public frmNewGroup(frmClient client) { InitializeComponent(); ShortcutList = new List <ProgramShortcut>(); ControlList = new List <Control>(); Client = client; }
public ucCategoryPanel(frmClient client, Category category) { InitializeComponent(); Client = client; Category = category; lblTitle.Text = category.Name; picGroupIcon.BackgroundImage = LoadBitmap(@"config\" + Category.Name + @"\GroupImage.png"); //getting icon from file // starting values for position of shortcuts int x = 90; int y = 55; int columns = 1; foreach (ProgramShortcut psc in this.Category.ShortcutList) // since this is calculating uc height it cant be placed in load { if (columns == 8) { x = 90; // resetting x y += 40; // adding new row this.Height += 40; columns = 1; } CreateShortcut(x, y, psc); x += 50; columns++; } }