private void SortableBulletedList_PreRender(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (!MooTools.CheckMooTools(MooTools.MooModule.CoreSortables)) { throw (new InvalidOperationException("SortableBulletedList requires MooTools Sortables or Full module. Check the ScriptManager.")); } Page.ClientScript.RegisterHiddenField(Configuration.HttpModule.IdPrefix + ClientID, string.Empty); Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptResource(this.GetType(), Configuration.Resources.JsSortable); List <string> values = new List <string>(); foreach (ListItem li in this.Items) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(li.Value)) { throw (new InvalidOperationException("SortableBulletedList items must have a value.")); } else { if (values.Contains(li.Value)) { throw (new InvalidOperationException("SortableBulletedList items must have unique values.")); } else { values.Add(li.Value); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ItemCssClass) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(li.Attributes["class"])) { li.Attributes["class"] = ItemCssClass; } } } string script = OnCompleteScript; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(script)) { script = "null"; } else if (script.Contains(" ") || script.Contains(";")) { script = "function () {" + script + "}"; } Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), ClientID, "SortableBulletedList(\'" + ClientID + "\', Array(\'" + string.Join("\',\'", values.ToArray()) + ("\'), \'" + Orientation.ToString().ToLower() + "\', " + script + ", \'" + Configuration.HttpModule.IdPrefix + "\')") + Environment.NewLine, true); }
/* * private string GetPostBackEventReference(string eventArgument) * { * /* * If (Me.CausesValidation AndAlso (Me.Page.GetValidators(Me.ValidationGroup).Count > 0)) Then * Return ("javascript:" & Util.GetClientValidatedPostback(Me, Me.ValidationGroup, eventArgument)) * End If *//* * return this.Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackClientHyperlink(this, eventArgument, true); * } */ #endregion #region " Script " /// <summary> /// Registers required javascripts /// </summary> private void RegisterScript() { StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder(); string reference = "document"; if (this.AssociatedControlID != string.Empty) { Control control = this.FindControl(AssociatedControlID); if (control == null) { if (!base.DesignMode) { throw (new HttpException("AssociatedControlID was not found.")); } } else { reference = "$(\'" + control.ClientID + "\')"; } } script.AppendLine("window.addEvent(\"load\", function() {"); script.AppendLine(" new DDMenu (\'" + ClientID + "\', " + reference + ", { "); script.AppendLine(" onOpen: function (e) {"); script.AppendLine(" this.enableItems(true);"); script.AppendLine(" },"); script.AppendLine(" onItemSelect: function (act_id, act_el, menu_bindon) {"); script.AppendLine(" }"); script.AppendLine(" });"); script.AppendLine("});"); if (!MooTools.CheckMooTools(MooTools.MooVersion.Version_1_11, MooTools.MooModule.CoreEffectsDrag)) { throw (new InvalidOperationException("ContextMenu requires MooTools CoreEffectsDrag or Full module. Check the ScriptManager.")); } Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptResource(typeof(ContextMenu), Configuration.Resources.JsContextMenooSrc); Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), this.ClientID, script.ToString(), true); }