private void FindHands() { // Lazily create the wand input module if (wandInputModule == null) { GameObject eventSystemObj = new GameObject("Isolated Event System"); eventSystemObj.transform.SetParent(this.transform, false); eventSystemObj.gameObject.AddComponent <IsolatedEventSystem> (); wandInputModule = eventSystemObj.gameObject.AddComponent <WandInputModule> (); wandInputModule.CursorSprite = cursorSprite; wandInputModule.CursorMaterial = cursorMaterial; } // Lazily create the lasers if (leftLaser == null) { leftLaser = CreateLaser(); } if (rightLaser == null) { rightLaser = CreateLaser(); } // Do Api specific binding if (activeBinding == null) { // No active binding, try all known bindings to see what catches on if (steamVrBinding.FindHands() > 0) { // SteamVR found hands, so use SteamVR from now on activeBinding = steamVrBinding; } else if (manualBinding.FindHands() > 0) { activeBinding = manualBinding; } // other api bindings here... } else { // We have an active binding, check it again to see if it found any more hands activeBinding.FindHands(); } if (activeBinding != null) { // We have a new binding, so hook up all the things wandInputModule = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(WandInputModule)) as WandInputModule; if (wandInputModule != null) { wandInputModule.OnHandsDetected(this); } leftLaser.OnHandDetected(activeBinding.LeftHandIndex, activeBinding.LeftHand, wandInputModule); rightLaser.OnHandDetected(activeBinding.RightHandIndex, activeBinding.RightHand, wandInputModule); VrDebugPanel[] panels = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(VrDebugPanel)) as VrDebugPanel[]; foreach (VrDebugPanel panel in panels) { panel.OnHandsDetected(this, wandInputModule.GetControllerCamera()); } } }
private void Initialise() { if (Initialized == false) { Instance = this; if (cursorColours == null || cursorColours.Length != 2) { cursorColours = new Color[2]; cursorColours[0] = Color.white; cursorColours[1] = Color.white; } ControllerCamera = new GameObject("Virtual Console UI Camera").AddComponent <Camera>(); ControllerCamera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Nothing; ControllerCamera.cullingMask = 0; ControllerCamera.nearClipPlane = 0.01f; #if UNITY_5_4_OR_NEWER ControllerCamera.stereoTargetEye = StereoTargetEyeMask.None; #endif ControllerCamera.transform.SetParent(this.transform, false); Cursors = new RectTransform[2]; // for left hand, right hand for (int index = 0; index < Cursors.Length; index++) { GameObject cursor = new GameObject("Virtual Console Cursor " + index); cursor.transform.SetParent(this.transform, false); Canvas canvas = cursor.AddComponent <Canvas>(); cursor.AddComponent <CanvasRenderer>(); cursor.AddComponent <CanvasScaler>(); cursor.AddComponent <UiIgnoreRaycast>(); cursor.AddComponent <GraphicRaycaster>(); canvas.renderMode = RenderMode.WorldSpace; canvas.sortingOrder = 1000; //set to be on top of everything Image image = cursor.AddComponent <Image>(); image.sprite = CursorSprite; image.material = new Material(CursorMaterial); if (CursorSprite == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Set CursorSprite on " + + " to the sprite you want to use as your cursor.", this.gameObject); } image.material.SetColor("_Color", cursorColours[index]); Cursors[index] = cursor.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); } CurrentPoint = new GameObject[Cursors.Length]; CurrentPressed = new GameObject[Cursors.Length]; CurrentDragging = new GameObject[Cursors.Length]; PointEvents = new PointerEventData[Cursors.Length]; CurrentRaycastPosition = new Vector3[Cursors.Length]; LastRays = new Ray[Cursors.Length]; latchedDownEdges = new bool[Cursors.Length]; latchedUpEdges = new bool[Cursors.Length]; Canvas[] canvases = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <Canvas>(); foreach (Canvas canvas in canvases) { canvas.worldCamera = ControllerCamera; } Initialized = true; } }
public void OnHandDetected(int index, GameObject handObj, WandInputModule wandInputModule) { this.targetHand = handObj; this.inputModule = wandInputModule; }