void ExecuteCommandLoadProject(object o) { try { var path = MasterView.GetLoadFilePath(); var si = SaveLoadManager.Load(path); World = si.World; FieldPresenter.UnselectField(); //HeightmapPresenter = si.Layer; MasterView.RefreshView(); MasterView.ShowInfoOKMessage("Loaded"); } catch (XmlException xe) { MasterView.ShowErrorOKMessage("Not loaded due to xml error: " + xe.Message); } catch (InvalidOperationException ioe) { MasterView.ShowErrorOKMessage("Not loaded due to Invalid Operation: " + ioe.Message); } catch (IOException ie) { MasterView.ShowErrorOKMessage("Not loaded due to IO error: " + ie.Message); } catch (Exception e) { MasterView.ShowErrorOKMessage("Not loaded due to: " + e.Message); } }
public void SetupPresenters(FieldPresenter fp, HeightMapPresenter hp, Visualization3DPresenter vp) { FieldPresenter = fp; HeightmapPresenter = hp; Visualization3DPresenter = vp; var param = new LoadItemsParameter() { Details = FieldPresenter.GatheredDetails, Profiles = FieldPresenter.GatheredProfile, BlendModes = FieldPresenter.GatheredFieldBlendModes }; SaveLoadManager = new SaveLoadManager(param); }