private SimpleAlbum DebugLookupAlbumById(string id) { SimpleAlbum album = null; StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); string data, temp = null; bool ret, isMultipleArtist = false; int numTracks, trackNum = 0; //string id = //"cCQzv12PgDzszIK8_ZLHSK7oHJc-"; // Create the musicbrainz object, which will be needed for subsequent calls //MusicBrainzClient o = new MusicBrainzClient(); //Client o = new Client(); // Set the proper server to use. Defaults to if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MB_SERVER") != null) { client.Server = new ServerInfo(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MB_SERVER"), 80); } // Check to see if the debug env var has been set if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MB_DEBUG") != null) { client.Debug = (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MB_DEBUG") != "0"); } // Tell the server to only return 2 levels of data, unless the MB_DEPTH env var is set if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MB_DEPTH") != null) { client.QueryDepth = (int.Parse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MB_DEPTH"), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } else { client.QueryDepth = 4; } // Set up the args for the find album query string[] args = new string[] { id }; if (id.Length != MusicBrainzConstants.CDINDEX_ID_LEN) { // Execute the MBQ_GetAlbumById query ret = client.Query(rdf.QueryGetAlbumById, args); } else { // Execute the MBQ_GetCDInfoFromCDIndexId ret = client.Query(rdf.QueryGetCDInfoFromCDIndexId, args); } if (!ret) { //o.GetQueryError(out error); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Query failed: {0}", client.QueryError); return(album); //o.QueryError; } // Select the first album client.Select(rdf.SelectAlbum, 1); // Pull back the album id to see if we got the album data = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetAlbumId); if (client.CurrentResult == 0) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Album not found."); return(album); //string.Empty; } temp = client.GetIdFromUrl(data); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" AlbumId: {0}", temp); output.AppendLine("AlbumId: " + temp); // Extract the album name data = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetAlbumName); if (client.CurrentResult != 0) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Name: {0}", data); output.AppendLine("Name: " + data); } // Extract the number of tracks numTracks = client.GetResultInt(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetNumberTracks); if (numTracks > 0 && numTracks < 100) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" NumTracks: {0}", numTracks.ToString(System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); output.AppendLine("Tracks: " + numTracks.ToString(System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); } // Check to see if there is more than one artist for this album for (int i = 1; i <= numTracks; i++) { data = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetArtistId, i); if (client.CurrentResult == 0) { break; } if (i == 1) { temp = data; } if (temp != data) { isMultipleArtist = true; break; } } if (!isMultipleArtist) { // Extract the artist name from the album data = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetArtistName, 1); if (client.CurrentResult != 0) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("AlbumArtist: {0}", data); output.AppendLine("Album Artist: " + data); } // Extract the artist id from the album data = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetArtistId, 1); if (client.CurrentResult != 0) { temp = client.GetIdFromUrl(data); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" ArtistId: {0}", temp); output.AppendLine("ArtistId: " + temp); } } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Empty); for (int i = 1; i <= numTracks; i++) { // Extract the track name from the album. data = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetTrackName, i); if (client.CurrentResult != 0) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Track: {0}", data); output.AppendLine("Track: " + data); } else { break; } // Extract the album id from the track. Just use the // first album that this track appears on data = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetTrackId, i); if (client.CurrentResult != 0) { temp = client.GetIdFromUrl(data); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" TrackId: {0}", temp); output.AppendLine("TrackId: " + temp); // Extract the track number trackNum = client.GetOrdinalFromList(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetTrackList, data); if (trackNum > 0 && trackNum < 100) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" TrackNum: {0}", trackNum.ToString(System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); output.AppendLine("Track Number: " + trackNum.ToString(System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); } } // If its a multple artist album, print out the artist for each track if (isMultipleArtist) { // Extract the artist name from this track data = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetArtistName, i); if (client.CurrentResult != 0) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("TrackArtist: {0}", data); output.AppendLine("Track Artist: " + data); } // Extract the artist id from this track data = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetArtistId, i); if (client.CurrentResult != 0) { temp = client.GetIdFromUrl(data); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" ArtistId: {0}", temp); output.AppendLine("Track ArtistId: " + temp); } } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Empty); } //return output.ToString(); return(album); }
public void QueryCDMetadata() { if (!client.Query(rdf.QueryGetCDInfo)) { // "Could not query CD" Debug.WriteLine("Could not query CD"); throw new ApplicationException("Could not query CD"); } int disc_count = client.GetResultInt(rdf.ExpressionGetNumberAlbums); if (disc_count <= 0) { // "No Discs Found" Debug.WriteLine("No Discs Found"); throw new ApplicationException("No Discs Found"); } // handle more than 1 disc? not sure how this works? for multi-disc sets? // if that's the case, we only care about the first one I guess... I hope if (!client.Select(rdf.SelectAlbum, 1)) { // "Could not select disc" Debug.WriteLine("Could not select disc"); throw new ApplicationException("Could not select disc"); } amazonAsin = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetAmazonAsin, 1); coverArtUrl = new Uri(rdf.AmazonCoverArtUrlPrefix + amazonAsin); artistName = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetArtistName, 1); albumUrl = new Uri(client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetAlbumId)); albumId = client.GetIdFromUrl(albumUrl); albumName = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetAlbumName, 1); int num_releases = client.GetResultInt(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetNumberReleaseDates); if (num_releases > 0) { client.Select(rdf.SelectReleaseDate, 1); string raw_date = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionReleaseGetDate); if (raw_date != null && raw_date.Length > 0) { string [] parts = raw_date.Split('-'); if (parts.Length == 3) { int year = Convert.ToInt32(parts[0], System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); int month = Convert.ToInt32(parts[1], System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); int day = Convert.ToInt32(parts[2], System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); releaseDate = new DateTime(year, month, day); } } client.Select(rdf.SelectBack); } int trackCount = client.GetResultInt(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetNumberTracks, 1); if (trackCount <= 0) { // "Invalid track count from album query" Debug.WriteLine("Invalid track count from album query"); throw new ApplicationException("Invalid track count from album query"); } tracks = new List <MediaItem>(trackCount); string pathRoot = string.Format("file://{0}{1}", client.Device, System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); for (int i = 1; i <= trackCount; i++) { client.Select(rdf.SelectTrack, i); //[i - 1] = new SimpleTrack(); //new SimpleTrack(i, lengths[i - 1]); string artist = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionTrackGetArtistName); string title = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionTrackGetTrackName); int trackNumber = i; Uri path = new Uri(string.Format("{0}Track {1}", pathRoot, i)); TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.Zero; int milliseconds = client.GetResultInt(rdf.ExpressionTrackGetTrackDuration); if (milliseconds > 0) { //duration = duration / 1000; duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, milliseconds); } MediaItem track = new MediaItem(Guid.NewGuid(), ModelConstants.MEDIA_SOURCE_CD, ModelConstants.MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, trackNumber, title, artist, albumName, duration, releaseDate, MusicBrainzConstants.FORMAT_CD, path); tracks.Add(track); client.Select(rdf.SelectBack); } client.Select(rdf.SelectBack); }
public static SimpleTrack FileLookup(MusicBrainzClient client, string artistName, string albumName, string trackName, int trackNumber, int duration) { Rdf rdf = new Rdf(); SimpleTrack track = null; if (client != null) { client.QueryDepth = 4; if (!client.Query(rdf.QueryFileInfoLookup, new string[] { string.Empty, // trmid artistName, albumName, trackName, trackNumber.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), duration.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), string.Empty, // filename string.Empty, // artistid string.Empty, // albumid string.Empty })) { //"File Lookup Query unsuccessful" throw new ApplicationException("File Lookup Query unsuccessful"); } client.Select(rdf.SelectRewind); if (!client.Select(rdf.SelectLookupResult, 1)) { // "Selection failed" throw new ApplicationException("Selection failed"); } track = new SimpleTrack(); string result_type = client.GetId(client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionLookupGetType)); switch (result_type) { case "AlbumTrackResult": client.Select(rdf.SelectLookupResultTrack); //track.Title = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionTrackGetTrackName); track.Title = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionTrackGetTrackName); track.Artist = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionTrackGetArtistName); int length = (client.GetResultInt(rdf.ExpressionTrackGetTrackDuration) / 1000); track.Duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, length); //track.Length = client.GetResultInt(rdf.ExpressionTrackGetTrackDuration); client.Select(rdf.SelectBack); client.Select(rdf.SelectLookupResultAlbum, 1); track.Album = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetAlbumName); track.TrackCount = client.GetResultInt(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetNumberTracks); track.Number = client.GetResultInt(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetTrackNumber); track.Asin = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetAmazonAsin); client.Select(rdf.SelectBack); break; case "AlbumResult": client.Select(rdf.SelectLookupResultAlbum, 1); track.TrackCount = client.GetResultInt(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetNumberTracks); track.Album = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetAlbumName); track.Asin = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetAmazonAsin); string track_id = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetTrackId, trackNumber); if (client.Query(rdf.QueryGetTrackById, new string[] { client.GetId(track_id) })) { client.Select(rdf.SelectTrack, 1); //track.Title = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionTrackGetTrackName); track.Title = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionTrackGetTrackName); track.Artist = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionTrackGetArtistName); track.Number = client.GetResultInt(rdf.ExpressionTrackGetTrackNumber); track.Length = client.GetResultInt(rdf.ExpressionTrackGetTrackDuration); client.Select(rdf.SelectBack); } client.Select(rdf.SelectBack); break; default: //"Invalid result type: " + result_type throw new ApplicationException("Invalid result type: " + result_type); } } return(track); }
public static SimpleTrack FileLookup(MusicBrainzClient client, string artistName, string albumName, string trackName, int trackNumber, int duration) { Rdf rdf = new Rdf(); SimpleTrack track = null; if (client != null) { client.QueryDepth = 4; if (!client.Query(rdf.QueryFileInfoLookup, new string[] { string.Empty, // trmid artistName, albumName, trackName, trackNumber.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), duration.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), string.Empty, // filename string.Empty, // artistid string.Empty, // albumid string.Empty })) { //"File Lookup Query unsuccessful" throw new ApplicationException("File Lookup Query unsuccessful"); } client.Select(rdf.SelectRewind); if (!client.Select(rdf.SelectLookupResult, 1)) { // "Selection failed" throw new ApplicationException("Selection failed"); } track = new SimpleTrack(); string result_type = client.GetId(client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionLookupGetType)); switch(result_type) { case "AlbumTrackResult": client.Select(rdf.SelectLookupResultTrack); //track.Title = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionTrackGetTrackName); track.Title = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionTrackGetTrackName); track.Artist = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionTrackGetArtistName); int length = (client.GetResultInt(rdf.ExpressionTrackGetTrackDuration) / 1000); track.Duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, length); //track.Length = client.GetResultInt(rdf.ExpressionTrackGetTrackDuration); client.Select(rdf.SelectBack); client.Select(rdf.SelectLookupResultAlbum, 1); track.Album = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetAlbumName); track.TrackCount = client.GetResultInt(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetNumberTracks); track.Number = client.GetResultInt(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetTrackNumber); track.Asin = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetAmazonAsin); client.Select(rdf.SelectBack); break; case "AlbumResult": client.Select(rdf.SelectLookupResultAlbum, 1); track.TrackCount = client.GetResultInt(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetNumberTracks); track.Album = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetAlbumName); track.Asin = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetAmazonAsin); string track_id = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionAlbumGetTrackId, trackNumber); if (client.Query(rdf.QueryGetTrackById, new string[] { client.GetId(track_id) })) { client.Select(rdf.SelectTrack, 1); //track.Title = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionTrackGetTrackName); track.Title = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionTrackGetTrackName); track.Artist = client.GetResultData(rdf.ExpressionTrackGetArtistName); track.Number = client.GetResultInt(rdf.ExpressionTrackGetTrackNumber); track.Length = client.GetResultInt(rdf.ExpressionTrackGetTrackDuration); client.Select(rdf.SelectBack); } client.Select(rdf.SelectBack); break; default: //"Invalid result type: " + result_type throw new ApplicationException("Invalid result type: " + result_type); } } return track; }