		protected override void OnResume ()
			base.OnResume ();

			var sqliteFilename = "TaskDB.db3";
			// we need to put in /Library/ on iOS5.1 to meet Apple's iCloud terms
			// (they don't want non-user-generated data in Documents)
			string documentsPath = System.Environment.GetFolderPath (System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); // Documents folder
			var path = System.IO.Path.Combine(documentsPath, sqliteFilename);
			var conn = new Connection(path);
			var TaskMgr = new TodoManager(conn);
			tasks = TaskMgr.GetTodos();
			// create our adapter
			taskList = new Adapters.TaskListAdapter(this, tasks);

			//Hook up our adapter to our ListView
			taskListView.Adapter = taskList;
		public override bool FinishedLaunching (UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
			Current = this;

			// create a new window instance based on the screen size
			window = new UIWindow (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
			// make the window visible
			window.MakeKeyAndVisible ();
			// create our nav controller
			navController = new UINavigationController ();

			// create our home controller based on the device
			if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.UserInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiom.Phone) {
				homeViewController = new Tasky.Screens.iPhone.Home.controller_iPhone();
			} else {
//				homeViewController = new Hello_UniversalViewController ("Hello_UniversalViewController_iPad", null);
			// Styling
			UINavigationBar.Appearance.TintColor = UIColor.FromRGB (38, 117 ,255); // nice blue
			UITextAttributes ta = new UITextAttributes();
			ta.Font = UIFont.FromName ("AmericanTypewriter-Bold", 0f);
			ta.Font = UIFont.FromName ("AmericanTypewriter", 0f);
			UIBarButtonItem.Appearance.SetTitleTextAttributes(ta, UIControlState.Normal);

			var sqliteFilename = "TaskDB.db3";
			// we need to put in /Library/ on iOS5.1 to meet Apple's iCloud terms
			// (they don't want non-user-generated data in Documents)
			string documentsPath = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); // Documents folder
			string libraryPath = Path.Combine (documentsPath, "../Library/"); // Library folder
            var path = Path.Combine(libraryPath, sqliteFilename);
			conn = new Tasky.DL.SQLite.Connection(path);
			TaskMgr = new TodoManager(conn);

			// push the view controller onto the nav controller and show the window
			navController.PushViewController(homeViewController, false);
			window.RootViewController = navController;
			window.MakeKeyAndVisible ();

			// https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/DataFormatting/Articles/dfDateFormatting10_4.html
			NSDateFormatter df = new NSDateFormatter ();

			df.DateStyle = NSDateFormatterStyle.Full;
			df.TimeStyle = NSDateFormatterStyle.Short;
			Debug.WriteLine ("tz: " + NSTimeZone.LocalTimeZone);

var date = NSDate.Now;

df.DateStyle = NSDateFormatterStyle.Full;
df.TimeStyle = NSDateFormatterStyle.Long;
Debug.WriteLine ("Full,Long: " + df.StringFor(date));

df.DateStyle = NSDateFormatterStyle.Short;
df.TimeStyle = NSDateFormatterStyle.Short;
Debug.WriteLine ("Short,Short: " + df.StringFor(date));

df.DateStyle = NSDateFormatterStyle.Medium;
df.TimeStyle = NSDateFormatterStyle.None;
Debug.WriteLine ("Medium,None: " + df.StringFor(date));
			return true;