bool AllowNull => array == null; // nulls don't make sense for a collection, but a standalone might be useful. NonNull attribute might be nice. // Label: // Members // Members public ObjectElement(PropertyFieldWrapper memberInfo, object item, IList array = null, int index = -1, bool ignoreSeparatePage = false) : base(memberInfo, item, array) { this.index = index; this.ignoreSeparatePage = ignoreSeparatePage; _GetValue = () => memberInfo.GetValue(this.item); _SetValue = (object value) => { if (!memberInfo.CanWrite) { return; } memberInfo.SetValue(this.item, value); }; if (array != null) { _GetValue = () => array[index]; _SetValue = (object value) => { array[index] = value; Interface.modConfig.SetPendingChanges(); }; // TODO: only do this if ToString is overriden. var listType = memberInfo.Type.GetGenericArguments()[0]; bool hasToString = listType.GetMethod("ToString", new Type[0]).DeclaringType != typeof(object); if (hasToString) { _TextDisplayFunction = () => index + 1 + ": " + (array[index]?.ToString() ?? "null"); AbridgedTextDisplayFunction = () => (array[index]?.ToString() ?? "null"); } else { _TextDisplayFunction = () => index + 1 + ": "; } } else { bool hasToString = memberInfo.Type.GetMethod("ToString", new Type[0]).DeclaringType != typeof(object); if (hasToString) { _TextDisplayFunction = () => (labelAttribute == null ? memberInfo.Name : labelAttribute.Label) + (_GetValue() == null ? "" : ": " + _GetValue().ToString()); AbridgedTextDisplayFunction = () => _GetValue()?.ToString() ?? ""; } } if (_GetValue() == null && !AllowNull) { object data = Activator.CreateInstance(memberInfo.Type); JsonConvert.PopulateObject("{}", data, ConfigManager.serializerSettings); //JsonDefaultValueAttribute jsonDefaultValueAttribute = (JsonDefaultValueAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(memberInfo.MemberInfo, typeof(JsonDefaultValueAttribute)); //if (jsonDefaultValueAttribute != null) //{ // JsonConvert.PopulateObject(jsonDefaultValueAttribute.json, subitem, ConfigManager.serializerSettings); //} _SetValue(data); } separatePage = ConfigManager.GetCustomAttribute <SeparatePageAttribute>(memberInfo, item, array) != null; //separatePage = separatePage && !ignoreSeparatePage; //separatePage = (SeparatePageAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(memberInfo.MemberInfo, typeof(SeparatePageAttribute)) != null; if (separatePage && !ignoreSeparatePage) { // TODO: UITextPanel doesn't update... separatePageButton = new UITextPanel <FuncStringWrapper>(new FuncStringWrapper() { func = _TextDisplayFunction }); separatePageButton.HAlign = 0.5f; //e.Recalculate(); //elementHeight = (int)e.GetOuterDimensions().Height; separatePageButton.OnClick += (a, c) => { UIModConfig.SwitchToSubConfig(this.separatePagePanel); /* Interface.modConfig.uIElement.RemoveChild(Interface.modConfig.configPanelStack.Peek()); * Interface.modConfig.uIElement.Append(separateListPanel); * Interface.modConfig.configPanelStack.Push(separateListPanel);*/ //separateListPanel.SetScrollbar(Interface.modConfig.uIScrollbar); //UIPanel panel = new UIPanel(); //panel.Width.Set(200, 0); //panel.Height.Set(200, 0); //panel.Left.Set(200, 0); //panel.Top.Set(200, 0); //Interface.modConfig.Append(panel); //Interface.modConfig.subMenu.Enqueue(subitem); //Interface.modConfig.DoMenuModeState(); }; //e = new UIText($"{memberInfo.Name} click for more ({type.Name})."); //e.OnClick += (a, b) => { }; } //data = _GetValue();// memberInfo.GetValue(this.item); //drawLabel = false; dataList = new NestedUIList(); dataList.Width.Set(-14, 1f); dataList.Left.Set(14, 0f); dataList.Height.Set(-30, 1f); dataList.Top.Set(30, 0); dataList.ListPadding = 5f; Append(dataList); //string name = memberInfo.Name; //if (labelAttribute != null) //{ // name = labelAttribute.Label; //} if (array == null) { // drawLabel = false; TODO uncomment } initializeButton = new UIModConfigHoverImage(playTexture, "Initialize"); initializeButton.Top.Pixels += 4; initializeButton.Left.Pixels -= 3; initializeButton.HAlign = 1f; initializeButton.OnClick += (a, b) => { Main.PlaySound(21); object data = Activator.CreateInstance(memberInfo.Type); // Crashes JSONItem JsonConvert.PopulateObject("{}", data, ConfigManager.serializerSettings); // Seems to fail on all data structures? //JsonDefaultValueAttribute jsonDefaultValueAttribute = (JsonDefaultValueAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(memberInfo.MemberInfo, typeof(JsonDefaultValueAttribute)); //if (jsonDefaultValueAttribute != null) //{ // JsonConvert.PopulateObject(jsonDefaultValueAttribute.json, subitem, ConfigManager.serializerSettings); //} _SetValue(data); //SeparatePageAttribute here? pendingChanges = true; //RemoveChild(initializeButton); //Append(deleteButton); //Append(expandButton); SetupList(); Interface.modConfig.RecalculateChildren(); Interface.modConfig.SetPendingChanges(); }; expandButton = new UIModConfigHoverImage(expandedTexture, "Expand"); expandButton.Top.Set(4, 0f); // 10, -25: 4, -52 expandButton.Left.Set(-52, 1f); expandButton.OnClick += (a, b) => { expanded = !expanded; pendingChanges = true; }; deleteButton = new UIModConfigHoverImage(deleteTexture, "Clear"); deleteButton.Top.Set(4, 0f); deleteButton.Left.Set(-25, 1f); deleteButton.OnClick += (a, b) => { _SetValue(null); pendingChanges = true; SetupList(); //Interface.modConfig.RecalculateChildren(); Interface.modConfig.SetPendingChanges(); }; if (_GetValue() != null) { //Append(expandButton); //Append(deleteButton); SetupList(); } else { Append(initializeButton); //sortedContainer.Append(initializeButton); } pendingChanges = true; Recalculate(); }
public override void OnBind() { base.OnBind(); data = memberInfo.GetValue(item); defaultListValueAttribute = ConfigManager.GetCustomAttribute <DefaultListValueAttribute>(memberInfo, null, null); MaxHeight.Set(300, 0f); dataListElement = new UIElement(); dataListElement.Width.Set(-10f, 1f); dataListElement.Left.Set(10f, 0f); dataListElement.Height.Set(-30, 1f); dataListElement.Top.Set(30f, 0f); //panel.SetPadding(0); //panel.BackgroundColor = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.Transparent; //panel.BorderColor = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.Transparent; if (data != null) { Append(dataListElement); } dataListElement.OverflowHidden = true; dataList = new NestedUIList(); dataList.Width.Set(-20, 1f); dataList.Left.Set(0, 0f); dataList.Height.Set(0, 1f); dataList.ListPadding = 5f; dataListElement.Append(dataList); UIScrollbar scrollbar = new UIScrollbar(); scrollbar.SetView(100f, 1000f); scrollbar.Height.Set(-16f, 1f); scrollbar.Top.Set(6f, 0f); scrollbar.Left.Pixels -= 3; scrollbar.HAlign = 1f; dataList.SetScrollbar(scrollbar); dataListElement.Append(scrollbar); PrepareTypes(); // allow null collections to simplify modder code for OnDeserialize and allow null and empty lists to have different meanings, etc. SetupList(); if (CanAdd) { initializeButton = new UIModConfigHoverImage(playTexture, "Initialize"); initializeButton.Top.Pixels += 4; initializeButton.Left.Pixels -= 3; initializeButton.HAlign = 1f; initializeButton.OnClick += (a, b) => { Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Tink); InitializeCollection(); SetupList(); Interface.modConfig.RecalculateChildren(); // not needed? Interface.modConfig.SetPendingChanges(); expanded = true; pendingChanges = true; }; addButton = new UIModConfigHoverImage(plusTexture, "Add"); addButton.Top.Set(4, 0f); addButton.Left.Set(-52, 1f); addButton.OnClick += (a, b) => { Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Tink); AddItem(); SetupList(); Interface.modConfig.RecalculateChildren(); Interface.modConfig.SetPendingChanges(); expanded = true; pendingChanges = true; }; deleteButton = new UIModConfigHoverImage(deleteTexture, "Clear"); deleteButton.Top.Set(4, 0f); deleteButton.Left.Set(-25, 1f); deleteButton.OnClick += (a, b) => { Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Tink); if (nullAllowed) { NullCollection(); } else { ClearCollection(); } SetupList(); Interface.modConfig.RecalculateChildren(); Interface.modConfig.SetPendingChanges(); pendingChanges = true; }; } expandButton = new UIModConfigHoverImage(collapsedTexture, "Expand"); expandButton.Top.Set(4, 0f); // 10, -25: 4, -52 expandButton.Left.Set(-79, 1f); expandButton.OnClick += (a, b) => { expanded = !expanded; pendingChanges = true; }; upDownButton = new UIModConfigHoverImageSplit(upDownTexture, "Scale Up", "Scale Down"); upDownButton.Top.Set(4, 0f); upDownButton.Left.Set(-106, 1f); upDownButton.OnClick += (a, b) => { Rectangle r = b.GetDimensions().ToRectangle(); if (a.MousePosition.Y < r.Y + r.Height / 2) { scale = Math.Min(2f, scale + 0.5f); } else { scale = Math.Max(1f, scale - 0.5f); } //dataListPanel.RecalculateChildren(); ////dataList.RecalculateChildren(); //float h = dataList.GetTotalHeight(); //MinHeight.Set(Math.Min(Math.Max(h + 84, 100), 300) * scale, 0f); //Recalculate(); //if (Parent != null && Parent is UISortableElement) { // Parent.Height.Pixels = GetOuterDimensions().Height; //} }; //Append(upButton); //var aasdf = Texture2D.FromStream(Main.instance.GraphicsDevice, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Terraria.ModLoader.Config.UI.ButtonDecrement.png")); //for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { // var vb = Texture2D.FromStream(Main.instance.GraphicsDevice, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Terraria.ModLoader.Config.UI.ButtonDecrement.png")); //} pendingChanges = true; Recalculate(); // Needed? }
public override void OnBind() { base.OnBind(); if (list != null) { // TODO: only do this if ToString is overriden. var listType = memberInfo.Type.GetGenericArguments()[0]; bool hasToString = listType.GetMethod("ToString", new Type[0]).DeclaringType != typeof(object); if (hasToString) { TextDisplayFunction = () => index + 1 + ": " + (list[index]?.ToString() ?? "null"); AbridgedTextDisplayFunction = () => (list[index]?.ToString() ?? "null"); } else { TextDisplayFunction = () => index + 1 + ": "; } } else { bool hasToString = memberInfo.Type.GetMethod("ToString", new Type[0]).DeclaringType != typeof(object); if (hasToString) { TextDisplayFunction = () => (labelAttribute == null ? memberInfo.Name : labelAttribute.Label) + (Value == null ? "" : ": " + Value.ToString()); AbridgedTextDisplayFunction = () => Value?.ToString() ?? ""; } } // Null values without AllowNullAttribute aren't allowed, but could happen with modder mistakes, so not automatically populating will hint to modder the issue. if (Value == null && list != null) { // This should never actually happen, but I guess a bad Json file could. object data = Activator.CreateInstance(memberInfo.Type); string json = jsonDefaultValueAttribute?.json ?? "{}"; JsonConvert.PopulateObject(json, data, ConfigManager.serializerSettings); Value = data; } separatePage = ConfigManager.GetCustomAttribute <SeparatePageAttribute>(memberInfo, item, list) != null; //separatePage = separatePage && !ignoreSeparatePage; //separatePage = (SeparatePageAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(memberInfo.MemberInfo, typeof(SeparatePageAttribute)) != null; if (separatePage && !ignoreSeparatePage) { // TODO: UITextPanel doesn't update... separatePageButton = new UITextPanel <FuncStringWrapper>(new FuncStringWrapper() { func = TextDisplayFunction }); separatePageButton.HAlign = 0.5f; //e.Recalculate(); //elementHeight = (int)e.GetOuterDimensions().Height; separatePageButton.OnClick += (a, c) => { UIModConfig.SwitchToSubConfig(this.separatePagePanel); /* Interface.modConfig.uIElement.RemoveChild(Interface.modConfig.configPanelStack.Peek()); * Interface.modConfig.uIElement.Append(separateListPanel); * Interface.modConfig.configPanelStack.Push(separateListPanel);*/ //separateListPanel.SetScrollbar(Interface.modConfig.uIScrollbar); //UIPanel panel = new UIPanel(); //panel.Width.Set(200, 0); //panel.Height.Set(200, 0); //panel.Left.Set(200, 0); //panel.Top.Set(200, 0); //Interface.modConfig.Append(panel); //Interface.modConfig.subMenu.Enqueue(subitem); //Interface.modConfig.DoMenuModeState(); }; //e = new UIText($"{memberInfo.Name} click for more ({type.Name})."); //e.OnClick += (a, b) => { }; } //data = _GetValue();// memberInfo.GetValue(this.item); //drawLabel = false; dataList = new NestedUIList(); dataList.Width.Set(-14, 1f); dataList.Left.Set(14, 0f); dataList.Height.Set(-30, 1f); dataList.Top.Set(30, 0); dataList.ListPadding = 5f; Append(dataList); //string name = memberInfo.Name; //if (labelAttribute != null) //{ // name = labelAttribute.Label; //} if (list == null) { // drawLabel = false; TODO uncomment } initializeButton = new UIModConfigHoverImage(playTexture, "Initialize"); initializeButton.Top.Pixels += 4; initializeButton.Left.Pixels -= 3; initializeButton.HAlign = 1f; initializeButton.OnClick += (a, b) => { SoundEngine.PlaySound(21); object data = Activator.CreateInstance(memberInfo.Type); string json = jsonDefaultValueAttribute?.json ?? "{}"; JsonConvert.PopulateObject(json, data, ConfigManager.serializerSettings); Value = data; //SeparatePageAttribute here? pendingChanges = true; //RemoveChild(initializeButton); //Append(deleteButton); //Append(expandButton); SetupList(); Interface.modConfig.RecalculateChildren(); Interface.modConfig.SetPendingChanges(); }; expandButton = new UIModConfigHoverImage(expandedTexture, "Expand"); expandButton.Top.Set(4, 0f); // 10, -25: 4, -52 expandButton.Left.Set(-52, 1f); expandButton.OnClick += (a, b) => { expanded = !expanded; pendingChanges = true; }; deleteButton = new UIModConfigHoverImage(deleteTexture, "Clear"); deleteButton.Top.Set(4, 0f); deleteButton.Left.Set(-25, 1f); deleteButton.OnClick += (a, b) => { Value = null; pendingChanges = true; SetupList(); //Interface.modConfig.RecalculateChildren(); Interface.modConfig.SetPendingChanges(); }; if (Value != null) { //Append(expandButton); //Append(deleteButton); SetupList(); } else { Append(initializeButton); //sortedContainer.Append(initializeButton); } pendingChanges = true; Recalculate(); }