        // creates a list of all current emails and determines if any of the emails is from pinnacledistro.com
        public void RunGoogleAPI()
            // this is the date element passed to know which days to check for new emails.
            string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
            List <Google.Apis.Gmail.v1.Data.Message> messageList = googleAPI.GetMessageList(string.Format("from:[email protected] in:inbox after:{0}", date));

            Google.Apis.Gmail.v1.Data.Message message;

            // for all messages in the messageList iterate through and check if the email Id exists in our listing.
            for (int i = 0; i < messageList.Count; i++)
                string subject = "";
                string value   = emailIdList.Where(x => x.Contains(messageList[i].Id)).FirstOrDefault();

                // if the string value is null then it does not exist in the emails sent list so it will need to be sent
                // however we need to do a check inside of getNewEmail so we can determine if the email will be sent as a
                // lead or as a order.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                    // return value of email message
                    message = googleAPI.GetMessage(messageList[i].Id);

                    // return message subject
                    subject = googleAPI.GetEmailSubject(message);

                    // This will build the BashFile to update zendesk with the new lead.
                    if (subject.Contains("New customer registration"))
                    // this for now is emailing the salesrep with a new order purchase.
                    //    I want this to create a bashfile that will udpate zendesk with the
                    //    correct order information.
                    else if (subject.Contains("Purchase Receipt for Order"))
                        // I will also have this email me personally with the information of the bash file
                        // this will allow me ot better understand who and when the project added the values.
                        List <string> productList = ZenOrder.ConvertToLineItems(message, googleAPI);

                    // return body
                    string body = googleAPI.GetEmailBody(message);
        // This will take the html body of an email with order details
        //     and parse information into a list that can be used in a
        //     quick manner.
        public List <string> ConvertToLineItems(Google.Apis.Gmail.v1.Data.Message message, GoogleAPI googleAPI)
            string body = FormatBody(googleAPI.GetEmailBody(message));

            string[]      words       = RemoveBrackets(body);
            List <string> productList = RemoveSkus(words);

            productList = FormatProductList(productList);
