private static void ReadFromBin() { MPCList = new List <CAAEllipticalObjectElements>(); string filename = Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + "\\data\\mpc.bin"; DataSetManager.DownloadFile("", filename, false, true); FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open); long len = fs.Length; BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); CAAEllipticalObjectElements ee; try { while (fs.Position < len) { ee = new CAAEllipticalObjectElements(br); MPCList.Add(ee); } } catch { } br.Close(); fs.Close(); }
public static Language[] GetAvailableLanguages() { string filename = string.Format(@"{0}\Data\Localization\Languages.xml", Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory); DataSetManager.DownloadFile("", filename, false, false); List <Language> list = new List <Language>(); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(filename); XmlNode root = doc["LanguagePacks"]; if (root != null) { foreach (XmlNode child in root.ChildNodes) { list.Add(new Language(child)); } } // Add Local Langues Pack Language local = new Language("Load Local Language Pack", "", "ZZZZ", Properties.Settings.Default.ExploreRootUrl, Properties.Settings.Default.ImageSetUrl, ""); list.Add(local); return(list.ToArray()); }
static Constellations() { try { if (!Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory); } if (!Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data"); } ConstellationCentroids = new Dictionary <string, IPlace>(); DataSetManager.DownloadFile("", Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\constellationNamesRADEC.txt", true, true); FullNames = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Abbreviations = new Dictionary <string, string>(); PictureBlendStates = new Dictionary <string, BlendState>(); int id = 0; StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\constellationNamesRADEC.txt"); string line; while (sr.Peek() >= 0) { line = sr.ReadLine(); string[] data = line.Split(new char[] { ',' }); ConstellationFilter.BitIDs.Add(data[1], id++); PictureBlendStates.Add(data[1], new BlendState(false, 1000, 0)); ConstellationCentroids.Add(data[1], new TourPlace(data[0], Convert.ToDouble(data[3]), Convert.ToDouble(data[2]), Classification.Constellation, data[1], ImageSetType.Sky, 360)); } sr.Close(); ConstellationNamePositions = new Dictionary <string, IPlace>(); DataSetManager.DownloadFile("", Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\ConstellationNamePositions.txt", true, true); sr = new StreamReader(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\ConstellationNamePositions.txt"); while (sr.Peek() >= 0) { line = sr.ReadLine(); string[] data = line.Split(new char[] { ',' }); ConstellationNamePositions.Add(data[1], new TourPlace(data[0], Convert.ToDouble(data[3]), Convert.ToDouble(data[2]), Classification.Constellation, data[1], ImageSetType.Sky, 360)); } sr.Close(); string path = ArtworkPath; if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } DataSetManager.DownloadFile("", ArtworkPath + "default.wtml", false, true); AddAllNameMappings(); ConstellationFilter.InitSets(); } catch { } }
public static void LoadLocalizedStrings(Language l) { string path = string.Format(@"{0}\Data\Localization", Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } string filename = string.Format(@"{0}\Data\Localization\lang_{1}.tdf", Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory, Math.Abs(l.Url.GetHashCode32())); DataSetManager.DownloadFile(l.Url, filename, false, false); //Stream fs = (Stream)Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("IMDFrame.Localization." + string.Format("lang_{0}.tdf", l.Code)); try { Stream fs = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs, Encoding.UTF8); localizedStrings = new Dictionary <int, string>(); try { while (!sr.EndOfStream) { try { string line = sr.ReadLine(); string[] split = line.Split(new char[1] { '\t' }); string text = split[1]; text = text.Replace("\\n", "\n"); localizedStrings.Add(Convert.ToInt32(split[0]), text); } catch { } } } finally { sr.Close(); fs.Close(); } } catch { return; } }
static public Bitmap LoadThumbnailFromWeb(string url, string filename) { try { DataSetManager.DownloadFile(CacheProxy.GetCacheUrl(url), Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"thumbnails\" + filename, true, true); return(UiTools.LoadBitmap(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"thumbnails\" + filename)); } catch { return(null); } }
public DataSet(string name, string url, bool sky, DataSetType type) { this.dataSetType = type; this.Sky = sky; = name; this.url = url; DataSetManager.DownloadFile(url, Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\places\" + name + ".xml", false, true); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\places\" + name + ".xml"); dataSets = new Dictionary <string, Places>(); XmlNode root = doc["root"]; XmlNode dataSetsNode = root.SelectSingleNode("dataset"); this.groupingName = dataSetsNode.Attributes["Groups"].InnerXml; DataSetType dst = DataSetType.Place; if (dataSetsNode.Attributes["type"].Value != "place") { dst = DataSetType.Imageset; } foreach (XmlNode dataset in dataSetsNode.ChildNodes) { bool browsable = false; if (dataset.Attributes["Browseable"] != null) { browsable = Convert.ToBoolean(dataset.Attributes["Browseable"].Value); } string thumbnailUrl = ""; if (dataset.Attributes["Thumbnail"] != null) { thumbnailUrl = dataset.Attributes["Thumbnail"].Value; } Places places = new Places(dataset.Attributes["name"].InnerXml, dataset.Attributes["url"].InnerXml, sky, thumbnailUrl, browsable, dst); dataSets.Add(places.Name, places); } }
private void SetDeviceImage(string url) { string downloadPath = Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"Imagery\Cache\"; string downloadName = Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"Imagery\Cache\" + Math.Abs(url.GetHashCode32()).ToString() + ".png"; if (!Directory.Exists(downloadPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(downloadPath); } DataSetManager.DownloadFile(url, downloadName, true, true); ImageLoaded = false; DeviceImage.ImageLocation = downloadName; }
public static void LoadBackground() { if (loading) { return; } loading = true; string path = Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"\mdl\155\"; string filename = path + ""; if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } if (!File.Exists(filename)) { DataSetManager.DownloadFile("", filename, false, true); } using (Stream s = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) { ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive(s); foreach (ZipEntry zFile in zip.Files) { Stream output = File.Open(path + zFile.Filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None); Stream input = zFile.GetFileStream(); CopyStream(input, output); input.Close(); output.Close(); } } filename = path + "mdl.3ds"; if (File.Exists(filename)) { Object3d o3d = new Object3d(filename, true, false, true, System.Drawing.Color.White); if (o3d != null) { o3d.ISSLayer = true; issmodel = o3d; } } }
private void LoadTours() { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; resultsList.Clear(); resultsList.Refresh(); string filename = Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\tours.wtml"; DataSetManager.DownloadFile("", filename, false, false); Folder tours = Folder.LoadFromFile(filename); foreach (Tour result in tours.Tour) { resultsList.Add(result); } Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; }
public static Folder LoadFromUrl(string url, bool versionDependent) { String dir = Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + "Data\\WTMLCACHE\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } string filename = dir + Math.Abs(url.GetHashCode32()).ToString() + ".wtml"; DataSetManager.DownloadFile(url, filename, false, versionDependent); try { if (File.Exists(filename)) { Folder temp = LoadFromFile(filename, versionDependent); return(temp); } } catch { } return(null); }
static FieldOfView() { Telescopes = new List <Telescope>(); Cameras = new List <Camera>(); if (!Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory); } if (!Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data"); } DataSetManager.DownloadFile("", Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\instruments.xml", false, true); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\instruments.xml"); XmlNode root = doc["root"]; XmlNode scopes = root.SelectSingleNode("Telescopes"); foreach (XmlNode child in scopes.ChildNodes) { Telescope scope = new Telescope(child.Attributes["Manufacturer"].Value, child.InnerText, Convert.ToDouble(child.Attributes["FocalLength"].Value.ToString()), Convert.ToDouble(child.Attributes["Aperture"].Value.ToString()), child.Attributes["ManufacturerUrl"].Value.ToString(), child.Attributes["MountType"].Value.ToString(), child.Attributes["OpticalDesign"].Value.ToString()); Telescopes.Add(scope); } XmlNode cams = root.SelectSingleNode("Cameras"); foreach (XmlNode child in cams.ChildNodes) { Camera camera = new Camera ( child.Attributes["Manufacturer"].Value, child.InnerText.Trim(), child.Attributes["ManufacturersURL"].Value.ToString() ); foreach (XmlNode grandChild in child) { if (grandChild.Name != "#text") { Imager imager = new Imager ( Convert.ToInt32(grandChild.Attributes["ID"].Value.ToString()), grandChild.Attributes["Type"].Value.ToString(), Convert.ToDouble(grandChild.Attributes["Width"].Value.ToString()), Convert.ToDouble(grandChild.Attributes["Height"].Value.ToString()), Convert.ToDouble(grandChild.Attributes["HorizontalPixels"].Value.ToString()), Convert.ToDouble(grandChild.Attributes["VerticalPixels"].Value.ToString()), Convert.ToDouble(grandChild.Attributes["CenterX"].Value.ToString()), Convert.ToDouble(grandChild.Attributes["CenterY"].Value.ToString()), Convert.ToDouble(grandChild.Attributes["Rotation"].Value.ToString()), grandChild.Attributes["Filter"].Value.ToString()); camera.Chips.Add(imager); } } Cameras.Add(camera); } }
public Constellations(string name, string url, bool boundry, bool noInterpollation) { instances.Add(this); if (boundry && !noInterpollation) { boundries = new Dictionary <string, Lineset>(); } this.noInterpollation = noInterpollation; this.boundry = boundry; lines = new List <Lineset>(); = name; this.url = url; if (!Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory); } if (boundry) { targetPath = Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\"; extention = ".wwtbnd"; } else { targetPath = Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\figures\"; extention = ".wwtfig"; } if (!Directory.Exists(targetPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(targetPath); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { DataSetManager.DownloadFile(url, targetPath + name + extention, false, true); } Lineset lineSet = null; try { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(targetPath + name + extention)) { string line; string abrv; string abrvOld = ""; double ra; double dec; double lastRa = 0; PointType type = PointType.Move; while (sr.Peek() >= 0) { line = sr.ReadLine(); if (line.Substring(11, 2) == "- ") { line = line.Substring(0, 11) + " -" + line.Substring(13, (line.Length - 13)); } if (line.Substring(11, 2) == "+ ") { line = line.Substring(0, 11) + " +" + line.Substring(13, (line.Length - 13)); } dec = Convert.ToDouble(line.Substring(11, 10)); if (noInterpollation) { ra = Convert.ToDouble(line.Substring(0, 10)); } else { ra = ((Convert.ToDouble(line.Substring(0, 10)) / 24.0 * 360) - 180); } abrv = line.Substring(23, 4).Trim(); if (!boundry) { if (line.Substring(28, 1).Trim() != "") { type = (PointType)Convert.ToInt32(line.Substring(28, 1)); } } else { if (this.noInterpollation && line.Substring(28, 1) != "O") { continue; } } if (abrv != abrvOld) { type = PointType.Start; lineSet = new Lineset(abrv); lines.Add(lineSet); if (boundry && !noInterpollation) { boundries.Add(abrv, lineSet); } abrvOld = abrv; lastRa = 0; } if (this.noInterpollation) { if (Math.Abs(ra - lastRa) > 12) { ra = ra - (24 * Math.Sign(ra - lastRa)); } lastRa = ra; } string starName = null; if (line.Length > 30) { starName = line.Substring(30).Trim(); } if (starName == null || starName != "Empty") { lineSet.Add(ra, dec, type, starName); } pointCount++; type = PointType.Line; } sr.Close(); } } catch { } }
private void TaxonomyTree_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Scope.Items.Add(new Scope(Language.GetLocalizedText(373, "Solar System"), "A")); Scope.Items.Add(new Scope(Language.GetLocalizedText(374, "Milky Way"), "B")); Scope.Items.Add(new Scope(Language.GetLocalizedText(375, "Local Universe"), "C")); Scope.Items.Add(new Scope(Language.GetLocalizedText(376, "Early Universe"), "D")); Scope.Items.Add(new Scope(Language.GetLocalizedText(377, "Unspecified"), "E")); Scope.Text = Language.GetLocalizedText(378, "Select a scope..."); Stack <TreeNode> Parents = new Stack <TreeNode>(); Parents.Push(null); string filename = Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + string.Format(@"data\taxonomy_{0}.txt", Language.CurrentLanguage.Code); DataSetManager.DownloadFile("" + Language.CurrentLanguage.Code, filename, false, false); string taxonomy = File.ReadAllText(filename, Encoding.Unicode); StringReader sr = new StringReader(taxonomy); while (true) { string line = sr.ReadLine(); if (line == null) { break; } string[] fields = line.Split(new char[] { '\t' }); if (fields.Length != 2) { continue; } string id = fields[0]; string name = fields[1]; TreeNode node = new TreeNode(name); node.Tag = id; if (Parents.Peek() != null) { string parent = Parents.Peek().Tag.ToString(); int len = parent.Length; if (id.Length > len) { // Child Node of parent Parents.Peek().Nodes.Add(node); Parents.Push(node); } else if (id.Length == len) { // Sibling of parent Parents.Pop(); Parents.Peek().Nodes.Add(node); Parents.Push(node); } else { while (Parents.Peek() != null && Parents.Peek().Tag.ToString().Length >= id.Length) { Parents.Pop(); } if (Parents.Peek() != null) { Parents.Peek().Nodes.Add(node); Parents.Push(node); } else { Parents.Push(node); this.treeView1.Nodes.Add(node); } } } else { Parents.Push(node); this.treeView1.Nodes.Add(node); } } SetTaxonomy(); }
public ArrayList GetPlaceList() { if (dataList == null || CheckExpiration()) { dataList = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); if (dataSetType == DataSetType.Place) { DataSetManager.DownloadFile(url, Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\places\" + name + ".txt", false, true); TourPlace place; StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\places\" + name + ".txt"); string line; while (sr.Peek() >= 0) { line = sr.ReadLine(); place = new TourPlace(line, sky); dataList.Add(place); } sr.Close(); } else if (dataSetType == DataSetType.Imageset) { string filename = Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\places\" + name + ".xml"; DataSetManager.DownloadFile(url, filename, false, true); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(filename); if (!Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"thumbnails\")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"thumbnails\"); } XmlNode imageSets = doc["ImageSets"]; if (imageSets == null) { imageSets = doc["Folder"]; } foreach (XmlNode imageset in imageSets.ChildNodes) { ImageSetHelper newImageset = ImageSetHelper.FromXMLNode(imageset); if (newImageset != null) { TourPlace newPlace = new TourPlace(newImageset.Name, (newImageset.CenterY), (newImageset.CenterX) / 15, Classification.Unidentified, "Err", ImageSetType.Sky, newImageset.BaseTileDegrees * 10); newPlace.StudyImageset = newImageset; newPlace.ThumbNail = UiTools.LoadThumbnailFromWeb(newImageset.ThumbnailUrl); dataList.Add(newPlace); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(newImageset.AltUrl) && !Earth3d.ReplacementImageSets.ContainsKey(newImageset.AltUrl)) { Earth3d.ReplacementImageSets.Add(newImageset.AltUrl, newImageset); } } } } } return(dataList); }