//TerraCustom.Interface.TerraCustomMenu(this, this.selectedMenu, clickableLabelText, clickableLabelScale, array4, ref num, ref num3, ref numberClickableLabels); internal static void TerraCustomMenu(Main main, int selectedMenu, bool[] array, string[] clickableLabelText, float[] clickableLabelScale, int[] array4, ref int num, ref int defaultLabelSpacing, ref int numberClickableLabels) { keyboardSliderAdjustment = 0; oldkeystate = keyState; keyState = Keyboard.GetState(); if ((keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left) && oldkeystate.IsKeyUp(Keys.Left)) || (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.A) && oldkeystate.IsKeyUp(Keys.A))) { if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift) || keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.RightShift)) { keyboardSliderAdjustment--; } else { keyboardSliderAdjustment -= 10; } } if ((keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right) && oldkeystate.IsKeyUp(Keys.Right)) || (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.D) && oldkeystate.IsKeyUp(Keys.D))) { if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift) || keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.RightShift)) { keyboardSliderAdjustment++; } else { keyboardSliderAdjustment += 10; } } num = 200; if (Main.menuMode == (int)MenuModes.DownedFound) { GenericMenu(main, DownedFoundMenuItems, array, clickableLabelText, clickableLabelScale, array4, ref num, ref defaultLabelSpacing, ref numberClickableLabels); } else if (Main.menuMode == (int)MenuModes.Downed) { GenericMenu(main, DownedMenuItems, array, clickableLabelText, clickableLabelScale, array4, ref num, ref defaultLabelSpacing, ref numberClickableLabels); } else if (Main.menuMode == (int)MenuModes.Found) { GenericMenu(main, FoundMenuItems, array, clickableLabelText, clickableLabelScale, array4, ref num, ref defaultLabelSpacing, ref numberClickableLabels); } else if (Main.menuMode == (int)MenuModes.Chests) { GenericMenu(main, ChestsMenuItems, array, clickableLabelText, clickableLabelScale, array4, ref num, ref defaultLabelSpacing, ref numberClickableLabels); } else if (Main.menuMode == (int)MenuModes.Terrain) { GenericMenu(main, TerrainMenuItems, array, clickableLabelText, clickableLabelScale, array4, ref num, ref defaultLabelSpacing, ref numberClickableLabels); // 0 to 10f : R: 10 // .1 to .17: R: .07 +- .1 // Each needs: Label, Ratio, property(get/set), method for string generation? //.07f,.15f, //() => Main.setting.SurfaceTerrainHeightMax - .1f, // .1 to .17 //() => Main.setting.SurfaceTerrainHeightMin - .3f, // .3 to .45? // % = get/ratio therfore, ratio must be range, get must return 0 to range //x => Main.setting.SurfaceTerrainHeightMax = x+.1f, //x => Main.setting.SurfaceTerrainHeightMin = x+.3f, // ration * % } else if (Main.menuMode == (int)MenuModes.VariousSpawns) { WorldGen.SetupStatueList(); GenericMenu(main, VariousSpawnsMenuItems, array, clickableLabelText, clickableLabelScale, array4, ref num, ref defaultLabelSpacing, ref numberClickableLabels); /* "Demon/Crimson Altars:", 95f // () => (float)Main.setting.NumberGenerationPassSteps, // x => Main.setting.NumberGenerationPassSteps = (int) x, //x => { Main.setting.TreeLowerBound = 1; Main.setting.TreeLowerBound = 2; }, //x => Main.setting.AltarMultiplier = x, // x => (int)x + " steps (Don't change this)", //x => Math.Round((double)(x * 100f)) + "%" + " -> " + (int)((Main.maxTilesX * Main.maxTilesY) * 2E-05 * x), */ } else if (Main.menuMode == (int)MenuModes.MicroBiomes1) { GenericMenu(main, MicroBiomesMenuItems1, array, clickableLabelText, clickableLabelScale, array4, ref num, ref defaultLabelSpacing, ref numberClickableLabels); } else if (Main.menuMode == (int)MenuModes.MicroBiomes2) { GenericMenu(main, MicroBiomesMenuItems2, array, clickableLabelText, clickableLabelScale, array4, ref num, ref defaultLabelSpacing, ref numberClickableLabels); } else if (Main.menuMode == (int)MenuModes.Traps) { GenericMenu(main, TrapsMenuItems, array, clickableLabelText, clickableLabelScale, array4, ref num, ref defaultLabelSpacing, ref numberClickableLabels); } else if (Main.menuMode == (int)MenuModes.Backgrounds) { GenericMenu(main, BackgroundsMenuItems, array, clickableLabelText, clickableLabelScale, array4, ref num, ref defaultLabelSpacing, ref numberClickableLabels); } else if (Main.menuMode == (int)MenuModes.Ores) { GenericMenu(main, OresMenuItems, array, clickableLabelText, clickableLabelScale, array4, ref num, ref defaultLabelSpacing, ref numberClickableLabels); } //else if (Main.menuMode == (int)MenuModes.SavedSettings) //{ // // SettingSaver settingSaver = new SettingSaver(); // Main.settingSaver.getSettings(); // TerraCustomMenuItem[] SavedSettingItems = new TerraCustomMenuItem[] { // new ActionLabel("Load", Main.settingSaver.loadSetting2) { labelScale = 0.53f, additionalHorizontalSpacingPre = -5 }, // new ActionLabel("Save", Main.settingSaver.saveSetting2) { labelScale = 0.53f, additionalHorizontalSpacingPre = -5 }, // new ActionLabel(Lang.menu[5], ()=> { Main.menuMode = (int)MenuModes.Settings; }) { labelScale = 0.93f, additionalHorizontalSpacingPre = 10 }, // }; // GenericMenu(main, SavedSettingItems, array, clickableLabelText, clickableLabelScale, array4, ref num, ref defaultLabelSpacing, ref numberClickableLabels); //} else if (Main.menuMode == (int)MenuModes.ChallengeOption) { GenericMenu(main, ChallengeOptionMenuItems, array, clickableLabelText, clickableLabelScale, array4, ref num, ref defaultLabelSpacing, ref numberClickableLabels); } else if (Main.menuMode == (int)MenuModes.Debug) { GenericMenu(main, DebugMenuItems, array, clickableLabelText, clickableLabelScale, array4, ref num, ref defaultLabelSpacing, ref numberClickableLabels); } else if (Main.menuMode == (int)MenuModes.UndergroundBackgrounds) { { string[][] optionStrings = { }; if (WorldGen.worldSize == 0) { optionStrings = new string[][] { new string[] { "Ice Background: Random", "Ice Background: 1", "Ice Background: 2", "Ice Background: 3", "Ice Background: 4"}, new string[] { "Hell Background: Random", "Hell Background: 1", "Hell Background: 2", "Hell Background: 3"}, new string[] { "Jungle Background: Random", "Jungle Background: 1", "Jungle Background: 2"}, new string[] { "Cave Background Left: Random", "Cave Background Left: 1", "Cave Background Left: 2", "Cave Background Left: 3", "Cave Background Left: 4", "Cave Background Left: 5", "Cave Background Left: 6", "Cave Background Left: 7", "Cave Background Left: 8"}, new string[] { "Cave Background Right: Random", "Cave Background Right: 1", "Cave Background Right: 2", "Cave Background Right: 3", "Cave Background Right: 4", "Cave Background Right: 5", "Cave Background Right: 6", "Cave Background Right: 7", "Cave Background Right: 8"}, }; } if (WorldGen.worldSize == 1) { optionStrings = new string[][] { new string[] { "Ice Background: Random", "Ice Background: 1", "Ice Background: 2", "Ice Background: 3", "Ice Background: 4"}, new string[] { "Hell Background: Random", "Hell Background: 1", "Hell Background: 2", "Hell Background: 3"}, new string[] { "Jungle Background: Random", "Jungle Background: 1", "Jungle Background: 2"}, new string[] { "Cave Background Left: Random", "Cave Background Left: 1", "Cave Background Left: 2", "Cave Background Left: 3", "Cave Background Left: 4", "Cave Background Left: 5", "Cave Background Left: 6", "Cave Background Left: 7", "Cave Background Left: 8"}, new string[] { "Cave Background Middle: Random", "Cave Background Middle: 1", "Cave Background Middle: 2", "Cave Background Middle: 3", "Cave Background Middle: 4", "Cave Background Middle: 5", "Cave Background Middle: 6", "Cave Background Middle: 7", "Cave Background Middle: 8" }, new string[] { "Cave Background Right: Random", "Cave Background Right: 1", "Cave Background Right: 2", "Cave Background Right: 3", "Cave Background Right: 4", "Cave Background Right: 5", "Cave Background Right: 6", "Cave Background Right: 7", "Cave Background Right: 8"}, }; } if (WorldGen.worldSize == 2) { optionStrings = new string[][] { new string[] { "Ice Background: Random", "Ice Background: 1", "Ice Background: 2", "Ice Background: 3", "Ice Background: 4"}, new string[] { "Hell Background: Random", "Hell Background: 1", "Hell Background: 2", "Hell Background: 3"}, new string[] { "Jungle Background: Random", "Jungle Background: 1", "Jungle Background: 2"}, new string[] { "Cave Background Far Left: Random", "Cave Background Far Left: 1", "Cave Background Far Left: 2", "Cave Background Far Left: 3", "Cave Background Far Left: 4", "Cave Background Far Left: 5", "Cave Background Far Left: 6", "Cave Background Far Left: 7", "Cave Background Far Left: 8"}, new string[] { "Cave Background Left: Random", "Cave Background Left: 1", "Cave Background Left: 2", "Cave Background Left: 3", "Cave Background Left: 4", "Cave Background Left: 5", "Cave Background Left: 6", "Cave Background Left: 7", "Cave Background Left: 8"}, new string[] { "Cave Background Right: Random", "Cave Background Right: 1", "Cave Background Right: 2", "Cave Background Right: 3", "Cave Background Right: 4", "Cave Background Right: 5", "Cave Background Right: 6", "Cave Background Right: 7", "Cave Background Right: 8"}, new string[] { "Cave Background Far Right: Random", "Cave Background Far Right: 1", "Cave Background Far Right: 2", "Cave Background Far Right: 3", "Cave Background Far Right: 4", "Cave Background Far Right: 5", "Cave Background Far Right: 6", "Cave Background Far Right: 7", "Cave Background Far Right: 8"}, }; } defaultLabelSpacing = 30; // virtical spacing? numberClickableLabels = 2 + optionStrings.GetLength(0); // = to reset + back + # options for (int num21 = 0; num21 < numberClickableLabels; num21++) { clickableLabelScale[num21] = 0.73f; } int buttonIndex = 0; clickableLabelText[buttonIndex] = "Reset Underground Background Settings"; if (main.selectedMenu == 0) { Setting.initializeUGBGs(); } clickableLabelScale[0] = 0.53f; array4[0] = -17; Func<int>[] getters = { () => Main.setting.IceBackStyle, () => Main.setting.HellBackStyle, () => Main.setting.JungleBackStyle, () => Main.setting.CaveBackStyle1, () => Main.setting.CaveBackStyle2, () => Main.setting.CaveBackStyle3, () => Main.setting.CaveBackStyle4, }; Action<int>[] setters = { x => Main.setting.IceBackStyle = x, x => Main.setting.HellBackStyle = x, x => Main.setting.JungleBackStyle = x, x => Main.setting.CaveBackStyle1 = x, x => Main.setting.CaveBackStyle2 = x, x => Main.setting.CaveBackStyle3 = x, x => Main.setting.CaveBackStyle4 = x, }; for (int i = 0; i < optionStrings.GetLength(0); i++) { buttonIndex++; clickableLabelText[buttonIndex] = optionStrings[i][getters[i]()]; if (main.selectedMenu == buttonIndex) { setters[i]((getters[i]() + 1) % optionStrings[i].Length); } if (main.selectedMenu2 == buttonIndex) { setters[i]((getters[i]() + optionStrings[i].Length - 1) % optionStrings[i].Length); } } buttonIndex++; array4[buttonIndex] = 30; clickableLabelText[buttonIndex] = Lang.menu[5]; if (main.selectedMenu == buttonIndex) { Main.menuMode = (int)MenuModes.Backgrounds; } if (main.selectedMenu != -1) { main.lastSelectedMenu = main.selectedMenu; } //IceBackStyle if (main.lastSelectedMenu == 1) { int[][] backgrounds = new int[][] { new int[] { }, new int[] { 40, 33, 34, 32 }, new int[] { 160, 118, 161, 117 }, new int[] { 164, 165, 166, 167 }, new int[] { 162, 120, 163, 119 } }; PreviewDrawAll(main, backgrounds[Main.setting.IceBackStyle]); } // Hell todo 3 if (main.lastSelectedMenu == 2) { int[][] backgrounds = new int[][] { new int[] { }, new int[] { 125, 185 }, new int[] { 126, 186 }, new int[] { 127, 187 }, }; PreviewDrawAll(main, backgrounds[Main.setting.HellBackStyle]); } // Jungle todo 2 if (main.lastSelectedMenu == 3) { int[][] backgrounds = new int[][] { new int[] { }, new int[] { 153, 147, 148, 149, 150+ (Main.setting.HellBackStyle > 0 ? Main.setting.HellBackStyle -1:0) }, new int[] { 146, 154, 155, 156, 157+ (Main.setting.HellBackStyle > 0 ? Main.setting.HellBackStyle -1:0) } }; PreviewDrawAll(main, backgrounds[Main.setting.JungleBackStyle]); } //Caves todo 8 for 4 if (main.lastSelectedMenu >= 4 && main.lastSelectedMenu <= 5 + WorldGen.worldSize) { int[][] backgrounds = new int[][] { new int[] { }, new int[] {68,67,68,69,128+ (Main.setting.HellBackStyle > 0 ? Main.setting.HellBackStyle -1:0) }, new int[] {70,71,68,72,128+ (Main.setting.HellBackStyle > 0 ? Main.setting.HellBackStyle -1:0)}, new int[] {73,74,75,75,131+ (Main.setting.HellBackStyle > 0 ? Main.setting.HellBackStyle -1:0)}, new int[] {77,78,79,80,134 + (Main.setting.HellBackStyle > 0 ? Main.setting.HellBackStyle -1:0)}, new int[] {77,81,79,82,134 + (Main.setting.HellBackStyle > 0 ? Main.setting.HellBackStyle -1:0)}, new int[] { 83,84,85,86,137+ (Main.setting.HellBackStyle > 0 ? Main.setting.HellBackStyle -1:0)}, new int[] { 83,87,88,89,137+ (Main.setting.HellBackStyle > 0 ? Main.setting.HellBackStyle -1:0)}, new int[] {121,122,123,124,140+ (Main.setting.HellBackStyle > 0 ? Main.setting.HellBackStyle -1:0)}, }; if (main.lastSelectedMenu == 4) PreviewDrawAll(main, backgrounds[Main.setting.CaveBackStyle1]); if (main.lastSelectedMenu == 5) PreviewDrawAll(main, backgrounds[Main.setting.CaveBackStyle2]); if (main.lastSelectedMenu == 6) PreviewDrawAll(main, backgrounds[Main.setting.CaveBackStyle3]); if (main.lastSelectedMenu == 7) PreviewDrawAll(main, backgrounds[Main.setting.CaveBackStyle4]); } } } else if (Main.menuMode == (int)MenuModes.Miscellaneous) { GenericMenu(main, MiscellaneousMenuItems, array, clickableLabelText, clickableLabelScale, array4, ref num, ref defaultLabelSpacing, ref numberClickableLabels); } else if (Main.menuMode == (int)MenuModes.Settings) { num = 100; GenericMenu(main, SettingsMenuItems, array, clickableLabelText, clickableLabelScale, array4, ref num, ref defaultLabelSpacing, ref numberClickableLabels); //num3 = 35; } else if (Main.menuMode == (int)MenuModes.ResetAllSettings) { clickableLabelText[0] = "Are you sure you will reset all the settings?"; array[0] = true; array4[1] = 20; array4[2] = 20; clickableLabelText[1] = Lang.menu[4]; clickableLabelText[2] = Lang.menu[6]; numberClickableLabels = 4; // click accept if (main.selectedMenu == 1) { Setting.initializeAll(); Main.menuMode = (int)MenuModes.Settings; } // click cancel if (main.selectedMenu == 2) { Main.menuMode = (int)MenuModes.Settings; } } else if (Main.menuMode == (int)MenuModes.GraphicStyles) { Main.dayTime = false; defaultLabelSpacing = 30; numberClickableLabels = 12; for (int num47 = 0; num47 < numberClickableLabels; num47++) { clickableLabelScale[num47] = 0.73f; } int num48 = 0; clickableLabelText[num48] = "Reset Graphic Styles"; if (main.selectedMenu == 0) { Setting.initializeGraphic(); } clickableLabelScale[0] = 0.53f; array4[0] = -17; num48++; if (Main.setting.MoonStyle == 0) { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Moon Style: 1"; } else if (Main.setting.MoonStyle == 1) { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Moon Style: 2"; } else if (Main.setting.MoonStyle == 2) { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Moon Style: 3"; } else if (Main.setting.MoonStyle == 3) { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Moon Style: Random"; } if (main.selectedMenu == num48) { if (Main.setting.MoonStyle == 0) { Main.setting.MoonStyle = 1; Main.moonType = Main.setting.MoonStyle; } else if (Main.setting.MoonStyle == 1) { Main.setting.MoonStyle = 2; Main.moonType = Main.setting.MoonStyle; } else if (Main.setting.MoonStyle == 2) { Main.setting.MoonStyle = 3; } else if (Main.setting.MoonStyle == 3) { Main.setting.MoonStyle = 0; Main.moonType = Main.setting.MoonStyle; } } num48++; if (Main.setting.SelectTreeStyle[0] == 6) { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Tree Style " + (WorldGen.worldSize < 2 ? "Left" : "Far Left") + ": Random"; } else { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Tree Style " + (WorldGen.worldSize < 2 ? "Left" : "Far Left") + ": " + (Main.setting.SelectTreeStyle[0]); } if (main.selectedMenu == num48) { if (Main.setting.SelectTreeStyle[0] == 6) { Main.setting.SelectTreeStyle[0] = 0; } else { Main.setting.SelectTreeStyle[0]++; } } num48++; if (Main.setting.SelectTreeStyle[1] == 6) { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Tree Style " + (WorldGen.worldSize == 0 ? "Right" : WorldGen.worldSize == 1 ? "Middle" : "Left") + ": Random"; } else { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Tree Style " + (WorldGen.worldSize == 0 ? "Right" : WorldGen.worldSize == 1 ? "Middle" : "Left") + ": " + (Main.setting.SelectTreeStyle[1]); } if (main.selectedMenu == num48) { if (Main.setting.SelectTreeStyle[1] == 6) { Main.setting.SelectTreeStyle[1] = 0; } else { Main.setting.SelectTreeStyle[1]++; } } num48++; if (WorldGen.worldSize > 0) { if (Main.setting.SelectTreeStyle[2] == 6) { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Tree Style Right: Random"; } else { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Tree Style Right: " + (Main.setting.SelectTreeStyle[2]); } if (main.selectedMenu == num48) { if (Main.setting.SelectTreeStyle[2] == 6) { Main.setting.SelectTreeStyle[2] = 0; } else { Main.setting.SelectTreeStyle[2]++; } } num48++; } if (WorldGen.worldSize > 1) { if (Main.setting.SelectTreeStyle[3] == 6) { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Tree Style Far Right: Random"; } else { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Tree Style Far Right: " + (Main.setting.SelectTreeStyle[3]); } if (main.selectedMenu == num48) { if (Main.setting.SelectTreeStyle[3] == 6) { Main.setting.SelectTreeStyle[3] = 0; } else { Main.setting.SelectTreeStyle[3]++; } } num48++; } if (Main.setting.SelectDungeon == 0) { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Dungeon Color: Blue"; } else if (Main.setting.SelectDungeon == 1) { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Dungeon Color: Green"; } else if (Main.setting.SelectDungeon == 2) { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Dungeon Color: Pink"; } else if (Main.setting.SelectDungeon == 3) { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Dungeon Color: Random"; } if (main.selectedMenu == num48) { if (Main.setting.SelectDungeon == 3) { Main.setting.SelectDungeon = 0; } else { Main.setting.SelectDungeon++; } } num48++; string[] array22 = new string[] { "Green", "Yellow", "Red", "Blue", "Purple" }; if (Main.setting.SelectMossType[0] == 5) { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Moss Color Left: Random"; } else { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Moss Color Left: " + array22[Main.setting.SelectMossType[0]]; } if (main.selectedMenu == num48) { if (Main.setting.SelectMossType[0] == 5) { Main.setting.SelectMossType[0] = 0; } else { Main.setting.SelectMossType[0]++; } } num48++; if (Main.setting.SelectMossType[1] == 5) { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Moss Color Middle: Random"; } else { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Moss Color Middle: " + array22[Main.setting.SelectMossType[1]]; } if (main.selectedMenu == num48) { if (Main.setting.SelectMossType[1] == 5) { Main.setting.SelectMossType[1] = 0; } else { Main.setting.SelectMossType[1]++; } } num48++; if (Main.setting.SelectMossType[2] == 5) { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Moss Color Right: Random"; } else { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Moss Color Right: " + array22[Main.setting.SelectMossType[2]]; } if (main.selectedMenu == num48) { if (Main.setting.SelectMossType[2] == 5) { Main.setting.SelectMossType[2] = 0; } else { Main.setting.SelectMossType[2]++; } } num48++; string[] array23 = new string[] { "Iridescent Bricks", "Mudstone Blocks", "Rich Mahogany", "Tin Brick", "Gold Brick" }; if (Main.setting.ShrineType == 0) { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Jungle Shrines: Random"; } else if (Main.setting.ShrineType == 6) { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Jungle Shrines: Mix"; } else { clickableLabelText[num48] = "Jungle Shrines: " + array23[Main.setting.ShrineType - 1]; } if (main.selectedMenu == num48) { if (Main.setting.ShrineType == 6) { Main.setting.ShrineType = 0; } else { Main.setting.ShrineType++; } } num48++; array4[num48] = 10; clickableLabelText[num48] = Lang.menu[5]; if (main.selectedMenu == num48) { main.lastSelectedMenu = -1; Main.menuMode = (int)MenuModes.Settings; } if (main.selectedMenu != -1) { main.lastSelectedMenu = main.selectedMenu; } if (main.lastSelectedMenu == 1) { Main.spriteBatch.Draw(Main.moonTexture[Main.moonType], new Vector2(0, Main.screenHeight - Main.moonTexture[Main.moonType].Height), Color.White); } if (main.lastSelectedMenu == 2 || main.lastSelectedMenu == 3 || (WorldGen.worldSize > 0 && main.lastSelectedMenu == 4) || (WorldGen.worldSize > 1 && main.lastSelectedMenu == 5)) { Main.spriteBatch.Draw(Main.TCTreeTops, new Vector2(0, Main.screenHeight - Main.TCTreeTops.Height), Color.White); } if (WorldGen.worldSize == 0) { if (main.lastSelectedMenu == 5 || main.lastSelectedMenu == 6 || main.lastSelectedMenu == 7) { Main.spriteBatch.Draw(Main.TCMossColors, new Vector2(0, Main.screenHeight - Main.TCMossColors.Height), Color.White); } } else if (WorldGen.worldSize == 1) { if (main.lastSelectedMenu == 6 || main.lastSelectedMenu == 7 || main.lastSelectedMenu == 8) { Main.spriteBatch.Draw(Main.TCMossColors, new Vector2(0, Main.screenHeight - Main.TCMossColors.Height), Color.White); } } else { if (main.lastSelectedMenu == 7 || main.lastSelectedMenu == 8 || main.lastSelectedMenu == 9) { Main.spriteBatch.Draw(Main.TCMossColors, new Vector2(0, Main.screenHeight - Main.TCMossColors.Height), Color.White); } } if (main.lastSelectedMenu == 4 + WorldGen.worldSize) { Main.spriteBatch.Draw(Main.TCDungeonColors, new Vector2(0, Main.screenHeight - Main.TCDungeonColors.Height), Color.White); } } else if (Main.menuMode == (int)MenuModes.SurfaceBackgrounds /*26*/) { { Main.dayTime = true; defaultLabelSpacing = 30; numberClickableLabels = 10; for (int num49 = 0; num49 < numberClickableLabels; num49++) { clickableLabelScale[num49] = 0.73f; } int num50 = 0; clickableLabelText[num50] = "Reset Background Settings"; if (main.selectedMenu == 0) { Setting.initializeBGs(); } clickableLabelScale[0] = 0.53f; array4[0] = -17; num50++; if (Main.setting.ForestStyle == 14) { clickableLabelText[num50] = "Forest Background: Random"; } else { // 0 to 13? clickableLabelText[num50] = "Forest Background: " + (Main.setting.ForestStyle + 1); } if (main.selectedMenu == num50) { if (Main.setting.ForestStyle == 14) { Main.setting.ForestStyle = 0; } else { Main.setting.ForestStyle++; } TerraCustomUtils.findBackgrounds(0, Main.setting.ForestStyle); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[2]); } if (main.selectedMenu2 == num50) { if (Main.setting.ForestStyle == 0) { Main.setting.ForestStyle = 14; } else { Main.setting.ForestStyle--; } TerraCustomUtils.findBackgrounds(0, Main.setting.ForestStyle); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[2]); } num50++; if (Main.setting.CorruptStyle == 2) { clickableLabelText[num50] = "Corrupt Background: Random"; } else { clickableLabelText[num50] = "Corrupt Background: " + (Main.setting.CorruptStyle + 1); } if (main.selectedMenu == num50) { if (Main.setting.CorruptStyle == 2) { Main.setting.CorruptStyle = 0; } else { Main.setting.CorruptStyle++; } TerraCustomUtils.findBackgrounds(1, Main.setting.CorruptStyle); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[0] = Main.corruptBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[1] = Main.corruptBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[2] = Main.corruptBG[2]); } if (main.selectedMenu2 == num50) { if (Main.setting.CorruptStyle == 0) { Main.setting.CorruptStyle = 2; } else { Main.setting.CorruptStyle--; } TerraCustomUtils.findBackgrounds(1, Main.setting.CorruptStyle); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[0] = Main.corruptBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[1] = Main.corruptBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[2] = Main.corruptBG[2]); } num50++; if (Main.setting.JungleStyle == 2) { clickableLabelText[num50] = "Jungle Background: Random"; } else { clickableLabelText[num50] = "Jungle Background: " + (Main.setting.JungleStyle + 1); } if (main.selectedMenu == num50) { if (Main.setting.JungleStyle == 2) { Main.setting.JungleStyle = 0; } else { Main.setting.JungleStyle++; } TerraCustomUtils.findBackgrounds(2, Main.setting.JungleStyle); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[0] = Main.jungleBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[1] = Main.jungleBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[2] = Main.jungleBG[2]); } if (main.selectedMenu2 == num50) { if (Main.setting.JungleStyle == 0) { Main.setting.JungleStyle = 2; } else { Main.setting.JungleStyle--; } TerraCustomUtils.findBackgrounds(2, Main.setting.JungleStyle); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[0] = Main.jungleBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[1] = Main.jungleBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[2] = Main.jungleBG[2]); } num50++; if (Main.setting.SnowStyle == 11) { clickableLabelText[num50] = "Snow Background: Random"; } else { clickableLabelText[num50] = "Snow Background: " + (Main.setting.SnowStyle + 1); } if (main.selectedMenu == num50) { if (Main.setting.SnowStyle == 11) { Main.setting.SnowStyle = 0; } else { Main.setting.SnowStyle++; } TerraCustomUtils.findBackgrounds(3, Main.setting.SnowStyle); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[0] = Main.snowMntBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[1] = Main.snowMntBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[0] = Main.snowBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[1] = Main.snowBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[2] = Main.snowBG[2]); } if (main.selectedMenu2 == num50) { if (Main.setting.SnowStyle == 0) { Main.setting.SnowStyle = 11; } else { Main.setting.SnowStyle--; } TerraCustomUtils.findBackgrounds(3, Main.setting.SnowStyle); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[0] = Main.snowMntBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[1] = Main.snowMntBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[0] = Main.snowBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[1] = Main.snowBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[2] = Main.snowBG[2]); } num50++; if (Main.setting.HallowStyle == 2) { clickableLabelText[num50] = "Hallow Background: Random"; } else { clickableLabelText[num50] = "Hallow Background: " + (Main.setting.HallowStyle + 1); } if (main.selectedMenu == num50) { if (Main.setting.HallowStyle == 2) { Main.setting.HallowStyle = 0; } else { Main.setting.HallowStyle++; } TerraCustomUtils.findBackgrounds(4, Main.setting.HallowStyle); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[0] = Main.hallowBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[1] = Main.hallowBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[2] = Main.hallowBG[2]); } if (main.selectedMenu2 == num50) { if (Main.setting.HallowStyle == 0) { Main.setting.HallowStyle = 2; } else { Main.setting.HallowStyle--; } TerraCustomUtils.findBackgrounds(4, Main.setting.HallowStyle); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[0] = Main.hallowBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[1] = Main.hallowBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[2] = Main.hallowBG[2]); } num50++; if (Main.setting.CrimsonStyle == 3) { clickableLabelText[num50] = "Crimson Background: Random"; } else { clickableLabelText[num50] = "Crimson Background: " + (Main.setting.CrimsonStyle + 1); } if (main.selectedMenu == num50) { if (Main.setting.CrimsonStyle == 3) { Main.setting.CrimsonStyle = 0; } else { Main.setting.CrimsonStyle++; } TerraCustomUtils.findBackgrounds(5, Main.setting.CrimsonStyle); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[0] = Main.crimsonBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[1] = Main.crimsonBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[2] = Main.crimsonBG[2]); } if (main.selectedMenu2 == num50) { if (Main.setting.CrimsonStyle == 0) { Main.setting.CrimsonStyle = 3; } else { Main.setting.CrimsonStyle--; } TerraCustomUtils.findBackgrounds(5, Main.setting.CrimsonStyle); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[0] = Main.crimsonBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[1] = Main.crimsonBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[2] = Main.crimsonBG[2]); } num50++; if (Main.setting.DesertStyle == 2) { clickableLabelText[num50] = "Desert Background: Random"; } else { clickableLabelText[num50] = "Desert Background: " + (Main.setting.DesertStyle + 1); } if (main.selectedMenu == num50) { if (Main.setting.DesertStyle == 2) { Main.setting.DesertStyle = 0; } else { Main.setting.DesertStyle++; } TerraCustomUtils.findBackgrounds(6, Main.setting.DesertStyle); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[0] = Main.desertBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[1] = Main.desertBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[2] = -1); } if (main.selectedMenu2 == num50) { if (Main.setting.DesertStyle == 0) { Main.setting.DesertStyle = 2; } else { Main.setting.DesertStyle--; } TerraCustomUtils.findBackgrounds(6, Main.setting.DesertStyle); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[0] = Main.desertBG[0]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[1] = Main.desertBG[1]); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[2] = -1); } num50++; if (Main.setting.OceanStyle == 3) { clickableLabelText[num50] = "Ocean Background: Random"; } else { clickableLabelText[num50] = "Ocean Background: " + (Main.setting.OceanStyle + 1); } if (main.selectedMenu == num50) { if (Main.setting.OceanStyle == 3) { Main.setting.OceanStyle = 0; } else { Main.setting.OceanStyle++; } TerraCustomUtils.findBackgrounds(7, Main.setting.OceanStyle); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[0] = Main.oceanBG); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[1] = -1); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[0] = -1); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[1] = -1); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[2] = -1); } if (main.selectedMenu2 == num50) { if (Main.setting.OceanStyle == 0) { Main.setting.OceanStyle = 3; } else { Main.setting.OceanStyle--; } TerraCustomUtils.findBackgrounds(7, Main.setting.OceanStyle); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[0] = Main.oceanBG); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeMntBG[1] = -1); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[0] = -1); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[1] = -1); main.LoadBackground(Main.treeBG[2] = -1); } num50++; array4[num50] = 10; clickableLabelText[num50] = Lang.menu[5]; if (main.selectedMenu == num50) { Main.menuMode = (int)MenuModes.Backgrounds; } } //flag2 = true; //num = 240; //num3 = 60; //num4 = 3; //array9[0] = ""; //array9[1] = Lang.menu[65]; //array[1] = true; //array4[2] = 170; //array4[1] = 10; //array9[2] = Lang.menu[5]; //if (main.selectedMenu == 2) //{ // Main.menuMode = 11; // Main.PlaySound(11, -1, -1, 1); //} } else if (Main.menuMode == (int)MenuModes.OreAmount) { GenericMenu(main, OreAmountMenuItems, array, clickableLabelText, clickableLabelScale, array4, ref num, ref defaultLabelSpacing, ref numberClickableLabels); } else if (Main.menuMode == (int)MenuModes.ChooseWorldSize) { num = 170; defaultLabelSpacing = 55; array4[1] = 20; array4[2] = 20; array4[3] = 20; array4[4] = 20; //array4[5] = 20; array4[5] = 20; array4[6] = 60; clickableLabelText[0] = Lang.menu[91]; array[0] = true; clickableLabelText[1] = Lang.menu[92]; clickableLabelText[2] = Lang.menu[93]; clickableLabelText[3] = Lang.menu[94]; // clickableLabelText[4] = Lang.menu[5]; clickableLabelText[4] = "Keep Previous Custom Size"; clickableLabelText[5] = "Load Autosaved Config"; clickableLabelText[6] = Lang.menu[15]; numberClickableLabels = 7; if (main.selectedMenu == 6) { main.QuitGame(); } else if (main.selectedMenu == 5) { if (Main.settingSaver.settingExists("Autosave-LastUsed")) { Main.settingSaver.loadSetting("Autosave-LastUsed"); if (Main.maxTilesX <= 4200) { WorldGen.worldSize = 0; } else if (Main.maxTilesX <= 6400) { WorldGen.worldSize = 1; } else// (Main.maxTilesX <= 8400) { WorldGen.worldSize = 2; } Main.clrInput(); Main.menuMode = (int)MenuModes.EnterWorldName; WorldGen.setWorldSize(); } } else if (main.selectedMenu > 0) { if (main.selectedMenu == 1) { Main.maxTilesX = /*8400;// */4200; Main.maxTilesY = /*600;//*/1200; WorldGen.worldSize = 0; } else if (main.selectedMenu == 2) { Main.maxTilesX = 6400; Main.maxTilesY = 1800; WorldGen.worldSize = 1; } else if (main.selectedMenu == 3) { Main.maxTilesX = 8400; Main.maxTilesY = 2400; WorldGen.worldSize = 2; } else if (main.selectedMenu == 4) { if (Main.maxTilesX == 8401) { Main.maxTilesX = 4200; Main.maxTilesY = 1200; WorldGen.worldSize = 0; } } Main.clrInput(); Main.menuMode = (int)MenuModes.SelectDifficulty; WorldGen.setWorldSize(); } } else if (Main.menuMode == (int)MenuModes.SettingsView) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(settingsViewMenu); Main.menuMode = 888; } }
private static void PreviewDrawAll(Main main, int[] v) { for (int i = 0; i < v.GetLength(0); i++) { main.LoadBackground(v[i]); PreviewDraw(Main.backgroundTexture[v[i]], i); } }