public void TensorCreation_Undressed() { //lock (Locks.ProcessWide) // tf.Session(); //create one to increase next id to 1. MultiThreadedUnitTestExecuter.Run(8, Core); //the core method unsafe void Core(int tid) { using (var sess = tf.Session()) { Tensor t = null; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var v = (int *)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(int)); c_api.DeallocatorArgs _deallocatorArgs = new c_api.DeallocatorArgs(); var handle = c_api.TF_NewTensor(typeof(int).as_dtype(), dims: new long[0], num_dims: 0, data: (IntPtr)v, len: (UIntPtr)sizeof(int), deallocator: (IntPtr data, IntPtr size, ref c_api.DeallocatorArgs args) => Marshal.FreeHGlobal(data), ref _deallocatorArgs); c_api.TF_DeleteTensor(handle); } } } }
public void GraphCreation() { ops.uid(); //increment id by one MultiThreadedUnitTestExecuter.Run(8, Core); //the core method void Core(int tid) { tf.peak_default_graph().Should().BeNull(); var beforehand = tf.get_default_graph(); //this should create default automatically. beforehand.graph_key.Should().NotContain("-0/", "Already created a graph in an other thread."); tf.peak_default_graph().Should().NotBeNull(); using (var sess = tf.Session()) { var default_graph = tf.peak_default_graph(); var sess_graph = sess.GetPrivate <Graph>("_graph"); sess_graph.Should().NotBeNull(); default_graph.Should().NotBeNull() .And.BeEquivalentTo(sess_graph) .And.BeEquivalentTo(beforehand); Console.WriteLine($"{tid}-{default_graph.graph_key}"); //var result = object[] {g, a}); //var actualDeriv = result[0].GetData<float>()[0]; //var actual = result[1].GetData<float>()[0]; } } }
public void TF_GraphOperationByName_FromModel() { MultiThreadedUnitTestExecuter.Run(8, Core); //the core method void Core(int tid) { Console.WriteLine(); for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { var sess = Session.LoadFromSavedModel(modelPath).as_default(); var inputs = new[] { "sp", "fuel" }; var inp = inputs.Select(name => sess.graph.OperationByName(name).output).ToArray(); var outp = sess.graph.OperationByName("softmax_tensor").output; for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { var data = new float[96]; FeedItem[] feeds = new FeedItem[2]; for (int f = 0; f < 2; f++) { feeds[f] = new FeedItem(inp[f], new NDArray(data)); }, feeds); } } } }
public void Marshal_AllocHGlobal() { MultiThreadedUnitTestExecuter.Run(8, Core); //the core method void Core(int tid) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(int))); } } }
public void SessionRun_Initialization_OutsideSession() { MultiThreadedUnitTestExecuter.Run(8, Core); //the core method void Core(int tid) { tf.peak_default_graph().Should().BeNull(); //graph is created automatically to perform create these operations var a1 = tf.constant(new[] { 2f }, shape: new[] { 1 }); var a2 = tf.constant(new[] { 3f }, shape: new[] { 1 }); var math = a1 + a2; } }
public void TensorCreation() { MultiThreadedUnitTestExecuter.Run(8, Core); //the core method void Core(int tid) { using var sess = tf.Session(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var t = new Tensor(1); } } }
public void TensorCreation_Array() { MultiThreadedUnitTestExecuter.Run(8, Core); //the core method void Core(int tid) { //tf.Session created an other graph using var sess = tf.Session(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var t = new Tensor(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }); } } }
public void SessionRun_Initialization() { MultiThreadedUnitTestExecuter.Run(8, Core); //the core method void Core(int tid) { using var sess = tf.Session(); Assert.IsNotNull(tf.get_default_graph()); //graph is created automatically to perform create these operations var a1 = tf.constant(new[] { 2f }, shape: new[] { 1 }); var a2 = tf.constant(new[] { 3f }, shape: new[] { 1 }); var math = a1 + a2; } }
public void TF_GraphOperationByName() { MultiThreadedUnitTestExecuter.Run(8, Core); //the core method void Core(int tid) { tf.peak_default_graph().Should().BeNull(); //graph is created automatically to perform create these operations var a1 = tf.constant(new[] { 2f }, shape: new[] { 1 }); var a2 = tf.constant(new[] { 3f }, shape: new[] { 1 }, name: "ConstantK"); var math = a1 + a2; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var op = tf.get_default_graph().OperationByName("ConstantK"); } } }
public void SessionRun_InsideSession() { MultiThreadedUnitTestExecuter.Run(8, Core); //the core method void Core(int tid) { using (var sess = tf.Session()) { tf.peak_default_graph().Should().NotBeNull(); //graph is created automatically to perform create these operations var a1 = tf.constant(new[] { 2f }, shape: new[] { 1 }); var a2 = tf.constant(new[] { 3f }, shape: new[] { 1 }); var math = a1 + a2; var result =; result[0].GetAtIndex <float>(0).Should().Be(5); } } }
public void TensorCreation() { //lock (Locks.ProcessWide) // tf.Session(); //create one to increase next id to 1. MultiThreadedUnitTestExecuter.Run(8, Core); //the core method void Core(int tid) { using (var sess = tf.Session()) { Tensor t = null; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { t = new Tensor(1); } } } }
public void TensorCreation_Array() { //lock (Locks.ProcessWide) // tf.Session(); //create one to increase next id to 1. MultiThreadedUnitTestExecuter.Run(8, Core); //the core method void Core(int tid) { //tf.Session created an other graph using (var sess = tf.Session()) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var t = new Tensor(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }); } } } }
public void SessionCreation_x2() { ops.uid(); //increment id by one MultiThreadedUnitTestExecuter.Run(16, Core); //the core method void Core(int tid) { Assert.IsNull(tf.peak_default_graph()); //tf.Session created an other graph using var sess = tf.Session(); var default_graph = tf.get_default_graph(); var sess_graph = sess.graph; Assert.IsNotNull(default_graph); Assert.IsNotNull(sess_graph); Assert.AreEqual(default_graph, sess_graph); } }
public void SessionCreation_x2() { ops.uid(); //increment id by one MultiThreadedUnitTestExecuter.Run(16, Core); //the core method void Core(int tid) { tf.peak_default_graph().Should().BeNull(); //tf.Session created an other graph using (var sess = tf.Session()) { var default_graph = tf.peak_default_graph(); var sess_graph = sess.GetPrivate <Graph>("_graph"); sess_graph.Should().NotBeNull(); default_graph.Should().NotBeNull() .And.BeEquivalentTo(sess_graph); } } }
public void SessionRun_InsideSession() { MultiThreadedUnitTestExecuter.Run(8, Core); //the core method void Core(int tid) { tf.compat.v1.disable_eager_execution(); var graph = tf.Graph().as_default(); using var sess = tf.Session(graph); Assert.IsNotNull(tf.get_default_graph()); //graph is created automatically to perform create these operations var a1 = tf.constant(new[] { 2f }, shape: new[] { 1 }); var a2 = tf.constant(new[] { 3f }, shape: new[] { 1 }); var math = a1 + a2; var result =; Assert.AreEqual(result[0], 5f); } }
public void TF_GraphOperationByName() { MultiThreadedUnitTestExecuter.Run(8, Core); //the core method void Core(int tid) { Assert.IsNull(tf.peak_default_graph()); tf.compat.v1.disable_eager_execution(); var graph = tf.Graph().as_default(); //graph is created automatically to perform create these operations var a1 = tf.constant(new[] { 2f }, shape: new[] { 1 }); var a2 = tf.constant(new[] { 3f }, shape: new[] { 1 }, name: "ConstantK"); var math = a1 + a2; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var op = tf.get_default_graph().OperationByName("ConstantK"); } } }
public void GraphCreation() { ops.uid(); //increment id by one MultiThreadedUnitTestExecuter.Run(8, Core); //the core method void Core(int tid) { Assert.IsNull(tf.peak_default_graph()); var beforehand = tf.get_default_graph(); //this should create default automatically. beforehand.as_default(); Assert.IsNotNull(tf.peak_default_graph()); using var sess = tf.Session(); var default_graph = tf.peak_default_graph(); var sess_graph = sess.graph; Assert.IsNotNull(default_graph); Assert.IsNotNull(sess_graph); Assert.AreEqual(default_graph, sess_graph); } }