public override void DeserializeResponse(BinaryReader br) { Response = (TLAuthorization)ObjectUtils.DeserializeObject(br); }
private async Task ReconnectToDcAsync(int dcId, CancellationToken token = default) { token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); if (this.dcOptions == null || !this.dcOptions.Any()) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Can't reconnect. Establish initial connection first."); } TLExportedAuthorization exported = null; if (this._session.TLUser != null) { TLRequestExportAuthorization exportAuthorization = new TLRequestExportAuthorization() { DcId = dcId }; exported = await this.SendRequestAsync <TLExportedAuthorization>(exportAuthorization, token).ConfigureAwait(false); } IEnumerable <TLDcOption> dcs; if (this.dcIpVersion == DataCenterIPVersion.OnlyIPv6) { dcs = this.dcOptions.Where(d => d.Id == dcId && d.Ipv6); // selects only ipv6 addresses } else if (this.dcIpVersion == DataCenterIPVersion.OnlyIPv4) { dcs = this.dcOptions.Where(d => d.Id == dcId && !d.Ipv6); // selects only ipv4 addresses } else { dcs = this.dcOptions.Where(d => d.Id == dcId); // any } dcs = dcs.Where(d => !d.MediaOnly); TLDcOption dc; if (this.dcIpVersion != DataCenterIPVersion.Default) { if (!dcs.Any()) { throw new Exception($"Telegram server didn't provide us with any IPAddress that matches your preferences. If you chose OnlyIPvX, try switch to PreferIPvX instead."); } dcs = dcs.OrderBy(d => d.Ipv6); dc = this.dcIpVersion == DataCenterIPVersion.PreferIPv4 ? dcs.First() : dcs.Last(); // ipv4 addresses are at the beginning of the list because it was ordered } else { dc = dcs.First(); } DataCenter dataCenter = new DataCenter(dcId, dc.IpAddress, dc.Port); this.transport = new TcpTransport(dc.IpAddress, dc.Port, this.handler); this._session.DataCenter = dataCenter; //await this.AuthenticateAsync(true, token).ConfigureAwait(false); if (this._session.TLUser != null) { TLRequestImportAuthorization importAuthorization = new TLRequestImportAuthorization() { Id = exported.Id, Bytes = exported.Bytes }; TLAuthorization imported = await this.SendRequestAsync <TLAuthorization>(importAuthorization, token).ConfigureAwait(false); this.OnUserAuthenticated((TLUser)imported.User); } }
public override void deserializeResponse(BinaryReader br) { Response = (Auth.TLAuthorization)ObjectUtils.DeserializeObject(br); }
private static void ProcessRequest(TcpListener tcpListener) { Console.WriteLine("Processing..."); var tcpClient = tcpListener.AcceptTcpClient(); var netStream = tcpClient.GetStream(); BigInteger ga = null; byte[] newNonce = new byte[32]; BigInteger a = new BigInteger(2048, new Random()); var dhPrime = new BigInteger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igInteger gb = null; var sequenceNumber = 1; ulong? messageId = null; var privateKey = new BigInteger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uthKey authKey = null; //var getingCounter = 0; //while (true) //{ // if (!netStream.DataAvailable) // continue; // Console.WriteLine("Get data " + ++getingCounter); //} while (tcpClient.Connected) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); if (!netStream.DataAvailable) { continue; } byte[] nonceFromClient = new byte[16]; byte[] servernonce = new byte[16]; uint responseCode = 0; int innerCode = 0; long authkeysample = 123456789; const long step1Constructor = 0x60469778; const long step2Constructor = 0xd712e4be; const long step3Constructor = 0xf5045f1f; if (netStream.CanRead) { var bytes = new byte[tcpClient.ReceiveBufferSize]; netStream.Read(bytes, 0, (int)tcpClient.ReceiveBufferSize); var tcpMessage = TcpMessage.Decode(bytes); var binaryReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(tcpMessage.Body, false)); var authKeyId = binaryReader.ReadInt64(); if (authKeyId == 0) { var msgId = binaryReader.ReadInt64(); var datalength = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); var data = binaryReader.ReadBytes(datalength); var binaryReader2 = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(data, false)); responseCode = binaryReader2.ReadUInt32(); Console.WriteLine("Request code: " + responseCode); if (responseCode == step1Constructor) //---Step1_PQRequest { nonceFromClient = binaryReader2.ReadBytes(16); } else if (responseCode == step2Constructor) //---Step1_PQRequest { nonceFromClient = binaryReader2.ReadBytes(16); servernonce = binaryReader2.ReadBytes(16); var p = binaryReader2.ReadBytes(4); var q = binaryReader2.ReadBytes(8); var targetFingerprint = BitConverter.ToString(binaryReader2.ReadBytes(8)).Replace("-", string.Empty); //TODO: need to decryption var ciphertext =; ciphertext = RSA.Decrypt(targetFingerprint, ciphertext, privateKey, 0, ciphertext.Length); var cipherReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(ciphertext, false)); var hashsum = cipherReader.ReadBytes(20); var innercode = cipherReader.ReadUInt32();//0x83c95aec var pq = cipherReader.ReadBytes(20); var noncetemp = cipherReader.ReadBytes(16); var servernoncetemp = cipherReader.ReadBytes(16); newNonce = cipherReader.ReadBytes(32); //Array.Copy(ciphertext, ciphertext.Length - 32, newNonce, 0, 32); //ciphertext.CopyTo(newnoncetemp, ciphertext.Length - 32); } else if (responseCode == step3Constructor) //---Step1_PQRequest { nonceFromClient = binaryReader2.ReadBytes(16); servernonce = binaryReader2.ReadBytes(16); //TODO: need to decryption var ciphertext =; AESKeyData key = AES.GenerateKeyDataFromNonces(servernonce, newNonce); var cleartext = AES.DecryptAES(key, ciphertext); var binaryReadernner = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(cleartext, false)); var hasheddata = binaryReadernner.ReadBytes(20); var client_dh_inner_data_code = binaryReadernner.ReadUInt32(); if (client_dh_inner_data_code != 0x6643b654) { throw new Exception("We have a complex story"); } var nonceFromClient_temp = binaryReadernner.ReadBytes(16); var servernonce_temp = binaryReadernner.ReadBytes(16); var zero = binaryReadernner.ReadUInt64(); gb = new BigInteger(; } } else { var _gba = gb.ModPow(a, dhPrime); authKey = new AuthKey(_gba); var decodeMessage = DecodeMessage(tcpMessage.Body, authKey); var objrawReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(decodeMessage.Item1, false)); messageId = decodeMessage.Item2; innerCode = objrawReader.ReadInt32(); if (innerCode == 0x62d6b459)//acknowledged { var vector = objrawReader.ReadInt32(); var msgCount = objrawReader.ReadInt32(); continue; } else //if (responseCode == -627372787) { objrawReader.BaseStream.Position += -4; var obj = ObjectUtils.DeserializeObject(objrawReader); if (obj is TLRequestInvokeWithLayer) { var invokewithlayer = (TLRequestInvokeWithLayer)obj; if (invokewithlayer.Query is TLRequestInitConnection) { var requestInitConnection = (TLRequestInitConnection)invokewithlayer.Query; } else if (invokewithlayer.Query is TLRequestSendCode) { var requestSendCode = (TLRequestSendCode)invokewithlayer.Query; } } else if (obj is TLRequestSendCode) { var requestSendCode = (TLRequestSendCode)obj; } else if (obj is TLRequestSignIn) { var requestSignIn = (TLRequestSignIn)obj; } else if (obj is TLRequestGetContacts) { var requestGetContacts = (TLRequestGetContacts)obj; } } //var keyData = Helpers.CalcKey(buffer, messageKey, false); //var data = AES.DecryptAES(keyData, buffer); } } if (netStream.CanWrite) { var fingerprint = StringToByteArray("216be86c022bb4c3"); byte[] outputdata = null; if (responseCode == step1Constructor) { var nonce = new byte[16]; new Random().NextBytes(nonce); outputdata = new Step1_Response() { Pq = new BigInteger(1, BitConverter.GetBytes(880)), ServerNonce = nonceFromClient, Nonce = nonce, Fingerprints = new List <byte[]>() { fingerprint } }.ToBytes(); } else if (responseCode == step2Constructor) { //var nonce = new byte[16]; //new Random().NextBytes(nonce); byte[] answer; var hashsum = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("asdfghjklmnbvcxzasdf"); const uint innerCodetemp = 0xb5890dba; AESKeyData key = AES.GenerateKeyDataFromNonces(servernonce, newNonce); var g = 47; ga = BigInteger.ValueOf(g).ModPow(a, dhPrime); using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (var binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream)) { binaryWriter.Write(hashsum); binaryWriter.Write(innerCodetemp); binaryWriter.Write(nonceFromClient); binaryWriter.Write(servernonce); binaryWriter.Write(g); Bytes.write(binaryWriter, dhPrime.ToByteArrayUnsigned()); Bytes.write(binaryWriter, ga.ToByteArrayUnsigned()); Bytes.write(binaryWriter, BitConverter.GetBytes((int)(Convert.ToInt64((DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds) / 1000)));//server datetime answer = memoryStream.ToArray(); } } outputdata = new Step2_Response() { ServerNonce = nonceFromClient, Nonce = servernonce, NewNonce = newNonce, EncryptedAnswer = AES.EncryptAES(key, answer) }.ToBytes(); } else if (responseCode == step3Constructor) { var _gba = gb.ModPow(a, dhPrime); authKey = new AuthKey(_gba); var newNonceHash = authKey.CalcNewNonceHash(newNonce, 1); const uint innerCodeTemp = 0x3bcbf734; using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (var binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream)) { binaryWriter.Write(innerCodeTemp); binaryWriter.Write(servernonce); binaryWriter.Write(nonceFromClient); binaryWriter.Write(newNonceHash);//hashnewnonce outputdata = memoryStream.ToArray(); } } } else if (innerCode == -2035355412)//TLRequestSendCode { #region Generate TLSentCode var sentCode = new TLSentCode(); sentCode.PhoneRegistered = false; sentCode.Timeout = 7777; sentCode.PhoneCodeHash = "asdfghjklmnbvcxzasdf"; sentCode.Flags = 3; sentCode.NextType = new TLCodeTypeSms(); sentCode.Type = new TLSentCodeTypeApp() { Length = 20 }; #endregion using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (var binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream)) { binaryWriter.Write(0xf35c6d01); //main code binaryWriter.Write(messageId.Value); //requestId -- ulong -- from mesage id sentCode.SerializeBody(binaryWriter); outputdata = memoryStream.ToArray(); } } } else if (innerCode == -627372787) { #region Generate TLConfig //---Genrate mock tlconfig var config = new TLConfig(); config.CallConnectTimeoutMs = 7777; config.CallPacketTimeoutMs = 7777; config.CallReceiveTimeoutMs = 7777; config.CallRingTimeoutMs = 7777; config.ChatBigSize = 7777; config.ChatSizeMax = 777; config.Date = Convert.ToInt32((DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds); config.DcOptions = new TLVector <TLDcOption>() { new TLDcOption() { Flags = 0, Id = 1, IpAddress = "", Port = 5000 } }; config.DisabledFeatures = new TLVector <TLDisabledFeature>(); config.ForwardedCountMax = 777; config.MegagroupSizeMax = 777; config.NotifyCloudDelayMs = 7777; config.NotifyDefaultDelayMs = 7777; config.OfflineBlurTimeoutMs = 7777; config.OfflineIdleTimeoutMs = 7777; config.OnlineCloudTimeoutMs = 7777; config.OnlineUpdatePeriodMs = 7777; config.PhonecallsEnabled = false; config.PinnedDialogsCountMax = 7; config.PushChatLimit = 7; config.PushChatPeriodMs = 777; config.RatingEDecay = 777; config.SavedGifsLimit = 777; config.StickersRecentLimit = 777; config.ThisDc = 1;//TODO: ---what's this?!--- config.MeUrlPrefix = ""; config.TestMode = false; #endregion using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (var binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream)) { binaryWriter.Write(0xf35c6d01); //main code //binaryWriter.Write(0xf35c6d02);//code binaryWriter.Write(messageId.Value); //requestId -- ulong -- from mesage id //binaryWriter.Write(0x2144ca17);//innercode -- int //binaryWriter.Write(1123456789);//sample code //Serializers.Bytes.write(binaryWriter, config.Serialize()); config.SerializeBody(binaryWriter); outputdata = memoryStream.ToArray(); } } } else if (innerCode == -1126886015) { #region Generate TLAuthorization var auth = new TeleSharp.TL.Auth.TLAuthorization(); auth.Flags = 3; auth.User = new TLUser() { FirstName = "Meysami" }; #endregion using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (var binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream)) { binaryWriter.Write(0xf35c6d01); //main code binaryWriter.Write(messageId.Value); //requestId -- ulong -- from mesage id auth.SerializeBody(binaryWriter); outputdata = memoryStream.ToArray(); } } } else if (innerCode == 583445000)//GetContacts { #region Generate TLAbsContacts var contacts = new TLContacts(); contacts.Contacts = new TLVector <TLContact>() { new TLContact() { UserId = 11 }, new TLContact() { UserId = 12 } }; contacts.Users = new TLVector <TLAbsUser>() { new TLUser() { Bot = false, FirstName = "Mary", Id = 11 }, new TLUser() { Bot = false, FirstName = "Mary 2", Id = 12 } }; #endregion using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (var binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream)) { binaryWriter.Write(0xf35c6d01); //main code binaryWriter.Write(messageId.Value); //requestId -- ulong -- from mesage id contacts.SerializeBody(binaryWriter); outputdata = memoryStream.ToArray(); } } } else { continue; } if (innerCode != 0) { outputdata = PrepareToSend2(outputdata, authKey.Id, 0, 0, 0, servernonce, sequenceNumber, authKey); } else { outputdata = PrepareToSend(outputdata); } outputdata = Encode(outputdata, sequenceNumber++); netStream.Write(outputdata, 0, outputdata.Length); } else { Console.WriteLine("You cannot write data to this stream."); tcpClient.Close(); netStream.Close(); } } }