public IssueFields() { summary = ""; issuetype = new IssueType(); description = ""; customfield_10800 = ""; customfield_10007 = ""; customfield_10004 = ""; updated = new DateTime(); created = new DateTime(); resolutiondate = new DateTime(); status = new Status(); timetracking = new Timetracking(); labels = new List<String>(); comments = new List<Comment>(); issuelinks = new List<IssueLink>(); attachment = new List<Attachment>(); reporter = new JiraUser(); assignee = new JiraUser(); parent = new IssueRef(); priority = new Priority(); project = new ParentProject(); }
private void CreateComment(GitChangeSet changeSet, string ticket) { var issueRef = new IssueRef { id = ticket }; var issue = this.Client.LoadIssue(issueRef); if (issue == null) return; this.Client.CreateComment(issueRef, changeSet.ToString()); }
public static async Task<Comment> CreateComment(IssueRef issue, string caseComment) { IJiraClient jira = new JiraClient("", "*****@*****.**", "peter.peng"); var jiraComments = jira.GetComments(issue); bool isFound = false; Comment jiraComment = null; foreach (Comment temp in jiraComments) { if (temp.body.Equals(caseComment, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { jiraComment = temp; isFound = true; break; } } if (!isFound) { jiraComment = jira.CreateComment(issue, caseComment); } return jiraComment; }
public IEnumerable <Comment> GetComments(IssueRef issue) { return(client.GetComments(issue)); }
public Issue TransitionIssue(IssueRef issue, Transition transition) { return(Issue.From(client.TransitionIssue(issue, transition))); }
public void DeleteIssue(IssueRef issue) { client.DeleteIssue(issue); }
public IEnumerable<Ticket> Tickets(IAvailableTicketTypes availableTypes) { var map = new JiraTypeMap(this, availableTypes); foreach (var jiraKey in jira.EnumerateIssues(jiraProject)) { var issueRef = new IssueRef { id =, key = jiraKey.key }; var jiraTicket = jira.LoadIssue(issueRef); onDetailedProcessing(jiraTicket.key + " - " + jiraTicket.fields.summary); var ticket = new Ticket(); ticket.TicketType = map[]; ticket.ID = jiraTicket.key; ticket.Summary = JiraString.StripNonPrintable(jiraTicket.fields.summary); var status = jiraTicket.fields.status.statusCategory.key.ToUpper(); switch (status) { case "NEW": ticket.TicketState = Ticket.State.Todo; break; case "DONE": ticket.TicketState = Ticket.State.Done; break; case "INDETERMINATE": ticket.TicketState = Ticket.State.InProgress; break; default: ticket.TicketState = Ticket.State.Unknown; break; } ticket.Parent = jiraTicket.fields.parent.key; ticket.Description = JiraString.StripNonPrintable(jiraTicket.fields.description); if (PreferHtml && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(jiraTicket.renderedFields.description) == false) { ticket.Description = JiraString.StripNonPrintable(jiraTicket.renderedFields.description); } ticket.CreatedOn = jiraTicket.fields.created; ticket.LastModified = jiraTicket.fields.updated; ticket.CreatedBy = new User(jiraTicket.fields.reporter.displayName,, jiraTicket.fields.reporter.emailAddress); ticket.AssignedTo = new User(jiraTicket.fields.assignee.displayName,, jiraTicket.fields.assignee.emailAddress); ticket.Epic = jiraTicket.fields.customfield_10800; ticket.ExternalReference = jiraTicket.key; ticket.Url = jiraServer + "/browse/" + jiraTicket.key; int.TryParse(jiraTicket.fields.customfield_10004, out ticket.StoryPoints); foreach (var link in jiraTicket.fields.issuelinks) { if (string.Compare(link.inwardIssue.key, jiraTicket.key) != 0) { ticket.Links.Add(new Link(link.inwardIssue.key,; } if (string.Compare(link.outwardIssue.key, jiraTicket.key) != 0) { ticket.Links.Add(new Link(link.outwardIssue.key,; } } foreach (var jiraComment in jiraTicket.fields.comments) { var author = new User(,,; var comment = new Comment(author, jiraComment.body, jiraComment.created); if (jiraComment.updated.Date > jiraComment.created.Date) { comment.Updated = jiraComment.updated; } ticket.Comments.Add(comment); } foreach (var attachment in jiraTicket.fields.attachment) { ticket.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(attachment.filename, attachment.content)); } ticket.Priority =; ticket.Project =; if (jiraTicket.fields.resolutiondate != null) { ticket.ClosedOn = jiraTicket.fields.resolutiondate; } yield return (ticket); } }
public IEnumerable <RemoteLink> GetRemoteLinks(IssueRef issue) { return(client.GetRemoteLinks(issue)); }
public Issue <TIssueFields> LoadIssue(IssueRef issueRef) { return(LoadIssue(issueRef.JiraIdentifier)); }
public IEnumerable <IssueLink> GetIssueLinks(IssueRef issue) { return(LoadIssue(issue).fields.issuelinks); }
public IEnumerable <Attachment> GetAttachments(IssueRef issue) { return(LoadIssue(issue).fields.attachment); }
private async void btnSync_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.btnSync.Enabled = false; this.btnMerge.Enabled = false; // 1, Construct one case list from the specified case list // 1.1 Check if the case list formate is valid or not // 1.2 Construct one case list string caseIDs = this.txtInputCaseList.Text; List<string> caseIdList = new List<string>(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(caseIDs) || caseIDs.Trim().Length == 0) { // Show one error message "ERROR: Please enter case id" (this.MdiParent as MainForm).ShowStatusMessage("ERROR: Please enter case id"); this.btnSync.Enabled = true; this.btnMerge.Enabled = false; return; } else { (this.MdiParent as MainForm).ShowStatusMessage(""); string[] caseIDArray = caseIDs.Split(','); Regex reg = new Regex(@"\d{2}ACC-\d{5}"); foreach (string caseId in caseIDArray) { if (reg.IsMatch(caseId)) { if (!caseIdList.Contains(caseId.Trim())) { caseIdList.Add(caseId.Trim()); } } else { // Show one error message "ERROR: Invalid Format for XXXX" (this.MdiParent as MainForm).ShowStatusMessage("ERROR: Invalid Format for " + caseId); this.btnSync.Enabled = true; this.btnMerge.Enabled = false; return; } } } if (caseIdList.Count == 0) { // Show one error message "ERROR: Please enter case id" (this.MdiParent as MainForm).ShowStatusMessage("ERROR: Please enter case id"); this.btnSync.Enabled = true; this.btnMerge.Enabled = false; return; } Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, AccelaAttachmentMapper>> AttachmentMapper = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, AccelaAttachmentMapper>>(); var GetCaseAttachmentInfoByID = SalesforceProxy.GetCaseAttachmentInfoByID(caseIdList); var GetJiraIssueList = JiraProxy.GetIssueList(caseIdList); var CaseAttachments = await GetCaseAttachmentInfoByID; foreach (AccelaCase accelaCase in CaseAttachments) { string caseId = accelaCase.Id; string caseNumber = accelaCase.CaseNumber; if (!AttachmentMapper.ContainsKey(caseNumber)) { AttachmentMapper.Add(caseNumber, new Dictionary<string,AccelaAttachmentMapper>()); } if (accelaCase.CaseAttachments != null && accelaCase.CaseAttachments.Records.Count > 0) { Dictionary<string, AccelaAttachmentMapper> CaseAttachmentDic = AttachmentMapper[caseNumber]; foreach (CaseAttachment caseAttachment in accelaCase.CaseAttachments.Records) { string fileName = caseAttachment.Name; var GetUserInfoById = SalesforceProxy.GetUserInfoById(caseAttachment.LastModifiedById); var UserInfo = await GetUserInfoById; if (!CaseAttachmentDic.ContainsKey(fileName)) { AccelaAttachmentMapper accelaAttachmentMapper = new AccelaAttachmentMapper(); accelaAttachmentMapper.IsMerged = true; accelaAttachmentMapper.CaseId = caseId; accelaAttachmentMapper.CaseNumber = caseNumber; accelaAttachmentMapper.CaseFileName = fileName; accelaAttachmentMapper.CaseAttchmentId = caseAttachment.Id; accelaAttachmentMapper.CaseAttachmentType = caseAttachment.ContentType; accelaAttachmentMapper.CaseIsPrivate = caseAttachment.IsPrivate; accelaAttachmentMapper.UploadedBy = UserInfo.Name; accelaAttachmentMapper.UploadDate = caseAttachment.LastModifiedDate; CaseAttachmentDic.Add(fileName, accelaAttachmentMapper); } } } } var JiraIssueList = await GetJiraIssueList; foreach (Issue issue in JiraIssueList) { IssueRef issueRef = new IssueRef(); =; issueRef.key = issue.key; string caseNumber = issue.fields.customfield_10600; if (!AttachmentMapper.ContainsKey(caseNumber)) { AttachmentMapper.Add(caseNumber, new Dictionary<string, AccelaAttachmentMapper>()); } Dictionary<string, AccelaAttachmentMapper> CaseAttachmentDic = AttachmentMapper[caseNumber]; if (CaseAttachmentDic != null) { foreach (AccelaAttachmentMapper accelaAttachmentMapper in CaseAttachmentDic.Values) { accelaAttachmentMapper.JiraId =; accelaAttachmentMapper.JiraKey = issue.key; } } var GetAttachments = JiraProxy.GetAttachments(issueRef); var JiraAttachmentList = await GetAttachments; if (JiraAttachmentList != null && JiraAttachmentList.Count > 0) { foreach (Attachment attachment in JiraAttachmentList) { string fileName = attachment.filename; AccelaAttachmentMapper accelaAttachmentMapper = null; if (CaseAttachmentDic.ContainsKey(fileName)) { accelaAttachmentMapper = CaseAttachmentDic[fileName]; accelaAttachmentMapper.IsMerged = false; } else { accelaAttachmentMapper = new AccelaAttachmentMapper(); //accelaAttachmentMapper.CaseId = caseId; accelaAttachmentMapper.CaseNumber = caseNumber; } accelaAttachmentMapper.JiraId =; accelaAttachmentMapper.JiraKey = issue.key; accelaAttachmentMapper.JiraFileName = fileName; accelaAttachmentMapper.JiraAttachmentId =; //CaseAttachmentDic.Add(fileName, accelaAttachmentMapper); CaseAttachmentDic[fileName] = accelaAttachmentMapper; } } } DataTable table = new DataTable("Merge Attachment"); table.Columns.Add("IsMerged", typeof(bool)); table.Columns.Add("CaseFileName", typeof(string)); table.Columns.Add("CaseId", typeof(string)); table.Columns.Add("CaseNumber", typeof(string)); table.Columns.Add("CaseAttchmentId", typeof(string)); table.Columns.Add("CaseAttachmentType", typeof(string)); table.Columns.Add("CaseIsPrivate", typeof(bool)); table.Columns.Add("UploadDate", typeof(string)); table.Columns.Add("UploadedBy", typeof(string)); table.Columns.Add("JiraFileName", typeof(string)); table.Columns.Add("JiraId", typeof(string)); table.Columns.Add("JiraKey", typeof(string)); table.Columns.Add("JiraAttachmentId", typeof(string)); foreach (string caseNumber in AttachmentMapper.Keys) { Dictionary<string, AccelaAttachmentMapper> CaseAttachmentDic = AttachmentMapper[caseNumber]; foreach (AccelaAttachmentMapper accelaAttachMapper in CaseAttachmentDic.Values) { DataRow row = table.NewRow(); row["IsMerged"] = accelaAttachMapper.IsMerged; row["CaseFileName"] = accelaAttachMapper.CaseFileName; row["CaseId"] = accelaAttachMapper.CaseId; row["CaseNumber"] = accelaAttachMapper.CaseNumber; row["CaseAttchmentId"] = accelaAttachMapper.CaseAttchmentId; row["CaseAttachmentType"] = accelaAttachMapper.CaseAttachmentType; row["CaseIsPrivate"] = accelaAttachMapper.CaseIsPrivate; row["UploadDate"] = accelaAttachMapper.UploadDate.ToShortDateString(); row["UploadedBy"] = accelaAttachMapper.UploadedBy; row["JiraFileName"] = accelaAttachMapper.JiraFileName; row["JiraId"] = accelaAttachMapper.JiraId; row["JiraKey"] = accelaAttachMapper.JiraKey; row["JiraAttachmentId"] = accelaAttachMapper.JiraAttachmentId; table.Rows.Add(row); } } DataView dataTableView = table.DefaultView; dataTableView.Sort = "CaseNumber ASC, UploadDate ASC"; table = dataTableView.ToTable(); this.dgdMergeFileList.AutoGenerateColumns = false; this.dgdMergeFileList.DataSource = table; this.btnSync.Enabled = true; this.btnMerge.Enabled = true; }
private void btnMerge_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.btnSync.Enabled = false; this.btnMerge.Enabled = false; DataTable dataTable = this.dgdMergeFileList.DataSource as DataTable; DataView dataTableView = dataTable.DefaultView; dataTableView.Sort = "CaseNumber ASC, UploadDate ASC"; dataTable = dataTableView.ToTable(); if (dataTable != null) { int rowCount = dataTable.Rows.Count; bool IsMerged = false; string caseId = ""; string caseNumber = ""; string caseAttachmentId = ""; string caseFileName = ""; string caseAttchmentId = ""; string caseAttachmentType = ""; string uploadedBy = ""; string uploadDate = ""; string jiraId = ""; string jiraKey = ""; string currentCaseNumber = ""; string commentMoveFileList = string.Empty; IssueRef issueRef = new IssueRef(); for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { DataRow row = dataTable.Rows[i]; IsMerged = bool.Parse(row["IsMerged"].ToString()); caseId = row["CaseId"] as string; caseNumber = row["CaseNumber"] as string; caseAttachmentId = row["CaseAttchmentId"] as string; caseFileName = row["CaseFileName"] as string; caseAttchmentId = row["CaseAttchmentId"] as string; caseAttachmentType = row["CaseAttachmentType"] as string; uploadDate = row["UploadDate"] as string; uploadedBy = row["UploadedBy"] as string; jiraId = row["JiraId"] as string; jiraKey = row["JiraKey"] as string; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(commentMoveFileList) && currentCaseNumber != caseNumber) { // Upload jira comment commentMoveFileList = "Copy some attachments from salesforce \n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" + commentMoveFileList; JiraProxy.CreateComment(issueRef, commentMoveFileList); commentMoveFileList = string.Empty; } = jiraId; issueRef.key = jiraKey; if (IsMerged) { byte[] fileStream = SalesforceProxy.GetCaseAttachmentById(caseAttachmentId); JiraProxy.UploadAttachment(issueRef, caseFileName, fileStream); commentMoveFileList += "The file : <<" + caseFileName + ">> uploaded by <<" + uploadedBy + ">> on " + uploadDate + "\n"; } currentCaseNumber = caseNumber; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(commentMoveFileList)) { // Upload jira comment commentMoveFileList = "Copy some attachments from salesforce \n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" + commentMoveFileList; JiraProxy.CreateComment(issueRef, commentMoveFileList); commentMoveFileList = string.Empty; } } this.btnSync.Enabled = true; this.btnMerge.Enabled = false; }
public IssueLink() { type = new LinkType(); inwardIssue = new IssueRef(); outwardIssue = new IssueRef(); }
public static bool UploadAttachment(IssueRef issue, string fileName, byte[] fileStream) { IJiraClient jira = new JiraClient("", "*****@*****.**", "peter.peng"); jira.CreateAttachment(issue, fileStream, fileName); return true; }
public static bool UpdateJIRAStatus(IssueRef issueRef, string jiraStatus, string jiraNextStatus) { // Start Review Case: Open -> In Progress // Pending -> In Progress // Resolved -> In Progress(Command: Re-Open) // Closed -> In Progress(Command: Re-Open) // Add some comment: In Progress -> Pending // if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(jiraNextStatus)) { return false; } IJiraClient jira = new JiraClient("", "*****@*****.**", "peter.peng"); var transitions = jira.GetTransitions(issueRef); if ("In Progress" == jiraNextStatus) { if ("Open".Equals(jiraStatus, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return true; } if ("Pending".Equals(jiraStatus, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || "Reopened".Equals(jiraStatus, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { foreach (var transition in transitions) { if ("Analysis In Progress".Equals(, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { jira.TransitionIssue(issueRef, transition); break; } } } else { if ("Closed".Equals(jiraStatus, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { foreach (var transition in transitions) { if ("Re-Open".Equals(, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { jira.TransitionIssue(issueRef, transition); break; } } } if ("Resolved".Equals(jiraStatus, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { foreach (var transition in transitions) { if ("Dev In Progress".Equals(, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { jira.TransitionIssue(issueRef, transition); break; } } } transitions = jira.GetTransitions(issueRef); foreach (var transition in transitions) { if ("Analysis In Progress".Equals(, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { jira.TransitionIssue(issueRef, transition); break; } } } } if ("Pending" == jiraNextStatus) { if ("Open".Equals(jiraStatus, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { foreach (var transition in transitions) { if ("Analysis In Progress".Equals(, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { jira.TransitionIssue(issueRef, transition); break; } } jiraStatus = "In Progress"; } if ("In Progress".Equals(jiraStatus, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { foreach (var transition in transitions) { if ("Commented".Equals(, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { jira.TransitionIssue(issueRef, transition); break; } } } } if ("Closed" == jiraNextStatus) { } return true; }
private void btnMoveCommentToJIRA_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.btnMoveCommentToJIRA.Enabled = false; DataTable dataTable = grdCaseList.DataSource as DataTable; if (dataTable != null) { int rowCount = dataTable.Rows.Count; string jiraKey = ""; string jiraID = ""; string lastModifiedDate = ""; CaseComment caseComment = null; string today = "" + DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + (DateTime.Now.Month >= 10 ? "" + DateTime.Now.Month : "0" + DateTime.Now.Month) + "-" + (DateTime.Now.Day >= 10 ? "" + DateTime.Now.Day : "0" + DateTime.Now.Day); for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { DataRow row = dataTable.Rows[i]; jiraKey = row["JiraKey"] as string; jiraID = row["JiraID"] as string; lastModifiedDate = row["SFLastModified"] as string; caseComment = row["CaseComment"] as CaseComment; // No comment today if (caseComment == null) { continue; } string createdDate = "" + caseComment.CreatedDate.Year + "-" + (caseComment.CreatedDate.Month >= 10 ? "" + caseComment.CreatedDate.Month : "0" + caseComment.CreatedDate.Month) + "-" + (caseComment.CreatedDate.Day >= 10 ? "" + caseComment.CreatedDate.Day : "0" + caseComment.CreatedDate.Day); if (caseComment != null && today != lastModifiedDate && today == createdDate) { IssueRef issue = new IssueRef(); issue.key = jiraKey; = jiraID; JiraProxy.CreateComment(issue, "Copied from salesforce:\n---------------------------------------------------------\n" + caseComment.CommentBody); } } } this.btnMoveCommentToJIRA.Enabled = true; }
public IssueLink LoadIssueLink(IssueRef parent, IssueRef child, string relationship) { return(client.LoadIssueLink(parent, child, relationship)); }
private void btnUpdateJIRAStatus_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Start Review Case: Open -> In Progress // Pending -> In Progress // Resolved -> In Progress(Command: Re-Open) // Closed -> In Progress(Command: Re-Open) // Add some comment: In Progress -> Pending // this.btnUpdateJIRAStatus.Enabled = false; DataTable dataTable = grdCaseList.DataSource as DataTable; if (dataTable != null) { int rowCount = dataTable.Rows.Count; string jiraKey = ""; string jiraID = ""; string jiraStatus = ""; string jiraNextStatus = ""; string bzid = ""; for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { DataRow row = dataTable.Rows[i]; jiraKey = row["JiraKey"] as string; jiraID = row["JiraID"] as string; jiraStatus = row["JiraStatus"] as string; jiraNextStatus = row["NextJiraStatus"] as string; bzid = row["BZID"] as string; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(jiraNextStatus)) { IssueRef issue = new IssueRef(); = jiraID; issue.key = jiraKey; var updateJiraStatus = AccelaCaseUtil.UpdateJIRAStatus(issue, jiraStatus, jiraNextStatus); } } } this.btnUpdateJIRAStatus.Enabled = true; }
public IEnumerable <History> GetChangeLog(IssueRef issue) { return(client.GetChangeLog(issue)); }
private async void btnSendRecreatedCase_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.btnSendRecreatedCase.Enabled = false; DataTable dataTable = this.grdCaseList.DataSource as DataTable; DataView dataTableView = dataTable.DefaultView; dataTableView.Sort = "Assignee ASC"; dataTable = dataTableView.ToTable(); string dailyCaseSummary = ""; dailyCaseSummary = @"<table cellspacing='1px' cellpadding='1px' border='1px' style='border-color:black;font-size:14px'> <tr> <th align='center'>No</th> <th align='center'>Product</th> <th align='center'>Salesforce ID</th> <th align='center'>Jira Key</th> <th align='center'>Version</th> <th align='center'>Priority</th> <th align='center'>Customer</th> <th align='center'>Summary</th> <th align='left'>Reopened Times</th> <th align='center'>Dev</th> <th align='center'>QA</th> <th align='center'>Recreated Time</th> </tr>"; int count = 0; if (dataTable != null) { int rowCount = dataTable.Rows.Count; string product = ""; string caseId = ""; string caseNumber = ""; string jiraID = ""; string jiraKey = ""; string buildVersion = ""; string priority = ""; string customer = ""; string summary = ""; string reopenCount = ""; string assignee = ""; string assigneeQA = ""; List<string> jiraLabels = null; for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { DataRow row = dataTable.Rows[i]; product = row["Product"] as string; caseId = row["ID"] as string; caseNumber = row["SalesforceID"] as string; jiraKey = row["JiraKey"] as string; buildVersion = row["Version"] as string; priority = row["Severity"] as string; customer = row["Customer"] as string; summary = row["Summary"] as string; reopenCount = row["ReopenedCount"] as string; assignee = row["Assignee"] as string; assigneeQA = row["AssigneeQA"] as string; jiraLabels = row["JiraLabels"] as List<string>; if (jiraLabels != null && !jiraLabels.Contains("Recreated_By_QA")) { continue; } jiraID = row["JiraID"] as string; IssueRef issue = new IssueRef(); issue.key = jiraKey; = jiraID; var GetComments = JiraProxy.GetComments(issue); var Comments = await GetComments; DateTime recreatedTime = DateTime.Now; if (Comments != null && Comments.Count > 0) { foreach (Comment comment in Comments) { if (comment != null && comment.body != null) { if(comment.body.ToLower().Contains("copied from salesforce:")) { continue; } if(comment.body.ToLower().Contains("reproduce") || comment.body.ToLower().Contains("recreate") || comment.body.ToLower().Contains("replicate")) { if (comment.UpdateAuthor != null && comment.UpdateAuthor.displayName == assigneeQA) { recreatedTime = comment.Updated; break; } else if (comment.Author != null && comment.Author.displayName == assigneeQA) { recreatedTime = comment.Created; break; } } } } } dailyCaseSummary += String.Format(@"<tr> <td align='center'>{0}</td> <td align='center'>{1}</td> <td align='center'><a href='{12}'>{2}</a></td> <td align='center'><a href='{3}'>{3}</a></td> <td align='center'>{4}</td> <td align='center'>{5}</td> <td align='center'>{6}</td> <td align='left'>{7}</td> <td align='center'>{8}</td> <td align='center'>{9}</td> <td align='center'>{10}</td> <td align='center'>{11}</td> </tr>", ++count, // 0 - No product, // 1 - Product caseNumber, // 2 - Salesforce ID jiraKey, // 3 - Jira Key buildVersion, // 4 - Version priority, // 5 - Priority customer, // 6 - Customer summary, // 7 - Summary reopenCount, // 8 - Reopened Times assignee, // 9 - Dev assigneeQA, // 10 - QA recreatedTime.ToShortDateString(), // 11 - Recreated Time caseId ); } dailyCaseSummary += "</table>"; if (count == 0) { this.btnSendRecreatedCase.Enabled = true; return; } string content = @"Hi, All guys<br/><br/>The following case are already recreated by our QA, please deal with them within one oe two days. If you finished it, please remove the label - Recreated_By_QA. Thanks a lot!<br/><br/>" + dailyCaseSummary + "<br/><br/>Thanks<br/>Accela Support Team"; string from = "*****@*****.**"; string to = "[email protected];[email protected];[email protected]"; string cc = "*****@*****.**"; string subject = "The Case List Recreated By QA - " + DateTime.Now.Month + "/" + DateTime.Now.Day + "/" + DateTime.Now.Year; try { EmailUtil.SendEmail(from, to, cc, subject, content); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Failed to send email"); } this.btnSendRecreatedCase.Enabled = true; } }
public Issue LoadIssue(IssueRef issueRef) { return(Issue.From(client.LoadIssue(issueRef))); }
private async void CreateDBInfoComment(string jiraKey, string customer) { if (AccelaDBMapper.ContainsKey(customer)) { AcccelaDBModel dbInfo = AccelaDBMapper[customer]; IssueRef issue = new IssueRef(); issue.key = jiraKey; = jiraKey; string dbConnInfo = ""; dbConnInfo += "Type: " + dbInfo.DBType + "\n"; dbConnInfo += "IP: " + dbInfo.IP + "\n"; dbConnInfo += "Port: " + dbInfo.Port + "\n"; dbConnInfo += "SID: " + dbInfo.SID + "\n"; dbConnInfo += "DB Name: " + dbInfo.DBName + "\n"; dbConnInfo += "User: "******"\n"; dbConnInfo += "Pass: "******"\n"; dbConnInfo += "Version: " + dbInfo.Version + "\n"; dbConnInfo += "Related Case: " + dbInfo.SFCase + "\n"; JiraProxy.CreateComment(issue, "This client provide some database dump before, please have a try on it first:\n---------------------------------------------------------\n" + dbConnInfo); } }
public IEnumerable <Transition> GetTransitions(IssueRef issue) { return(client.GetTransitions(issue)); }
public Comment CreateComment(IssueRef issue, string comment) { return(client.CreateComment(issue, comment)); }
public IEnumerable <JiraUser> GetWatchers(IssueRef issue) { return(client.GetWatchers(issue)); }
public void DeleteComment(IssueRef issue, Comment comment) { client.DeleteComment(issue, comment); }
public IEnumerable <Attachment> GetAttachments(IssueRef issue) { return(client.GetAttachments(issue)); }
public static async Task<List<Attachment>> GetAttachments(IssueRef issue) { IJiraClient jira = new JiraClient("", "*****@*****.**", "peter.peng"); var jiraAttachments = jira.GetAttachments(issue); return (jiraAttachments as List<Attachment>); }
public Attachment CreateAttachment(IssueRef issue, Stream stream, string fileName) { return(client.CreateAttachment(issue, stream, fileName)); }
public static async Task<bool> UpdateJiraStatus(IssueRef issueRef, string jiraStatus, string jiraNextStatus) { IJiraClient jira = new JiraClient("", "*****@*****.**", "peter.peng"); var transitions = jira.GetTransitions(issueRef); if ("Closed".Equals(jiraStatus, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && jiraNextStatus == "In Progress") { foreach (var transition in transitions) { if ("Re-Open".Equals(, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { jira.TransitionIssue(issueRef, transition); break; } } } if ("Pending".Equals(jiraStatus, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && jiraNextStatus == "In Progress") { foreach (var transition in transitions) { if ("Analysis In Progress".Equals(, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { jira.TransitionIssue(issueRef, transition); break; } } } if ("In Progress".Equals(jiraStatus, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && jiraNextStatus == "Pending") { foreach (var transition in transitions) { if ("Commented".Equals(, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { jira.TransitionIssue(issueRef, transition); break; } } } if (("Pending".Equals(jiraStatus, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || "Resolved".Equals(jiraStatus, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) && jiraNextStatus == "Closed") { foreach (var transition in transitions) { if ("Closed".Equals(, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { jira.TransitionIssue(issueRef, transition); break; } } } //var issues = jira.TransitionIssue(issueRef, inProgressOrReopen); // "Open" -> "In Progress" // "In Progress" -> "Commented" // "In Progress" -> "Closed" return true; }
public RemoteLink UpdateRemoteLink(IssueRef issue, RemoteLink remoteLink) { return(client.UpdateRemoteLink(issue, remoteLink)); }
public void DeleteRemoteLink(IssueRef issue, RemoteLink remoteLink) { client.DeleteRemoteLink(issue, remoteLink); }
private async void btnSyncCaseInJiraAndSF_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.btnSyncCaseInJiraAndSF.Enabled = false; DataTable dataTable = grdCaseList.DataSource as DataTable; if (dataTable != null) { int rowCount = dataTable.Rows.Count; string jiraKey = ""; string jiraID = ""; string jiraStatus = ""; string jiraNextStatus = ""; for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { DataRow row = dataTable.Rows[i]; jiraKey = row["JiraKey"] as string; jiraID = row["JiraID"] as string; jiraStatus = row["JiraStatus"] as string; jiraNextStatus = row["JiraNextStatus"] as string; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(jiraNextStatus)) { IssueRef issue = new IssueRef(); = jiraID; issue.key = jiraKey; var updateJiraStatus = AccelaCaseUtil.UpdateJIRAStatus(issue, jiraStatus, jiraNextStatus); } } } this.btnSyncCaseInJiraAndSF.Enabled = true; }