static void Main(string[] args) { /* * More info: * Usage * The template method is used in frameworks, where each implements the invariant parts of a domain's architecture, leaving "placeholders" for customization options. * This is an example of inversion of control. The template method is used for the following reasons: * * Let subclasses implement varying behavior (through method overriding). * * Avoid duplication in the code: the general workflow structure is implemented once in the abstract class's algorithm, * and necessary variations are implemented in the subclasses. * * Control at what point(s) subclassing is allowed. As opposed to a simple polymorphic override, * where the base method would be entirely rewritten allowing radical change to the workflow, only the specific details of the workflow are allowed to change. */ var tea = new Tea(); tea.WantsCondiments = true; tea.AddSugar = 5; tea.Prepare(); Console.WriteLine("===================================================================="); var coffee = new Coffee(); coffee.WantsCondiments = true; coffee.Prepare(); Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main() { Beverage beverage = new Coffee(); beverage.Prepare(); Console.WriteLine(); beverage = new Tea(); beverage.Prepare(); Console.WriteLine(); beverage = new CoffeeWithSugar(new Coffee(), 100); beverage.Prepare(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Let's make some tea and coffee!"); Console.WriteLine("Preparing the tea..."); var tea = new Tea(); tea.Prepare(); Console.WriteLine("Preparing the coffee..."); var coffee = new Coffee(); coffee.Prepare(); Console.ReadKey(); }