public static Quaternion RotateAlongHelix(float curvature, float torsion, float arcLength) { // No torsion = just a circular rotation. if (Mathf.Abs(torsion) < 1e-6) { return(rotateAlongCircle(curvature, arcLength)); } // Torsion but no curvature = rotate about forward axis in a screw motion if (curvature < 1e-6) { float rotationAngle = torsion * arcLength; return(Quaternion.AngleAxis(Mathf.Rad2Deg * rotationAngle, Vector3.forward)); } // Correct because the initial tangent of a helix isn't (0, 0, 1), // but we want it to be for linking up of helical pieces. OrthonormalFrame zeroFrame = FrameAlongHelix(curvature, torsion, 0); Quaternion correctiveR = Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.LookRotation(zeroFrame.T, zeroFrame.N)); OrthonormalFrame frame = FrameAlongHelix(curvature, torsion, arcLength); // Corrective rotation so that initial tangent is forward. //Quaternion r = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, Vector3.down); return(correctiveR * Quaternion.LookRotation(frame.T, frame.N)); }
TorsionImpulseCurve MakeTorsionImpulseCurve(List <float> impulses, List <float> arcPoints, List <float> curvatureList, List <float> torsionList) { Debug.Log("Arc length of DC = " + ArcLength); Vector3 startingNormal = Vector3.Cross(startingBinormal, startingTangent); OrthonormalFrame startFrame = new OrthonormalFrame(startingTangent, startingNormal, startingBinormal); List <float> arcSteps = new List <float>(); for (int i = 0; i < arcPoints.Count - 1; i++) { arcSteps.Add(arcPoints[i + 1] - arcPoints[i]); } GameObject obj = new GameObject(); = "TorsionApproxCurve"; TorsionImpulseCurve impulseCurve = obj.AddComponent <TorsionImpulseCurve>(); impulseCurve.InitFromData(impulses, arcSteps, curvatureList, torsionList, startFrame, StartingPoint); impulseCurve.SetMaterial(lineRender.material); return(impulseCurve); }
TorsionImpulseCurve MakeTorsionImpulseCurve(List <float> impulses, List <float> arcPoints, float constTorsion) { float averageCurvature = AverageCurvature(); Vector3 startingNormal = Vector3.Cross(startingBinormal, startingTangent); OrthonormalFrame startFrame = new OrthonormalFrame(startingTangent, startingNormal, startingBinormal); List <float> arcSteps = new List <float>(); for (int i = 0; i < arcPoints.Count - 1; i++) { arcSteps.Add(arcPoints[i + 1] - arcPoints[i]); } GameObject obj = new GameObject(); = "TorsionApproxCurve"; TorsionImpulseCurve impulseCurve = obj.AddComponent <TorsionImpulseCurve>(); impulseCurve.InitFromData(impulses, arcSteps, averageCurvature, constTorsion, startFrame, StartingPoint); impulseCurve.SetMaterial(lineRender.material); impulseCurve.BulbShrinkRatio = ActualShrinkRatio; return(impulseCurve); }
public void InitFromData(List <float> impulses, List <float> arcSteps, List <float> curvature, List <float> torsion, OrthonormalFrame initialFrame, Vector3 initialPos) { if (initialFrame.T.magnitude < 0.01f || initialFrame.B.magnitude < 0.01f || initialFrame.N.magnitude < 0.01f) { throw new System.Exception("Initial frame has zeroes"); } displayPoints = new List <Vector3>(); lRenderer = GetComponent <LineRenderer>(); segments = new List <CurveSegment>(); // Create the initial segment CurveSegment prevHelix = new CurveSegment(initialPos, curvature[0], -torsion[0], 0, arcSteps[0], initialFrame); segments.Add(prevHelix); AddPointsOfSegment(prevHelix); float len = arcSteps[0]; // For each impulse, make a new segment rotated by that angle. for (int i = 1; i < impulses.Count; i++) { float impulse = impulses[i]; float arcStep = arcSteps[i]; // New start point is the end of the previous curve segment. Vector3 newBase = TransformedHelixPoint(prevHelix, prevHelix.arcLength); // New frame is the frame rotated to the end of the segment. OrthonormalFrame newFrame = TransformedHelixFrame(prevHelix, prevHelix.arcLength); // Apply the torsion impulse as well. Quaternion impulseRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Mathf.Rad2Deg * impulse, newFrame.T); newFrame = newFrame.RotatedBy(impulseRot); int clampedC = Mathf.Min(i, curvature.Count - 1); int clampedT = Mathf.Min(i, torsion.Count - 1); prevHelix = new CurveSegment(newBase, curvature[clampedC], -torsion[clampedT], impulse, arcStep, newFrame); len += arcStep; AddPointsOfSegment(prevHelix); segments.Add(prevHelix); } // Add the last point of the last curve displayPoints.Add(TransformedHelixPoint(prevHelix, arcSteps[arcSteps.Count - 1])); // Set up line renderer lRenderer.SetVertexCount(displayPoints.Count); lRenderer.SetPositions(displayPoints.ToArray()); lRenderer.SetWidth(0.1f, 0.1f); //Debug.Log("Arc length of TIC = " + ArcLength); }
public CurveSegment(Vector3 basePos, float curv, float tors, float imp, float len, OrthonormalFrame f) { startPosition = basePos; curvature = curv; torsion = tors; impulse = imp; arcLength = len; frame = f; }
public void ComputeFrenet(Vector3 prevPos, Vector3 nextPos) { Vector3 tangent = (nextPos - position).normalized; Vector3 prevTangent = (position - prevPos).normalized; Vector3 binormal = Vector3.Cross(prevTangent, tangent).normalized; Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(binormal, tangent); frenetFrame = new OrthonormalFrame(tangent, normal, binormal); }
OrthonormalFrame TransformedHelixFrame(CurveSegment cs, float arcLen) { // Apply the local helix rotation. Quaternion oldRot = Quaternion.LookRotation(cs.frame.T, cs.frame.N); Quaternion newRot = oldRot * TelescopeUtils.RotateAlongHelix(cs.curvature, cs.torsion, arcLen) * Quaternion.Inverse(oldRot); OrthonormalFrame newFrame = cs.frame.RotatedBy(newRot); return(newFrame); }
public void InitFromData(List <float> impulses, List <float> arcSteps, float curvature, float torsion, OrthonormalFrame initialFrame, Vector3 initialPos) { List <float> c = new List <float>(); c.Add(curvature); List <float> t = new List <float>(); t.Add(torsion); InitFromData(impulses, arcSteps, c, t, initialFrame, initialPos); }
void SetPositionOnCurve() { if (!dCurve) { return; } transform.position = dCurve.PositionAtPoint(arcLength); OrthonormalFrame frame = bishop ? dCurve.BishopAtPoint(arcLength) : dCurve.FrenetAtPoint(arcLength); Quaternion r = Quaternion.LookRotation(frame.T, frame.N); transform.rotation = r; }
public OrthonormalFrame PropagateBishop(Vector3 prevPos, Vector3 nextPos, OrthonormalFrame prevFrame) { Vector3 tangent = (nextPos - position).normalized; Vector3 prevTangent = (position - prevPos).normalized; Vector3 binormal = Vector3.Cross(prevTangent, tangent).normalized; float angle = TelescopeUtils.AngleBetween(prevTangent, tangent, binormal); Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, binormal); OrthonormalFrame rotated = prevFrame.RotatedBy(rotation); bishopFrame = rotated; return(rotated); }
public OrthonormalFrame BishopAtPoint(float t) { int segNum; float scaledT; ScaleArcParameter(out segNum, out scaledT, t); if (segNum == discretizedPoints.Count - 1) { return(discretizedPoints[segNum].bishopFrame); } return(OrthonormalFrame.Slerp(discretizedPoints[segNum].bishopFrame, discretizedPoints[segNum + 1].bishopFrame, scaledT)); }
public static OrthonormalFrame Slerp(OrthonormalFrame frame1, OrthonormalFrame frame2, float t) { Vector3 tangent1 = frame1.T; Vector3 tangent2 = frame2.T; Vector3 tangent = Vector3.Slerp(tangent1, tangent2, t); Vector3 normal1 = frame1.N; Vector3 normal2 = frame2.N; Vector3 normal = Vector3.Slerp(normal1, normal2, t); Vector3 binormal1 = frame1.B; Vector3 binormal2 = frame2.B; Vector3 binormal = Vector3.Slerp(binormal1, binormal2, t); return(new OrthonormalFrame(tangent, normal, binormal)); }
void SetPositionOnCurve() { if (!dCurve) { return; } Vector3 p = dCurve.transform.position; Quaternion frameR = dCurve.transform.rotation; transform.position = frameR * dCurve.PositionAtPoint(arcLength) + p; OrthonormalFrame frame = dCurve.FrameAtPoint(arcLength).RotatedBy(frameR); Quaternion r = Quaternion.LookRotation(frame.T, frame.N); transform.rotation = r; }
public static OrthonormalFrame FrameAlongHelix(float curvature, float torsion, float arcLength) { // No torsion = just a circular rotation. if (Mathf.Abs(torsion) < 1e-6) { OrthonormalFrame defaultFrame = new OrthonormalFrame(Vector3.forward, Vector3.up, Vector3.Cross(Vector3.forward, Vector3.up)); Quaternion r = rotateAlongCircle(curvature, arcLength); return(defaultFrame.RotatedBy(r)); } // Torsion but no curvature = rotate about forward axis in a screw motion if (curvature < 1e-6) { OrthonormalFrame defaultFrame = new OrthonormalFrame(Vector3.forward, Vector3.up, Vector3.Cross(Vector3.forward, Vector3.up)); float rotationAngle = torsion * arcLength; Quaternion r = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Mathf.Rad2Deg * rotationAngle, Vector3.forward); return(defaultFrame.RotatedBy(r)); } float sumSq = curvature * curvature + torsion * torsion; float a = curvature / sumSq; float b = torsion / sumSq; float abSqrt = Mathf.Sqrt(a * a + b * b); float t = arcLength; Vector3 tangent = new Vector3(b, -a * Mathf.Sin(t / abSqrt), a * Mathf.Cos(t / abSqrt)) / abSqrt; tangent.y *= -1; tangent.Normalize(); Vector3 normal = new Vector3(0, Mathf.Cos(t / abSqrt), Mathf.Sin(t / abSqrt)) * -1; normal.y *= -1; normal.Normalize(); Vector3 binormal = Vector3.Cross(tangent, normal); return(new OrthonormalFrame(tangent, normal, binormal)); }
void FixFrenetBackward(int start) { // Find the most recent valid frame int validIndex = start - 1; while (discretizedPoints[validIndex].frenetFrame.B.magnitude == 0) { validIndex--; } OrthonormalFrame validFrame = discretizedPoints[validIndex].frenetFrame; // No need to un-rotate because the tangents are already aligned. for (int i = start; i > validIndex; i--) { discretizedPoints[i].frenetFrame = validFrame; } }
/// <summary> /// Rotate this entire curve by the given rotation. /// </summary> /// <param name="rotation"></param> public void Rotate(Quaternion rotation) { OrthonormalFrame initFrame = segments[0].frame.RotatedBy(rotation); CurveSegment initSegment = segments[0]; initSegment.frame = initFrame; segments[0] = initSegment; CurveSegment prevHelix = segments[0]; float len = prevHelix.arcLength; displayPoints.Clear(); AddPointsOfSegment(prevHelix); for (int i = 1; i < segments.Count; i++) { // New start point is the end of the previous curve segment. Vector3 newBase = TransformedHelixPoint(prevHelix, prevHelix.arcLength); // New frame is the frame rotated to the end of the segment. OrthonormalFrame newFrame = TransformedHelixFrame(prevHelix, prevHelix.arcLength); // Apply the torsion impulse as well. Quaternion impulseRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Mathf.Rad2Deg * segments[i].impulse, newFrame.T); newFrame = newFrame.RotatedBy(impulseRot); prevHelix = new CurveSegment(newBase, segments[i].curvature, segments[i].torsion, segments[i].impulse, segments[i].arcLength, newFrame); len += segments[i].arcLength; AddPointsOfSegment(prevHelix); segments[i] = prevHelix; } // Add the last point of the last curve displayPoints.Add(TransformedHelixPoint(prevHelix, prevHelix.arcLength)); // Set up line renderer lRenderer.SetVertexCount(displayPoints.Count); lRenderer.SetPositions(displayPoints.ToArray()); lRenderer.SetWidth(0.1f, 0.1f); }
public static Vector3 TranslateAlongHelix(float curvature, float torsion, float arcLength) { if (Mathf.Abs(torsion) < 1e-6) { return(translateAlongCircle(curvature, arcLength)); } if (curvature < 1e-6) { return(Vector3.forward * arcLength); } // Correct because the initial tangent of a helix isn't (0, 0, 1), // but we want it to be for linking up of helical pieces. OrthonormalFrame zeroFrame = FrameAlongHelix(curvature, torsion, 0); Quaternion correctiveR = Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.LookRotation(zeroFrame.T, zeroFrame.N)); float sumSq = curvature * curvature + torsion * torsion; float a = curvature / sumSq; float b = torsion / sumSq; float abSqrt = Mathf.Sqrt(a * a + b * b); float t = arcLength; Vector3 pos = new Vector3(b * t / abSqrt, a * Mathf.Cos(t / abSqrt), a * Mathf.Sin(t / abSqrt)); // This treats (0, 0, 0) as the center and (0, 0, a) as the first point. // Want to treat (0, -a, 0) as the first point, so rotate. //Quaternion r = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, Vector3.down); pos.y *= -1; // Shift so that (0, a, 0) is the center and (0, 0, 0) is the first point. pos += (a * Vector3.up); return(correctiveR * pos); }
void FixFrenetForward(int start) { int validIndex = start + 1; // Search forward until we find a valid Frenet frame while (discretizedPoints[validIndex].frenetFrame.B.magnitude == 0) { validIndex++; } // Un-rotate the valid frame so that it's aligned with the current tangent OrthonormalFrame nextFrame = discretizedPoints[validIndex].frenetFrame; Vector3 nextTangent = nextFrame.T; Vector3 currentTangent = discretizedPoints[validIndex - 1].frenetFrame.T; Quaternion reverseRotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(nextTangent, currentTangent); OrthonormalFrame backFrame = nextFrame.RotatedBy(reverseRotation); // Set the aligned frame to all of the points missing frames for (int i = start; i < validIndex; i++) { discretizedPoints[i].frenetFrame = backFrame; } }
public void RecomputeAndRedraw() { displayPoints.Clear(); AddPointsOfSegment(segments[0]); // For each impulse, recompute the curve along that segment. for (int i = 1; i < segments.Count; i++) { CurveSegment prevHelix = segments[i - 1]; float impulse = segments[i].impulse; // New start point is the end of the previous curve segment. Vector3 newBase = TransformedHelixPoint(prevHelix, prevHelix.arcLength); // New frame is the frame rotated to the end of the segment. OrthonormalFrame newFrame = TransformedHelixFrame(prevHelix, prevHelix.arcLength); CurveSegment s = segments[i]; s.frame = newFrame; s.startPosition = newBase; segments[i] = s; // Apply the torsion impulse as well. Quaternion impulseRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Mathf.Rad2Deg * impulse, newFrame.T); newFrame = newFrame.RotatedBy(impulseRot); AddPointsOfSegment(segments[i]); } // Add the last point of the last curve int last = segments.Count - 1; displayPoints.Add(TransformedHelixPoint(segments[last], segments[last].arcLength)); // Set up line renderer lRenderer.SetVertexCount(displayPoints.Count); lRenderer.SetPositions(displayPoints.ToArray()); lRenderer.SetWidth(0.1f, 0.1f); }
void AddAxes() { foreach (TelescopeShell shell in segment.shells) { GameObject axisObj = new GameObject(); TorsionImpulseCurve axis = axisObj.AddComponent <TorsionImpulseCurve>(); List <float> impulses = new List <float>(); impulses.Add(0); List <float> arcs = new List <float>(); arcs.Add(shell.length); OrthonormalFrame frame = new OrthonormalFrame(Vector3.forward, Vector3.up, Vector3.left); axis.InitFromData(impulses, arcs, shell.curvature, -shell.torsion, frame,; LineRenderer axisLR = axis.GetComponent <LineRenderer>(); axisLR.useWorldSpace = false; axisLR.material = lineMaterial; axis.transform.parent = shell.transform; axis.transform.localPosition =; axis.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; } }
public void SetOrientation(OrthonormalFrame frame) { transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(frame.T, frame.B); }
public TelescopeSegment MakeTelescope(float startRadius, bool reverse = false) { List <TelescopeParameters> tParams = new List <TelescopeParameters>(); CurveSegment initialSeg = (reverse) ? segments[segments.Count - 1] : segments[0]; float wallThickness = Constants.WALL_THICKNESS; float currRadius = startRadius * BulbShrinkRatio; TelescopeParameters initial = new TelescopeParameters(initialSeg.arcLength, currRadius, Constants.WALL_THICKNESS, initialSeg.curvature, initialSeg.torsion, 0); tParams.Add(initial); for (int i = 1; i < segments.Count; i++) { int index = (reverse) ? segments.Count - 1 - i : i; /* * if (i == 2 && StartJuncture && StartJuncture.childCurves.Count == 5) * { * Debug.Log("Hack to create lizard toenails, please delete once done"); * currRadius -= 1.5f * wallThickness; * }*/ // Subtract the wall thickness of the previous piece currRadius -= wallThickness; float curvature = (reverse) ? segments[index].curvature : segments[index].curvature; float torsion = (reverse) ? segments[index].torsion : segments[index].torsion; float impulse = (reverse) ? -segments[index + 1].impulse : -segments[index].impulse; impulse *= Mathf.Rad2Deg; TelescopeParameters p = new TelescopeParameters(segments[index].arcLength, currRadius, wallThickness, curvature, torsion, impulse); tParams.Add(p); } GameObject obj = new GameObject(); = "telescope" + (numScopes++); TelescopeSegment segment = obj.AddComponent <TelescopeSegment>(); segment.paramMode = SegmentParametersMode.Concrete; segment.material = DesignerController.instance.defaultTelescopeMaterial; if (reverse) { CurveSegment lastSeg = segments[segments.Count - 1]; obj.transform.position = TransformedHelixPoint(lastSeg, lastSeg.arcLength); OrthonormalFrame initFrame = TransformedHelixFrame(lastSeg, lastSeg.arcLength); segment.initialDirection = -initFrame.T; segment.initialUp = initFrame.N; } else { obj.transform.position = segments[0].startPosition; segment.initialDirection = segments[0].frame.T; segment.initialUp = segments[0].frame.N; } segment.MakeShellsFromConcrete(tParams); if (reverse) { segment.ReverseTelescope(); } return(segment); }
public OrthonormalFrame PropagateBishop(DCurvePoint prev, DCurvePoint next, OrthonormalFrame prevFrame) { return(PropagateBishop(prev.position, next.position, prevFrame)); }
/// <summary> /// Resolve points where the Frenet frame is undefined due to /// the tangent being constant (i.e. zero derivative). /// </summary> void FixFrenetFrames() { // Find the index of the first valid frame. int firstFrameIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < discretizedPoints.Count; i++) { OrthonormalFrame frame = discretizedPoints[i].frenetFrame; if (frame.B.magnitude > 0) { firstFrameIndex = i; break; } } // If there were no valid Frenet frames, then the entire curve is just // a striaght line. We just assign an arbitrary // frame aligned with the tangent for each one. if (firstFrameIndex == -1) { Vector3 tangent = discretizedPoints[0].frenetFrame.T; Vector3 normal, binormal; // If the tangent is pointing up, use an orthogonal direction if (tangent == Vector3.up) { binormal = Vector3.right; normal = Vector3.Cross(binormal, tangent); } // Otherwise take some vector orthogonal to the tangent, // by projecting the up direction onto it else { binormal = Vector3.up; binormal = binormal - Vector3.Dot(binormal, tangent) * tangent; binormal.Normalize(); normal = Vector3.Cross(binormal, tangent); } startingBinormal = binormal; OrthonormalFrame defaultFrame = new OrthonormalFrame(tangent, normal, binormal); foreach (DCurvePoint dcp in discretizedPoints) { dcp.frenetFrame = defaultFrame; } } // Otherwise there is at least one valid frame, so propagate to all missing frames. else { for (int i = 0; i < discretizedPoints.Count; i++) { // If the current frame is invalid (has zero binormal), fix it if (discretizedPoints[i].frenetFrame.B.magnitude == 0) { if (i < firstFrameIndex) { FixFrenetForward(i); } else if (i > firstFrameIndex) { FixFrenetBackward(i); } } } } }