public VPoint(VShape shape, VPoint camera) { ID = shape.ID; healthy = true; if (shape._isSquare) tag = "Square"; if (shape._isTriangle) tag = "Triangle"; Point camXY = shape.FindCenter(); //Right so this is where things get ugly. Camera X and Y are divided by the total to get a percentage. //50% is subtracted to make the coordinant a percentage of total width relative to middle. //This is multiplied by the Camera constant (viewing angle) times the height of the double xToCam = ((double)camXY.X / 480 - 0.5) * (EveDef.CameraWidthOverZ * 1.00000 * (camera.z + EveDef.WristToEnd_Z - EveDef.WristToCam_Z)); double yToCam = ((double)camXY.Y / 640 - 0.5) * (EveDef.CameraWidthOverZ * 1.33333 * (camera.z + EveDef.WristToEnd_Z - EveDef.WristToCam_Z)); double rToCam = Geometry.XYtoR(xToCam, yToCam); double thetaToCam = Geometry.XYtoTheta(xToCam, yToCam); //these are the distance from the center of camera to the object in correctly oriented mm int dX = (int)Math.Round(Geometry.PolarToX(thetaToCam + camera.Eve.A, rToCam)); int dY = -(int)Math.Round(Geometry.PolarToY(thetaToCam + camera.Eve.A, rToCam)); //the real camera position x and y, plus the dX and dY to the object, minus the extra x and y to get to the end-effector from the camera x = camera.x + dX - (int)Math.Round(Geometry.PolarToX(camera.Eve.A + Math.PI / 2, EveDef.WristToCam_L)); y = camera.y + dY - (int)Math.Round(Geometry.PolarToY(camera.Eve.A + Math.PI / 2, EveDef.WristToCam_L)); y = (int)(1.11*y - 30); if(y > 250 && y < 500) { z = (int)-((y - 250) / 30); } else z = 0; TransformXYZtoEVE(); TransformXYZtoMARTY(); Eve.D = Math.PI / 2; //NEEDS MORE Marty.D = 0; }
public bool IsAnalogous(VShape other) { return (Distance(FindCenter(), other.FindCenter()) < 32 && _shape.Length == other._shape.Length); }
public int FindShapes() { source = source.Resize(480, 640, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.INTER.CV_INTER_LINEAR); Random rnd = new Random(); working = source.Convert<Gray, Byte>(); working._SmoothGaussian(3); working = working.Canny(100, 60); Bgr red = new Bgr(0, 0, 255); Bgr green = new Bgr(0, 255, 0); Bgr blue = new Bgr(255, 0, 0); using (MemStorage storage = new MemStorage()) //allocate storage for contour approximation for (Contour<DrawingPoint> contours = working.FindContours(); contours != null; contours = contours.HNext) { if (contours.Area > 1000) { VShape newShape = new VShape(contours.ApproxPoly(contours.Perimeter * 0.04, storage).ToArray(), new Bgr(rnd.Next(32, 255), rnd.Next(32, 255), rnd.Next(32, 255))); if (newShape._isTriangle || newShape._isSquare) { bool IsAdded = false; //MessageBox.Show("Found something"); for (int i = 0; i < shapes.Count; i++) { if (shapes[i].IsAnalogous(newShape)) { newShape.ID = shapes[i].ID; shapes[i] = newShape; //shapes.Add(newShape); IsAdded = true; //break; } } if (!IsAdded) { shapes.Add(newShape); } } } } List<VShape> damnedShapes = new List<VShape>(); foreach (VShape shape in shapes) { if ( == 0) { damnedShapes.Add(shape); continue; } else -= 1; //post.Draw(new CircleF(shape.FindCenter(), * (float)shape.scale / 50), shape.ID, 0); //////frame.Draw(" Inches away: " + Math.Round((1750/(shape.scale+7))-1.0,2).ToString() + ">" + shape.scale.ToString(), ref newFont, shape.FindCenter(), new Bgr(255, 64, 128)); //post.Draw(" Center X: " + shape.FindCenter().X.ToString(), ref newFont, new Point(shape.FindCenter().X, shape.FindCenter().Y - 8), new Bgr(255, 64, 128)); //post.Draw(" Center Y: " + shape.FindCenter().Y.ToString(), ref newFont, new Point(shape.FindCenter().X, shape.FindCenter().Y + 8), new Bgr(255, 64, 128)); post.FillConvexPoly(shape._shape, shape.ID); //post.Draw(new CircleF(new PointF(20, 20), 10), new Bgr(128,128,128), 0); } foreach (VShape damnedShape in damnedShapes) { shapes.Remove(damnedShape); } return shapes.Count; }