tileSafely.type)) { flag7 = true; } } else if (!flag7 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.EmptyTile) == AnchorType.EmptyTile) { flag7 = true; } if (!flag7) { if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[width + num11, num31 + num12] = 2; } continue; } if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[width + num11, num31 + num12] = 1; } num25 += 1f; } } anchorBottom = tileData2.AnchorLeft; if (anchorBottom.tileCount != 0) { num26 += (float)anchorBottom.tileCount; int num32 = -1; for (int n = 0; n < anchorBottom.tileCount; n++) { int num33 = anchorBottom.checkStart + n; Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(num9 + num32, num10 + num33); bool flag8 = false; if (tileSafely.nactive()) { if (Main.tileSolid[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileNoAttach[tileSafely.type] && (tileData2.FlattenAnchors || tileSafely.blockType() == 0)) { flag8 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor(tileSafely.type); } if (!flag8 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.SolidSide) == AnchorType.SolidSide && Main.tileSolid[tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[tileSafely.type]) { switch (tileSafely.blockType()) { case 3: case 5: flag8 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor(tileSafely.type); break; } } if (!flag8 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree && tileSafely.type == 5) { flag8 = true; if (n == 0) { num26 += 1f; Tile tileSafely4 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num9 + num32, num10 + num33 - 1); if (tileSafely4.nactive() && tileSafely4.type == 5) { num25 += 1f; if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[num32 + num11, num33 + num12 - 1] = 1; } } else if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[num32 + num11, num33 + num12 - 1] = 2; } } if (n == anchorBottom.tileCount - 1) { num26 += 1f; Tile tileSafely5 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num9 + num32, num10 + num33 + 1); if (tileSafely5.nactive() && tileSafely5.type == 5) { num25 += 1f; if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[num32 + num11, num33 + num12 + 1] = 1; } } else if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[num32 + num11, num33 + num12 + 1] = 2; } } } if (!flag8 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.AlternateTile) == AnchorType.AlternateTile && tileData2.isValidAlternateAnchor(tileSafely.type)) { flag8 = true; } } else if (!flag8 && (anchorBottom.type & AnchorType.EmptyTile) == AnchorType.EmptyTile) { flag8 = true; } if (!flag8) { if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[num32 + num11, num33 + num12] = 2; } continue; } if (onlyCheck) { objectPreview[num32 + num11, num33 + num12] = 1; } num25 += 1f; } } if (tileData2.HookCheck.hook != null) { if (tileData2.HookCheck.processedCoordinates) { short x2 = tileData2.Origin.X; short y2 = tileData2.Origin.Y; } if (tileData2.HookCheck.hook(x, y, type, style, dir) == tileData2.HookCheck.badReturn && tileData2.HookCheck.badResponse == 0) { num25 = 0f; num23 = 0f; objectPreview.AllInvalid(); } } float num34 = num25 / num26; float num35 = num23 / num24; if (num34 == 1f && num35 == 1f) { num5 = 1f; num6 = 1f; num7 = num8; tileObjectData = tileData2; break; } if (num34 > num5 || (num34 == num5 && num35 > num6)) { TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache.CopyFrom(objectPreview); num5 = num34; num6 = num35; tileObjectData = tileData2; num7 = num8; } } int num36 = -1; if (flag) { if (TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache == null) { TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache = new TileObjectPreviewData(); } bool flag9 = false; if (TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.Type == type) { Point16 coordinates = TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.Coordinates; Point16 objectStart = TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.ObjectStart; int num37 = coordinates.X + objectStart.X; int num38 = coordinates.Y + objectStart.Y; int num39 = x - tileData.Origin.X; int num40 = y - tileData.Origin.Y; if (num37 != num39 || num38 != num40) { flag9 = true; } } else { flag9 = true; } num36 = ((!flag9) ? TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.Random : Main.rand.Next(tileData.RandomStyleRange)); } if (onlyCheck) { if (num5 != 1f || num6 != 1f) { objectPreview.CopyFrom(TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache); num8 = num7; } objectPreview.Random = num36; if (tileData.RandomStyleRange > 0) { TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.CopyFrom(objectPreview); } } if (!onlyCheck) { objectData.xCoord = x - tileObjectData.Origin.X; objectData.yCoord = y - tileObjectData.Origin.Y; objectData.type = type; = style; objectData.alternate = num8; objectData.random = num36; } if (num5 == 1f) { return(num6 == 1f); } return(false); }
// Token: 0x060001A6 RID: 422 RVA: 0x0002ECC8 File Offset: 0x0002CEC8 public static bool CanPlace(int x, int y, int type, int style, int dir, out TileObject objectData, bool onlyCheck = false) { TileObjectData tileData = TileObjectData.GetTileData(type, style, 0); objectData = TileObject.Empty; if (tileData == null) { return(false); } int num = x - (int)tileData.Origin.X; int num2 = y - (int)tileData.Origin.Y; if (num < 0 || num + tileData.Width >= Main.maxTilesX || num2 < 0 || num2 + tileData.Height >= Main.maxTilesY) { return(false); } bool flag = tileData.RandomStyleRange > 0; if (TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache == null) { TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache = new TileObjectPreviewData(); } TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache.Reset(); int arg_AF_0 = 0; int num3 = 0; if (tileData.AlternatesCount != 0) { num3 = tileData.AlternatesCount; } float num4 = -1f; float num5 = -1f; int num6 = 0; TileObjectData tileObjectData = null; int i = arg_AF_0 - 1; while (i < num3) { i++; TileObjectData tileData2 = TileObjectData.GetTileData(type, style, i); if (tileData2.Direction == TileObjectDirection.None || ((tileData2.Direction != TileObjectDirection.PlaceLeft || dir != 1) && (tileData2.Direction != TileObjectDirection.PlaceRight || dir != -1))) { int num7 = x - (int)tileData2.Origin.X; int num8 = y - (int)tileData2.Origin.Y; if (num7 < 5 || num7 + tileData2.Width > Main.maxTilesX - 5 || num8 < 5 || num8 + tileData2.Height > Main.maxTilesY - 5) { return(false); } Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, tileData2.Width, tileData2.Height); int num9 = 0; int num10 = 0; if (tileData2.AnchorTop.tileCount != 0) { if (rectangle.Y == 0) { rectangle.Y = -1; rectangle.Height++; num10++; } int checkStart = tileData2.AnchorTop.checkStart; if (checkStart < rectangle.X) { rectangle.Width += rectangle.X - checkStart; num9 += rectangle.X - checkStart; rectangle.X = checkStart; } int num11 = checkStart + tileData2.AnchorTop.tileCount - 1; int num12 = rectangle.X + rectangle.Width - 1; if (num11 > num12) { rectangle.Width += num11 - num12; } } if (tileData2.AnchorBottom.tileCount != 0) { if (rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height == tileData2.Height) { rectangle.Height++; } int checkStart2 = tileData2.AnchorBottom.checkStart; if (checkStart2 < rectangle.X) { rectangle.Width += rectangle.X - checkStart2; num9 += rectangle.X - checkStart2; rectangle.X = checkStart2; } int num13 = checkStart2 + tileData2.AnchorBottom.tileCount - 1; int num14 = rectangle.X + rectangle.Width - 1; if (num13 > num14) { rectangle.Width += num13 - num14; } } if (tileData2.AnchorLeft.tileCount != 0) { if (rectangle.X == 0) { rectangle.X = -1; rectangle.Width++; num9++; } int num15 = tileData2.AnchorLeft.checkStart; if ((tileData2.AnchorLeft.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree) { num15--; } if (num15 < rectangle.Y) { rectangle.Width += rectangle.Y - num15; num10 += rectangle.Y - num15; rectangle.Y = num15; } int num16 = num15 + tileData2.AnchorLeft.tileCount - 1; if ((tileData2.AnchorLeft.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree) { num16 += 2; } int num17 = rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height - 1; if (num16 > num17) { rectangle.Height += num16 - num17; } } if (tileData2.AnchorRight.tileCount != 0) { if (rectangle.X + rectangle.Width == tileData2.Width) { rectangle.Width++; } int num18 = tileData2.AnchorLeft.checkStart; if ((tileData2.AnchorRight.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree) { num18--; } if (num18 < rectangle.Y) { rectangle.Width += rectangle.Y - num18; num10 += rectangle.Y - num18; rectangle.Y = num18; } int num19 = num18 + tileData2.AnchorRight.tileCount - 1; if ((tileData2.AnchorRight.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree) { num19 += 2; } int num20 = rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height - 1; if (num19 > num20) { rectangle.Height += num19 - num20; } } if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview.Reset(); TileObject.objectPreview.Active = true; TileObject.objectPreview.Type = (ushort)type; TileObject.objectPreview.Style = (short)style; TileObject.objectPreview.Alternate = i; TileObject.objectPreview.Size = new Point16(rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height); TileObject.objectPreview.ObjectStart = new Point16(num9, num10); TileObject.objectPreview.Coordinates = new Point16(num7 - num9, num8 - num10); } float num21 = 0f; float num22 = (float)(tileData2.Width * tileData2.Height); float num23 = 0f; float num24 = 0f; for (int j = 0; j < tileData2.Width; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < tileData2.Height; k++) { Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(num7 + j, num8 + k); bool flag2 = !tileData2.LiquidPlace(tileSafely); bool flag3 = false; if (tileData2.AnchorWall) { num24 += 1f; if (!tileData2.isValidWallAnchor((int)tileSafely.wall)) { flag3 = true; } else { num23 += 1f; } } bool flag4 = false; if ( && !Main.tileCut[(int)tileSafely.type]) { flag4 = true; } if (flag4 | flag2 | flag3) { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[j + num9, k + num10] = 2; } } else { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[j + num9, k + num10] = 1; } num21 += 1f; } } } AnchorData anchorData = tileData2.AnchorBottom; if (anchorData.tileCount != 0) { num24 += (float)anchorData.tileCount; int height = tileData2.Height; for (int l = 0; l < anchorData.tileCount; l++) { int num25 = anchorData.checkStart + l; Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(num7 + num25, num8 + height); bool flag5 = false; if (tileSafely.nactive()) { if ((anchorData.type & AnchorType.SolidTile) == AnchorType.SolidTile && Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileNoAttach[(int)tileSafely.type] && (tileData2.FlattenAnchors || tileSafely.blockType() == 0)) { flag5 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely.type); } if (!flag5 && ((anchorData.type & AnchorType.SolidWithTop) == AnchorType.SolidWithTop || (anchorData.type & AnchorType.Table) == AnchorType.Table)) { if (TileID.Sets.Platforms[(int)tileSafely.type]) { int num26 = (int)tileSafely.frameX / TileObjectData.PlatformFrameWidth(); if ((!tileSafely.halfBrick() && num26 >= 0 && num26 <= 7) || (num26 >= 12 && num26 <= 16) || (num26 >= 25 && num26 <= 26)) { flag5 = true; } } else if (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type]) { flag5 = true; } } if (!flag5 && (anchorData.type & AnchorType.Table) == AnchorType.Table && !TileID.Sets.Platforms[(int)tileSafely.type] && Main.tileTable[(int)tileSafely.type] && tileSafely.blockType() == 0) { flag5 = true; } if (!flag5 && (anchorData.type & AnchorType.SolidSide) == AnchorType.SolidSide && Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type]) { int num27 = tileSafely.blockType(); if (num27 - 4 <= 1) { flag5 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely.type); } } if (!flag5 && (anchorData.type & AnchorType.AlternateTile) == AnchorType.AlternateTile && tileData2.isValidAlternateAnchor((int)tileSafely.type)) { flag5 = true; } } else if (!flag5 && (anchorData.type & AnchorType.EmptyTile) == AnchorType.EmptyTile) { flag5 = true; } if (!flag5) { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num25 + num9, height + num10] = 2; } } else { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num25 + num9, height + num10] = 1; } num23 += 1f; } } } anchorData = tileData2.AnchorTop; if (anchorData.tileCount != 0) { num24 += (float)anchorData.tileCount; int num28 = -1; for (int m = 0; m < anchorData.tileCount; m++) { int num29 = anchorData.checkStart + m; Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(num7 + num29, num8 + num28); bool flag6 = false; if (tileSafely.nactive()) { if (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileNoAttach[(int)tileSafely.type] && (tileData2.FlattenAnchors || tileSafely.blockType() == 0)) { flag6 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely.type); } if (!flag6 && (anchorData.type & AnchorType.SolidBottom) == AnchorType.SolidBottom && ((Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && (!Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type] || (TileID.Sets.Platforms[(int)tileSafely.type] && (tileSafely.halfBrick() || tileSafely.topSlope())))) || tileSafely.halfBrick() || tileSafely.topSlope()) && !TileID.Sets.NotReallySolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && !tileSafely.bottomSlope()) { flag6 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely.type); } if (!flag6 && (anchorData.type & AnchorType.SolidSide) == AnchorType.SolidSide && Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type]) { int num27 = tileSafely.blockType(); if (num27 - 2 <= 1) { flag6 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely.type); } } if (!flag6 && (anchorData.type & AnchorType.AlternateTile) == AnchorType.AlternateTile && tileData2.isValidAlternateAnchor((int)tileSafely.type)) { flag6 = true; } } else if (!flag6 && (anchorData.type & AnchorType.EmptyTile) == AnchorType.EmptyTile) { flag6 = true; } if (!flag6) { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num29 + num9, num28 + num10] = 2; } } else { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num29 + num9, num28 + num10] = 1; } num23 += 1f; } } } anchorData = tileData2.AnchorRight; if (anchorData.tileCount != 0) { num24 += (float)anchorData.tileCount; int width = tileData2.Width; for (int n = 0; n < anchorData.tileCount; n++) { int num30 = anchorData.checkStart + n; Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(num7 + width, num8 + num30); bool flag7 = false; if (tileSafely.nactive()) { if (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileNoAttach[(int)tileSafely.type] && (tileData2.FlattenAnchors || tileSafely.blockType() == 0)) { flag7 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely.type); } if (!flag7 && (anchorData.type & AnchorType.SolidSide) == AnchorType.SolidSide && Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type]) { int num27 = tileSafely.blockType(); if (num27 == 2 || num27 == 4) { flag7 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely.type); } } if (!flag7 && (anchorData.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree && tileSafely.type == 5) { flag7 = true; if (n == 0) { num24 += 1f; Tile tileSafely2 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num7 + width, num8 + num30 - 1); if (tileSafely2.nactive() && tileSafely2.type == 5) { num23 += 1f; if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[width + num9, num30 + num10 - 1] = 1; } } else if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[width + num9, num30 + num10 - 1] = 2; } } if (n == anchorData.tileCount - 1) { num24 += 1f; Tile tileSafely3 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num7 + width, num8 + num30 + 1); if (tileSafely3.nactive() && tileSafely3.type == 5) { num23 += 1f; if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[width + num9, num30 + num10 + 1] = 1; } } else if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[width + num9, num30 + num10 + 1] = 2; } } } if (!flag7 && (anchorData.type & AnchorType.AlternateTile) == AnchorType.AlternateTile && tileData2.isValidAlternateAnchor((int)tileSafely.type)) { flag7 = true; } } else if (!flag7 && (anchorData.type & AnchorType.EmptyTile) == AnchorType.EmptyTile) { flag7 = true; } if (!flag7) { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[width + num9, num30 + num10] = 2; } } else { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[width + num9, num30 + num10] = 1; } num23 += 1f; } } } anchorData = tileData2.AnchorLeft; if (anchorData.tileCount != 0) { num24 += (float)anchorData.tileCount; int num31 = -1; for (int num32 = 0; num32 < anchorData.tileCount; num32++) { int num33 = anchorData.checkStart + num32; Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(num7 + num31, num8 + num33); bool flag8 = false; if (tileSafely.nactive()) { if (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileNoAttach[(int)tileSafely.type] && (tileData2.FlattenAnchors || tileSafely.blockType() == 0)) { flag8 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely.type); } if (!flag8 && (anchorData.type & AnchorType.SolidSide) == AnchorType.SolidSide && Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type]) { int num27 = tileSafely.blockType(); if (num27 == 3 || num27 == 5) { flag8 = tileData2.isValidTileAnchor((int)tileSafely.type); } } if (!flag8 && (anchorData.type & AnchorType.Tree) == AnchorType.Tree && tileSafely.type == 5) { flag8 = true; if (num32 == 0) { num24 += 1f; Tile tileSafely4 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num7 + num31, num8 + num33 - 1); if (tileSafely4.nactive() && tileSafely4.type == 5) { num23 += 1f; if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num31 + num9, num33 + num10 - 1] = 1; } } else if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num31 + num9, num33 + num10 - 1] = 2; } } if (num32 == anchorData.tileCount - 1) { num24 += 1f; Tile tileSafely5 = Framing.GetTileSafely(num7 + num31, num8 + num33 + 1); if (tileSafely5.nactive() && tileSafely5.type == 5) { num23 += 1f; if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num31 + num9, num33 + num10 + 1] = 1; } } else if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num31 + num9, num33 + num10 + 1] = 2; } } } if (!flag8 && (anchorData.type & AnchorType.AlternateTile) == AnchorType.AlternateTile && tileData2.isValidAlternateAnchor((int)tileSafely.type)) { flag8 = true; } } else if (!flag8 && (anchorData.type & AnchorType.EmptyTile) == AnchorType.EmptyTile) { flag8 = true; } if (!flag8) { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num31 + num9, num33 + num10] = 2; } } else { if (onlyCheck) { TileObject.objectPreview[num31 + num9, num33 + num10] = 1; } num23 += 1f; } } } if (tileData2.HookCheck.hook != null) { if (tileData2.HookCheck.processedCoordinates) { Point16 arg_103B_0 = tileData2.Origin; Point16 arg_1043_0 = tileData2.Origin; } if (tileData2.HookCheck.hook(x, y, type, style, dir) == tileData2.HookCheck.badReturn && tileData2.HookCheck.badResponse == 0) { num23 = 0f; num21 = 0f; TileObject.objectPreview.AllInvalid(); } } float num34 = num23 / num24; float num35 = num21 / num22; if (num35 == 1f && num24 == 0f) { num34 = 1f; num35 = 1f; } if (num34 == 1f && num35 == 1f) { num4 = 1f; num5 = 1f; num6 = i; tileObjectData = tileData2; break; } if (num34 > num4 || (num34 == num4 && num35 > num5)) { TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache.CopyFrom(TileObject.objectPreview); num4 = num34; num5 = num35; tileObjectData = tileData2; num6 = i; } } } int num36 = -1; if (flag) { if (TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache == null) { TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache = new TileObjectPreviewData(); } bool flag9 = false; if ((int)TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.Type == type) { Point16 arg_116E_0 = TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.Coordinates; Point16 objectStart = TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.ObjectStart; int num37 = (int)(arg_116E_0.X + objectStart.X); int num38 = (int)(arg_116E_0.Y + objectStart.Y); int num39 = x - (int)tileData.Origin.X; int num40 = y - (int)tileData.Origin.Y; if (num37 != num39 || num38 != num40) { flag9 = true; } } else { flag9 = true; } if (flag9) { num36 = Main.rand.Next(tileData.RandomStyleRange); } else { num36 = TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.Random; } } if (onlyCheck) { if (num4 != 1f || num5 != 1f) { TileObject.objectPreview.CopyFrom(TileObjectPreviewData.placementCache); i = num6; } TileObject.objectPreview.Random = num36; if (tileData.RandomStyleRange > 0) { TileObjectPreviewData.randomCache.CopyFrom(TileObject.objectPreview); } } if (!onlyCheck) { objectData.xCoord = x - (int)tileObjectData.Origin.X; objectData.yCoord = y - (int)tileObjectData.Origin.Y; objectData.type = type; = style; objectData.alternate = i; objectData.random = num36; } return(num4 == 1f && num5 == 1f); }
public static bool validateWorld(string validatePath) { Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); if (WorldGen.genRand == null) { WorldGen.genRand = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks); } bool result; using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(validatePath, FileMode.Open)) { using (BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(fileStream)) { try { int num = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); if (num > Main.curRelease) { try { binaryReader.Close(); fileStream.Close(); } catch { } result = false; } else { string b = binaryReader.ReadString(); int num2 = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); int num3 = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); int num4 = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); if (num >= 63) { binaryReader.ReadByte(); } if (num >= 44) { binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); } if (num >= 60) { binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); if (num >= 61) { binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); } } binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadDouble(); binaryReader.ReadDouble(); binaryReader.ReadDouble(); binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); if (num >= 70) { binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); } binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); if (num >= 56) { binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); } binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); if (num >= 66) { binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); } if (num >= 44) { binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); } if (num >= 64) { binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); } if (num >= 29) { binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); if (num >= 34) { binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); } binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); } if (num >= 32) { binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); } if (num >= 37) { binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); } if (num >= 56) { binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); } binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); binaryReader.ReadByte(); if (num >= 23) { binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); } binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadDouble(); if (num >= 53) { binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadSingle(); } if (num >= 54) { binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); } if (num >= 55) { binaryReader.ReadByte(); binaryReader.ReadByte(); binaryReader.ReadByte(); } if (num >= 60) { binaryReader.ReadByte(); binaryReader.ReadByte(); binaryReader.ReadByte(); binaryReader.ReadByte(); binaryReader.ReadByte(); } if (num >= 60) { binaryReader.ReadInt32(); } if (num >= 62) { binaryReader.ReadInt16(); binaryReader.ReadSingle(); } for (int i = 0; i < num4; i++) { float num5 = (float)i / (float)Main.maxTilesX; Main.statusText = string.Concat(new object[] { Lang.gen[73], " ", (int)(num5 * 100f + 1f), "%" }); for (int j = 0; j < num3; j++) { Tile tile = new Tile();; if ( { tile.type = binaryReader.ReadByte(); if (tile.type == 127) {; } if (num < 72 && (tile.type == 35 || tile.type == 36 || tile.type == 170 || tile.type == 171 || tile.type == 172)) { tile.frameX = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); tile.frameY = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); } else if (Main.tileFrameImportant[(int)tile.type]) { if (num < 28 && tile.type == 4) { tile.frameX = 0; tile.frameY = 0; } else if (num < 40 && tile.type == 19) { tile.frameX = 0; tile.frameY = 0; } else { tile.frameX = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); tile.frameY = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); if (tile.type == 144) { tile.frameY = 0; } } } else { tile.frameX = -1; tile.frameY = -1; } if (num >= 48 && binaryReader.ReadBoolean()) { tile.color(binaryReader.ReadByte()); } } if (num <= 25) { binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); } if (binaryReader.ReadBoolean()) { tile.wall = binaryReader.ReadByte(); if (num >= 48 && binaryReader.ReadBoolean()) { tile.wallColor(binaryReader.ReadByte()); } } if (binaryReader.ReadBoolean()) { tile.liquid = binaryReader.ReadByte(); tile.lava(binaryReader.ReadBoolean()); if (num >= 51) { tile.honey(binaryReader.ReadBoolean()); } } if (num >= 33) { tile.wire(binaryReader.ReadBoolean()); } if (num >= 43) { tile.wire2(binaryReader.ReadBoolean()); tile.wire3(binaryReader.ReadBoolean()); } if (num >= 41) { tile.halfBrick(binaryReader.ReadBoolean()); if (!Main.tileSolid[(int)tile.type]) { tile.halfBrick(false); } if (num >= 49) { tile.slope(binaryReader.ReadByte()); if (!Main.tileSolid[(int)tile.type]) { tile.slope(0); } } } if (num >= 42) { tile.actuator(binaryReader.ReadBoolean()); tile.inActive(binaryReader.ReadBoolean()); } if (num >= 25) { int num6 = (int)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); j += num6; } } } int num7 = 40; if (num < 58) { num7 = 20; } for (int k = 0; k < 1000; k++) { if (binaryReader.ReadBoolean()) { binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); for (int l = 0; l < 40; l++) { if (l < num7) { int num8; if (num >= 59) { num8 = (int)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); } else { num8 = (int)binaryReader.ReadByte(); } if (num8 > 0) { if (num >= 38) { binaryReader.ReadInt32(); } else { binaryReader.ReadString(); } binaryReader.ReadByte(); } } } } } for (int m = 0; m < 1000; m++) { if (binaryReader.ReadBoolean()) { binaryReader.ReadString(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); } } bool flag = binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); int num9 = 0; while (flag) { binaryReader.ReadString(); binaryReader.ReadSingle(); binaryReader.ReadSingle(); binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); binaryReader.ReadInt32(); flag = binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); num9++; } if (num >= 31) { binaryReader.ReadString(); binaryReader.ReadString(); binaryReader.ReadString(); binaryReader.ReadString(); binaryReader.ReadString(); binaryReader.ReadString(); binaryReader.ReadString(); binaryReader.ReadString(); binaryReader.ReadString(); if (num >= 35) { binaryReader.ReadString(); if (num >= 65) { binaryReader.ReadString(); binaryReader.ReadString(); binaryReader.ReadString(); binaryReader.ReadString(); binaryReader.ReadString(); binaryReader.ReadString(); binaryReader.ReadString(); binaryReader.ReadString(); } } } if (num >= 7) { bool flag2 = binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); string text = binaryReader.ReadString(); int num10 = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); if (!flag2 || (!(text == b) && num10 != num2)) { binaryReader.Close(); fileStream.Close(); result = false; return result; } } binaryReader.Close(); fileStream.Close(); result = true; } } catch { try { binaryReader.Close(); fileStream.Close(); } catch { } result = false; } } } return result; }
public static void SmoothSlope(int x, int y, bool applyToNeighbors = true, bool sync = false) { if (applyToNeighbors) { SmoothSlope(x + 1, y, applyToNeighbors: false, sync); SmoothSlope(x - 1, y, applyToNeighbors: false, sync); SmoothSlope(x, y + 1, applyToNeighbors: false, sync); SmoothSlope(x, y - 1, applyToNeighbors: false, sync); } Tile tile = Main.tile[x, y]; if (!WorldGen.CanPoundTile(x, y) || !WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x, y)) { return; } bool flag = !WorldGen.TileEmpty(x, y - 1); bool flag2 = !WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x, y - 1) && flag; bool flag3 = WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x, y + 1); bool flag4 = WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x - 1, y); bool flag5 = WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x + 1, y); int num = ((flag ? 1 : 0) << 3) | ((flag3 ? 1 : 0) << 2) | ((flag4 ? 1 : 0) << 1) | (flag5 ? 1 : 0); bool flag6 = tile.halfBrick(); int num2 = tile.slope(); switch (num) { case 10: if (!flag2) { tile.halfBrick(halfBrick: false); tile.slope(3); } break; case 9: if (!flag2) { tile.halfBrick(halfBrick: false); tile.slope(4); } break; case 6: tile.halfBrick(halfBrick: false); tile.slope(1); break; case 5: tile.halfBrick(halfBrick: false); tile.slope(2); break; case 4: tile.slope(0); tile.halfBrick(halfBrick: true); break; default: tile.halfBrick(halfBrick: false); tile.slope(0); break; } if (sync) { int num3 = tile.slope(); bool flag7 = flag6 != tile.halfBrick(); bool flag8 = num2 != num3; if (flag7 && flag8) { NetMessage.SendData(17, -1, -1, null, 23, x, y, num3); } else if (flag7) { NetMessage.SendData(17, -1, -1, null, 7, x, y, 1f); } else if (flag8) { NetMessage.SendData(17, -1, -1, null, 14, x, y, num3); } } }
private void Tile(Tile tile) { byte flags = 0; var active =; var wall = tile.wall; var liquid = tile.liquid; if (active) flags += 1; //if (tile.Lighted) flags += 2; //UNUSED if (wall > 0) flags += 4; if (liquid > 0) flags += 8; if (tile.wire()) flags += 16; if (tile.halfBrick()) flags += 32; if (tile.actuator()) flags += 64; if (tile.inActive()) flags += 128; Byte(flags); byte tileColour = 0, wallColour = 0; flags = 0; if (tile.wire2()) flags += 1; if (tile.wire3()) flags += 2; if ( && tile.color() > 0) { flags += 4; tileColour = tile.color(); } if (tile.wall > 0 && tile.wallColor() > 0) { flags += 8; wallColour = tile.wallColor(); } Byte(flags + (byte)(tile.slope() << 4)); if (tileColour > 0) Byte(tileColour); if (wallColour > 0) Byte(wallColour); if ( { UShort(tile.type); if (Main.tileFrameImportant[(int)tile.type]) { Short(tile.frameX); Short(tile.frameY); } } if (tile.wall > 0) Byte(tile.wall); if (tile.liquid > 0) { Byte(tile.liquid); Byte(tile.liquidType()); } }