protected virtual void SetPositionCore(object value) { if (this.IsGroupingEnabled) { ListViewDataItemGroup group = value as ListViewDataItemGroup; if (group != null) { this.currentGroupIndex = this.owner.Groups.IndexOf(group); this.currentItemIndex = -1; } else { int groupCount = this.owner.Groups.Count; for (int i = 0; i < groupCount; i++) { if (this.owner.Groups[i].Items.Contains(position)) { this.currentGroupIndex = i; this.currentItemIndex = this.owner.Groups[i].Items.IndexOf(position); break; } } } } else { this.currentGroupIndex = 0; this.currentItemIndex = this.owner.Items.IndexOf(position); } }
protected virtual void SetPositionCore(object value) { if (this.IsGroupingEnabled) { ListViewDataItemGroup viewDataItemGroup = value as ListViewDataItemGroup; if (viewDataItemGroup != null) { this.currentGroupIndex = this.owner.Groups.IndexOf(viewDataItemGroup); this.currentItemIndex = -1; } else { int count = this.owner.Groups.Count; for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) { if (this.owner.Groups[index].Items.Contains(this.position)) { this.currentGroupIndex = index; this.currentItemIndex = this.owner.Groups[index].Items.IndexOf(this.position); break; } } } } else { this.currentGroupIndex = 0; this.currentItemIndex = this.owner.Items.IndexOf(this.position); } }
protected override void OnDoubleClick(EventArgs e) { base.OnDoubleClick(e); ListViewDataItemGroup data = this.Data as ListViewDataItemGroup; data.Expanded = !data.Expanded; }
public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType) { if (destinationType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("destinationType"); } if ((destinationType == typeof(InstanceDescriptor)) && (value is ListViewDataItemGroup)) { ListViewDataItemGroup group = (ListViewDataItemGroup)value; ConstructorInfo constructor = typeof(ListViewDataItemGroup).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(string) }); if (constructor != null) { return(new InstanceDescriptor(constructor, new object[] { group.Text }, false)); } } if ((destinationType == typeof(string))) { if (value == null) { return(String.Empty); } else if (value is ListViewDataItemGroup) { ListViewDataItemGroup group = (ListViewDataItemGroup)value; return(group.Text); } } return(base.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType)); }
private void InitializeGroups(IList <Group <ListViewDataItem> > list) { HybridDictionary oldGroups = new HybridDictionary(), newGroups = new HybridDictionary(); foreach (ListViewDataItemGroup group in this.owner.Groups.AutoGroups) { oldGroups.Add(group.DataGroup, group); } int index = 0; foreach (Group <ListViewDataItem> group in list) { newGroups.Add(group, index++); } foreach (ListViewDataItemGroup group in oldGroups.Values) { if (!newGroups.Contains(group.DataGroup)) { this.owner.Groups.AutoGroups.Remove(group); } } foreach (Group <ListViewDataItem> group in newGroups.Keys) { if (!oldGroups.Contains(group)) { ListViewDataItemGroup newGroup = new ListViewDataItemGroup(); newGroup.DataGroup = group; this.owner.Groups.AutoGroups.Add(newGroup); } } int groupsCount = this.owner.Groups.AutoGroups.Count; ListViewDataItemGroup[] groups = new ListViewDataItemGroup[groupsCount]; this.owner.Groups.AutoGroups.CopyTo(groups, 0); Array.Sort(groups, new GroupsComparer(newGroups)); this.owner.Groups.AutoGroups.BeginUpdate(); for (int i = 0; i < groupsCount; i++) { this.owner.Groups.AutoGroups[i] = groups[i]; } this.owner.Groups.AutoGroups.EndUpdate(); //Fixes a bug with items not knowing their group //TODO: Should investigate foreach (ListViewDataItemGroup group in this.owner.Groups) { foreach (ListViewDataItem item in group.Items) { item.SetGroupCore(group, false); } } }
/// <summary> /// Handles a press of the Right key. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">The event args.</param> protected virtual void HandleRightKey(KeyEventArgs e) { ListViewDataItemGroup group = this.owner.CurrentItem as ListViewDataItemGroup; if (group != null) { group.Expanded = true; } }
public RadLayoutControlCustomizeDialog() { this.InitializeComponent(); this.Icon = Telerik.WinControls.ResFinder.ProgressIcon; this.Text = this.GetString("CustomizeDialogText"); this.radPageViewPage1.Text = this.GetString("CustomizeDialogPageItems"); this.radPageViewPage2.Text = this.GetString("CustomizeDialogPageStructure"); this.btnSaveLayout.Image = LayoutControlIcons.SaveLayout; this.btnSaveLayout.ImageAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; this.btnSaveLayout.ToolTipTextNeeded += (ToolTipTextNeededEventHandler)((sender, e) => e.ToolTipText = this.GetString("CustomizeDialogSaveLayout")); this.btnLoadLayout.Image = LayoutControlIcons.LoadLayout; this.btnLoadLayout.ImageAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; this.btnLoadLayout.ToolTipTextNeeded += (ToolTipTextNeededEventHandler)((sender, e) => e.ToolTipText = this.GetString("CustomizeDialogLoadLayout")); this.Icon = Icon.FromHandle(new Bitmap(LayoutControlIcons.Customize).GetHicon()); this.hiddenItemsGroup = new ListViewDataItemGroup(this.GetString("CustomizeDialogHiddenItems")); this.newItemsGroup = new ListViewDataItemGroup(); this.itemsListView.Groups.Add(this.hiddenItemsGroup); this.itemsListView.Groups.Add(this.newItemsGroup); this.emptySpaceItem = new ListViewDataItem(this.GetString("CustomizeDialogNewItemsEmptySpace")); this.emptySpaceItem.Image = LayoutControlIcons.EmptySpaceItem; this.emptySpaceItem.Tag = (object)typeof(LayoutControlLabelItem); this.itemsListView.Items.Add(this.emptySpaceItem); this.emptySpaceItem.Group = this.newItemsGroup; this.labelItem = new ListViewDataItem(this.GetString("CustomizeDialogNewItemsLabel")); this.labelItem.Image = LayoutControlIcons.LabelItem; this.labelItem.Tag = (object)typeof(LayoutControlLabelItem); this.itemsListView.Items.Add(this.labelItem); this.labelItem.Group = this.newItemsGroup; this.separatorItem = new ListViewDataItem(this.GetString("CustomizeDialogNewItemsSeparator")); this.separatorItem.Image = LayoutControlIcons.SeparatorItem; this.separatorItem.Tag = (object)typeof(LayoutControlSeparatorItem); this.itemsListView.Items.Add(this.separatorItem); this.separatorItem.Group = this.newItemsGroup; this.splitterItem = new ListViewDataItem(this.GetString("CustomizeDialogNewItemsSplitter")); this.splitterItem.Image = LayoutControlIcons.SplitterItem; this.splitterItem.Tag = (object)typeof(LayoutControlSplitterItem); this.itemsListView.Items.Add(this.splitterItem); this.splitterItem.Group = this.newItemsGroup; this.groupItem = new ListViewDataItem(this.GetString("CustomizeDialogNewItemsGroup")); this.groupItem.Image = LayoutControlIcons.GroupItem; this.groupItem.Tag = (object)typeof(LayoutControlGroupItem); this.itemsListView.Items.Add(this.groupItem); this.groupItem.Group = this.newItemsGroup; this.tabbedGroupItem = new ListViewDataItem(this.GetString("CustomizeDialogNewItemsTabbedGroup")); this.tabbedGroupItem.Image = LayoutControlIcons.TabbedGroup; this.tabbedGroupItem.Tag = (object)typeof(LayoutControlTabbedGroup); this.itemsListView.Items.Add(this.tabbedGroupItem); this.tabbedGroupItem.Group = this.newItemsGroup; this.newItemsGroup.Text = string.Format(this.GetString("CustomizeDialogNewItems"), (object)this.newItemsGroup.Items.Count); this.itemsListView.ListViewElement.DragDropService.PreviewDragOver += new EventHandler <RadDragOverEventArgs>(this.OnDragServiceDragOver); this.itemsListView.ListViewElement.DragDropService.PreviewDragDrop += new EventHandler <RadDropEventArgs>(this.OnDragServiceDragDrop); this.itemsListView.ListViewElement.DragDropService.Stopped += new EventHandler(this.OnDragServiceStopped); this.structureTreeView.TreeViewElement.EditMode = TreeNodeEditMode.Value; LocalizationProvider <LayoutControlLocalizationProvider> .CurrentProviderChanged += new EventHandler(this.UpdateLocalizableStrings); this.Disposed += (EventHandler)((sender, e) => LocalizationProvider <LayoutControlLocalizationProvider> .CurrentProviderChanged -= new EventHandler(this.UpdateLocalizableStrings)); }
internal void SetGroupCore(ListViewDataItemGroup value, bool changeGroupCollection) { if (changeGroupCollection) { this.SetGroupCore(value); } else { = value; } }
private void InitializeGroups(IList <Group <ListViewDataItem> > list) { HybridDictionary hybridDictionary = new HybridDictionary(); HybridDictionary keys = new HybridDictionary(); foreach (ListViewDataItemGroup autoGroup in (Collection <ListViewDataItemGroup>) this.owner.Groups.AutoGroups) { hybridDictionary.Add((object)autoGroup.DataGroup, (object)autoGroup); } int num = 0; foreach (Group <ListViewDataItem> group in (IEnumerable <Group <ListViewDataItem> >)list) { keys.Add((object)group, (object)num++); } foreach (ListViewDataItemGroup viewDataItemGroup in (IEnumerable)hybridDictionary.Values) { if (!keys.Contains((object)viewDataItemGroup.DataGroup)) { this.owner.Groups.AutoGroups.Remove(viewDataItemGroup); } } foreach (Group <ListViewDataItem> key in (IEnumerable)keys.Keys) { if (!hybridDictionary.Contains((object)key)) { this.owner.Groups.AutoGroups.Add(new ListViewDataItemGroup() { DataGroup = key }); } } int count = this.owner.Groups.AutoGroups.Count; ListViewDataItemGroup[] array = new ListViewDataItemGroup[count]; this.owner.Groups.AutoGroups.CopyTo(array, 0); Array.Sort <ListViewDataItemGroup>(array, (IComparer <ListViewDataItemGroup>) new ListViewGroupFactory.GroupsComparer(keys)); this.owner.Groups.AutoGroups.BeginUpdate(); for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) { this.owner.Groups.AutoGroups[index] = array[index]; } this.owner.Groups.AutoGroups.EndUpdate(); foreach (ListViewDataItemGroup group in this.owner.Groups) { foreach (ListViewDataItem listViewDataItem in group.Items) { listViewDataItem.SetGroupCore(group, false); } } }
private void MeasureGroupElement(BaseListViewGroupVisualItem groupElement) { ListViewDataItemGroup data = groupElement.Data as ListViewDataItemGroup; if (groupElement.HasVisibleItems()) { int itemSpacing = this.owner.ItemSpacing; float num1 = 0.0f; float width = 0.0f; float val1 = 0.0f; int num2 = 1; foreach (ListViewDataItem listViewDataItem in data.Items) { float num3 = num1 + (float)listViewDataItem.ActualSize.Height; if (num2 > 1) { num3 += (float)itemSpacing; } if ((double)num3 > (double)this.clientRect.Height) { num1 = 0.0f; num2 = 1; width += val1; if (this.owner.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) { width += (float)itemSpacing; } val1 = 0.0f; } num1 += (float)listViewDataItem.ActualSize.Height; if (num2 > 1) { num1 += (float)itemSpacing; } val1 = Math.Max(val1, (float)listViewDataItem.ActualSize.Width); ++num2; } if ((double)val1 > 0.0) { width += val1; } int num4 = !this.owner.Owner.AllowArbitraryItemHeight || data.Size.Height <= 0 ? this.owner.GroupItemSize.Height : data.Size.Height; groupElement.Measure(new SizeF(width, (float)num4)); } else { groupElement.Measure(this.clientRect.Size); this.currentX += groupElement.DesiredSize.Width; this.currentY = this.clientRect.Top; } }
protected override void HandleRightKey(KeyEventArgs e) { ListViewDataItemGroup group = this.owner.CurrentItem as ListViewDataItemGroup; if (group != null) { group.Expanded = true; } else { ListViewDataItem nextItem = GetNextItem(this.owner.CurrentItem); if (nextItem != null) { this.ProcessSelection(nextItem, Control.ModifierKeys, false); } } }
protected override void HandleLeftKey(KeyEventArgs e) { ListViewDataItemGroup group = this.owner.CurrentItem as ListViewDataItemGroup; if (group != null) { group.Expanded = false; } else { ListViewDataItem previousItem = GetPreviousItem(this.owner.CurrentItem); if (previousItem != null) { this.ProcessSelection(previousItem, Control.ModifierKeys, false); } } }
private void SetGroupCore(ListViewDataItemGroup value) { if (this.OnNotifyPropertyChanging("Group")) { return; } if ( != null) {; } = value; if ( != null) {; } this.OnNotifyPropertyChanged("Group"); }
protected override void HandleRightKey(KeyEventArgs e) { ListViewDataItemGroup currentItem = this.Owner.CurrentItem as ListViewDataItemGroup; if (currentItem != null) { currentItem.Expanded = true; } else { ListViewDataItem listViewDataItem = this.Orientation == Orientation.Vertical ? this.GetNextItem(this.Owner.CurrentItem) : this.GetDownerItem(this.Owner.CurrentItem); if (listViewDataItem == null) { return; } this.ProcessSelection(listViewDataItem, Control.ModifierKeys, false); } }
public override object ConvertTo( ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType) { if ((object)destinationType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(destinationType)); } if ((object)destinationType == (object)typeof(InstanceDescriptor) && value is ListViewDataItemGroup) { ListViewDataItemGroup viewDataItemGroup = (ListViewDataItemGroup)value; ConstructorInfo constructor = typeof(ListViewDataItemGroup).GetConstructor(new Type[1] { typeof(string) }); if ((object)constructor != null) { return((object)new InstanceDescriptor((MemberInfo)constructor, (ICollection) new object[1] { (object)viewDataItemGroup.Text }, false)); } } if ((object)destinationType == (object)typeof(string)) { if (value == null) { return((object)string.Empty); } if (value is ListViewDataItemGroup) { return((object)((ListViewDataItem)value).Text); } } return(base.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType)); }
private void UpdateHorizontalScrollRange() { int num1 = 0; int num2 = 0; int num3 = 0; object position = this.Traverser.Position; this.Traverser.Reset(); int val1 = 0; this.groupsHeight = this.GetGroupsHeight(); ListViewDataItem current1 = this.Traverser.Current; bool flag = false; while (this.Traverser.MoveNext()) { flag = false; int scrollHeight = this.GetScrollHeight(this.Traverser.Current); int currentItemWidth = this.currentItemWidth; ListViewDataItemGroup current2 = this.Traverser.Current as ListViewDataItemGroup; if ((double)(num3 + currentItemWidth) > (double)this.ClientSize.Height - (double)this.Scrollbar.DesiredSize.Height || current2 != null) { if (current1 != null) { current1.IsLastInRow = true; } if (current2 != null) { num3 = 0; int num4 = num2 + current2.Owner.GroupIndent; if (!current2.Expanded) { num2 = num4 + current2.ActualSize.Width; if (!(current1 is ListViewDataItemGroup)) { num2 += val1; flag = true; } } else { num2 = num4 + val1; } } else { num3 = this.groupsHeight; num2 += val1 + this.ItemSpacing; } val1 = 0; } else if (current1 != null) { current1.IsLastInRow = current1 is ListViewDataItemGroup; } int num5 = currentItemWidth + this.ItemSpacing; num3 += num5; ++num1; current1 = this.Traverser.Current; val1 = Math.Max(val1, scrollHeight); } if (current1 != null) { current1.IsLastInRow = true; } if (num3 != 0 && !flag) { num2 += val1; } this.Traverser.Position = position; if (num2 < 0) { return; } if (this.ScrollMode == ItemScrollerScrollModes.Smooth || this.ScrollMode == ItemScrollerScrollModes.Deferred) { if (this.Scrollbar.Maximum == num2) { return; } this.Scrollbar.Maximum = num2; this.SetScrollBarVisibility(); this.UpdateScrollValue(); } else { if (this.Scrollbar.Maximum == num1 - 1 || num1 - 1 <= 0) { return; } this.Scrollbar.Maximum = num1 - 1; this.UpdateScrollStep(); this.SetScrollBarVisibility(); } }
protected override void MeasureElements() { if (this.Grouped && this.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) { int position = 0; IEnumerator enumerator = this.DataProvider.GetEnumerator(); if (!enumerator.MoveNext()) { return; } ListViewDataItem current1 = enumerator.Current as ListViewDataItem; if (current1 is ListViewDataItemGroup) { this.currentX += (float)this.owner.GroupIndent; } ListViewDataItemGroup current2 = enumerator.Current as ListViewDataItemGroup; ListViewDataItemGroup viewDataItemGroup = current2 ?? current1.Group; if (current2 != null) { enumerator.MoveNext(); } bool flag = true; do { BaseListViewGroupVisualItem groupElement = (BaseListViewGroupVisualItem)null; if (viewDataItemGroup != null && viewDataItemGroup.Visible) { groupElement = this.UpdateElement(position, (ListViewDataItem)viewDataItemGroup) as BaseListViewGroupVisualItem; viewDataItemGroup = (ListViewDataItemGroup)null; ++position; } do { ListViewDataItem current3 = enumerator.Current as ListViewDataItem; if (current3 is ListViewDataItemGroup) { flag = true; break; } if (current3 != null && this.IsItemVisible(current3)) { IVirtualizedElement <ListViewDataItem> element = this.UpdateElement(position, current3); if (element != null) { ++position; if (!this.MeasureElement(element)) { flag = false; break; } } } }while (enumerator.MoveNext() && !(enumerator.Current is ListViewDataItemGroup)); if ((double)this.currentY != (double)this.clientRect.Top) { this.currentY = this.clientRect.Top; this.currentX += this.maxItemWidth; this.maxItemWidth = 0.0f; } if (groupElement != null) { this.MeasureGroupElement(groupElement); } if (enumerator.Current is ListViewDataItemGroup) { viewDataItemGroup = enumerator.Current as ListViewDataItemGroup; } this.currentX += (float)this.owner.GroupIndent; if ((double)this.currentX >= (double)this.clientRect.Right) { flag = false; } }while (flag && enumerator.MoveNext()); if (viewDataItemGroup != null) { BaseListViewGroupVisualItem groupElement = this.UpdateElement(position, (ListViewDataItem)viewDataItemGroup) as BaseListViewGroupVisualItem; if (groupElement != null) { this.MeasureGroupElement(groupElement); ++position; } } while (position < this.Children.Count) { this.RemoveElement(position); } } else { base.MeasureElements(); } }
public ListViewDataGroupAccessibleObject(ListViewDataItemGroup item) { = item; }
public ListViewGroupCancelEventArgs(ListViewDataItemGroup group) { = group; this.Cancel = false; }
public ListViewGroupEventArgs(ListViewDataItemGroup group) { = group; }
/// <summary> /// Processes the selection of a specified item. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The <see cref="ListViewDataItem"/> which is being processed.</param> /// <param name="modifierKeys">The modifier keys which are pressed during selection.</param> /// <param name="isMouseSelection">[true] if the selection is triggered by mouse input, [false] otherwise.</param> internal virtual void ProcessSelection(ListViewDataItem item, Keys modifierKeys, bool isMouseSelection) { if (item == null) { this.ClearSelection(); return; } bool isShiftPressed = (modifierKeys & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift; bool isControlPressed = (modifierKeys & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control; bool clearSelection = this.owner.MultiSelect && ((isShiftPressed && !isControlPressed) || !isControlPressed || (!isMouseSelection && !isShiftPressed && !isControlPressed)); if (clearSelection) { this.ClearSelection(); } if (this.owner.MultiSelect) { if (isShiftPressed) { ListViewTraverser enumerator = this.Scroller.Traverser.GetEnumerator() as ListViewTraverser; if (enumerator == null) { return; } ListViewDataItemGroup group = item as ListViewDataItemGroup; if (group != null) { if (group.Items.Count == 0) { this.owner.CurrentItem = item; return; } else { item = group.Items[group.Items.Count - 1]; } } enumerator.Position = null; bool shouldSelectItem = false; while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { if (!shouldSelectItem && (enumerator.Current == item || enumerator.Current == anchor)) { if (!(enumerator.Current is ListViewDataItemGroup)) { enumerator.Current.Selected = true; } shouldSelectItem = item != anchor; continue; } if (shouldSelectItem && !(enumerator.Current is ListViewDataItemGroup)) { enumerator.Current.Selected = true; } if ((enumerator.Current == item || enumerator.Current == anchor)) { break; } } this.owner.SetSelectedItem(item); } else if (isControlPressed) { if (isMouseSelection) { item.Selected = !item.Selected; if (item.Selected) { this.owner.SetSelectedItem(item); } else { this.owner.SetSelectedItem(this.owner.SelectedItems.Count > 0 ? this.owner.SelectedItems[this.owner.SelectedItems.Count - 1] : null); } this.anchor = item; } } else { item.Selected = true; this.owner.SetSelectedItem(item); this.anchor = item; } } else { if (!isControlPressed && !(item is ListViewDataItemGroup)) { this.ClearSelection(); item.Selected = true; this.owner.SetSelectedItem(item); this.anchor = item; } } this.owner.CurrentItem = item; }